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Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1945, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, September 19, 1945 > > ♦ > 'â-  t \'9 -* k. » b 1 . • *♦ The proof of the pudding is in ttie •oting. Th« proof itiat Goodyear tires ore lh« world's first dwica lies in the fact that "More ^eop/e R/de on Goodyear r/res Tban on Anf Oihar Kind". SEE TNI â- ! good/year lEua D. McTAVlSH & SONS FLESHERTON PRICEVILLE A number from here attended Dun- dal'k Fair, Fridiay, despite the disa- Ifreeable wet day. A large crowd attended and enjoyed the splendid Fair. Fourteen ladies from here attended the NJ.WX). Cluto meeting at the home of Mrs. Joe Crutchly, at Dur- ham on Friday last and all enjoyed the splendid meeting. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family were guests Saturday even- ing at the home of Mrr. Jein Lovt. near Hopeville. Jack McArthur at Pi?ton is hom'J and expects his discharge soon. Mr. Gordon Nichol spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Jim Sturrock spent a couple of days at her mother's ii; Swinion Park. Tuesday, 18, the W.M.S. and W.h! met at the home of Mrs. Dan Camp- bell. Mrs. T. Nichol returned after vis- iting with her daugater at London and is at the home of her daughter Mrs. D. L. McArthur. Forty from here attended Anni- versary services at Swinton Park, Sunday last and enjoyed the splendid service. Mr. Archie Sturrock spent a few days at Georgetown. Discord comes from everybody blowing his own horn. Notice To Parents Complaints have been made to me of young people raiding gardens in the village and stealing corn and other produce. Parents are urged to warn their children of the consequen- ces of their acts, so that the offences will not be repeated. â€" WM. KAITTING, Constable. CEYLON (Intended for Last Wsek) Pfc. Margaret Beegle, Fort Dix, New Jersey, is spending a week vis- iting with her mother, y.:i. McDoug- all, at the home ci her su.r, Mrs. J. Meads. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mcl'annell and family and Mrs. Bella MiCann- ell and son, Alex of Protor. .isited on SunUi-y with Mr. and Mrs. J. Meads. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gibson and fam- ily visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meads and Mr. and Mrs. John Meads. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sibson 6he past week were Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Tracey and two sons, Roger and Bruce of Detroit; F. O. Harold Tracey of Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Tracey and Miss Diana* Phillips of Toronto; Mrs. Jack Gib- son and daughter, Ruth of Midland; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips of Owen Souiid. Mrs. Doug Bullock and Miss Mur- iel Squair of Toronto are holidaying with Mrs. Joseph Oliver and Mr. R. C. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Schweikert, Detroit, Michigan, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell this week. Mrs. L. Duckett, Mrs. E. Doupe and Murray and Joan of Ceylon, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett, Maxwell, at- tended the funeral last Friday of Mrs. Wm. McCartney. CoUingwood. Receait visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe were Mr. Dave Genoe, Eugenia,' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gen- oe and daughter, Edna of Meaford and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnott and daughter, Faye of Durham. Mrs. J. Knox was a recent visitor with her brother, Mr. Alex Richard- son and Mrs. Richardson. Mr. D. McKinnon of Malton spent the week end with friends in the vi cinity. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson and family of Toronto and Miss Mary McMullen, Toronto, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Mullen. Mr. Harry Huston and daughter, Ruth, London, spent the week end at the home of Mr. Peter Muir. Mrs. Huston and Archie returned to Lon- don after spending some time at the home of Mr. Muir. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair of Dun- dalk were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair and Mrs. J. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. CoUinson and Mr. and Mrs. T. Collins, Brantford, were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. J. F. Collinson. Mrs. Edwaid and son, Murray are holidaying with friends in Toronto. Visitors the first of the week with Mrs. C. Archibald were. Miss Jessie Inglis. Cla'^ Inglis, Mr. Oliver Ing- lis, Miss May Cook and Mr. Albert Cook of Walkerton; Mrs. Doug. Bul- lock, Miss Muriel Squair of Toron- to; Miss Marie Meads, Flesherton; Miss Jean Matthew, Toronto; Mr. H. .\rchi!|ild, .\gincourt. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDermid and son, Melville, visited with friends in Glenelg last Sunday. Mr. ^^d Mrs. Thos. Genoe of Cey- lon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred .\rnott and daughter, Faye of Durham visited recently with" Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe, "Eugenia. Borden spent the week end at his home here. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Stuart Carson of Bowmanville and Mr. Claude brinkwell of Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee and family over the week. Miss Joan Crawicrd has returned to Preston to resume High School after spending the past five weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cy Crawford and brother, Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and family, Col- lingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill of Orange Valley and Mr. Harry Pallister of Ishawa visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson of Dur- ham and Mr. and Mrs. Dickson of Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawler Sunday. Mrs. P. J. Somers, Helen and Na- omi of Mildmay spent the week end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawler visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Han- nah of Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary at- tended Durham Fair on Friday. STH r INE OSPREY Mr. Dean Clinton of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Han- ley on Friday. Mr. Wesley . Lawler spent a few davs in Toronto recenfly. Our deepest sympathy is extend- ed to Mrs. