* » 4 > * « » * THE FLBSHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 1, 1946 MAXWELL «r « « 4 • â- 4 { ♦ t i « t * » « * 4 « * « * »; (Intended for Last Week) We are pleased to report that Mr. Jeflbe Grummett is imiprovinfr Slter hia recent severe illness and hope to see him out again soon. Mr. «nd ?Irs. Wm. Kerton and Betty Lou of Northern Quebec are visiting relatives here. ]In> Ja^. Kerton and sister, Dor- othy, of Falcohibridge spent the week end with her husband. Dr. G. Collins of Ottawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Buckingham on Easter. Mrs. CoUins, who has spent the pa'st few weeks with her parents, returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs- Merquis of Pickering spent the week endi with the latter'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith. Easter visitors: Mr. Mel Holme* of St. Catharines at hi!s parental home. Miss Shirley Buckingbami of Hawk- <Bbury at her home. Miss Kathleen Morrison of New Toronto with her parents. Miss Ethel Fenwick, Reg-N- <a Toronto with her father. A large crowd attended the Easter feervice in the Anglican chtirch Sun- day morning. During liie service the rite of bsptiiBm was given to the two children of Mr. and Mia. Leslie Seeley and the baby daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Clarence Chard- Holv Com- munion was also partaken. The United Church held their Easter service Good Firda-. Owing to the rainy night not as large a crowd attended as was ho iped for- ROCK^ILLS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Teeter ^^ Gait visited with Mr- and Mrs. Jm Mr. and Mrs. Dellbert Hopkins and family of Toronto were week end . gu^ste of Mr. and Mrs- Pick Clark- Mr Jim Pedlar haS purchased the Colgan residence in Plesher^n and •will move there in the near furore. ,Mr- and Mrs. Levi Duckett of Maxwell called on friends here dur- in«r the week- . Mr. Glen Croft made a business irip to Toronto last week. Priendb here were sorry to near Txf the d«th of Mrs- Richard Hoy, which occurred at St- Michael-^ Hoa- nital, Toronto, on Friday of last week. Mrs. Hoy resided m this dis- trict for many years and was known as a very Wnd and oblierin? neiffh- hor The remains were brought to Flesherton on the Tuesdiay noon train- whon interment was made fa the family plot in Flcsherton Cemeterv. Onr sincere svmnathy Is extended to the familv m ♦.!,-, nasKiTif of a kind and affection- ate mother- SBNO IN TOUR RBKHWAl*. CEYLON HAPPY RESULTS lapoetiible accomplished On March Srd, 1946, « client wrote us â€" "Cheque received- Tou are wonders. I mado every flffort to eoII«ct this but failed, and concluded it was impossible. Thanks." This tame effective service is aTailabe to yon. KELLT & AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLE, Ont. Holidays are over for this time and the children hurried hacW to School on Monday on fast time. Service was held in Ceylon United Church on fast time Sunday evening, and we were glad to know that there was a goodly numlber present- Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Richardson of Markdale visited with Mrs- J- H. Richardson and Mrs- Knoy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. W- Hunt oif Re- gina, Sa^k-, and Mr- and Mrs. J- E. Montgomery of Toronto visited for a couple od: days last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. P- Hunt- Mrs- R. G. Patterson and son Dean, of Toronto visited last week with Mr- and Mrt- M- Hogarth- Mr. and Mrs. Art Wicken^ and two sons of Kiraiberley were recent visit- ors at the home of A. S- Muir. Mr- and Mrs- Wallace McDermid and two children, Joanne and Downie, of Toronto are visiting the former's parents, Mr- and Mrs. J. S. McDeu- mid, and the former's 'sister, Mrs. Don Porter, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Connell and Misses Maxine Connell .of Vandeleur and Marjorie Connell of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cairns. The Ladies' Aid held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Ken Stewart last Thursday, with the president, Mrs. M- Irwin, in charge. The program was conducted by Mrs. Thos. Genoe, one of the contests being won by Mrs- Geo. Jaynes and the eeond contest waS a tie in points by Mrs. Will Gibson and Mrs. D. Adams- A reading was given by Mrs. F. Collinson and also one by Mrs. Will Gibfeon- The patched man's shirt was turned in with the dona- tions being sewn underneath patch- es, proved very successful- Mrs. L. Whitehead was the convener of the group for the tehirt scheme- Sergt. Bert Hopkins, Owen Sound, Miases Hilda and Helen Duckett, and little Monte Wagner of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Luther Duckett. