' * * > * f â- « 4 THE FLBSHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June 12, 1946 t D â- 4. > y > -♦ •f t > < > > ♦ CEYLON Congnatulatiovis are extended to Mr. Wallace Shaw, Ceylon, and Mias Frances Norton o(f Toronto who were married lalst Saturday in To- ronto- Mrs. E. Shaw and Mxiriel attended the wedding. Mr- and Mrs. Mervin Baxter and Mr- Richard Baxter of CoUingwood were recent vaitors with Mr. and Jlrs- J. WbittiakeT and Messrs. P. and Stewart Muir. Mrs. Grace Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson and soni Baliph. of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stetwart. The regTilar meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held one week earlier on Thursday, June 20th, at 2:30 p.m., at the home of Mrte: Geo. Jaynes- Kindly note change in the date. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair of Dun- dialk were recent visitors at the home of Jas. Sinclair on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and son. Harold, visited with friends in Col- Kngwood r 'â- Sunday. (Mr. Wes \v'hyte of Priceville vis- ited Sunday at ihe home of Luther Duckett. M're. Jas. McMullen spent the past week with friendte in Toro-nto. Miss Jean McMuHen of Toronto wus a week end guest at her par- ental home. Week end visitors with Mr- and Mrs- G. Caims were: Miss Cather- ine Cairns of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alex- McDonald of Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller of Dundalk, Miss Lois William's and Mrs. Kathleen Hawkins of Eugenia. Mrs. Russell Thiorbum and little daughter, Karen, «f Markdale. Mr. Don Porter of Toronto spent the week end at the home of J. S. MbDermid. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCrae of PAINTING I ex;>ect to move to FricOTillc permanently about May 20th, wben I will be available for your paintiojT Jobs, exterior or interior, either by iruBh or spray- Orders taken now for future work. JACK CARSON 576 Sherbonrne St.> Toronto Mioosiomin, Sask., are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs- S. P. Hunt- Mr. Leslie Edwards, Toronto, was home with his family here. Mr- and Mrs. Gordon Cowan of Toronto spent the week end wiJth Mi*. and Mi-^. Fred Marshall- Ceylon friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen join with them in welcoming home their son, L.AC. Jack McMullen, who arrived in his homeland Sunday, after almost two years spent overseas. His parents re pleased to receive a telegram from him on Monday and are look- forward to his arrival Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs- Emerson Adams> Mr- Jack .A.daims of Dondak and Mr. Ben Leavell. of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr- and Mns. Jave Adams. • We are sorry to learn of the ill- ness of Mrs. J. S. MicDermid Her .any friends hop© that she wall soon be in her usual good health. Master Murray Edwards had his tonfeils removed in Markdale hospital on Saturday- The many friends of Mrs. Dan Camiitoell, who is at present a pa- :ent in Owen Sound hospital, are ad to know that slie is making Atisfactory progress. We hope all our sick folk will soon be in their usual good health. Miiss Dorothy Snell of Islington and Mr. Bert Kerr of Caledon ^pent he week end at the Snell home. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs- John Meads were: Mr. Will Meads of Toronto. Mr- and Mrs. Gilbert McCannell and son, Alex-, Mrs- S- N. McCannell of Proton Stetion- Mr. S- Hemiphiia and Miss Maud are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Em- erson Wright, Fevei^ham. Mr- and Mrs. Doug. Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Ri, El Oliver and libtle 'aughterp, Dianne. of Toronto were week end visitors with Mrs. Jos. Oliver and R- C- Oliver. Mrs J. Mirlntee is returning this week to Buffalo, after si)ending some tme visiting friends in Ceylon and Priceville districts. Mr. Gilbert has mov«d to Ceylon •and is residing in the residence for- merly occupied by Mr. Fred Field. Mr- and Mrs. John Meads visited Sunday afternoon with Rev. C. A- ind Mrs. Cox at Bervie. PORTLAW EUGENIA HAPPT RESULTS Impoabible accomplished On March 3rd, 1946. a client wrote us â€" "Cheque received- You are wonders. I made every effort to collect this but failed, and concluded it was impossible. Thanks." This ^ame effective service is availabe to you. KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLE, Ont- Mt. and Mrs. John McKee spent a few days with the McKee families in Hamilton and Stoney Creek. H«irold Parkin of Bog^or is visit- ing his grandfather. Mr. John Wil- kinson. Out sympathy goes to Mr Luther Love and family on the death of the former's father, the late Mr. Wm. Love, of Berkeley. â- Mr- and Mrs. J. Risebrough of Stayner visited with Mr. and Mrt. Wes Plantt and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher a day the first of the week- Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, accompanied by Mrs. David Jamieson of Toronto, is on a trip to Vancouver, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Harry