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Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1946, p. 3

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*^i-r^- y e X A- ' * CANADA'S NEW GO VERMOR GENERAL Above is a new portrait of Field Marshal Viscount Alexander of Tunis, Canada's new Governor-General. With Viscountess Alexander he will arrive at Halifax on April 10. A special train will bring th« new Governor direct to Ottawa where he will be sworn in on April 12. ••••»«>>»ii»«i SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ,. .. ("A Six Bit Critic") .,,. All this news about ba!l-pla\-crs hopping down MeWco-waj-, lured â€" as somebody has probably al- ready put it â€" by the charms of Senor Dollar rather than those of Senora Dolores, puts us in min.i ti the old one about the baseball magnate who had a well-earned reputation of being a very sluggish man with a buck. He could pro- duce winning teams, and do so on about half what it cost his rivals. And his favorite method was to grab promising recruits and, by filling them full of visions of hen-' « and glory, sign them up for only a fraction of what they were really worth. « * ir But one day he ran up against m young rookie who apeared to have everything. He was fast; his fielding was sensational; and he could wham the everlasting daylights out of the ball. And he was also a very tough young egg. * * * Mr. Magnate went to work on the kid, and talked himself hoarse about what a wonderful thing it was even to be asked to join The , Team of Teams â€" how it would make him famous throughout th; baseball world â€" in fact what a highly fortunate lad he was to have even the chance of signing up. The kid listened in silence. Then he stretched himself, spat, and spoke. "Mist'^r," he said, "all dis bulloncy you been spillin' sim- ply adds up to dis â€" which would I sooner have, t'ree cheers or t'ree bucks;" * * « Perhaps tlie question most often asked of a sports writer â€" except, of course, 'Can you get me a couple of passes?' â€" is 'What's the greatest of all sports?' And it's mighty hard to answer because, each in its own particular place, season and hour, any one of sev- eral seems to top them all and yet, just a few weeks later, can have about as much thrill as the average Parliamentary oration. * * * Take hockey, for instance. From November to March nothing on earth appears to come close to it for excitement; and the thought of having -to miss a single tangle between your own favorite team and its deadliest rival can loom as a painful calamity. Vet, if in- Yes . . . any post, even Pine, Spruce, Poplar and Willow off your own property con be preserved with "Osmose Special Fence Post Mixture." Treat the ground line only and make tf)e whole post last 3 to 5 times longer for 3c to 4c per post. The savings in time and material ar« tremend- ous. 'Osmose' is time tested and used extensively, under all soil conditions, by large power and telegraph companies. It really works to stop rot, even on green posts. Your dealer cansupply you. PROTECTS !{â-  POSTS, titi NEEDED MOST OSMOSE WOOD PRESERVING CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Head OHice and Plant: Pr.itt Ave., Montrcil 1465 Yonge Street, Toronto • 93 Union Building, Calgary vited to watch exactly the same two outfits battle in July â€" some- thing quite possible with modern ice-making equipment â€" which of us would walk halfway around the block to attend? Smiilarly, football. We personal- ly have watched that sport â€" even paid good money to do so â€" from unprotected bleachers in zero tem- peratures, in .\rctic-like blizzards, in drenching, bone-shivering sleet, to mention just a few. .\nd thor- oughly enjoyed doing so, at that. Yet even top-notch football, play- ed under much plcasanter .\pril or May conditions, would exert little drawing-power on us, or on any football fan we know. • * • Horse-racing has long been bal- !y-ed as "The King of Sports' and we've most likely wasted more of our personal time, and had more fun, attending the races than any- thing you could mention. And there .'re countless thousands more who would say tlie same. Yet, if we'd all break down and be strictly honest about it, just how much appeal has horse-racing to us, just as a sport and nothing else? Much as we hate to admit it, the answer is â€" surprisingly little.. And if you doubt it, just figure this one out. If the next Woodbine and Thorncliffe meet- ings were to be absolutely and strictly betless â€" if we had to go just to see the horses run, just to see The Sport of Kings in its purity and simplicity, how many of us would attend, and how often? Tlie mongoose, killer of slow- nicving cobras in India, cannot cope with the faster poisonous snake.': in the new world. rrS REMARKABLE how fully the flavor of Maxwell House Coffee is developed by the special Maxwell House "Radiant-Roast'*. It captures all the good> ness of every bean in the blend. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ll«IM CIHl'Ka A (IRA.VH CHAN'CR TO OFT SDMK two ;in(i three week old suirted chicUH. Ail •â- Rourin" to go. We ' have all the popular pure breeds and hybrid rnjsscs to choose from ill n<iii-scxeii pullets or cockerela. Also S wuek 10 14 week old floor raised pullcl.-i. Free oatalotsue. Top .Ntttch Chii'Uerlei», ruielph, Ontaiin. RELIABLE CHICKS Jusi iliiiiK ivhal this meana lo Ihe buyer Vonr Investment Is made worth while when yuu purchase youi ciilcks From us. Our repeat orders year after year Is the proof of our ciuallty chicks. Blood leirtine (or pullonim done each year, we only hatch from clean flocK;^. Millers Chick Hatchery, Fermis. Dnu (Successor to J D. â- lohni-on) OLDER CHICK BUYERS, WE have .several thousand well start- ed two and three week old chicka in non-sexed, pullets or cockerela in many of the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Also floor raised pullets eight weeka up to IG weeks, All for prompt shipment. Free catalogue. Twed- dle Chick Hatcherlea Limited, Fergus, Ontario. A-1 BABY CHICKS PHOM BLOOD- ed tested stoclc White Leghorn; Barred Rock; Hy bride. Soma star'.ed chicks avallabla. Writ* A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Grantoa, APRIL CHICKS MEAN EARLY cheques! You will profit from tha the early high price market In eggs because your pullets will ha laying large eggs at the right time! yoijr c^cke'-jls too, will ba plump and full grown In time tor the early poultry meat market . . . the market that pays the higheat prices. Put your business on a aolid footing this year by atartlnl right with Tweddle chicks. Free catalogue. Also two and three week old started chicka and eight week to IB week old floor raised pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. CHICKS, SPECIAL APRIL 17. Barred Rock Cockerela .07c. April 24. Barred Rock Chicka 13c. White Leghorns 12c. Government ap- proved breeders bloodtested for standard, and variant types of puUorum. Brucedale Poultry Farm, St. Thomas, Ont. ORDER CHICKS .NOW FOR APRIL- May delivery. We've a limited quantity started chicks In popular breeds, crosses. Leghorn cockerela provide an important source of food supply. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont. BABY CHICKS, NEW HAilP- shlres. Barred Rocks culled blood- tested under Ontario Breedins Station. Extra heavy laying strain. Harding Smith, Sparta, Ont. IF YOU \VA.\T HYBRID CHICKS we have tlie following crosses to choose from: Black Minorca X White Leghorn.