VOICE OF THE PRESS RED LIGHT The combination of a peacetime gas ration and a wartime tire may delay you on the liighway if you don't watch out. â€" Vancouver Prov- ince. HER TOUGH LUCK "I wake up every morning with a pain in the neck," one of the feminine fans complains. It's just too bad, ma'am, but you married him. â€" Ottawa Citizen. NO, POINTLESS Some of the butchers threaten to go out of business! â€" pull up their steaks and quit. But [s this ra- tional? â€" Ottawa Journal. 'WHERE IGNORANCE. The modern girl's hair does .look Uke a mop, but she is not worried. She doesn't know what a mop looks like. â€" Brandon Sun. A Practical View of Po«t-War World ,* -< ^ Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., ono of the world's great captains of Industry, has also been doing a little look- leg Into the post-war world, and It doesn't leem to him It will be as •mazing and revolutionary as others see It, says the Boston Poet. He sees no family airplane and low-cost prefabricated housing projects on a giant scale, among other things. His warning shouUl be heeded. He is no <a}nservative. In his post as chairman of the board of General Motors, he must have Initiative and enterprise. ' but he also must have common sense, be practical and not do much day-dreaming. The average man does not want to be kidded. BE FAMOUS for your coffee. Serve Maxwell House. This choice blend of rare coffees is roasted by the famous "Radiant Roast" process, so you get extra flavor, fragrance and vigorous body. EASE MUSCUmi PAIN / Instanfine Tablet brings FAST RHIEF! If you suffer from muscular aches or pains, and have been relying on slow- acting, sometimes ineffective remedies to bring you a measure of relief, learn all atx>ut the Instantine 1-tablet-ivay to fast relief from simple pain. You see. fast-acting Instantine tablets are a skillful combination of three proven medicinal ingredients, scientifically com- pounded to relieve pain promptly. Chances are you may be surprised at the speed with which 1 Instantine tablet can Sring you welcome relief t You can count on Instantine's triple-action to work in these ways to give you fast relief from pain: 1. Spoodily ease pain. 2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depressed feeling." Give miM, slimuloling "lift." Instantine never pampers pain, but works'fast to bring needed comfort. Re- member Instantine, too, whenever you suffer from headache or the discomfort of a cold or sore throat. You can get Instantine at any drugstore. z \ Mantine 12 TaUe}» ZS^-obeirt 2i o dose /«Jt MtHYt feflef Inm Simple Pain OTTAWA JREPORTS That First Centra for Junior Farmer Educ3trgi|^J{g|C^pen Soon In Cayuga The first rural youth communi- ty centre in Ontario is soon to be set up on the site of the former air training centre at Cayuga. Under the supplementary agrkul- tural, education plan made public In June it is proposed to set up in each county a centre for junior farmer education, for both boys and girls. A three-months' residen tial course will be the core of the pro- gram. This will be held during the winter months â€" the slack farm season. The 22 acres of laud and the buildings of the air centre make it eminently Buitable for its new service. The large hangar will be divided into classrooms, equipped with all facilities necesary tor practical agricultural education The former barracks will be re- modelled as quarters for the stud- ents and there is a complete kitch- en ajid dining hall. Another build- ing will hoiuse farm m£»3iiinery and will be used tor the farm me- chanics course. As for fun â€" the young farmers will create bheir own. Provision wil be made for theatricals and sports of various kinds and the large skating rink which was built for the air trainees will be open to them. The initiative in requesting the creation of a community centre must come from youth farm or- ganizations. By their pledge of support, the project is assured of success under the province-wide plan. * • * The Eidmonton-Whitehorse-Snag air route, over which thousands of airplanes and thousands of tons of supplies tor Russia and for de- fence of North America were Hown, was built and completed during the dark first few years of the war. In 1942 and 1943 it en- abled a successful defence against Japanese Intentions in the Aleu- tians. North-West Air Command, with