F%her caled on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dickinson, whose son, Arthur, was killed Thurs- day evening when riding on his bi- cycle near Singhampton. Mr- and Mi-s. L/elslie Jamieson and Ralph and Mrs- Grace" Blackburn of Toronto, Mr. and Mts. Ken Stewart and Jackson of Ceylon were week end guests of Mr- and Mrs. Everette Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunt Sr-, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunt Jr. and son, Jim, of Toronto spent Sunday with the Meldrum family. Mr. and Mrs- Schells of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopps for a feiw days. Mr- and Mrs. C- D. Meldrum vis^ ited with Mr. and Mrs- Wm. J. Chard in Flesherton recently- Mrs- Rupert McLennan is spending a couple of months with her aunt, Mrs- Daisy McNally. in Toronto. Mr. Ruddy Rathgaber of Winnipeg visited i day the past week with his sister, Mrs. Fred Betts- Mrs. Lewis Fisher ^ent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Londry. in the Valley. Mrs. Fred Betts spent a few days in Toronto and attended the wedding of a girl friend from Winnipeg. Mistress â€" "I hope you are hab- itually truthful, Nora." Ne\v Maid â€" "I am on my oivn iccount, mum. I only tell lies for the family." PRODUCE More Cream IN ORDER TO ENCOURAGE A GREA"" PRODUCTION OF CREAM. THE GOVERN- MENT HAS ALLOWED A 4c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUTTER, WHICH RESULTS IN A 5c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUTTERFAT TO THE PRODUCER. THIS WE ARE NOW PAYING. No doubt many producers will furthr increase their herd or, through extra feeding, benefit considerably by this boost in price. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS For your convenience the Creamery will be open Saturday evenings until 10 o'dodc Live and Dressed Poultry Flesherton Creamery AagiM Avia, Mâ€" MWf Ph«ne 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario 8TH LINE OSPkEY Quite a large crowd attended the amateur concert and dance in Fev- ersbam. sponsored by the Agricul- tural Society. Friday night. Quite a number of our home talent were prize winners, for which they are to be congratulated. We are glad to report Mr. and Mrs. George Lawler in remarkable condition following their severe mo- tor accident Friday evening- Mrs. P. J. Somers, Helen and Na- omi, of Mildlmay visited at their home over the week end- Mr. and Mrs. JaS. Ottewell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. Art White in CoUingwood. Miss Elipabeth Murphy has been at Glenelg the past while, assisting her aunt, who was ill. Mr- and Mrs- Lloyd Stephens and Mary and Mr. Thos- Stephens sipent Wednesday in Guelph. Congratulations are extended to the newly-weds, Mr- and Mrs. Jim Heitman (nee Irene Hudson). Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Dave Roberts-, who passed away Wednes^ day of last week. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Geo. Lawler on Sunday were: Mrs- Neil Thompson of Singhampton, Mr. and Mi^- Walter Poole of CoUingwood and Mr- and Mrs- Kxt Lawler ano family of Durham. Master Laverne Wiekens spent the week end with Mr. and Mts. Jas. Otte^vell. Quite an enjoyable time was spent at S. S. No. 5, Osprey, when teacho* and pupils conducted a bazaar, the proceeds to be given to the Red Cross. Mr. Ed. Lang was present and showed the audience some splen- did lantern slide views. A presentation and dance was held in the hall TPhursday evening of last week in honor of the groom and bride, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson White (Lillian MageeJ. An address was i-ead by Wesley Jamdeson, while the presentation of two lovely occasional ciiairs were made by Ben Hanley and Jack Williams, on behalf of the com- munity- Lillian and Lawson each made a neat reply, thanking all tor kindness toward them- Friday evening the C.G.LT.. with their leader. Miss Craig, presentea a two-hour play "Three Bright Girls', in the church here, which was well received. The proceeds amount- ed to over $20. Mrs. E. Baker and sister. Miss Mary Stafford, are spending a few days with friends near Kimberley. Mr- and Mrs. Bert Magee attend- ed the wedding of their nephew, Mr. Mervj'n JohnSon, and Margai'erc Riley at tlie United Church, Picker- ing Saturday,, June ath. We extend our heartiest congratulationis to the newly-weds. Mr. and Mrs. Magee also visited with the latter's brather, Mr. Herb LeGard, and wife. Mrs; W. Pinkei-ton attended the Deanery meeting in Thornbury on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Jim Magee, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Ranald Parsons and daughter, Marion, spent the week end with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mi-^. Herb LeGard, Pickering. Mr- and Mrs. Lawson White of Springhill spent the week end at the Bert Magee home. Miss Craig spent the week end at her home in AUenford- Mr. Francis Genoe is in Markdale hospital at present, having under- gone an operation on Saturday. We wish him a complete recovery. We