ft « CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING nAIIV CHK KS â- A 8TART yOUR FLOCK UIGHT THIS y»ar â€" with Top Notch. Top Notch ehicks make fine birds. Kvery Top Notch chick is pro- tected by the best nie.iiiH known to modern poultry science. In breeding only the finest pullorum Government Approved breeders of known livability and productivi- ty are used. After incubation a careful system of pre-shipmenl selection and cuUinf? protects you from receiving any weak- lings. Top Notch chicks are gre.-lt- ly reduced In price for May de- livery. Write for free catalogue. Also eight weeks to laying pul- lets. Prompt delivery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. RELIABLE CHICKS Barron Strain Leghorn and Bred to lay Uarred Rocks are our out- standing flocks. Hybrids, Leghorn X Barred Rocks, Hamp. X Barred Rocks and started chicks. All flocks blood tested. May chloks now available. Miller's Chick Hatchery. Fergus, Ontario. IP YOU WANT JL'.VE-JCLi' chicks, please order ni>\v to in- sure setting breed you wish, and delivery date. We have chick.s for immediate delivery and will have some started pulltts early June. Please order now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John X. Hamilton, Ontario. NO WAITING FOP. VOIR CHICK.S when vou order from Tweddle. We are hatching liiJ.llOU chicks per «eeli and can give prompt delivery on all the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non sexed pullets and cockerels. Tweddle chicks are .something to crow about! A Tweddle flock i^ a healthy floi-k ... a productive flock . . a flock that will win for you a rightful place in the large domestic and foreign mar- kets for eggs and poultry meat. Kvery Tweddle chick you receiv. carries the finest characteristics of its Pullorum tested Govern- ment .\pproved breeders. Send for free catalogue and greatly reduced price list for May. Also eight week old to -0 week old pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergu.«," Ontario. HEAVY BREED PULLETS 20c. Susses, .Su.sse.^ .K Hanip.. Rock X H.imp.. .\'ew Hamp. and Barred lloclc pullets 20c., June 17c. Book your order NOW. $1.00 per 100 de- po.-iit. Order from this .\d. Huron- d.iic Cliick Hatchery, London, dnt. REDROC HYBRID PULLETS 15c. The ideal dual-purpose breed. Succelcru meaty broilers. and roasters and per:?istent la.vers of large eggs, b.irred lock and red pillots same price. Prompt ship- ment, nig Hock Kami. .Mille Ro- clus. Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS Ol.ll n.MJV CHICK.^ AIM'. THL progen.v of Koundaliun and ile- gi.-lered Birds. XW Breeders blood- tested, i'rices from :ic to 'Zoc. All gii.iranlced e\cellent layers, ('on't delay, order now. Goddird Chirk Hatcheries. Britannia Heights, (mi. LAKEVIEW CHICKS >i'i:ti.M.i7.i:o intKi;ui\(. iM.wt .~>.oou iiKk:t:i>i':it> I'.ouk .\iiur ufdor fnt- Ma> '-'r June. With the scarcity of meat, there will be a big demand for Poultry and Bggs this Fall and Winter :i r attractive prices. It will pa.v \'ou to put in an extr.i brood ol chicks tills year. J'lto.llPT DKI.IVKUA â€" With a ca- pacity of OO.OOO Uikeview Chicks v.'eeUI.\', we expect we can give prompt delivery alter .May 13, but to be sate, book your order at once for Ma.v, June or Jul\". iiK.VD OKI'OSIT â€" For quick ser- vice send deposit Willi your in- quiry or order, and we will book your order at our prices wliicli are very reasonable. V\'e will promptly mail you an acknow- ledgement of your order, and if it shouldn't suit you we guaran- tee to return your deposit at once. This plan will give you better service. THI-; UKST â- WV. KVP.Il H.