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Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1946, p. 1

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* â- * * $ 4 * < « H « « * ^J)je /toljMM ^jrtrimc^^ VOL. 65; NO. 51 EaESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1946 W. H Thurston & Son. PublisheiH MAY 24 HOLIDAY IN FLESHERTON Flesherton storete will observe the 24tli of May ag:am this year and the retail stores will be closed Thursday and Friday of this week. This will be a good time to plant your graiden â€" ^If it doefen't rain. Future Events HOUDAT DANCE Come to the hi^r holiday dance in Flesherton Fraternal BaU, Thundayi May 23rd, with music by Russell HiU and hi^ Golden West Mouniaineera. Young pig given away a locky door prize, ^end a pleasant evening. Admission- 40c. MAXWELL HOLTOAY DANCE Maxwell Women's Institute will sponsor a dance in the Maxwell Or- ange Hall on Friday, May 2i4th, with music supplied by the Berkeley orch- estra. Proceedfe for street lights. Admission: 50c. Lunch free. MAY 24TH DANCE AT SINGHAMPTON Victoria Day dance in Hammill's Hall, Singhampt»n, , Friday night, May 34th. Dance to the music of Russeia Hill's Golden West Moun- taineers, for modem and old-time dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.Tn. Ad- mission: 50c. Tuesday, May asth, at 8 p.m., the Markdale C.G.I.T. will give a p'ay "Polly Put the Kettle On," in the town hall. Flesherton. This play has been well recommended. Encourage our young people by atitending. It ife being sponsored by the Happy Helpers' group of tihe CXJJ.T. Ad- mission: 20c and 30c. HALL CROWED FOR AMATEUR CONCERT An amateur concert under the dir- ection of Russell Hill of Markdale, was held in Flesiherton town hall on Friday evening last, when tte large hall was filled to capacity with an aipipreciative and responsive audience. Thirty contestants took part in the concert and four prizes were given in two classes each, senior and junior* Some real good talent was heaird and most of the numbers weie enjoyed- Matser Douglas Linton, 6 year old son of iMr. and Mrs. Russell Linton of Victoria Comers, was winenr of the junior section with a solo and his own accompaniment with the banj«. Following are the winners in the two Sections: Senior Section â€" Myles Sisters of Heathcote, dancing; 2nd, Ran Hutch- sinson, Kimjberley, hagpipe solo; 9rd, BaAara Anne Dixon, Walters Falls, solo; 4th, WalteiT King, Clarksbuig. Junior Section â€" list. Doug Linton; Victoria Corner^, solo; 2nd, Patter- son Twins, Dundalk, duet; 3rd, Weld- rick Family, Feversham, instrument- al; 4th, Georgina Whitney, Mark- dale, solo. YOUR SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE Dancing every Saturday night in Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, to music of Russell Hill% Golden West Moun- taineers. Dance starts at 9 o'clock sharp, with three old-time 9qiMre Dances- Come out and enjoy dancing on one oif the (best floors in the County of Grey. MASS YOUTH RALLY "Sweet sixteen and never was â€" " will be the sulbject of an addTess by Rev. Eimore Young of Hanover Bajy- tist church, at the Youth for Christ Rally Friday at 8:30 pm., daylight saving time, in the Agricultural Hall, Fevers'ham. At this firfet Rally of tihe 1946 season Mr. and Mrs- Sid Turner of CFOS. Owen Sound, will be feat- ured in vocal and instrumental solos, duets, etc. The Youth executive, re. presenting the churcheS of all den- ominations in the district, together with the local Ministerial Associa- tion, aire sponsoring these Rallies. A banner will 'be presented to the duirch having the largest represen- tative attendance. Come easrly for a seat of your choice. Bring some one with you. Masonic Emblem In The Ground For 33 Years While working a field on his farm preparing it for seeding recently, Mr. Sam Fitzsimmonb of the Mea- ford Road found a small Masonic emiblem which had been lost by Mr. J- W. Cochrane of Colborne, Ont., on the feirm some 33 years ago when the property was owned by the late Mr. J. W. Davis. He is a brother- in-law of Mr. Frank Davi^ of Van- deeur and Mrs. L. Johnston and Mrs- Geo. Budianan of the Meaford Road. Mr- Fitzsimmons saw the bright abject on the ground and on picking it up found the emblem to be in excellent condition, after its long period under the earth. Mr. Davis has the emblem in his possession at the present time- Spoke To Wife In England Mr. Jim Thurston had the pleasure of talking to His wife at Southamp- ton, England, on Wednesday aifter- noon of last week- Her .voice came very cleai-, although the call was delayed several hours due to atmos- pheric condition- Mrs. Thurston does not know yet when she will be com- ing to Canada. â-  Mi*** 1 1 ^n 1 1 » » »♦ ♦* 1 1 » I **** We can supply Bulova, Elco, Tissot and Tavannes Watches "BLUEBIRD" and 'BRIDAL WREATH" RINGS ii SILVERWARE E. I. HOLLEY DUNDALK, ONT. 1 !