^ X Barred Rock, Barred Rock X White Leghorn, White Rock X White Leghorn, New Hampshire X White Leghorn, Black Australorp X White Leg- horn, Light Sussex X White Leg- horn. New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Barred Rock X New Hamp- shire, White Rock X New Hamp- shire, Lisrht Sussex X New Hamp- shire, Light Sussex X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Light Susse.x. Also eleven pure breeds to choose from. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- eii, Fcrgrti'^, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUit BABY CHICKS ABB THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breedera blood-tested. Prices from 3c to 26c. Ail guaranteed excellent layera. Don't delay, order oovf. Goddard Chick Hatcheries. Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. IN A.V EFFORT TO HELP PRE- pare for the early high price market for eggs and poultry meat. Top Notch Chickerles have all the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses for April delivery. You can look for higher producti- vity and livability in Top Notch chicks because tho.v are bred from Pullorum ti'sted Govern- ment .\pprovcd breeders of proven record. Wise poultr.vmen realize the importance of starting early with Top Notch chicks. Acquaint yourself with the Top Notch line by writing for our free catalogue toda.v. Also two and three week old started chicks and eight weeks to 14 week old floor raised pullets for immediate deiiver.v. 'Top Notch Chickerles, Cuelph, Ontario. II()()K>< BOOKS, PL,ATES AND ELECTROS of Poultr.v, Pigeons, Waterfowl, Pheasants, Birds, Farm .^^nimala, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Aquaria, Bees, Butterflies, Farm and Gar- den, Free catalogue. Morgan Gardens. London. ItrSI.VRSS OI'I'OUTIINITIES NEW DISCOVERV, TESTED SAVES 45% gasoline, guaranteed, send stamped envelope. S. Brodle, Vilna, Alta. OPPtJKTUMTy TO RAIgB REAL chinchilla animals. Profitable bu- sinoss of your own at home, pe- digreed breeders from prize win- ning strains, $SS5 pair, fully gua- ranteed: free literature. Imperial Chinchilla Ranch, .160 Dominion Blvd.. .'Sandwich West. Windsor. MR. WOOL GROWER ^^'o operate a Government Licens- ed Wool Warehouse and are pre- pard to purchase this seasons wool clip according to Govern- ment Grading Standards and at established Gcvo'^nTnont prices. Prompt settlements made. You can appl.v your wool credit against blanket purchases. We do not handle used woollens nor are we atile to do Customs Work. THE S'I'R.VrHllOV WOOI.I.KN MILLS r.lMlTFD Hl'lt VTIIHOV. ONTAUIO m f;ixi; A\n cleaning HAVE VOU A.NYTHINO NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for informalipn. We are glad to BiiMver your questions. Depart- metii H Parker's Dye Works l.lm'ted. ^!>I Yonge Street. To- ronio. (-OR s.ilg: l''«>ll !«AI.I£ (M'I'IIII'I I WrriKN HOII t^liuKA ilG.SAVV Heavy cas-t frame, 12" throat, tilting lahle. mechnnlpm runs on oil, holds any type blade, turns to cut any length required, J12.!<5. Sent •'.'> D. Rrown. 88 Moiintview. Toronto, Ont. FOR SALU:, DARK GREY PERCHE- ron .'^talllon. eight yenra. B pre- mium, quiet, cheap. Would con- sider trade for good young mare. John Thompson. Route 2, PIcton, Ontario EI.Ri'TKIC MOHiIiti NEW, USED bought, 30'd rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brashes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. zat'fi Dnffertn St Tor- onto, Ont FOR SALE (SAM HA.^INOVER), Time 2-5 3/4. This is a beautiful big Brown Stallion, quiet and sound. The service fee for the use of this Stallion Is $5,000 for Stand- ard Bred Mores. Owner, Geo. W. Wilson, Boulter. Ont. McCOR.'VIlCK - DEERINQ 15-30 tractor In good running order. New motor tune up. Reasonable price. Fred A. Stock, R. R. 1, Ta- vistock, Ontario. A LIMITED QUANTITY OF THE new Beltsville Small White Tur- key Poults. 