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Flesherton Advance, 5 Dec 1945, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, December 5, 1945 : 1 r ^ t -^ ^ T M. & it- CEYLON We are on the last lap of the pru- kent year €ind at the moment, Christ- mas preparations at the top of the list with Elriss Kringie just around the corner. We are glad to have Mrs. Edwards and son, Murray, return to the vil- lage after some time spent at her parental home, Fevei^ham. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Dundalk, wer recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. The CJ'Jl. Ofificial Car for the Owen Sound and Toronto line, with the new Superintendent Towle aboaird, paid a short visit at Flesher- ton Station last Thursday. iMr. Mould, student minister of Ceylon United Church, grave a splen- did sermon last Sunday evening. Kindly remember service at 8 p.m. The Ladies' Aid held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Snell. The president, Mrs. D. Adams, pre- sided. Devotional reading was given by Mrs. J. M«Mullen. Mr^ Whitehead had the program. Mrs. M. McFadden gaven an instrumental. Mrs. L. Whitehead gave a reading, Mrs. Is- aac Snell put on a contest, Mrs. Gen- oe and Mrs. Snell virere the winners. There were 15 ladies pre'sent. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Geo. Jaynes with the election of officers for the coming year. Mrs. J. Nichol, Mrs. Will Gibson, Messrs. Gordon and Hai-old Nichol were in Toronto a day last week. Mr. and Mr^. Dick Stewart and little daughter, Nancy Jane of Tor- onto sipent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnett and daughter, Faye, of Durham, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Genoe. Misses Ethel Tosh, Hilda Duckett, and Helen Duckett of Toronto, were â- week end visitoA at the latter's par- ental home. Mrs. A. S. Muir is visiting the Mrs. James at Priceville. Mr. Grant Muir 's visiting friendis in Toronto this week. LA.C. W. J. Meadfe, Toronto, and Mrs. Meiadsi of Payport, Scotland, wish to announce the birth of their 9on, Noveifeber 2eth. PORTLAW One-third of the total milk produc- ing animals in the world or 219 mill- ion head, are found in India. The av- erage daily milk production per milk- ing animal is about two lbs. Mr. and Mrs. John Badgerow and daughter, Inez, also Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt, sipent Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne, Maybourne, at a "Welcome Home" for Victor Osborne, who just returned from overseas. Twenty- six ;at down to a well-laden table of good things to eat, A merry crowd gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar on Tuesday evening to charivari the newly-weds, Mr. and Mi's. Earl Tal- bot. The crowd then drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Russell, Rock Mills and did likewise. A pre- entation wa's held in Dundalk hall ir honor of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot, by Earl's friends and neighbors and the young couple were presented with .1 beautiful floor lamp and sum of money. Sympathy is extended to the friends of the late Mrs. Samuel Cromby, whose funeral takes place at Shel- burne, today (Monday). Mrs. Cromby is an aunt of Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, here. Mrs. Harry Fisher spent last week visiting with friends in Toronto. Friends here are very sorry to hear of the illness of Mi^. Amanda Lyons, a former resident here and now residing in Markdale. Mrs. David Jamieson and Mrs. Sam Fish- er of Toronto are at their mother's bedside. The active member^ and their familes of the Fourth Line Red Cross Unit held a hot fowl dinner at the home of Mrs. Lewis Fisher, Sat- urdiay, Nov. 24th, when 42 sat down to dinner. A good program of music and song was enjoyed during the evening. Everyone reports an ex- cellent tupper and a good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacArthuir and Douglas of CoUingwood spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hopps here, Mr. Alvin Sheard of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr. Thos. Phillips. ROCK MILLS Mr. Dick Clark has gone north to work in the bush for the winter. Miss Margaret Park, who has been employed here as housekeeper for Mr. Mannie Dobson, was taken sud- denly ill last week and was taken to Markdale