\ll â€" Neil Mcl'onnel. Goderi'-h, Ont. Colin Campbell. New Richmond, Que- bec â€" Well satisfied, lost 4 out of 104 Hope you can supply more. As high as lOti eggs from 110 Leghorn pullets. Wonderful pro- duct ion reports Reuben Kennel, Shakespeare, Ontario. «KK.KUS: Large Type While Leg- horns. Pure Sussex. Sussex a .New Humps., B. Kock X New Hamp., Rock X Leghorn, Sussex X Leghorn, Leghorn X .New Hamp., New Haiilps.. :iiui r.ir.red Rock.s. LARGE WHITE LEGHORNS Day old started up to 4 weeks old. Lakeview Leghorns are the large type, mated with cockerels from Ped. stock â€" "Real Egg Machines." SKXU von WKEIvLY LIST: â€" o Special Prices on liiiy old chick-, pullets and cockerels, ind start- ed chicks. M.VV. JtNK .*>"» F.\l.l. H.VI'C'HEO Book vour order for May and June, or Fall Hatched Chick.^ NOW. I./IKKVIHW I'OlL'l'lH K.IUM, Weill Bros., Exeter, Ont. LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 12c. Irfghorn Pullets 24c., after June 1st 21c. All Breeders double bioodtested and backed by hlgli Pedigreed foundation stock. Man.\ Hurondale customers report best chicks 1 ever had. Walter Morion, llryden â€" We were well pleased with the pullets we received from vou last vear. Pullets laid well. Heavy Breed PuUeU 20c. Sussex X N. Haitip.. Rock X N. Hamp., Barred Rocks, I'ure Sussex and New Hampshire pullets 20c., after June 1st 17c. Pure Susses mixed 14c., Sussex X Hainp., Rock X Hamp.. Kocks and New Hamps. mixed 13c., after June 1 Ic. less. Sussex X Leghorn, Rock I.,eghorn and Leghorn X .New Hamp. mixed 12c., pullets 22c., after June 1st mixed Ic, les-s, pul- lets 3c. less. Assorted pullets ISc, June 16c. .\3sorted Mixed 10c, . June 9c. Cockerel and started prices on request. Order from and enclose this .\d. »l 00 per lUO de- posit. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ontario. Ill SI.M>S OPl'ORTl.M'I'IKS MR. WOOL GROWER We opeiat.' a Government Licens- ed Wool Warehouse and are pre- pared to purchase this season's wool clip according: to Govern- ment Grading Standards find at established Government prices. Prompt settlements made. You can apply your wool credit against blanket purchases. We do not handle used woollens nor are we able to do Customs Work, THI; STH.^THBOY WOUI.I.E.V MII.L.'i LIMITRD STHATHIIOV, OJfT.lHIO. nvri.XG A.VD CLP.ANI.\G HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H Parker's Dye Works Limited. 731 Yonge .street. To- rnnto. FOIt SAm PREMIUM A. iLYDESDALE STjVL- lion, 27110 Fyvie Renown. En- rolled for 3 years. Brown, white markings. Sell cheap or trade for stock. Foaled in 1934. Alex Crawford. I^.ox 74, Rosse;ui. Ont. GAP.AtiE. .<El:VICE STATION .VND house for sale in a small village near Cannington, 8 room house near garage. Must be sold toge- ther. Price J6.000 for both, .\pply Drawer F. Jacksons Point. Ont CEDAR POSTS FROM F^ TO T" tops. .A.pply B * G Lumber Co Subsidiary Bogdon & Gross Fur- niture Co. Ltd. Waikerton, Ont. CONSTP.UCT VOUR OWN TELE- scope to study the stars view cra- ters on the moon. Kit includes 2V4" object lens, 3 foot tube; eye- piece and instructions for assem- bly. {2.50 postpaid. S. Janes & Co. 512 Canada Building, Saskatoon. RADIO.-^ â€" NEW AND CSKD. HARD to get tubes and parts of all kintls. List sent for stamp. Econo- my Distritintora. Kingston. Ont. TURKEY POULTS â€" PROMPT DELIVERY We can give prompt delivery on Croad Dreasted Bronze Turkey Poults, or boolc for May and June delivery. Poults hatrhed from bioodtested. pullorum free breed- ers, under ideal conditions In moyt modern 194G model, all elertric and automatically con- trolled turkey incubator:-. and hatched in iseparate, new turkey air conditit-ined Hatchery. Send for Price List and full particu- lar.s. No orders accepted less than 5U. ACT QCICKL-Y â€" BOOK YOL'H UUDER WHILK THEY LAST LAKEVIEW TL'KKEY i:AVtH. i^.