jyit: I*! Wednesday, April 10. 1946 THE PLaSilERTON ADVANCE \ § ••••»♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦•♦♦♦ ^ ♦♦•♦♦♦♦ M SUPPLIES IN STOCK AT THE Cockshutt Agency WIRE FENCING Stock Fence. Hog Fence, Poultry Wire, Barbed Wire, Chain Link for Fox and Mink Fabric 7 ft. Steel Posts 12 and 14 foot Gates FERTILIZERS A variety of Fertilizers for Garden and Field WHEELBARROWS REPAIRS FOR THE FOLLOWING MAOHINES: Cockshutt, Frost & Wood, Peter Hamilton, Fleury-Bissell Beatty Barn Door rack and Fittings Hay Cars, Track and Hangert Slings Ropes and Pulleys Manure Buckets and Steel's ELECTRIC CREAM SEPARATORS Some good used Seiparators Hand Wringer ROOFING We have the rooting to suppy your need. Investigate before you buy- Our prices are right- W. E. BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERON, ONT. i**i >** * **** HEGLECT CAN STEAL YOUR BUSINESS THE Flesherton Advance Published on GolUii|r:TO«d Flesherton, V'«iaM(Uy of week. Circulation OT«r !4Mi Price in Canada $2.00 per j%ax, when paid in advcr"^ llJBO; ia U. 3. A- $2.60 per year, ' naid in advance f2^ F. J. THURSTON, Editor STEPHEN'S CORNERS e No bniineM can afford to face ri^ wUch shonid be covered by insnr- â- aee. Lei iu analyie yonr needs, explain kew inmranee can protect yonr bniineM fcen leM in many ways and arrange plan- ned niot polidea to cover all eventnalities. Te write Pflot Inranmce to cover lel- •eted rli^ in Antomobile, Fire, Personal ftoperty Floater, Burglary, Cargo, Eleva* ter, TMunt, Plate Glass, General and Pub- lic Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonda. H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton RepresentKis l'-lH'iil.'^ill!'-^-'H Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters visited with the former'^ brother, D. A., and Mrs- Winters, Thornbury. Mr- and Mrs. Bimie Reynolds, Miss Lou Londry and friend of To- ronto were guests d'uring the week end with Mr- and MA. R. Londry. Mr. and Mrs. Glarfwyn Campbell of Islington visited last week with Mr. and Mrs- Joe Porteous. Mr. and Mrs- Ray Pedlar and Mrs. Frank Hammill and Bryan spent the week end in Toronto, where the Pedlar orchestra supplied music on Saturday night for the Osprey Old Boys and Girls dance- Mrs- Ham- mill and Bryan are remaining in To- ronto for a visit- Mr- and Mrs. Clarence Winters and sons vi'sited on Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. Willie Winters, Shrigley- Mrs. Chris- Lougheed and Mr. and Mrs. John Blakey spent a day last week with the formerls daughter, Mrs. Bert Hawton, and Mr. Hawton at Stayner. Mr- Bill Stephen of Toronto visit- ed friends here for a few days last week. You don't have to float a loan to a man who can swim alone. B ATES FOR DOTS DUNDALK PRICEVILLE A splendid concert was held Fri- day night in St. Andrew's church, sponsored by the YP-S., with Mr. Percy Sim's acting as chairman in his usual happy manner. Mrs. Dan Campbell and Mrs. Malcolm McLean each gave humorous reading, and both were enjoyed- Mrs. Sims. Fred Irwin and Mis's Eileen Harirson each sang delightful solos and Mr. Prank Mclntyre of Dunalk gave several Scotcfh songs and received hearty applause. Mr- Wm- Sayei^ ga*e two humorous recitations and Mrs- Mc- Alister of Dundalk gave a fine in- strumental on the piano, and with her friend, Miss Moore of Toronto, gave a piano duet and responded with an encore, with Miss Margaret Mclnljrre assisting in playing a piano trio. Misses Betty and Shirley Hinckfe rendered two duets with guitar accompaniment, and the Na- tional Anthem brought a very enjoy- able program to a close. Mr. Sims moved a vote of tfhanks to the Dun- dalk folk who so ably assisted with their splendid numbeA. Lunch was served to all in the basement. Mrs- Jean Macintee.and daughter of Buffalo are visiting friends here and at present are assisting in the home of Mrs- Jos. Oliver- Miss Nellie McLean of Toronto spent the week end with friends in the village. Mi^. Wright and Miss M- Simpson, who spent the winter at the home of Mrs. J. C- Harrison, returned to their own home. Mr. and Mrs- Grant Stickney, Mrs. McLachlan and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and little boys spent Monday in Owen Sound- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and sons and Mifes E. Harrison visited on Sunday at Mr. Gordon Ferguson's at Cedarville. The Y.P-S. of St. Andrew's church were guests of the Durham Y.P.S. on Monday evening, when our Soc- iety provided the program. Mrs. Steele held a quilting la^t weeTc. when nine ladies were present and a social afternoon spent. I\\ Gi'ue ^io (BiM ccn({uer (BSUi Next to heart disease, cancer IS the greatest single cause of death on this continent- It kills 1,000 Canadians every [j month- One out of every eight persons now living must expect to die of cancer, unless far-reaching preventive measures are taken - Cancer is a deadly killer unless the patient seeks early medical advice. But when caught in its early stages, cancer is generally curable. The cause of cancer is still unknown, and there is yet no specific cure. But if diagnosed in time and treated by surgery, x-ray or radium, a cure can be effected in a majority of all cancer cases. It is now prupuscd to organize an energetic canip.iign in Ontario against cancer in nil its forms. This campaign will have the follow- ing objectives: 1 â€" To organiXf and operat* full) equipped cancer clinics at suitable centres, where people may be ex- amined, and, if necessary, treated according to the most scientific methods. 