Hospital, where she under- went an operation. Latest reports are that she is improving steadily. We are pleased to report Mrs. Sam Phillips able to be up and around again. Mrs. John Porteous of Flesherton has come to ,-pend the winter with her son, Mr. Joyce Porteous and fam- ily. Mrs. Willis Coburn and children of Markdale spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Dick Clark. Miss Eunice Dobson of Grand Val- ley and Ruby of Owen Sound are spending a few weeks at their home here. The plumber, aged twenty, had applied for military service. He went in for his trade test and was asked to make a joint in a lead pipe. When the job was finished, the officer wrote on the man's paper: "Joint very neatly done." A day or two later the man found him'self posted as head cook in the officers' me&s. SWINTON PARK The Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mts. Wm. McCormack on Monday night. Jim McCormack was appointed secretary of the group. Mr. and Mrs. Haruld Eccles spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jame^ McLean. Mr. Bill McNalty is assisting Mr. Eli Ostrander at present. Mrs. Chas. McNalty and family vi- sited with her brother recently near Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and family of Priceville spent Sunday at the home of Herb Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. John Porter and Wesley were entertained at a duck supper at the Moore home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore spent Saturday at Harkaway with Mr. G. Moore, who is in poor health, Mr. John Porter shot an Arctic Owl on Friday, near his barn with a .22 rifle. The bird is a beauty, with a wing spread of five feet. Mr. Lome Wright and Mr. Stanley Moore of Duncan Lake spent the week end at their homes here. Mrs. Kate Runciman of Priceville is spending a few days with her sisters, Sarah and Molly Ferguson. Mrs. Geo. Porter is spending a few days with her brother, who is a pa- tient in the General Hospital, Tor- onto, HAY WANTED GOOD QUALITY ALFALFA HAY First and Second Cut Stored In Bams HIGHEST PRICES PAID Trent Dehydrated Products Limited PHONE 17, MARKDALE EUGENIA The bazaar and concert sponsored by the W.A. of the churh here was quite successful, realizing over $80, after expenses were paid. The pro- gram consisted of a play "The Three Pegs' by Feversham talent in which all played their parts well. Mr. Calvin Boyce has had the Bell Telephone installed in his home. Mr. Garnet Magee also had the Fever- sham line installed in his home a few weeks ago. We are sorry to report Mrs. Fred Duckett not so well again, but hope for an improvement in her condition soon. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnston and Maxine have moved from Toronto and and have taken up apartments in the Purvis house along with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Russell. Master Peter Hook has returned fii^om Toronto after s-pending a couple of weeks with his father, who re- cently returned from overseas. Mr. Joe Connors spent the week in Mt. Forest, where the H.EJ.C. are employed for a few days. Mrs. CTias. Park is employed in Mr. Hicklings fetore, Flesherton, to help during the Chi-istme.s rush and commenced duties on Monday morn- ing. Mr. Glen Pedlar was up from Tor- onto over the w*ck end. Mr. Delbert Magee of Toronto is spending a few days at his home. Miss Blanche Walker gave an in- strumental over CFOS on Sunday afternoon, with the Feteherton group. A number from attended the High School commencement at Flesh- erton on Friday night and report a good program. Mr. Morris accompanied by Mr. Clifford Cross spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. Hobson, who has spent the past week in Toronto, came back witfl them. Messrs. Geo. Masfeey and W. Sull- ivan of the H.E.P.C, who spent the week end in Toronto have not return- ed yet. They stepped into a church and were made one. Nowadays the ques" ton is â€" which one? A man went into a restaurant and ordered a steak; but when the wait- re'ss brought it was terrible. "Look here," the customer ex- claimed. "Take this steak back to the chef, and tell him I said to cram it down the manager's throat." "Listen brother," said the wait- ress, "you got priority?" "Whaddaya mean, priority?" barked the guest. "What's priority got to do with this wretched steak?" "Well, you korew what you ^old me to do," artawered the the girL "All I wanted to say was, there "s a chicken and two orders of fkh ahead of you." Uetes Q^^^ annual '"^ ^ .,^i^c ^"^^^^ One thing YOU can do â€" make your greeting calls as jar ahead of 0}ristma.