\ 183. Isx.M-.r. Ont. Phone 17''. HYDRAULIC TRACTOR SEAT .New M«.»nioe E-Z Ride Tractor Seat. Passenger car comfort, eli- minate.« ride fallgue on your tractor. Rursaw Ti actor Co., Wiodstoris. Dntario. h;i.i':r I i:ii Mum (is Mcu. csicu bongiil. sold, rebuilt; lielts pul- leys, hnislie? Allen Fle(iric Com- pany Ltd . 2"2f. niirrer n St Tor onto, cnt CHUiCI-; IT.OGRESSUi: PVER- bearers 2."> for $1.00: .'in for JI.75: 1(1(1 for $M.IMi; 2110 for S."..|iO. Pre- paid Riverside Niirser.v . West lli\ef*, .\'o\:i Scotia. ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale: 1'ractor Tires, made of rubiier. suitable for bolting on steel wheels. $10.00 eacii. When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd., .â- ) Wiltshire .\ve., Toronto, Ontario. IMMEDIATELY I horiZLiiital 15 h.p. steam boiler complete, subject to test. -Apply i'r.\.-^tal (.'leaners. 4l."i Princess, Ktii;rs[on. (.intario. FARMS FOK SAI.F SHil:.\LDE.S JERSEY FAKM KEG- istered. Accredited â€" R.O.P. â€" City Milk Shipping â€" 2Uli Acres Good Soil â€" Tractor, and Imple- ments â€" Modern Brick House at Village, and Station. Jas Cowan, West Brome, Que. TWO HLNDRED ACRES FENCED eighty workable, sugar bush large bank barn, spring water, large house, water, sink, tele- phone. In between two towns. Brazier. South River. 1U!I ACRE FARM WITH HYDRO, 11 miles East of Bracebridge, 80 acres bush and 40 acres clear. 7 roomed house, barn, stable and garage, brooder house. other buildings. .Apply Fred Ellis. Pur- brook. Muskoka, Out. IJO .\CRE FARM, 130 CNDER cultivation vfith or without stock and niachiner.v. Ned Mc- Namara, Masson, Quebec. .tIKIIIlAI. iii'ii.i>i:\r. Ni fi>i.ii<:<i tJlOMKNI' BUH'K .MACHINF. 8" AM' IfP Ciiliert C. Storey Machiner.\, 2.1 SI .M bun's Street. Toronto. H.AIIIORRSSING LEAKN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method Information on request regarding classes Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. iiKi.i' wa?ite:u NiCINCAL IT'S PROVEN â€" EVERV SIFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuri- tis should tr.v Dixon'!* Remed: . .Munro's Urug Store. .11!.'' Elulf. Llttawa. Postpaid $1.1)0. SATISFY YOl RSEI.F â€" EVER\ sufferer of Rheumat"- I'aiiis or Neuritis should try Dixon's Re- med.v. Munro's Drug Store, S."l."- BlKln, Ottawa. Postpaid tl.OO. TWO ME.N WANTED TO WORK on farm. 2ii miles east of Ottawa, yearl.x- employment to the right men. Geo. Spence. Leonard. Ont. OPERATING BOOM NURSES, AL- SO Obstetrical and General Duty Nurses tor York County Hospital. .N'ewmarket, Ont. Stale in first letter salary expected. Apply to Superintendent. COOK tJKNERAL AND MA.N FOR gardening and to help in house, to live in, private apartments sup- plied, family of three Write or phone .1. M. Wallace, niikvllle. Ontario. HOUSEKEEPER AND MAID Permanent positions, best wages, comfortable home, large grounds. Twenty minutes from downtown Toronto. Two adults occ ach&ol child. FNcellent opportunity for widow older daughter as maid, two sisters etc. Write Advertiser. 59 Edgewood Ave.. Toronto 8. Ontario. ASSAULT WINS PREAKNESS STIiMACH AND THREAD WOPMS often are the causa of 111 health In humane, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If thli. la your trouble. Interesting particu- lars â€" Free! Write MulveneVa Remedies Specialists. Toronto S MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING! WHY SUFFER do what countless numbers of happy users are doing for the effective relief of: Chronic Ca- tarrhal conditions (as in Bron- chills. Asthma & Sinus Pains). .Skin disorder? such aa Roils and Pimples: Arthritic * Rheumatic Pains: Ask your Druggist for Odorless and Tasteless ADAM'S GARLIC PEARLES or write Richmond Adam Co., P. O. J74, Vancouver. Can. $1 per 100 Penrles. enough for .S weeks MISl EI.I..VXEOUS GUNS REPAIRED. SCOPES mounted. Special twelve guaffe shells for deer. A. Herrgott, Gun- smith, Woodstock, Ont. CORS.VtJI'JS: LEAR.N TO MAKH your own. Send only 25c for com- plete lesson. Florists often pay experts JS.n.OO dally. Saddorls Flower Shop, Fostoria. Ohio, U. S. A. Rl>TY STEEL TREATED OUR SPECIALTY RUSTY STBBIi roofs and leaky asphalt shingrlea. Built up gravel and pitch roots. All work guaranteed. Write for estimates. Peterborough Roofers, jini; Water St. Peterborough. Ont. M<.>I|;AI. l^fSTRDMRlfTS FRED A BODDINGTON BUT» sells, e.tchanges musical Instm- ments. Ill Church. Toronto t. OPIMIH'rt'lVi'riRS FOB WOMKS BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOC Great Opportunity Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marral graduates. America's greatest aya- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS »58 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King SL Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street Ott awa. I ^^ PATENTS FETHERSTtlNHAUGH tt CDMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 18S0: 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on request rH<l'l')l(;RAPBV TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Vour films properly developed and printed 6 OR » E.XI'DSURE KOLI> S5c. REPRINTS 8 for 26c. FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the fllma you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service yon desire be sending vour films to IMPEKIAL l»H4»TO SKRVK^B Station«l. Toronto. FIL.M;- DEVEUIPED Zi CTS. GUA- ranteed one day service WO WAITI\<;. I'av Pholc Service. Nrrih l:jn ACME QUALITY & SERVICE Ui>:i developed and 8 prints 25c, reprints 3c. each, 4'' x 6" enlarge- ments mounted In attractive fold- ers 2 for lijc. Woriv and service guaranteed. .VCWK I'HOTO SEUVICI-: ^tn. H. Tortinlu. C.VMI:;P.AS â€" l-M.MLUlATE FREE deliver\' on I^aultless Miniature Cameras, complete with Eveready case J5.-5. IL'7 film for above 27c. Free Price List Photouraphlc Supplies. Write: Dept. L t':inieras Py M;iil, Slielburne, Ont. ANY PICTURE ENLARGED Size 10 X IK inches, asc, each. Limit two. i;kay Studio, DeoL 7, V'd Kennelti Ave., Toronto. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE I'Rli.MI'T .M.AIL SERVICE Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c 3 MC)UNTED E.NLARGEME.NTS 2Bc Size 4xr>" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x0" on Ivory tinted mounts: 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Rlack Ebony finish frames, 5!ic each. If enlarge- ment coloured, 79c each. Reprints Made From Voui Negatives Sc. Each UEI'T. IH STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE llux fHK I'osi orfire A, Torunlo I'ritii .N'.iiiie iind Address Plainly.. WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prints with deckle edge. or 8 exposure roils 25c. Reprints 3c. each. Bo.x -, Station J. Toronto. s'r.iL.Hi's IN lalO THE C.-V.NAD1AN GUVERN- ment put out a J5.00 War Saving Stamp. Will pay $50.00 for each copy offered in undamaged con- dition. Good stamp collections also purchased. Bo.x 3660, St:itlon B, Winnipeg, Canada. iVA.VTRft I.IKNLRAL OK GROCEKV STORE ill progressi\e town or village. Have Sii.OOO down payment. Box •<-, 7.! .Adelaide W., Toronto. I'RCG Itl'SINESS W.ANTEO IN small town. Substantial v'ash, \\ rite Box '.M. 73 Adelaide W., T..o-<.'lilti. (.inlal lo. \\ .\.