11.00 each. April and May delivery. Whaling Turkey Ranch, Moorefleld, Ontario. HEAVY MILITARY FARM WAO- aons, send for circular. Percy J. Borbridge, Room 306 Plaaa Bids., Ottawa, Ont. *, F.4RMS FOR SALB 100 ACRE FARM WITH OOOD buildings, hydro, woter In house and barn. Good cattle run, buah lot. wfth or without atock and Implements. Terms If desired. Write E. J. Colson, Bracebrldge, Ont IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 100 acres, 20 plowed, 18 acres wheat, 95 acres clear; good buildings, new roofs, clear deed, cheap, no stones. Write Pete Jackson, Mark- dale P, O., Ont HAIRDRR.SSIXG LEARN HAIRDRESSI.MG t'HE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's HalrdressInK Acad- emy. 1.17 Avenue Road. T'oronto. HRLr WANTRD WEST END. COOK-GENERAU live In, country girl accepted, char help kept: good wages. 4 Bniie Gdr.s.. "Toronto. HOUSEKEEPER, SMALL RURAL house. 3 adults, references. Mrs. Robt. Gorman, R. R. No. 1. Oak- ville, Ont COUPLE FOR DAIRY FARM. SEP- arate house, phone, garden, milk, fuel furnished. State wages. John Skelly, R. R. 3, Prescott. Ontario. SINGLE MAX WANTED FOR Dairy Farm, experienced. $00 a month and board. Apply stating age to Arthur H. Clark, Nerval Station. Ont. VETERA.V AND WIFE DESIRING to learn the Turkey business. Apply in person at once. Whaling Turke.v Ranch, Moorefleld, Ont. EXPERIENCED HERDSMAN TO fit and show Angus cattle. Write qualifications Castor Valley Farms, Russell, Ontario, APPLY METROPOLITAN GENERAL HOSPITAL. WINDSOR, ONT. NURSES WANTED â€" S.\LARY $112.00-$n5.00 per month: meals and iaunilr.v furnished: fine living quarters near hospital; 8-hour day. MfcnirAl BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly. 45c a bottle. Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. GOOD RESULTS â€" EVERY SUF- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Re- medy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STO.MACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the causa of 111 health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble. Interesting particu- lars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies Specl.nlists, Toronto 3. TRY IT! EVERY' SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store. 3.15 Elgin Otta- wa, r^.^tpaid i\<;nowN 'r<)EN.*ii.s Nail l'"lx relieves pain Inslantly and removes ingrown nail in a few applicr) I inns. ? a bottle. WART FIX Ugly Wnrl." melt .nwa.v painlessly with this .e'l.irnnleed remedy. 35c a bottle CORN Fl.X Eases pain at once, and removes stubborn Corns In a few minutes. 35c, a bottle. Sent postpnid by A. C, Thomson, Chemist, Dept A. 3C3 St. riaren." Ave., Toronto, Established 1906. ARE YOU CONSTIP.-VTED7 DO YOU frequently hive headaches and diaz.v .'spells? .\re you nervous de- pressed and irritable? Do .vou suf- fer from gastritis and indigestion or pains from neuralgia, neuritis or rheumatism? Do you have backaches and urinate too often*^ Have you pimples or a blotchy complexion? If >'ou have these symptoms u.-^e Oolden Rod l'"a- mous rndi.nn Herbs, the natural system builder, tonic and blood purifier. Price postpaid to any addros.s $1.00. Results guaranteed or money refunded. Golden Rod Remedies. Box (ifi. Station F., To- ronto. Ontario, MAKE I ll-b VVUKI H LIVING' WHY SUFFER' do what pontitlesp numberi ot happy iisers are doing for the effective relief of; Chronic Ca* tarrhal conditions (as In Bron- chitis. Asthma * Sinus Pains) .skin disorders such as Bolls and Pimples: Arthritic » Rhenmntlr Pains; A.ak your Oriigglst for Odorless ind Tasteless ADAM'S OARIJC PEARLES or write Richmond Adam Co., P O. 374, Vancouver. Can. $3 per Iflf P^nrles. enough fo? 5 weeks, Ml'MicAi, i.vs'im;Mi.'.is;'i > FItEU A BODIHNGTO.N HliV!« â- ells, exchanges musical tnstrn ments. Ill Church. Toronto 2, BE A HAIKURESStR .