♦ * *« ****** * > » h**** * ** *** * URGE GOVERNMENT RAISE BEEF PRICES On Tuesday. May 20, reipresentat- ives of the Bruce and Grey County Federations of Agriculture and the Grey County Agn'icultural Committee met at Owen Sound for the purpose of discussing the present beef situa- tion. After considerable time spent in discussing the problem in all its aspects the following resolution was moved and carried unanimously: Whereas, the beef producers of the Counties of Grey and Bruce, because of rising costs of production, tIA declared Federal policy of maintain- ing prefsent ceiling prices, the per- mitted advance in price of farm machinery, the scarcity and incerased wages of farm laibor, the widening disparity between the purchase price of farm necessities and the sale price of farm produce and the refusal of large processors to purchase cattle under the existing ceiling prices for dressed meats, all of which have placed, fhe beef producer in a mofet difficult position where losses are inevita51e be it resolved that the above organizations strongly protest the present agricultural policy of the Federal Government, relative to maintaining present ceiling prices and therefore demand immediately: 1. The increase of present ceiling prices on beef to 25c for Red Brand quality, 23c for Blue Brand and 21s for commercial grade. 2. That in the event of no action Being taken by the Federal Govern- ment and the Wartime Priced and Trade 8oard, that a protest meeting be organized by the Ontario Feder- ation of Agriculture to be held at e entral point selected by the official^ of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. SPEAKS AT YOUTH RALLY SOUTH GREY SOFTBAL LEAGUE League Standing Vandeleur 3 3 6 Flesherton 2 112 Ilock Mills 2 1 1 2 Dundalk 10 10 Feversham 2 2 Games duriiig past week Vandeleiir 19, Feverteham 14 Fleshei-ton 6. Rock Mills 1 Vandeluer 17, Dundalk 11 STAUBLE â€" STONEOUSE Highway Speeding Should Be Watched By Officers There will ibe more motor cars op- erating on the highways this coming summer than ever before in the his- tory of tihe province- Last year many cars were laid up because of poor tires and shortage of gasoline. With all restrictions removed there is cer- tain ito be increased traffic. Traffic Officers assigned' to work on the roads have an important task ahead of themi if there is to be a dim- inution in the number of fatal and accidents caused by speeding. There is no doubt that with good roads and plenty of gate there is an incentive to step on the gas and speed up, too often with disasterous results- Statistics tehow that the death rate due to motor car accidents is much higher than it ought to be. Only the strictest vigilance on the part of the traffice officers and insistence on the traffic laws being ob^ei-ved to the letter can these things be pre- vented. REV. ELMORE YOUNG, B^, B-Th. Rev. Young will address the Youth Ball at Feversham Agricultural Hall on Friday, May 31st, a 8:30 p.m. PROPERTY CHANGES IN FLESHERTON Real estate has been moving at a fast clip in Flesherton this past year and more transactions have been put through during the past week. Mr. Douglas MacArthur of town last week purchased the residence in the village on Toronto Street, own- edr by Mrs. Wm. Moore. Possession is to be given on June 1st. Mr. Francis Genoe of Eugenia has purchased Mites Ada -Atkinson's resi- dence on Durham Street and Miss Atkinson has purchased the J. A. Kernahan faJTn near Feversham. Mr. Harold Fawcett of town bought the residence formerly occupied by the late John Bellamy, now occupied by Mr. Frank Teeter, from Mr. J. A. Richards, who purchased it from Mrte. Gordon Wauchope, Chatsworth. Teacher Hired For High School; Another Resigns Mr. Earl Clement of Burgetesville has been secured to teach in Flesh- erton High School next year, taking the place of Mrs. Goheen, whose re- signation takes effect at the end of the present term. Mr- Clement is married and we understand will take the Kennedy apartment. He has been teaching in the Burgessville Continu- ation