headquarters at Edmonton, has full control of the operation and maintenance of the aerodromes and flight strips along the route. All insttlllation^' of continuing value along tiie route, which have cost some $76,000,000 are owned by Canada. ' • • • Militai-y trucks, declared sur- plus from the army, may now be sold direct to farmers. This is possible because lia.son has been established between the Canadian Federation of .Agriculture and War Assets Corporation in a co- opei-ative project in which seven of the provincial departments of agriculture will participate. Under this plan a special price is set on the trucks at which the farmers purchase them without any guar- antee of servicing or repairs. Four of such sales have already been held in Ontario and aiTangements are being made to hold them in other provinces. Gh GET HITLER'S BEER HALL Vnii Will F<njo7 !<tnylnK At The St. Regis Hotel TOIIOM'O Rvery Rouni with Bntli, !<hoivor unil Telephone. 9 sinKir, Sl>..%n u|i â€" noiillle, .f:i..'SO lip. (>ooil Fond. Ulnliis; Hnd Danc- Ins Ninchtly. Sherbourne at Carlton TrI. HA. 4i:ir. Swift Ease for Miserable BACKACHE Don't trifle witli that backache, because l>ackache, along with leg cramps, restless nights, puffy eyes, rlieumatic pains and frequent headaches are sure signs that your kidneys are lazy. Get relief â€" quickly â€"with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil CAPSULES. GOI^D MEDAL Capsules will give you swift relief because they help your kid- neys to get back on the job, filtering your blood, and removing the trouble-causing waste acids and poisons. GOI-D MED^VL Capsules contain ac- curately measured amounts of the gen- uine and original Dutch t)rops, known the world over for their swift effectiveness. That's why you can count on GOLD MEDAL Capsules for relief. Be sure you get the genuine GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OU CAPSULES. Get the 40c box from your druggist. NERVOUS TENSION with itf wsak. tirail fsellngs? If functional periodic disturbances make you feci nervous, tired restless â€" at such times - try Lvdia E. Pinkliam's Vege- table Compound tc relievo such symp- toms Pinlmani's Compound is one of the most effective medicines lor this purpose. Follow label directions I3uy today/ Beer mugs that once were used by the Nazis to toast Hitler, now hold coffee for dough^ut-drinldng purposes, as pictured above. Munich beor hall that- WtiC.' the site of Der Fuehrer's 1923 putsch has been taken over tj^^e Red Cross as a canteen for enlisted men and officers. Britain to Retain Emergency Power* British Labor Government in- tends to retain wartime emergency powers possibly for five years, Home Secretary James Chuter Edc disclosed in Commons last week. His statement came soon after the House reassembled to tackle ks big budget of work ranging from the economic problems of post-war trade and reconversion to the problems of peacetime for- eign policy. Mr. Ede reminded members that the present Emergency Pow- ers Act would expire Feb. 24, 1946. He announced that the Gov- ernment would introduce legisla- tion as soon as possible to main- tain "the necessary residue of pow- er over the transitional period." Monty's Double Hoodwinked Nazis Looking strikingly like Marshal Montgomery and thoroughly re- hearsed in the British command- er's mannerisms, Lieut Clifton James was sent off to Algiers by high-ranking British Imperial General Staff officers a few days before the historic June 6 and was received at a public ceremony by Field Marshall Sir Henry MalU land Wilson, and drove through Algerian streets lined with cheer- ing people. Lieutenant James played bis part so well the paper said, that fascist agents transmitted the news to Berlin by way of Spain that Marshal Montgomery was away from his invasion base. Sub- sequent evidence proved D-Day took the Germans by surprise. British intelligence got the idea after Lieutenant James, walking onto the stage at a soldier's show Id his capacity as entertainment officer, was cheered by troops who thought he was Marshal Montgomery Sent for by high authorities. Lieutenant James underwent spe- cial training for his unique role. Studying Marshal Montgomery'* voice, gesture, walk, distincUv* salute, and even bad a false fing- er fitted to his saluting hand to replace one he had lost in World War I. Have