(OIN CANAlJAS LEADING HCHUUI. Great x.inortunlty Learn tiairdresslng Pleasant dlgilf'ed profession, good wages, itioiHards successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sya- tem. lllustrsted eatalosue free Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESHINO SCHOOLS SBS Bloor St W, Toronto Branches: *<, King St Hamlltoa & 74 Ride:.n Street Ottawa. PATKIVTS FETHEUciTONHAntJH 4 COMPANX Patent Sol'cltors. tCstabllshed IMO; 14 King West Booklet of Informaton on request PERSONAL BE YOUR OWN BOSS, ITH BLAST when you know how, amaslng profits. Send name and addreas for free literature. Leonard, Box 42, Salem. Oregon. I'HOTIKiRAI'HT TIME TESTED QUAUTY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Tour films oroperly developed and printed i OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS tic REPRINTS 8 for 26o FINEST ENI^RGING SBRVICB Tou may not get all the filma jrou tha quality and service yon deaira want this yea:, but you can sat all by sending your films fo ISfPFRIAL PHUTO SBRVICn statloij 1, Toronto WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINK of home ph9tosraphlc equlpmant and supplies. Write for prlca Hat Ek;onomy MuU Urder Co., 245 Yonge St.. Toronto. Ont FILMS DEVELOPED 25 CTS. QUA- ranteed one day service IfO WAITI.XG. Bay Photo Service, North Hay. ACME QUAUTY & SERVICE Roil developed and 8 printa 25a, reprints 3c each, 4" x 6" enlarge- ments mounted in attractive fold- ers 2 for 25c. Worlc and servtcs guaranteed. .\CME PHOTO SERVICB Sdi. H, Toronto. BE FIRST TO HAVE ONE ENLARG»r'!V-iENT IN GLASS AND PL.'XSTIC CRYSTAL F,A,SEL 69c Send your negative and get this newest-style glass euclosed en- largement 314 X m." tor your mantel or dressing table â€" or to give a friend Supported In this crysta! clear new plastic mount your picture snows to its best ad- vantage. Packed to ensure sate delivery and postage paid for only 69 ce-jts. Any size rcl( (6 or H exposures) developed !.t.d printed 25 cents. Enlargements 4 x 6" In ease! mounts. 8 for 2Sc.; framed on Ivo- ry tint mars. 7 x 9" in Gflld, Silver, Walnut .r Black Ebony finished frames. 59o each. If colored, 7»c, Canada's largest studio does Qua- lity work nroraptly â€" and at low- est cost (Pilnf name and Addrest Plainly on O'rters.) 0«IT. H STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box i::SII <>i»i> Office A, TorODte ItADiO SUPPLIES ALL TYPES RADIO TUBES AND BATTERIES. CHRYSTAL SETS $6.96 Complete with head phones, beauti- ful cabinet, no tubes or batteries ra- qulred. Just connect to your present aerial and ground. RECORD PLAYERS $29.96 25 or 611 cycle to connect to xonr present radio. Send deposit with order. Wayne Radio. 440 Parliament Toronto. SFfJDS FOR SALE RAINBOW GLADIOLUS ASSORT- ment, twenty healthy bulbs of six named varieties for One Dollar postpaid. J. Parker. 175 Shaw St.. Toronto. Ont. l'()IIA<'l'U 6-POUND SAilPLE PACKAGE Leaf Tobacco, Virginia burley, and prior, receipts and flavoring. $3.75 postpaid. Rtitliven Tobacco Exchange, Ruthven, Ont TRAPPnnS TRAP WOLVES ALL SL.MMER FOR bounty using their own gland scent Write Fisher. Box 420. Calgary. Alberta. \v\rrH RF:i>Ants GUARANTEED REPAIRS TO ALL makes ot watches and clocks. Prompt service. Reasonable pri- ces. !<end watches for free esti- mate. .Vccurate Watch Repair Co., 117 Pembroke. Room 3. Toronto, W.V.N'TIIO WE PAY HKJHEST IKICES FOR Musk rats. Domestic Rabbit Pells and all other raw fiirs. Ship to- day. Levin Fur Compnnv, Depart- ment W.. 163 Spartlna Avenue Toronto, Ont FORD-FERGUSO.N HOW CROP Spring Tooth Cultivator, 7 foot wide. C. Payne, Route 3, New- castle. SMALL MACHINE OR KEPAIR Shop in small town or village. W. B. ICines. 