school for three years, the last two of which he has been principal. Miss Carroll, teacher in Flesherton High School for the past year tend- ered her resignation to the Board at the meeting Monday evening, which was accented. Miss Carroll has giv- en good sat&faction during the year. Mrs. Mercer has signed her contract to retuam next year. Saw Foxes Fighting In Field Near Town Consider EstabOshing Of Local Credit Union A couple Fleshearton citizens were recently travelling along No. 10 highway had a ring-side view of two foxes fighting in the fiat field just north of Mr. Fred Brown's residence, one and a half miles north of town- The men say it was a real fight and did not stop when they blew the car horn. When they walked itoward the fighters, the foxes moved off a short ditetance and again continued their doneybrook, reluctant to be scared away from their task by mere man. On approaching closer, the men did scare them sufficiently for them to take to their heels and were soon out of sight- This is certainly a rare occurrence for two foxes to be fight- ing in broad daylight. Mrs. W. Pinkerton Heads St. Mary's Anglican Guild The annual meeting of St Mary% Guild, Maxwell, was held on May 16 at the home of Mrs. Hannah, Fev- ersham. with ten ladies attenctias> The report of the secretary, Mrs. Q, Lawler, showed that a number of quiltfe had been made and soW wiih. some still ready to quilt. A basaar was held in the fall, w*icJi neOM m nice sum- The young people of IkS cnurch gave a play in several placM and the proceeds were donated *• the Guild toward Ifce repairing ai ihe church. The reqsort of Ite treasurer, Mife- A. Grumnnett, show* ed $124.50 in the bank, with atooS $25 on hand- This money is to be used for decorating tfee draicb ift preparation for the lOOth annive«»» ary in October of this year. The president, Mrs. Pinkertoa, it endeavoring to reclaim some pro- perty donated by the Crown to th* Anglicante in Eugenia for a etavdl and burialground. This was tried several years ago, without sneeoaw If successful the property couH be sold and the money used to aid the MaxweU charge. After the year's business wme comipleted'. the officers were re- elected, as follows; President â€" Mrs- Wm. PinkertOTi. Vice-Pr^. â€" Mrs. Wto. Hall. Secretary â€" Mrs. Geo. Law4«r. Treasurer â€" Mrs. A. Gnimmett. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Alvin Grummett Bom JOHNSON â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Home, Fles'herton, on Wednes- day, May 15th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Johnson, a son, Rohert Rufesel. A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Saturday, May 11, at the Presbyterian Manse, Hanover, with Rev. W. D- Mark performing the ceremony, when Violet Christena Stoneouse, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Stoneouse, Priceville, wate united in marriage to Frank Joseph Stauble, Ceylon. The bride was lovely in pale blue ehiff.on dress with glower hat to match, with white accessories and her cori'.ige was pink rose buds and maiden hair fern. iHer attendant was Mrs. Cecil Fawcett, who wore navy with accessories and her cor- sage was red rotee buds aiwJ sweet peas- Mr. Percy Stoneouse support- ed the groom- After the creemony, the bridal party returned to the home of the bride's brother. Mr. Alex. Stoneouse, where a delightful wedding dinner was served to the immediate family. The 'â- "ble was centred with a three- tier wedding cake, made iby the bnde"s eoutein, Mrs. Bradey Irwin. The happy cou/ple left on a short honeymoon- amid showers of con- fetti and best wishes, for Nxigara Falls, Hamilton and Toronto, the bride travelling in a tui>quoise blue â- .lit with black accessories. On their return they will reside at Ceylon- An attem(pt will be made to estab- lish a '^Credit Union" in connection with the Fleaherton Co-operative gtore, according to a resolution pass- ed at a meeting held in the Park Houtee, Flesherton, which was ad- dressed by Mr. Clifford Allen, prwi- dent of the Dundalk Credit Union. The meeting felt that whereas Co- operatives are supposed to do a cash busineste, and whereas credit is al- most an essential part of trade, it could be provided through the med- ium of a Credit Union, which deals in that comimodity. The Directors of the Co-operative were appointed provisional directors of the Credit Union, with John Mc- William as treateurer- It will be necessary to secure at least 20 mem- bers with shares of at least $5-00 each before a charter can be secured. Credit Unionte are quite common in many parts of the United States, and some parts of Canada, but the only ones in this district are located at Dundalk, Mt. Forest and Port Elgin. Public School Principal Resigns; E. Oliver Engaged Mr- S. A. Hazen, principal of the Flesherton Public School for the past year, tendered his resignation to the School Board last week. We are teorry to lose Mr. 