\'I'LD â€" Ex-offlcer, wlte, one child urgently need house or 3-4 room apartment, anywhere within f«U miles of Toronto. Write P.O. Pox 160, Stoney Creek, Ont. TURN VOUK FRED. MASH. AND grain Bags (whole or lorn) Into cash. We pay freight rates and highest prices. Write today lo the l/ondon Bag Company. London Ontario. WANTED. NEW OR USED. 1 Ixlhe for turning axe tiandles. 1-24 In. bend saw. Give prices and full particulars. A. E. Tur- enno, St. Pierre, Manitoba. WAXTED TO IM.'V WANTED TO BUY Best prices paid for good wal- nul â€" citlicr standing trees or logs. Tclcplionc 4-<754 Kitchen- c;- or write: PANNILL VENEER COMPANY, 42 Edward Strct, Kitchener, Ontario. Assault, with Jockey Warren Mehrtens up. makes it two in a row as he streaks across the fuush une to win the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico track, Baltimore, Md. Hard on his heels is Lord Boswell, rid- den by Jockey Doug Dodson. On June 1, Assault will try to add the Belmont Stakes to his Kentucky Derby and Preakness crowns to make a Grand Slam in the Sport of Kings. iii»>eee»i«<*>»>»«»««»>»«>«i SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") »»»« There are certain matters in con- nection with sports â€" and more especially regarding sports pages â€" which .lever cease to puzzle us more than a little. And the fact that we, personally have occasion- ally been faintly suspected of beinij a sports writer doesn't make the puzzle any easier. * t » For example; down in the State of Maryland last Saturday a thoroughbred named ASSAULT ran a mile and three-sixteenths in comparatively slow time â€" almost six seconds behind the record. Yet pages of wordage and pictures regarding his feat were published in papers all over the map of the United States and Canada. But when, just one day later, a trot- ting-mare tagged K.\OLA, clipped three full seconds off the world's m i 1 e-and-a-quarter â€" possibly one of of the greatest sports pcn'oi"- mances in fifty years â€" how iniicli publicity did the lady get? About as much as would be given to a corner grocery stickup with loot amounting to a dollar and a quarter. « * « Asked the reason for such a vast discrepancy in coverajie. any sports editor would promptly inform you that it's simply because ten times more people are interested in thoroughbred racing than in the harness-horse varietv. But if x-ou SOCCER Liverpool vs Ulster MAPLE LEAF STADIUM M eilnf^tclitv. June .' â€" 7.15 p.m. 'I'frketN. 9l.r.U. »1.U<). All !»cat.«« l{e!*er\ ed. MAIL OKDERj: TO L"Ui;Tli:P. V.C. c u Maple Lea? Stadium ToroiU'^ Kni-liiKf full pii.vnieat fur tivk re()nirtMl» plun J."* rent;* wltli e:i i>r(l(*r tu i.'0\er iMi.st of triKioii. MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL. 1871 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD I IT Kriint St. W. â€" Toronto •WE Itrv .« sri.L"' UK can Be^in AITER40t/f. Around W our energy leuens. But, ex- perience hu tiught us to do our work urith leu efiort The jean ahead should yield the greatest accomplishments, the most enjoyment and happiness. Thej can, too, if we avoid the kidney and bladder disorders such as Back- ache, Headache, Rheumatic Pains, Lassitude, Loss of Sleep and Energy which so often attack those around 40. For over hall a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have been helping men and women to keep kidneys and bladder in good order. If you are nearing 40, or past it, for the sake of your health and a happier I use Dodd's Kidney Pills today! I2S U\J fi I Just complain or itching, burning ^ PILES/ do something about it € If vou are troubled with itching pilee ot fvctal aorenena, do not delay trMitaient luid nan the ristt of lotting this condition tiecotno chronic. Any rect;tl itching or â- orenoM or psunful paaaage