807 Indian Rd., To- ronto, Ont FARM, CASH FOR 60 ACRES light loam. Give details location, . hydro, water, bush, buildings, taxes, price first letter. Box 100, Erindale. WANTEI1 CHEAP S.M.VLL TWIN Air Compressor, Acetylene Regu- lator complete, car electric Sand- er. Box 91i, Colllngwood WANTED â€"HOUSE KEEPER FOR country house with all modern conveniences, on bus lino near Sarnia. Must bo good cook. Pri- vate sitting-room and accom- modation for 2. Also light employ- ment if dciiired for working hus- band or school-aged daughter. References. Apply Mrs, R. K. Stratford, Hawthorne House, Co- runna, Ontario. SAFES I'rutcvl your HUUKS â- â- <! CASB from l-IRK sad THllCVKil. Wa hnve â-  %ttr nnil t7P* <•' >*â- â€¢'«' <>' cnblact. for any purnuae. Vlall ua. or write for prices, etc.. ta Urpl. W j.&rJ.TAYLDR limited TORONTO SAFE WORKS I4S rroDf St. !£.. I'uronto ISSUE 15â€"1946 Cenernl AHiiort- mrnt i> f Screw Mu4'l)lne l*r4»iliictM iBcliidlns fVuta. lloItM, T u r n- bupkleH. etc. PnKt|»uld Only $1.25 threat For l-'arnier/i, .MecliiiiiicM HobbTiHtNf ICxperinienters. Han- dy nian iiDd noat Itiiildera fi:de:ua£j sales a E\GINIi:E:p.ING CO. (teorKetown» Ont. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmerf Attention â€" Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Supplies. We gel) our goods only throuch your local Staco Leather Gootis dealer. The good« are rig'ht, und so are our prices We manufacture in out tac torieii â€" Harness. Horse Col lara, Sweat Pads, Hor=p Blan- kets, and l^eather Travelling Goods. on Staco Brann Trade Marked Goods, and you trot satisfaction Made onlv by SAMUEL FREES CO., LTD WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto NEW CONCRETE MIXERS 4 cu. ft. and 6 cu. ft. power 2Vi cu. ft. hand or belt Concrete Block Machir^ry Rock Crushers Enquiries Invited Wettlaufer-Welker Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St. Toronto, t. Phone Midway 9817 NEW AND USED MACHINERY Of Every Description Phone EL. 1271 H. W. PETRIE CO. LTD. 147 Front St. W. â€" Toronto "WE BUY A SELL." YOU Ano^ It I /f I/O u have a PILES/ Qou'll know it « QUI C KUY when pile miseries ar9 RELIEVED If vou .-ira troubled wtlli Itching pilea at rectal soreness, do not delay treatmeut and run the risk of letting thia ooudition becoma chronic. Auy rectal itching or Boreneaa or painful passage of stool is nature's wam- mg and proi>er treatment should be aecurad at ouce, For thia purpose get a packaeo of Heoa- Roid from any ilrupgist and use as directad. This formula which ia uaed iutemally ia a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly ta- lieve the itching and sorenosa and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Roid m pleasant to use, ia liighly recommended and it seems the height of loUy for any one t» risk a painful and chrome pile condition when so fine a remedy may Iw had at such a rtmall cost. Money back if you are not entirely pleased. NOTE -The aponsor of this nulico is an old, reliahle ilrni doing business in Canada for over 20 years. Hem-Koid must help jan annoying and painful pile condilion â€" moat do it quickly, easily and pleasantly or yoar own test of this remarkably succcssfal formula costs you nottiinc. I'ry it today. Shortage of Farm Implements Serious .SurinisiiiHiy little spiice has been Riven 'in most newspapers to the farm inip'cnient shtirtage due to strikes presumabh because most editurs believe ti.eir readers prefer news of radios, nyi'-ns and \> ashing inacliines rather than of plow.':, says "Tide." But the situa- tion appear: cxtrcntelx serious. I'liless ,, farmers' difficulties are idieved, and ."oon. one of the larg- est indnstric^ farm production, will suffer. The effects will be far- reaching. Canning, cereal packag- ing, all food processing, dairying â- and all live stock raising will seri- ously feci the pinch. .1 The Bahamas ronsisl of about 20 inhabited inlands and more than 3.000 islets, keys ot rocks.

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