'H'azen as he has been a ^ood citizen and teacher and. has also been active in church ! work- Miss E)mma Oliver, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver of town, j has been engaged as principal. Mites I Oliver has a splendid teaching record and should prove satisfactory in he? i new school- i Baptist Church Notes "WHITHER RUSSIA" A special sermon on prophecy will be preseirted in Cedarside and Rock Mills churches Sunday. "Whither Russia And Who With Her.'' Those interested and planning to attend this service aire asked to read Ezekiel 38, and compare this week's news- paper reports on tSie Russo-Iranian and Arab-Jewish problems confront- ing the world- Thinking people, not attending church elsewhere this week will want to hear this timely topic to be offered by the minister. Mir. Keys. SLIDES ON SP.'UN Since Spain looms arge on the hor- izon of current affaii-s, a special meeting ite arranged for May 29, one week from Wednesday, at 8:15 p.m.. daylight saving time, when beauti- fully colored views on this country will be presented in Cedarside Church with Rock Mills co-operating. The speaker is Rev. Milton Hill at the Spanish Mitesion. Never before has a speaker on Spain been heard here, therefore this will be an outstanding event in vea-y way- Robt. Meads Will Receive M.M. From Gov.-General Several months prior to liie cloee of the war Pte. Robt. Meade, teon of Mr. and Mrs- Wm. R. Meads, OD.R., was awarded the Military Medal for bravery under fire during the figfatio^ in Holland. This Friday at Coovoea- tion Hall, Toronto, Bob will be pre- sented with his medal by the Gover- nor-General, Viscount Akzaiid«( hero of the fighting in North Afrtea and Italy. Mr- and Mrs. Meads ex- pect to attend the invebtiture. Card of Thanks I wish to thank all thoSe who sent letters, cards, treats and hooks and for visits while I have been confined to the house with a broken leg, and also to thote who took me for car rides. â€" Garnet Hamilton. In Memorieun It is hard for us to be fair to a person against whom we Ivave a pre- judice even in a minor matter. Dnt CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks , ) ^UNfUQL CHAPEL lOA Aini..c Re Kl. 4B44 Small Advertisements bring quick â- esults- DOWN â€" In loving memory of Mother and Dad, Mr. and Mrt. Henry Down. Nothing can ever take away » The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps them near. â€"The Family. Honor Mr. And Mrs. Stauble (By Priceville Reporter) Friday nieht a large crowd gath- ered at-the hall to honor the newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stauble (Violet Stoneouse). who were married on May 11th at Hanover. The evening was spent in dancing. -00 i rv.j'sic being supplied by the Pedlar orches>tra from Flesherton. .A.t the midnight hour. Mr- Thos. Mc- Pougall called on the bride and groom to come foi'A*'ard and Messrs. Bob Mclntyre. Archie Sturrock and Dan Campbell presented them wit* 3 studio couch, an occasional chair, a Kenwood blanket and other lovely gifts. Both Mr. and Mrs. Staubles made neat replies and thanked one and all for the appreciated gifts. I Lurch was seiwed and exhibitions â- â-  t n dnncinar were given by Messrs 1 T- McDouffoll. Bob Mclntyre and . L. McKeown. KIWANIS CLUB of OWEN SOUND presents GARDEN BROS. MAMMOTH 3 RING CIRCUS with 30 OF WORLD'S GRE.\T CIRCUC FEATURES ELEPHANTS LIONS TIGERS BEARS ACROBATS THRILLING AERIAL TRAPEZE Spectacular! Breath-Taking ! Cilorful OWEN SOUND ARENA THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 30, 31 and June 1 TWICE DAILY â€" 3 P.M. and 8.30 P.M. TICKETS NOW ON SALE .\T BOYD BROS. GARAGE Redeemable for reoerved seats at Parker's Drug Store, Owen Sooad on and aft«r Mmy ZSrd. Reserved seats for Thursday, Friday and Shtarday BreBrngs aiss Saturday M»tin««: $1.M: Rnsh SoaU 78« Children'* Matinee Thur^dav end Fridav. Seats not reserved .\dult8 75c. Children 2Sc This is Not a Carnival With Rides and Games IT'S A REAL BIG 3 RING CIRCUS •

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