1ft THE nMSJOmfOK ADVAVeS Wednesday, February 20, 1946 * t % 4 4 « 4 •t 4 * t «. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«»»»»«0»»0»»»» Wallpaper FIRST NEW WALLPAPER PATTEIRNS we Kave had to pffer â- liiM 194S will go on display tbe w«ek of IFebnury 18. Over IM eomUnatioiu and pattenli to dioose froin. « f Electrical Appliances We now have in stock a com- plete line of Electrical Fixtures Let vs discuss with yon the NEW FLUORESCENT UGiHTING Heavy Duty Ranges. Riadiofl< Refrfgeitatoi^. Meetropails, Grills, Hot Plates, etc. A large shipment of COLEMAN SPACE HEATERS Expected this month Your inspection of our usual complete line of Home Furni- shings Is invited. IF IT IS FOR THE HOME OR HYDRO USE, AND AVAILABLE. WE HAVE IT. VICTORIA CORNIRS RICHARDS HOME FURNISHINGS ELECTRICAL SALES & SERVICES | Phone 78 We Deliver FLESHERTON | J. A. RICHARDS FRED L. GORRELL R. G. RICHARDS X i See lu for DIAMOND and WEDDING RINGS ''Bridal Wreath" and "Blue Bird" We also handle Bulova, Elco, Tissot, Tavannes anl Lady May Watches E. I. HOLLEY DUNDALK I VVVVV*5*vV*^»*v%*vvv%**»**2**»*%**»*v*************»**'»**^ Co-operation Short Course IN THE PARK HOTEL, FLESHERON, FEBRUARY 19. 20 and 21 TUESDAY â€" FEDERATION â€" Speaker: Mrs. L. Taylor, Past Prc(sident Wellington County Federation. WEDNESDAY â€" DIRECTORS â€" Address by Wm. Nicholson Director of United Farmers' Co-operative THURSDAY â€" EMPLOYEES' DAY â€" Address by Ken Marshall Ylee-President of United Farmers' Co-operative The public is cordialy invited to attend these meetings "iil^^%^^; THIS unu nc WEIITTOMiWKET' »»i ^«^i COOP MIX A. No matter how good your pigt may be their whole future depend* largely on the itart YOU give them. The safe, nire way to prepare your pigi for future market ii to (tart them M e^^eelly balanced CO-OP MIX PIG STARTER, coataining animal and vegetable protein, essential amierab and vitanuna. ' ?0IIT UP 11) oilAl ITY "OT IWWN TO PHICP' Your local "CO-OP MIX" mill 0. & A. Co-operative JOHN MaWlLUAM. MaMiar FLESHERTON, Onteri* The Infetiogr* WA- Society held their February meetinar in the home of Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher on Wed- nesday, Feb. 13, 1946. with a larfe attendance present. Arrangements were made to send a number of box- es of treats to the sick end shut ins of our society's territory. Flans were comipleted for the Valentine Social to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs- John Duncan on Frday evening. Peib- 16. A varied program based on "Love" a^ well as Mrs- (Dr-) Thomson's ever interesting missionary talk, brought the meet- ing to a close. A bounteoub lunch was served by the hostess and her aabistant. The Valentine Social scheduled for Friday evening was postponed prob- ably until this Friday. Feb. 22, due to the suddien unexpected drop in temperature and ibad storm- Mr- and Mrs- Thos- Copeland, Swamp College, were Wednesday vi- sitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stewart and Mr. and Mrs- Jate- Copeland. Mr- Allan Montgomery, Dundalk. was a recent caller in the home of Mr- and Mrs- Jas. Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever have spent the pafet week in the home of the fomer's sister, Mrs- T- D- Cra-w- ford, Markdale- Mrs. Crawford, we are sorry to know ha^ been a patient all winter, suffering from arthritis. Another member of the household contracted the flu a week ago. Mr- and Mrs. Milton Bannon mo- tored to Toronto early Sunday morning- Their elder daug^hter, Miss Doris, Sarnia, was in town for the day- The Bannons thus enjoyed a visit with Doris, their son. Jim, wife and little son. Tommy and Mr- and Mrs- RulSsell Waller, at the latter's home. Mr. and Mrs- Bannon returned home Sunday enrening- Northibound traffic Saturday ev- ening on No- 10 Highway found tra- velling very treacherous due to the storm and steady drifting- Mr. and Mrs- Harold Talbot and little son. Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs- Roy Bradley, Dundialk, were visitors last Sunday in the home of Mr. Wm- Talbot, Muriel and Laurene- Mrs- E- A- Stinson had a short program at the school on Valentine''B Day for the pupils- Due to the extreme weather con- ditions, of the pre-school age chil- dren to attend, only two braved the storm, Edgar Duncan and Douglas Linton- We are very sorry to report Mas- ter Bert Stinson confined to bed for two weeks with a rheumatic heart condition. We hope Bert may rap- idly regain his usual good health. Mrs- Wm. Ludlow was a visitor last week with Mr- and Mrs. Thos- Ludlow. Dundelk- EUGENIA itx. and Mr8>- Warford of Toronto a(pent a few days with Mr- and Mrs- Roy McMillan- Mr- Art Proctor has returned to Waubau^hene after spending the past week at his parental home. "Ppr- Doug Cadrns and Tpr- Norm- an Williams went to Toronto on Fri- day to get their discharge from the Tank Corpb. Doug- will also go to Niagara Falfe to visit his sister. Mrs- Stewart Elkins, huslband and children. Miss Mary McKee and Mr. Mc- Carthy of Toronto spent a week's holiday^ at the McKee home here Mr. Ken Lowering of the H.E.PC. si>ent a few days at his home in Orillia Mr- Geo. Masbey of the H-E-PC. attended the funeral of his sister in Hamilton last week- We are very sorry to hear of the illnesb of Mrs. Joe Williams (form- erly of the village) in Markdale hos- pital- We wish her a speedy and complete recovery. Pte- EVon Carson and Mrs- Carson, â- lannie and Vickey vfeited with the "ormer*® parents and other relatives at Priceville last week- Mr. T- Stewart and Mr- Russell Johnfeton of Sarnia were home over the week end. Mr- Fred Hook of Toronto, who re- cently returned from overseas has joined his wife and family at their home in the village. We welcome Mr. Hook to our community- Mr. J. Ross of Toronto visited re- cently at the Duckett home. Several of the School children have been ill with the cold and un- able to attend school during the oast couple of weeks- PORTLAW The sympathy of this community goes out to Mr. and Mrs- Chris Lougheed in the death of their son, William. Mf - and Mite. Ken Stewart and babe of Ceylon were visitors with Mr- and Mrs. Everette Blackburn recently. Mr- and Mrs. Leslie Chard and Mabel attended the 52nd wedding anniversary on Thursday, Feb- 14. of Mrfe- Chard's parents. Mr- and Mrs- George Lawler- Eighth Line- Osiprey- Mr. and Mrs- Herb Betts attended the funeral of the latter's uncle. Mr- Norman Levi, Markdale. Mr- Fred Betts was a visitor at his home here at the week end- Mrs- J- Badgerow and Inez attend- ed the Osborne-Duff wedding in Dundalk on Thursday. Mr- and Mrs- Clarence Loundry and daughter^ of the valley. Mr- and Mrs- .Arthur Slater and Wayne vis- ited recently -with Mr. and Mrs- Lewis Fisher and Mr- and Mrs^ J- J. Boyce. Donald Meldrum enjoyed a day of skiing with friendb from Toronto at Eugenia- Mr. and Mrs- Jas. Pedlar spent a day with their daughter, Mrs. Orval Russell, Rock Milte. Little Douglas MacArthur of Col- ling*wood spent awhile with his grandpiarents, Mr. and Mrs- Jafe. Hopps. while his mother, Mrs- Mac- Arthur was a patient in Markdale Hospital- We are ^orry to report Mrs. Ru- pert McLennan is a patient In Markdale Hos(pital. »»»<H»4^fr<.»»<^Mfl»<M»»fr»»»<>C'»^,»»»>»»H»»»»»»»» » »»»»»»«»»( STEPHEN'S CORNERS We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mr. and Mrs- Chris Lougheed and family in their recent sad bereave- ment in the death of their son. Bill. Mrs- Harry Cherry and Mrs- Bmer' son Quinton of Markdale visited on Wednesday with Mr- and Mrs. Hedge Londry. Mr. and Mrs- Joe Porteous visited on Tuesday with Mr- and Sirs- Bert Magee. lOth Line- Mr- and Mrs. Wes Plantt and Miss Janet Lougheed visited on Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs- Chris Lougheed and family- Mrs- Emerson Wright spent the past week visiting friends in Toronto. We extend a welcome home to another one of our boys who has spent four years overseas, in the per- son of Mr. J. K- Lougheed. J- A. arrived in Brampton in January and visited his mother there and is now visiting with his brother, Mr. Chris Lougheed- Mr. Johnnie Bkkeley of Toronto was a visitor during the week end at the home of Mr. Chris Lougheed. CEYLON A man was giving some advice to his son- At t'he end of a rather stem