You Heard? An enthusiastic golfer came home to his dinner after a game. During the meal his wife said: "Willie tells nic lie caddied for you this morning!" "There now I" exclaimed Wil- lie's father. "I thought I'd seen th.'it lad before." Private: "I know a good joke about crude oil." Skipper: "Well, spring it." Private: "It ain't refined." "I presented my little girl with a banana, but she much preferred her doll," says a correspondent. She soon found that she could un- dress a banana only once. â€" o â€" Every real American has two real ambitions, first, to own a home; second, to own a car to get away from home. â€" o â€" AGEING A CAKE General Eisenhower asks that no Christmas parcels be sent if it ap- pears the soldier may be en route home, as nothing ages a cake like following a G.I. over a couple of hemispheres. â€" Stratford Beacon- Herald. BABT CHICKS PULLEIB PURE BREEDS AND hybrid croasea 12 weeks up to laylnfT. Fall hatched chicks booked to order. Order your chicks (or 1946 now and secure the breeds you desire when you â- want them. Send for pricelist and catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. LIMITED QUANTITY LAYING pullets, and some started chicks. Immediate delivery, also dayolds. Order chicks now for 'delhrery November-December. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont. PULLETS LAYING AND READY to lay pure breeds and hybrids. Also day old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Not too •oon to order your chicks for 194fi. Send for pricelist and cata- logue. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph. Ontario. r BUSINESS AND PROfERTY F YOU ARE THINKING OF SEL- llng; your Business or Property, large or small and want good re- sults, consult this office, 30 years •xperlence In selling all kinds of property, for further Information write. George Lawton, 709 Quel- latte Ave., Windsor, Ont. nUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WIN PERSIAN LAMB COAT or Hudson Seal Coat or Muskrat Coat and Muff valued at fSOO.OO or $400.00 in cash Tickets 8Sc. or 5 for $1.00 BLIZAIiETH PRV CHAPTER. I.O.D.E., Sndbury. Ont. Bend your postal note or money •rdcr to Mm. L. Slmpiton. 08 Klnsfiinoiint Blvd., Sudbury. Ont. '41 PLYMOUl'H CAR, EXCELLENT condition including rubbers. Send dollar (or five draw tickets to J. Shedden, Halowe'en Draw Chair- man, Refinery Workers' Union, Port Colborne. Winner purchases car (or one dollar. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTICIPATE I.\ $80.0(1 monthly Bond draw. Other prizes. Details on receipt. Shares SI. 00 each or 6 for $B.OO. Send for shares to St. Catharines Optimist Club, Box 445-H.. SL Catharines, Ontnrio. $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWHERE LN CANADA to winner's specifications, or SIO.OOO in cash will be awarded lucky winner. Also chance oii SIOO monthly draw. Winner Is â- till eligible for house draw In December. All proceeds for child- ren's welfare. Tickets X\. each â€" 12 for SIO. Mall remittance to Sud- bury Kiwanis Club. Box. 63 OVEIJVCi ANU CLBANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Informntlon. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 1'S\ Yonge Street. To- ronto. rARlH MACHINERY FUH SALE FOR SALE "VIKINC" (;nEAM SEPAltATOK.'^ and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited. 720 Notre- Dnmo Wrgt Mnntrenl 3. Qiip I'UR SALE SNOW PrX)WS FOR SALE, NEW or ii.-^cd, V or on*! wn.v with h.^'- drnulio or mechnnicnl llftinK de- vice. ;ivMilnl>4» inimedlntely with- out prjorit.w .Vutomotivo Products Compon.v, V^Vl Wollington St., Montrr.il, P. g. BRIGGS AN1> .STlt.\TTlW EN- ghip.-i. iii'W. in slock I 'i.-Sii,').1."> six H. P. Si 117. .I,'!. Used I'ciUiiiy Mo- tor .•! H. v.: iilso .1 Willi chopper: new â- ''.I ('niilury; Piilloi-\- Hoosl- eis Jli.iMi. Dohbin'", W.ini loo, Untiirlo, HEGISl'ERED DOI3EUMAN PINS- chers, Internationiiily known stock, pups, grown dogs. Harvey M. Gratton, Grand Bend. Ont. PUPPIES: COCKER SPANIELS, Gordon Setters, Foxhounds (stamp reply) Bantams: $2.00 pair. Ivan Moore, Athens, Ont. WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS for sale. $2.60. Pullets some lav- ing. $2.00. Geo. W. Jamieson, R. R. No. 2, Atherley, Ont. RASPBERIUES LAl'HAM EXTRA large stock $5.00 per hundred, go- ing fast, order at once. Als_ Yel- low and Bronze Iris roots ten for $1.60, postpaid. J. D. Murray, Nor- val, Ontnrio. LARGE WHITE PEKIN DUCKS and drakes. $2.50 ench. Mrs. Ross Shall, R. R. 2, Carleton Place. Ontario. TRAINED FOX HOUNDS. 