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Baxter and daughter, Mary Isofeell of Colling- b'^v' Â¥^' ^^ ^^- '^'â- 1 McLeod and R^h Huston of London were recent vSitors at the home of Mr. P -Muir Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe spent the week end in Toronto. Mr- Harvey Archibald returned to Agincourt after spending the Hsster holidays at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Amett and f aye of Durham spent Sunday at the latters parental home. Mi* Catherine Stewart, Reg-N., of Owen Sound is visiBng with her sister, Mrs- M- Hogarth. Recent callers at the home of Mrs. C. Archibald were: Mr. and Mn. D. BuUook, Mr. and Mrs. R- E. Olivw and little daughter, Dianne, Misb Muriel Squaire and Mr. D. Meads. Mr. andl Mis. GiD)ert McCanneU and son, Lome, of Proton wer» re- cent visitors Tfcth Mr- and Mrs- John Meads. (Intended for Last Week) The symipathy of the community is extended to Mr- Lawson Whitehead, whoes father passed away at the age of SI years in Christie Street Hos- pital, Toronto. Mr. Whitehead re- ceived the sad message Sunday even- ing. Mt. and Mrs. Whitehead at- tend the funeral, which was held on Tuesday. Mr- and Mrs- Percy Hemiphill and family, Mr- S. Hemiphill and Miss Maud and Mr. Fred Irish visited on Sunday at Fcversham. Mr- and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead attended the funeral of the former's uncle, Mr- George Clark, at Berkeley on Monday afternoon. We are veiy glad to know that Mrs. A. S. Muir was able to make a few short visits in the village on Good Friday. Come again and stay langer. Holiday visitors with Mr- and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead were: Mr. and Mrs- E. M. Schweikarts and son, Ray, of Detroit, Mich.. Mr. and Mrs- M. 0. Simpson and daughter, Kathleen, of Brampton, Mrs. Raymond Neuns and son of Biampton, Mr- and Mrs- W. E. Betts and daughter. Norma, of Flesherton. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. Alex. Miller and family on the death of Mrs. Miller, who gassed away on Sunday. Mrs- P. Hemphill and daughters, Ruth and Lois, are visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Chas. McWilliam and Misses Agnes and Janet Campbell of Toron- to were recent visitors with Mr- and Mrfe- John McWilliam. Mr Doug. Bullock, Mrs, Bullock and Miss Muriel Squaire of Toronto were Ea'ster visitors with Mrs. Jos. Oliver and R. C- Oliver. Misses Frances Collinfeon, Toronto, and Marion Collinson of Guelph spent the Easter holiday at their home- Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Meads were: Miste Marie Meads of Tottenham. Messrs. Will Meads and Don Meads of Toronto, Mr. -and Mrs- John McDougall, Mrs. Wilson and Mr. ftnith of Meaford- Misfees Mary and Jean McMuUen of Toronto spent the Easter holiday at their parental home. Messrs. Joe and Robert Meads of Toronto and Ken Meads of Hanover were holi^y visitoi^ with Mr. and Mrs- Will Mead^. Mrs- McCanneU and Mr- Alex. Mc- CanneU of Proton Station were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Meads. Mr. Melville Hunt of Preston was an Easter visitor with his parentis, Mr- and Mrs- S- P. Hunt. Mr. Doug. Reid, Toronto, was a holiday visitor with Mrs. Reid and sons, Bobby and Ian. Mr- and Mrs- Alex. MarshaU of Holland Centre vfeited in the village on Sunday at their parental homes. Mrs. G. Blackburn and Miss Ri^th of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Ken Stewart. Mr- and Mrs. L. E. Cardiff and little granddaughter of Buffalo, Miss Lois WUliam^ of Eu-genia and Miss Catherine Cairns of Toronto spent the Easter holiday with Mr- and Mrs- George Cairns. . ^ .j^ j Mr and Mrs. Jack Beatty and Franklin of Owen Sound, Mr- and Mrs. Joe Copeland and children ol Victoria Comers were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mi^- J". Suiclaw. Recent holiday visitors witn mia. AKSd were:'^^Mrs. Pat Black and PRODUCE More Cream IN ORDER TO ENCOURAGE A GREATER PRODUCTION OF CREAM, THE GOVERN- MENT HAS ALLOWED A 4c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUTTER, WHICH RESULTS IN A 5c RAISE IN THE PRICE OF BUTTERFAT TO THE PRODUCER. THIS WE ARE NOW PAYING. No doubt many produces will further increase their herd, or through extra feeding benefit considerably by this boost in price OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS For your convenience the Creamery will be open Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avir, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario daughter, Donna, Mr- Willard Me- Whinney, Gerald Ratter and sister. Jean, of