2 â€" To pay a portion of the cost of treatment of cancer for those needing financial help. 3 â€" To pay travelling expenses to and from clinict if needed. 4 â€" To conduct an energetic program of cancer research. To carry out this program, the first need is money. Your donation will definitely help to reduce the number of deaths from cancer in this province. It will help hundreds of people to be medically examined in time and to escape from the deadly clutcnes of cancer. It may well help research scientists to dis- cover a cure for cancer and so free mankind forever from the dread scourge of cancer. This appeal is for an objective of $2,000,000 fo provide for a fhree-year program of cancer research, treatment and province-wide service. ONTARIO CANCER FOUNDATION ThU organiisd driva Qgdlnil cancer it a joint effort of Tiie Ontario Cancer Treatment and Reteorch Foundation and The Canadian Cancer Society. DONATIONS RECEIVED AT ANY CHARTERED BANK KIMBERLEY The monthly meeting of the W.A- of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs- T. Soul, with a good attendance. Tlhip miissionary talk was given by Mrs. R. Chard and the Observer topic by Mrs- Ellis Weber- Rev. and Mrs- West were present and this was much apprec- iated by the members- Lunch was served by the hoste'ss and the lunch committee. Mr. and Mrs- Foy Marshall of To- ronto were recent visitors with Mr- and Mrs- F. J- Weber. Mrs- (Dr.) Patterson hafe retume<l from a visit to her husband in Princeton, N-J-, and Washington to spend some time with her parents, Mr- and Mrs. F. J. Weber, before returning with her hu'slband to Aus- tralia, where they resided during the war. Mrs- Geo. Proctor is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs- W. Thompson, in Owen Sound- • Mrs- Wm- Fawcett is 'still a pa- tient in Collingwood hospital- Memlber^ of the ball team are holding anotJier social evening in the Community Hall .on Friday, April 12th. Baptist Church Notes Men and books form the best sort of education providediv â€" you do not believe all you read or hear. PROPHECY Two subjects on prophecy promised in the announcements of the past few Sundays will be presented during the next two weeks. Questions such as, "Can the counterparts of current events of international interest be found in the the Bible?" will be answered in sane and Scriptural ser- mons- Tliese Subjects will not be repeated- EASTER SPECIAL LOW FARES Between all points in Canada and to all United Stated border points. FARE AND ONE-QUARTER for the round trip If^ strange noibody has ever thought of selling pads ofv wall paper for little kids to write on- EXTENSIVE CREDIT AUCTION SALE SAM GRUMMETT (Half Mile west of Maxwell) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17TH Including fine offering of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hens, Implements, Hay, Grain, etc. No reserve a^ farm is sold; 12 months' credit. â€" GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer CREDIT AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, JEtc. WILLIAM IRWIN will sell by public auction on LOT 155, 2 S.W-, ARTEMiEiSIA THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1946 the following', namely: HORSES â€" Chestnut Mare, 6 yrs. old; Bay Gelding. 6 years old;' Black Mare Colt, rising 1 year- CATTLE â€" Grey Cow, 5 yrt. old, due in May; Red Cow, aged, due in May; 7 other Young Cowis with calves at foot; 2 Heifers, rising 2; 2 Steers, rising 2; 6 Yearling Calves; Pail-fed Calf. FOWL. PIOS â€" 40 Hens; Brood Sow, due first week in June; 10 Young Pig's; 8 Ohunfe of Pigs. IiMPLT5MENTS, Ftc- â€" Good %- heieht Wagon ;'M.-H. Binder. 6 foot cut: Frost & Wood Mower, 6 foot cut; Set Out-throw Discs. 12 plates; 13 Tooth Cultivator; Peter Hamilton li3-diso Drill; Hav Rak": Set 12-bulI Dra^ Harrows: No 'â- ' Fleurv W'alk- ine Plow: Pannin'e Mill; Set 2000 lb. P"P.1es; Wheelbarrow; Cutter; Single Harnew: Set of Team Harness, and numproi'= o'-her articles- o.\j.v AT 1-00 P.M. TEPMS â€" All "ums of $10.00 an . ,in/lpr r-ioVi- ovpr that amount oDDrnvP-l bv tViP 'Ronk of Commerce, FlPShPrtni. benri'n'- 6^ in+°TP«+ â€" GF<^. '^.- DUNCAN. Auctioneer »»»»»»»»»i|i 1 1 1 1 1 1 > > »♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦* Tickets good going any time Thursday, Aprl 18, until 2:00 p.m., Monday, April 22. Return Limit to leave destination not later than midnight, Tuesday, April 28. 1946. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE â€" 25c This long week-end offers an oppor- tunity for a visit home or away with friends For fares and information ask your Railway Ticket Agent ' We can supply Bulova, Elco, Tissot and Tavannes Watches "BLUEBIRD" and BRIDAL WREATH" RINGS SILVERWARE E. I. HOLLEY DUNDALK, ONT. SUNWORTHY Wall Papers THE NEW 1946 DESIGNS ARE NOW IN STOCK AND READY FOR YOUR SELECTION To make room for the new patterns our stor- age racks have been cleared of a number of older patterns which have been put up in bundles and are on sale at nominal prices. The suantities are suitable for small rooms, clothes closets, summer kitchens, etc. BRANDRAM-HENDERSON PAINTS and VARNISHES I F LOOR WAX SELF-POLISHING WAX FURNITURE POLISH LEMON OIL LIQUID VENKER O'CEDAR POLISH PAINT CLEANER PAINT BRUSHES WALL PAPER CLEANER COLD WATER PASTE NEW PATTERNS CONGOLEUM RUGS 6x9 7V2x9 9x9 W^^^ 12x9 15x9 F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. T x J^ .*