6 years, 6 years. Fox hound and coon hound pups, six months, ready to train. Henry Little, R. 1, Peterboro, Ont. GASOLINE ENGIN'E.S. NEW Briggs and Stratlon air-cooled. Most modern enKinc built. Low cost. Writp for descriptive fold- ers and prices. Scope Sales Co., Box 852. (3ttnw:i. Ont. REGISTERED COLLIE PUPS SA- ble and white ten weeks old rea- sonable. R. Horton, Scarboro Bluffs, Ont. PIANOS, A LIMITED .SIMHER OF our small new pianos will soon be availtible. Write for circular. Order."! executed in turn as re- ceived. Factor.v Mason and RIsch Limited, C42 King St. West, To- ronto. BAILED HAY FOR SALE. TIMO- thy Broom Grass, Rod I'op Mix- ture and Upland. For particulars write J. Firman, Hnnu.'-n, Mani- toba. GRIMM EVAPOIlAlOli 6' x 18'; 1,700 buckets, spotits, covers, storage nnd BrntheriiiK tank."<. set- tling can $600. H. Barnes, Sund- ridge. Ont. ATTENTION, l''A R.M KH.--;. FOR Sale: Tractor Tires, niado of rub- ber, suitable for holtinp; on steel wheels, $10.00 each. When order- ing state diameter .nnd width of wheel. National Rubber r'o. L.d.. 6 Wiltshire Ave.. Toronto, Ont. BLFICTRIC MOTORS NKW. USED bought, sold, rebuilt: bells pul- leys, brushes. Aileti Kleetric Com- pany Ltd. 232B Dufferin St. Tor- onto. FARMS KOIt SALE IX)'I'S 15 AND 1(1, CO.N. ,S MINTO Tp. 148 acres, and unopened road allowance, 8 arres hardwood, rest cleared, 2-storey brick house, wired for electric light; barn, about 68 f.t. square with stablInK IniildinKS in j?ood condition, 2 miles from Harrislon, Ont. I'.i miles from school, hydro line passes farm. Jas. H. .shannon. Barrister, etc., Harristoii, Ont. ion ACRES, 40 ACRES CLEARED, 40 In good timber, stone house SO X 32, 8 rooms, full basement and furnace, 2 verandahs and kit- chen. Barn 35 x 5(1 stone found- ation, some ploughiiiK done, well fenced, 1 M- miles west of South River. $2500. William .1 Prown, .South River. Ontario. FARM, 200 ACRES. 'l\>i MILES from town, on highway, con- venient to school. Mrs. Arthur Rochon Mattawa, Ont. A BEAUTIFUL. WELL-IMPROVED 178 acres, one mile south of 111- hury, Ont.. on Middle Road. Chas. Case. Blenheim, Ont. POULTRY F.ARM KOK SALE, complete stock, machiniry. poul- try house for 2,000 hon.-t, 10 acres land near Montreal. Price $lfi,000 or exchange for Dairy Farm. Write to Proprietor Paul Sopuch. R. R. 1, P. O. I-ongueii. Que. inn ACRE.';, 70 UNDER CILTIVA- tion, medium clay loam. 15 nrres wooded, frame house, barn 50 ft. stiuare. hen house. cem«-nt silo, drilled well, near Highway, IH miles fii'iii s. hool. > hiirch and innrkrt. Apply Mrs. .lohn Weir. Winghum, Ontario. HELP WANTED UNO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT UNO OPERATORS and floor men wanted for news- paper printing office, permanent position, highest wages. Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide W.. apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. Order No. 1. AVANTED: MARRIED MAN FOR modern Ottawa Valley farm, hy- dro equipped. Separate house suitable for a man with one or two children, close to school, railroad and church. Wages $76 per month, year round engage- ment. Light, fuel, milk and gar- den space supplied. Give exper- ience and references in first li- ter. Box 57, 73 Adelaide W. To- ronto. Ont. WOMAN 30, TO 40 TO T'AKE FULL charge of farm home, two child- ren, 10 and 14 years. Apply Elm- er Walters, R. 6, Embro. Ont. COUPLE FOR SMALL FRUIT farm near Toronto, live in: man must be thoroughly experienced orchardist. wife, housekeeper wage and share of profits. If writing give all details. Byworth, Centr.il I'.liii.-., Toronto. Ont. TKAtHICnS WA.N'TKl) BELLEVILLE PUBLIC SCIIOOI^S: Lady teaciiers will be required for January 1, 134(1. Auxiliary Class Certificate dcsir.-ilile hut not nece.'^sar.y. Mininiiini $1200: Increment $tO0. Maximum $1900.: extra $100. if assigneil to Auxi- liary Cltiss. Apply to L. A. Kells, Inspector- .Administrator. Colle- giate Building, noilcville. MEDICAL .IT'S PROVE.N â€" EVRI^I- SIKFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuri- tis should tr.v Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Dru.ir Store, 3.'