were sorry to hear of the car accident in which Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler were involved. Mrs. Lawler who was driving, received a severe shaking- but h«aS almost recovered again, while Mr. Lawler received a gash on his head and his shoulder was injured- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman and Heddey of Toronto spent the week end with Mr- Jake Williams. Mr- and Mrs- Russell Park and Roy of Flesherton, also Miss Marge Park of Toronto, visited relatives in the village Sunday afternoon. Miss Muriel Carruthers of Toron- to is holidaying with her uncle, Mr. Ben Carruthers, and her sister. Mrs. C. D. Park. Mr. Jim Paul and sister, Mrs. Barmby. and two children from Sas- katchewan are spending a couple of weeks with their parents. Mr. and Mi's. Sam Paul- Mr. Delbert Magee, who has been employed on the boats on the Great Lakes, has returned home for a short time- Mrs. Basil Tflnmins of Butfalo and sister, Mrs- Robt- Haythers, of To- ronto visited recently with their parents. Mr- and Mrs. Jas- Fawcett. Mi-s- E. Proctor, accompanied by Jeaa, Art and Geoi-ge, sfpent the week end at Lake Huron Beach, Sarnia, also visiting friends at Chathamv Misses Mary and Isahel McKee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto were week end visitors at the McKee home. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Congratulations to Miss Ethel Fenwick, Reg.N., who was success- ful in passing her examinations at Toronto University. She returned home on Wednesday accompanied by Mr. Jack Constable and daughter- Jean, of Maple, who spent a d«y at the Feniwick home. Mr. and Mrs- Emerson Wright visiited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wrig'ht at Benfceley. Mr- and Mrs- Russell Stewart and family of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mi's. Clarence Winters and sons. Mr. Bert Hawton of Stayner vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrsi. Chris Lougheed. He was accompanied home by his wife and infant son- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wintex^, accompanied by Mr- and Mrs. Wm. Seeley of Maxwell, visited recently vrJth friendB in Toronto^ Mrs. A. â€""Shall I ask this cook 'or reterences?" Mr. A. â€" "Don't mean anything. Get her '*.â- > submit samples instead.*^ MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Telford Ferris and children visiiled in Hamilton and To- .onto over the week end. Mr- Fred Ross underwent an oper- ion in Orangevllle hospital 'ast Thursday evening for the removal â- f his appendi-x. The W, A. met in the church hall Thursday afternoon, with a good at- L'ndance of members. Roll call was n*wered with a time-saving house- hold hint. Mrs. Joe Porteous had •harge of the devotion period. Tlie roceeds of the play, presented by 'wen Sound young people on Tues- ly evening, was reported to «nn3uni oiibout SS5. Tho play was much enjo'yed by all. Mr. Jas. Kerton went to Toronto <i Sunday for a few days. He Is 'ta'ng treatments for wounds re- ;eived overseas- Dr. and Mrs- Gonlon Collins of Ottawa are visiting the latter's P<»r- •nts for a few days this week- Mr. and Mrs. Rioy Holdsworth of Toronto spent tho week end with Ir. and Mrs- Louis Kerbon- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty and two ^ildren spent t*« week end with Mr. and Mrs Hugh Fenwick. Try a Small Advt fMOhS. They brine POTATOES Grade No. I Ontario tabla pota- toes for sale. â€"ALEX. S. MUIR, Ceylon Phone: Fle'sherton 49rl4- Daily Bus Service Now In Effect Flesherton - Toronto LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. f.^ To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. J b Sun. and Hoi. c Sat. only Tb, _ . g daily except Sat. Tickets and Information at Fireside Lunch - Phone 63 'I Gray Coach Lines L Additions to Riuol Hydro Service Your Commissioa desires to bring to the attention of Ontario farmers who have applied for Hydro service, a condition which is now seriously slowing up the building of rural extensions. Essential materills and equipment are in extremely short supply, and the prospects of obtaining additional quantities in the immediate future are very meagre. Strikes in various basic industries and the extraordinary national demand are holding back the supply of all equipment needed. While the Commission will exert every eflfort to obtain material and equipment for rural line construction, it can complete this year only a small part of the full program which it had planned. Consequently, many appli- cations already approved will not, of necessity, be completed this year. Your Commission will endeavour to serve all applicants in order of receipt of applications, giving preference to all farm and similarly essential appli' cations over those for other types ot service. These £acts are presented for your infonnatioa, and with the expectatioa that they will enable you to bear more patiently with a situation beyond the control of your Commissioa. THE HTDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COtOOSSIOIf or ONTARIO