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Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1946, p. 8

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:^ Wednesday, April 10, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- |r Small Ads FOR SALE â€" M-II. seod drill, 13- disc â€" Lloyd Talbot, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Horse, can be seen at Earl Crofts, R.R. 1 Maxwell. FOR SALE â€" Spring wheat- â€" B- McKenzie, phone 22r5 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Kitchen stove, cheap, Mu'st be seen to be appreciated- Apply at Office, Markdale. FOR SALE â€" G--E. battery radio, 2 year sold, in good condition, new batteries. â€" Geo Morrison, Maxwell. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of oat chop- â€" A. S. Muir, phone 4yrl4- 44 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of potatoes. â€" Geo. Armstrong, Fle&herton- FOR SALE â€" 10 pigs ready to wcan- John Shoj-treed, RR. 1 Priceville. FOR S>i\LE â€" Ayrshire Cow, just freshened â€" Geo- Buchanan, phone 73r3 Flesherton. 44p2 FOR SALE â€" About 8 tons timothy hay, can be seen at Erne McMul- len's bam. â€" G- Cairns, phone 44rl3. MEN WANTED â€" Two truck driv- ers wanted immediately â€" ^North- em Transport, Owen Sound. WANTBD â€" AnMBiua raitable foi mink and fox fe«d. â€" Bert Mclnioat Eug«Bm, ^OM PBv^enhr-n 6r26 FOR SALE â€" 3-yeai^old Colt, brok- en in,â€" Phillip Harrison, R. R. 2, Priceville. 45cl GIRL WANTEDâ€" For domestic work at Grey County Home, Markdtale- For information apply to Mrs. M- Goukl, Markdale. or phone 5. FOR SALE â€" Hereford cow, 7 years olij, due April 20. â€" Lawson White- head, Ceylon. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" 4 bushels red clover seed. â€" Clarence Chard, phone 76rl4 Flesherton. 4Bc2 NOTICE â€" Trapping, hunting or trespassing on Lot 6> Con. 8> Os- prey strictly prohibited. â€" Ken- dal Hawkins, Eugenia. 43p3 FOR SALE â€" Number of young cows, some with calves at foot, otherfe due to freshen. â€" Richard Allen, phone 45r21 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" About 400 bu. Oats, excellent quality for seed â€" Eldred Mills, Feversham, phone 17rl3. FOR SALE â€" Quantity small seed peas. â€" W-alter Lawler, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9rl4. 44c2 FOR SALE â€" Cream separator B3 Vega, good as new; metal churn, 12-14 quarts, butter bowl, butter print, ladel, all good as new. â€" Wal- ter Russell, Rock Millte. 45ip2 FOR SALE â€" Dining room suite, quarter-cut oak, china cabinet, table, buffet and 6 chairs, or will sell les^ china cabinet. â€" Mrs. Lewis Pedlar, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Cockshutt fertilizer drill, 13-disc. â€" Earl Betet, phone Flesherton 32rl5. 45p2 FOR SALE â€" Oats, and mixed bar- ley and oats, good for seed. â€" Roy McMullen, Maxwell. 44p2 FOR SALE>â€" No-Barb barley grown from registered seed. â€" Clinton Magee, R.R.I Flesherton. 44pl FOR SALE â€" Lots 1, 2 and 3. Con. 10, Osprey. For particulars apply to Dannie Cameron, Collingwood, Ont. 43p3 FOR SALE â€" M.-H. out-throw Disc 12 20-inch plates; 13 tooth Culti- vator; single furrow riding plow- â€" Edgar Patterson, Priceville, phone Flesherton 22r41. 44c2 FARMS FOR SALE Lots 35 and 36, Con. 8, Artemesia containing 180 acres; brick hoi^e, large bank bam and drive shed; Hydro in all buildings, water piped to barn, also telephone and rural mail. Lot 36 includes brick cottage and bank barn. Both lota are well watered- All buildings are in good tetate of repair- â€" Mrs- Edith Cam- eron, 67 Latimer Ave., Toronto. PORTLAW .Mr- and .Mrs. Wesley Plantt, Mr. and Mi's. John McKee, accompanied by Mr.s. Etta Blackburn. Mrs. T. J- Fi.-her und Mrs- R- J- Fisher of Flesherton, attended the funeral of fhe late John Blackburn at Orillia Mr. Blackburn was the eldest son of Ja^- Blackburn, who resided some ycai's ago in this district- A large crowd attenflwi the auc- tion sale held b Leslii Chard on Thursday last. Mrs- Grace BlacK'burn, Mr. ana Mrs. Leslie Jamieson and feon. Ralph, of Toronto, Mr- and Mrs- K<m Stewart and Jackson of Ceylon were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs- Everette Blackburn at the week end- Mr. and Mrs. Ja's. Hopps and Mr. Frank McArthur spent a day with friends at Cedarville and attended the Nathaniel Shier auction sale. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardiner, from near Corbetton, spent Thursday with Mr- and Mrs- Jos- Shier. Mr. and Mrs- John Blakey have gone to make their home in Toronto. Mrs- Luther Love spent a few days with Mrs- Robt- Hannah, where Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love are !spend- ing a few weeks. We are sorry to report that Mr. Love is not enjoying good health- Mr- and Mrs. Emerson Gallagher and Keith oif Wareham apent an evening with Mr. and Mrs- Han-y Fisher and D- A- Mr- and Mrfe. Chester Shier have moved to their farm, formerly own- ed by Ray White, Mr. and Mrs- Walter Poole of Col- linfrwoo<l visitd recently with Mr- and Mrs. Leslie Chard- Pte- J. R- Plantt of Meaford ar- rived home on Saturday night from overseas, and on Sunday Mf- and Mrs- Wes Plantt and Misfe Janet Lougheed visited with him. We had five years of fighting and it looks now as if we were to have five years of speeches. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE â€" Reg- Durham Bull, 22 raonthb old; Polled Angus Bull, grade, 18 mo-nthfe old- â€" Stanley Campbell, R.R.4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Vanguard seed oats, power cleaned; also quantity of hay, alfalfa and timothy mixed W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. 44p2 LOST â€" Blue steer, 2 years old, Saturday evening, April 6th Fin- der notify Dick Carson, Priceville, phone Flesherton 2r . 45p3 LOST â€" Silver blue fox from my ranch Wed-, April 10, believed to have headed westerly- Any infor- mation will be gladly received.â€" F. Eagles, phone 41rl3 Flesherton. HOUSE FOR SALE â€" 6-room brick house in village of Flesherton, on main street, double lot and small bam, will sell cheap. â€" Francis Genoe, Eugenia, phone 74rl2. 41c4 CEMENT BLOCKS â€" We manu- facture cement bricks and blo'.k supply any amount, rock fac- plain, any size from 4 to 12 in., power made â€" Orval MacDonald. Box 208, Durham, Ont. 42,pP HOUSE FOR SALEâ€" 7-room frame house in Fk-!sherton, good water, 20x.*i0 barn, about 1 l-,5 acres of ground- Make offer- â€" Albert Colgan, Strathroy. Ont- HELp WANTED â€" Clerk for gen- eral store- State experience and give references, wages ejcpected; must be capable of taking re.spon- feibility- Applicntion received up to April 19th â€"J. W. Robinson. Feversham- 45c2 *â-  â-  LIGHTNtNG AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY. PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'VSURANCE ConfedcratioR Life Inanranc* Established Rural Watkins Dis- trict available. If you are aggres- sive, and between the ages of 35 and 55, have or can secure travelling out- fit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable busine^ of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R- Watkins Company, Dept. O-F-1, 2177 Malsson St,- Montreal, Que. SEED POTATOES Foundation A Katahdinfe Foundation A Chippewas Certified Sebagoes Also Table Potjatoes ALEX. S. MUIR phone 49r41. Ceylon, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton G. D. McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I have taken over the insurance business of Mr, Wni. Myers and am prepar d to give the public first clafes •ervice on their fire, accident and au- â- otnobilfl insurance policies. Consult mo before you renew. I can place -ou in any of the better known com- aanies, at the lowest rates obtain- Hble. C. J. BELLAMY Vi:,LACE CLERK A Commissioner for taking Affidarits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES. WIL^.S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Fleslierton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop.. Flesherton: Saturday afbemoon. . Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO WESTON, ONTARIO Reliable Grading Prompt Settlement Obtain saclis and twine from J- W- ROBINSON, Feversham or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada VAN DEL EUR A good program of sound moving Huii Frii.My evening, April otn, mv.!?r the auspices of the Farm Forum. Picture's shown were Build- ing and Operating a Pipe Organ, Modem Care and Growing of Pota- toes. Life History of the Warble Fly, Romance of a River and Re- view of Outstanding World Events The pictures are the production of the National Film Board and were shown by Mr. M,itthews, school teacher at rp?1-oro, vho wai? substi- tuting for Mr- Lang, the Fe.l< ration of Agricultiis-e field man- There was a large attendance, and Howard Graham, Forum secretary, presided. It was the last showing of the March program- The April program will be shown in Ebenezer church and the May program in the Coonmunity Hall on May 10th. Mr. Lome Ormaby hafe the sym- pathy of the community in the death of his father, Mr. Andrew Ormsby. who passed away ^pecently at Mea- ford. The funeral was held on March 29th. Congratulations are being extend- ed to Mr. «nd Mrs. Earl Morrison on the birth of a ^on in Markdale hos- pital on April 6th. Miss D.Tvathy Johnston, who is at- tending Owen Sound Business Col- lege, spent the week end at her home here. Mr- Schyler Douglas of Edmonton. Alta.. ife visiting relatives here and renewing old acquaintances in the district- Mrs. Gordon Wyville spent a few d-ays with relatives in Hamilton. Miss Ruby Bnmstead of Markdale was the guest of Misses Dorothy and Marie Johnston over the week end- A plucky and courageous pair of boys are Donnie Johnston and Glen Oargoe, who are attending high school in Markdale- All winter long they have driven back and forth, morning and evening, a distance of about teeven miles, using the horse and cutter, or horse and buggy as the occasion demanded- Congratu- lations, iboys, youVe got what it takes- Mr. Jim Harbottle spent Sunday with Ms son, Arnold., and family, who have purchased a farm near Bognor and moved there recently from Meaford. Mrs- Howard Graham spent a day recently with her friend. Miss Ruth Bellamy, at Owen Sound- ALBERTA COAL I Carload Alberta lump coal to arrive this week end- Phone your orders now and make sure of your supply- D. McTAVISH & SONS EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 21 Flesherton - Toronto Additional train for Toronto, ;making al intermediate stops, will operate als follows: Leave Flesherton 7-00 p.m. Arrive West Toronto 10.25 p.m. Arrive Parkdale J0.35 p.m. -â- Vrrive Toronto Union 10.45 p.m. For times at intermediate stations conisult Agents . CANADIAN PACIFIC NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domestic and Commercial, Split â€" Two and Three Phase, Higli Speed and Low Sjieed Electric Drill''. Workmanship Guaranteed. Prompt rewinding .Ncrrice on electric motors of bH klnda â€" J. MIDDLETON 769 - 2nd Ave. B. OWBN ,Sf>UND Phone 783 COAL FOR DELIVERY NOW ALBERTA â€" Hard Lump COKE â€" Nut Size Fuel will be scarce this year. Let us fill your bins now. Phone or See us about your COAL for delivery NOW Alberta: Hard Lump Coke: Nut Size Fuel continues to ibe scarce. Let us fill your bins now. See us or phone your order FRESH CEMENT IN. STOCK DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Coal Cement Phone 54 Electrical Appliances FLESHERTON at PLEASE HELP! Once again there's a serious SHORTAGE OF EMPTY BOTTLES AND CARTONS Help eliminate this condition by returning empties as soon as possible. If u is inconvenient for you to return them person- ally phone your nearest BREWERS' RET.AIL STORE and bring our home pick-up and delivery service to your aid. Brewing Inilirip A F. T. HILL & CO., Limited | FOR EASTER FASHIONS New Easter Millinery 1.95 to 5.95 Colorful Easter Dresses 2.95 1o 16.85 TAILORED SUITS DRESSMAKER SUITS SMART COATS IN NAVY AND BLACK or GAY PASTELS $15.95 to $32.50 Head-lo-Toe EASTER TOGGERY for the Children I SEE OUR Home Appliance Island • IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT showing these items: 1 and 2 BURNER ELECTRIC HOT PLATES 2 BURNER COAL OIL STOVES EMPIRE COAL OR WOOD STOVES MOFFAT ELECTRIC STOVES ELECTRIC RECORD PLAYERS MANTEL RADIOS ' AIR CONDITIONERS NORGE and QUAKER OIL HEATERS ELECTRIC HEATERS A REMEMBER We cloee Monday's during the Isummer months. starting April 22nd. Open â€" the balance of the week, including Wednesday night. % F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale •*> I •^•^•>♦•^♦♦♦♦•^•^•^•:">♦<^•>♦•:•<"^♦<♦<•^K•<••>♦♦>'K^<^><":♦<••:•4>^.x•<~^♦♦♦♦<••5•

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