!.'i Klgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. Sl'OMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-health in humans, all apres. .No one im- mune! Why not find out If thi.s Is .vour trouble, interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists. Toronto 3 BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly 46c bottle. Ottawa agent, nenmnn Drug Store. Ottawa. SATISFY YOURSELF â€" EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should tr.v Dixon's Re- medy. Miinro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. GET READY FOR WINTER. Build up your resistance with Merrills System Tonic Tablets. Canadian favorite for forty years. l-'rom your druggist or postpaid $1.00. from Merrill Pro- duets, !)S Silverhirch .Ave. Toron- to, Ontario. IIAIRURRSNING t^ B A R N HAIRDRESSINt! THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes Robertson's Hairdresslng. Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Roacl. 'Toronto MIISK^AL lA'STnCIHBlV'IN FRED A. nODDINGTO.N BUYS, â- ells, exehnnges musical instru- ments. Ill Church, Toronto 2. opponTimrriRs foh womkn BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. I^enrn Hnlrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. Amerlcs's grentesl »ys- ram. Illustrated catalogiie free Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINf; SCHOOI_S ISS BLOOR W., TORI INTO Branches: 44 King St. MMinlllot. * 74 RIdenu Street (iti.. >v:i PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL READIN(J tOc. Contains your lucky days. When to plant and harvest by moon's phases, etc. Send birth date. Lau- rentlan Specialties. St. Ijaurent Montreal, 9. Que. PHUTOGRAPaiC CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS Your negatives make the most dis- tinctive Christmas Cards you csn get â€" cards that your friends will treasure â€" particularly friends on active service. Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 attractive, embossed greet- ing cards with pictures jirintc-d on â€" and envelopes tor mailing â€" all for C!)c. Order early. (2 Photos on Caiondurs foi- 2.'ic.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box ]l!fK I'OMtuI Terminal .\, Toronto A customer at Berwick. N.S., writes us; "t received the beautiful i;hri8t- mas cards which you printed from my own negatives, and I want you to know how pleased I am with your wonderful work and prompt service. I will be a regular custom- er of Star SniipNiiot ^terTlce from now on." Any .Size Roll â€" (1 or 8 Exposures. DF.VELOPRn AND PRINTKI) Wc s .moijIVTeh knlargemrxt.s unc Size 4" X t>" in Beaittiful Easel Mounts You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional char^e. Framed EnlnrgetiientN 4" x 6", on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7*' x 0". Burnished Gold or Silver, Circas.ilan Walnut or Black Ebony finish 59c; if enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films propei ly developed and printed. « OR 8 E.KPtlSL'RE noLl.S 26o REPRINTS 8 for 1:5c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Vou may not get all the films you want this year, but you cnii get all the qu.'ility and service you desire by .sending your films to IMPEIIIAL PHIITt) SEHVICB Station I, Toronto I'A'I'EIVTS FETHERSTONHAUliH & CUMPA.NY Patent Solicitors. Established 1800: 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Inrorination on re- quest. W .Wi'l-lll W.VNT HOl'SI-; IN VILLAGE, town or (Ml Higluvti.v, prefer wlttl little land. Also want business, an.y kind. State full parliculnrs. price etc. fleorge l>riininiotid, Owen St)un(l, Ontaritt. WA.NTKD TO Ht'V A HAY I'RESS. A. Al.veu, Curries, Ont. Phone 25r24. llurgcKsville Line. MANN OR SI.\.MKSE CAT l>l( KIT-^ ten purt-breii, llov 511, T'l .\del- aJde St. W. Toronto. QUANTITY OF LARGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb i.'ontp.'iny.- 85 Kins Street West, 'â- "oronlo, Ont. FEATHERS, l''EATI110R BEDS OF all descriptions: highest prices . paid. For particuiar.s write to Qiiecn City Feather Co.. t:\ Bald- win St., I'oroMlo. WANTED TO pcTtc L\SE 1 'I'l.L- ets all age s antl breeds. High prices p aid Apply Box N o. 5L 73 Adela Idc W.. Tor into HATI'HING EGGS WANTED FOR 104(1 batching se;ison. l*'iocks (Mill- ed and hloodtested free of chnrgo under (Joveiiimeiil Supervision. Guaranteed premium, plus hatch- ability premium paid. For full delail.s. write Uox 3!l, T:i Adelaide W.. Toronto. ISSUE 43â€"1949