lecture, he iSid: "Now. my boy. you understand perfectly what I mean?" '.Yes." replied the boy. "what it boils down to is this: If I do well it's because of heredity, «nd if I fail it's mv own fault." The many friends of Mr^. G- Canupbell are glad to know her health is improving- She is a patient in a hospital in Toronto- Mr- Chas- Ottewell and son, Mr- Jack Ottewell of Vancouver are vis- iting at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Geo- Cairns- Mrs. Leslie Edwards and son, Mur- ray, returned to their home here last week end from Toronto- Mr. Edwardfe has taken a position in Toronto. Gunner Fred Marshall and Gunner Charles McWilliam went to Toronto last Friday and will visit friends there. Billie Haw. a student of Dundalk high school, s(pent the week end with his gmndmother, Mt^. J- Knox- The teacher- Miss M. McDonald and pupils held a very pleasant Val- entine Social last Thursday. Miss Marjorie Connell of Owen Sound was a week end vi'sitor with Mr. and Mrs- Wni- Cairns. As we listened to the different ra- dio programs over the week end- we wonder how things are going to V>e in the near future- Let uS hope all will be well in the troubled old world. The Ladiefe' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs- P- Hunt on Thursday- Feb. 28th- at 2 pm- Kindly remem- ber- Rev- K. C- Lee of Feversham was a recent visitor with Mr. S Hemphill and Miss M. Hemphill, also Mr. and Mrt. Percy Hemphill- Try a Small Advt- results. They brin? First Wife: "How did you break your husband of the habit of stay- ing out nights?" Second Wife: "He came in at 10 one night and I called 'IS that you, Biir" First Wife: "How did that help?" Second Wife: "Hi«i name is Tom" i It's DUNCAN'S for HARDWARE We have your needs in POULTRY SUPPLIES TROUGHS FEEDERS ROYAL PURPLE REMEDIES CROSSCUT SAWS SWEDE SAWS AAES Eveready A, B, C and Battery Packs Westinghouse and VerdAray Lamps STOVES HEATERS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES To Make your Housecleaning Easier: S.W.P. and C-V PAINTS ENAMELS Best known brands of WAX and POLISHES Duncan's Hardware i Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 F. McKenzie Dvincan FLESHERTON I OIL BROODERS *{* We can help yon solve the ooal problem with Oil Brooders X or Electric Brooders Y Premier Oil Brooders 350 capacity $18.45 ; 500 capacity $27.50 \ Warner Electric Brooders â€" the finest brooder you can bay. X 500 capacity $42^0 4> Coal Brooder â€" 350 capacity $13.95 T % Gelvanized Fountains and Feeders â€" We have them large 4 or small of various kinds to meet your requirements- I STILL A FEW B.ABY CHICKS AVAILABLE \ FERTILATORS X Preston Fertilatorls made for all makes of drills- Massey- ^ Harris Fertilators for M.-H. drills. Tou will be well advised X to obtain your Fertilators early and avoid disappointment* \ SAP PAILS \ Galvanized Sap Pails, short or long; Tin Sap Pails, good size. ♦ I COMBINATION DOORS Various kinds and sizes: $6-95 and up WATER SUPPLIES â€" MOTORS â€" ENGINES Pump Jack with Electric Motor $90.00 Pump Jack with 1 h-p. Air-cooled Engine $79.75 Stock Pumps $12.25 up to $38.50 Galvanized Water Tanks $15.50 Beatty Pressure Systems for shalow or deep well $90.00 up Beatty Clothes Baskets. Step Ladders, Barn Track Hay Track and Carriers TRY US FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACTION % ♦ % J. M. STAFFORD MASSEY -HARRIS FARM MACHINERY HARDWARE FEED ROOFING CEMENT % Phone 4 r 22 FEED •> I FEVERSHAM, Onl. J POULTRY We have a good demand for Live or Dressed Chickens and Hens. Our price to you is excep- tionally good. If you have any quantity, get in touch with us and we will call where possible, or bring them in. We will buy them outright or custom kill them for vou. Cream The demand for Butter is extremely heavy and will no doubt be for some time to come. So we urge the keeping up of production and, if possible increasing your dairy herd. It WILL PAY YOU. It is our concern that you get the most for your products. WE PAY HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR YOUR CREAM, EGGS and POULTRY Flesherton Creomery Angw* Avis, Manager e K FLESHERTON, 0»«arie