of ntoo) is nHlura'a warning â- ad proper Iroatjncnt nhould Iw secured at oao*. For tbia puriKMe 9^\ h package of Hem- Roid from any druggisi and use aa directed. Thin formula which is iiaed internally ia r â- er.'tlt. ead^ U; ii^o tuhlot, will quiclcl^ r»> liove the itrhing and aorenen and aid in iMoJittg tba aora tender apota. Hem-Koid i« meaaant \o use, ia highly recommended and it aenna the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile ooo- dilion when ao fine a remedy may l»e had •t ajch a small coat. Money back if you an tMt eniirnly [>ieaaed. NOTKâ€" The ayonaar of thia natico la aa aid, retlabia Arm doing (nialaeaa in Canada fac afer 20 yoara. Hent-lMd nMat hol^ your â- â- â- eying and painfal pita condltlMi -moai 4m U wiiekly, •aaOy and pteaaanUy or raw •wa laai of IMa remaraaMy aaceeaafti' â- â- â- mm nalldnd Try H Mday asked him to tell you, honestly, just why there should be such a difference of interest in the two sports, what then would the an- swer be? Boiled down to essen- tials, we think it would be some- thing like this â€" merely because, over a stretch of years, sports edi- tors hav.: devoted ten times more space, ten times better writing tal- ent, to t!ie one than to the other. In other words the running horses have been blessed with more and better official and unofficial praise- agents an ' tliey â€" rather than the merits of the sports themselves â€" created the greater interest. » • » .\s an illustration of what pure ballyhoo will do, take the case of the PRKAKXESS STAKE, al- ready alluded to. Reading and listening to some of the junk put out regarding this event, one could easily get the idea that it's a real 'classic' â€" one to be compared with the English Derby, the Grand National, or even our own King's Plate. Just how tnuch of a 'classic' it actually is can best be judged from tliis: since it was first run in 187.1 it lias been at five different distance>â€" tnile-and-a-half â€" iiiilc- and-a-quarter â€" mile â€" inilc-and-an eighth â€" ,iiid now a mile-and-tlirce- sixtecntiis: and al>o. for a stretch of 10 years it wasn't run at all. Classic nic eye I • * * Continuing along the same line, take the sport of lacrosse. For our money lacrosse, well played is just about the best ^nd most excit- ing game there is. Yet a compar- atively mild and tedious pastime called baseball has all but wiped it clean off the map. Why? Well, for several reasons. But princip ally because there isn't a day in the year when you can't read some- thitigâ€" and generally something interesting â€" about baseball; while about the only time lacrosse man- ages to make most sports pages is when they carry a small story, tucked Jcnvn in an obscure corner. Vi.ii WHI rnl<»» "tnylna M The St. Regis Hotel I (ti(ii\"i (I • I'>IT> Ronni >Tllh Itmli «huner and rrlrnhnne a >inBle, r~.tO uii â€" Ouuhle, V\.^n up % i.oaA Kond. Illiiliiu nnit Unac Inft \iRhlly â- ^hrrhnurne nt L'nrltoB TpI. R.t wva Art Halliwell Auto Wreckers 1405 Bloor St. W. LA. 4433 Toronto â- Alt; interested in the following: Quotii.:^ .\ OH on your used car Quotitm' > ou on your wrecked car (n^i matter how much !â- - left of it) Quoting yon on your used scrap m.Tchiuery IJiioting you on your new and used auto and truck require- ments Quotiiiif on your new tire re- uulreinents on our budfret pl:.M, .^ Dm RESIDUAL Household Spray A sure end to flies, mosqui- toes, motbs in homes, camps, restaurants, etc. One spray- ing properly applied to walls, doors, ceilings, etc., will kill insects landing on it for weeks. In addition to DDT contains a quick knock- down agent. Non-staining â€" no unpleasant odour and safe to use. ^TraJtmark Ktt'd. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR "QREEH CROSS' ISSUE 21â€"1946 regarding the annual meeting election of officers. * • * Of course lacrosse has long car^ ried the curse of being run by a bunch of men imbued with the sporting spirit of the small tad who cries, "If you won't play my way I'll pick up my marbles and go home"; by men who are far more interested in seeing their own . names in print, and hanging on to office year after year, than they arc in the good of the game. In On- tario lacrosse is practically con- trolled by men living within ten miles of the Toronto City Hall. And yet, if a lacrosse-loving citizen of that metropolis war ted to have a look at his favourite sport some Saturday afternoon. where â€" ah where â€" would lit have to wend his way? Don't ask us. \Vc just hap- pen to live there, and wouldn't be likely to know. But we could tell you. right cfi the reel, wliiit's going on at tlic baseball park. t « « .\nd so, to Mr. Hugh Templin of Fergus, and to otliers intent on the revival of the best game on earth, our very best wishes â€" and a small word of advice. If you want to get anywhere, call for a bran-new deck and start a fresh deal. Toss the old deck into the discardâ€" and get going with a bunch of men who are more interested 4n seeing lacrosse played than they rre in how it is run behind the scene"^. or who does the runniiic. Unusual Features In Fiberglas Car .\ passenger automobile with body constructed of fiberglas plas- tic and incorporating probably a (Jozcn other unorthodo.\ features was aiinoimced at Detroit by William B. Stout, noted auto- motive and aviation engineer. Exeei)t for the doors, the entire body, including floor, roof, sides and ends, is one piece oi fiberglas. It takes a smooth fini>li indisting- uishable from enamel on .steel. Other miorthodox features in- clude: Engine in .he rear, no chasis or axels, wheels individually sprung on air cushioi.s. wheels at the end of car without con\ entional overhang of standard automobiles. lj~-inch wheelbase, no standard front and rear seats, interior space six feet wide with the floor meas- uring U feet; driver's seat is fixed to 'the floor and ndjustaiile: inter- ior can aceomcdate two or more movable reclining chairs; at rear end of interior is a six-foot couch that can be made up into a double bed. .\ bumper runs all arttnid the car. the doors are opened with electric pushbuttons and a curved windshield provides wiile unob- structed driver vision. The body material has ten times the impact strength of steel and cannot be dented with a hammer. British Soccer Internationals To Visit Canada .\ million dollars' worth oi soc- cer talent is about to hit Canada. It's the visit of the professional team from Liverpool. I'linlatid. the second blitred city in .ill of Britain ihiriiig the war. Undoubtedly the coniiiiii; v>i Liv- erpool, in their red shirts asd white pants and :; half century of tradit- ion behind tliem, will he the great featue of the current season in 1. astern Canada. The Liverpud- lians play in Toronto, at Maple Leaf stadium. They'll meet prob- ably the finest team ui all of Can- ada, L'lstcr United, a chib with a 30-year background that has won the highest honors the game cati bestow in this country. For this special game Maple Leaf stadium will be reserved practically in its entirety, and fans will come from as far south as Windsor, as far .lorth as Foa William and Port .\rthtir. and aa far east as Montreal; Toronto i* the only place in Canada wh«M Liverpool will play and the other cities in which they will appear in- clude New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Baltimore and St. Looia.