Gravenhurst, Mr. Lloyd Archibald and Hai-vey Archibald of Aginoourt. Capt- Sherman Piper, Mrs- Piper and daughter, Judith, of Toronto spent the holiday at their homes. Mi^- J. H- Richardson of Victoria Corners has moved into Mrs- Knox' home. Miss Viotta Richardson and sistser of Toronto were holiday vis- itors with their mother. Ma'ster Leonard Hemphill is spend- ing Easter holidays with his grand- mother, Mrs- Wright, Feversham. Miss Marion Muir of Hamilton, Mrs. Huston, Archie, Peter and Ruth, also Mr. Earl McLeod and daughter. Marion, of London were holiday visi- toi'te at the home of Peter Muir- KIMBERLEY (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs- Herb McMuUen and Mrs. C Wilson of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McMuUen of Ham. ilton spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs- Leslie McMullen and family. While playing football at school last Thursday. Douglas McMuUen had the mfefortune to fall and break his collar bone. He was taken to the CoUingwoOd hospital for X-ray. Dr. Maitland set the bone and he return- ed to his home here. Mr. Wilbur Ellis of Northern On- tario spent the holiday with Miss Ellis and Joy- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carruthei^ and family of Burlington are spending a few days with the former's mother. Mrs. B. A. Oarruthers- Mr. and Mrs- Jack Graham of Singhampton were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs- Chas. Graham and Mr. and Mrfe. Elmer Ellis. Mr- Earl Kitchen of St. Cathar- ines and other relatives sipent the holiday with Mr- and Mrs. Cecil Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs- Earl Alexander of CoUingwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- D. L. Weber. Miss Marie Hutchinson of Owen Sound was home for the holiday^. Miss Dunita Lawrence and Mr. JacJc Taylor of Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Lawrence and Mrs- Jas. Lawrence. SEND IN YOUR KBNISWAI* Springhill School Grade 8 â€" Joan Akins 81. George Pattison 71, Ken Allen 68-7, lona Wood 67.8, J. C. Hindle 66-8, Leslie Johnson 62.2. Gmde 6 â€" Jim Wood 6S.8, Leslie Wood 51-6. Grade 5 â€" Jetesie Huctwith 86-7, Maurice Allen 73-6, Harold Wood 60. Grade 4 â€" Phyllis Allen 72-5, Ivan McDennid 66.9, Eunice Wood 56.7, Grade 3 â€" Ed'win Gowanlock 78. Grade 1 â€" Norma Eagles 82, Ron- ald Huctwith 80.3, AUan McDerm- id 71. Enrolment 18; av- attendance 17.6 â€"A. G. MacMILLAN. Teacher Small Advertisements bring quick results. WoolGrowers'Ofiiniz'tiot WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO ^ WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Obtain sacks and twine from J. W. ROBINSON, Feversham or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canadk Daily Bus Service Now In Effect Flesherton - Toronto LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. To Ovfen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. Tickets and Information at Fireside Lunch - Phone 63 Gray Coach Lines an all-impoTtant year FOR CANADA'S TOURIST BUSINESS MILLIONS OF AMERICAN VISITORS are expected to come to Canada during 1946 for their post-war vacation. It won't always be easy to accommodate them. We still have our crowding and shortages. We are still in the aftermath of war. This is the very reason we should all take special care to be courteous and considerate to our guests this summer. This year, of all years, we must maintain the reputation we have won for true hospitality. ,V \1 YOU MAY NEVER SEE A TOURIST, BUT..« tourist dollars flow to you. The grocer, the garage man, the farmer, the office workerâ€" every- body benefits direaly or indirectly from tourist spending, and the extra work and income it creates. Last year, tourists in Canada spent more than one hundred and fifty million dollars. In the years ahead, as our ability to handle tourist traffic grows, who is to say how big this business may become? For Canada is in an enviable positionâ€" a natural vacation land next door to the most travel-minded nation in the world. This is an all-important year! It may be difficult in many ways yet it holds great promise for the future. THEY'LL BG TALKING ABOUT US... We want them to come again. We want them to tell their friends: "We had a marvellous 'time in Canada!" By making them truly welcome, we can win millions of enthusiastic salesmen for Canada â€" "satisfied cus- tomers" who will pass on to many times their number the story of Canadian hospitality and of Canada's unlimited attractions as a vacation land. -rtvefot^^ DSMM if (jW; 'Bminm! CANADIAN GOVERNMENT TRAVEL BUREAU Dapctrtmant of Trade & Commarca, Ottawa