\ Day as possible! i<--r; 'i«.r :- :c^r-i«r.»r.i<r.ifiri^,»«> POULTRY MARKETING WE URGE YOU TO FATTEN AND MARKET ALL POULTRY AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE By selling now you are saving weeks of feed- ing and labour, receiving good market prices and helping us to handle the great volume of poultry orderly. If you find it inconvenient to dress your poultry, let us dress it for you. You will benefit by it. Flesherlii Creamery & Produce JPhone M Angus Avis, Manager FEVERSHAM A large crowd attended the fun- eral service of Henry Coulthard, a life, long and respetced resident of the village and community, who passed away after a lingering ill- nesfe at the S-anitariuni at Hamilton on Sunday, Nov. 18th, The funeral service was held the following Tues- day afternoon in the Salvation .\rmy Hall, conducted by Major Knapp of Orillia. Interment was made at Bethel. Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved wife vind daughter. Mrs. George Eberts and other rela- tives. Mrs. Jim Robertson received word a week ago Saturday that her hus- band, Cpl. Jim Robertson was ser- iously ill in the hospital at Guelph and with her rarents, Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Long, motored to Guelph at once. Mr. and Mrs. Long returned the following Monday, but Mrs. Rob- eitson remained. The latest word was that Mr. Robertson is improv- ing. Fus. Jim Heitman, son of Mr. and Mi's, Wm. Heitman, returned last week from Hamilton and Toronto, where he received his discharge from the army, Mr. Chas. Kerton suffered a par- tial stroke last week and was taken to the hospital at Markdale. Mr. Howard McKee, Hamilton spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne, Ekallas and Marie, Dundalk, vi'sited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W^i. Heitman. Mr. and Mrs. Rozell Conn. Doro- thy and Roy spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrison at Coll- ingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery and Carole, Dundalk, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lena Mr. Chas. S\vartz and Dave Ricker. Command«, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mr^. Wm. Heitman. -A large crowd attended the ann- ual Sunc'iiy School nn7,e-g!ving and entertainnient last Friday * evening at the Salvation .\rmy Hall. Rev. Lesiry was chariman and a fine pro- irram was an joyed. Britain will buy nine mililon bush- el« of wheat from United StateSs thi« fall. :t HERE'S OUR VIRV ifESl^ V s BimimnMM FOR THIi y^^^ m ALL -FAMILY OFFER ihis Newspaper and Any 3 Big -â€" 1 Year Magazines ALL FOUR ONLY $2.75 y*sr^ A [] Maclean's '24 issues) [1 Canadian Home Journ.-I Ll National Home Monthly [_1 Chatslaine [] Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. [] New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr. [] 'Farmers Magazine* ...4 Yr*. [1 Can. Poultry Review .. 1 Yr. [] Farmers Advocate 3Yr». [] Can. Silver Fcx & Fur 1 Yr. n Breeder's G?zette I American! 1 Yr. 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Farmer 1 Yr Mark an "X" before the Three Magazines You Desire &10JS*EK- VALUE OFFER This Nev;spsii;ei- â€" 1 Ve.vr an.i .3 Bis; .Magazines 1 Magazine from Group A 2 Mag.-iiines f'om Group 8 GROUP A: (Select Cne ) [] Liberty (52 issues' 1 Yr. [ITrue Story 1 Yr. [] Pathfinder (Weekly) 1 Yr. [] Silver Screen 1 Yr. [] Magazine Digest 6 wlos, [] Christian Herald 1 Yr. [] Screenland 1 Yr. [] Parei-.ts' iViaqazine 1 Yr. [] Canadian Farmer (Ukrainian* I Yr. [l Soorvs Afi'^ki ' Yr. [1 Everv'.-icdy's Digest ' Yr. [J U.S. Camera 1 Yr. [] Flower Grower 1 Yr. [] Movie Show ' Yr. [] The Woman 1 Yr. [] Open Road (for Boys) 1 Yr. [] Outdoors ' Yr. ALL FOUR ONLY $3.55 GROUP B: ^Select Two ) [] Macleans (16 issues) ...8 Mo». [] Canadian Home Journal. 1 Yr. [] National Home Monthly ' Yr. [] Chatelaine ' Yr. [] Family Herald & Weekly Star 1 Yr. [1 New World (Illustrated) 1 Yr. [] 'Farmer's Magazine* 4Yr». [] Can. Poultry Review 1 Yr. [] Farmer's Advocate 3Yri. [] Can. Silver Fox a» Fur... I Yr. 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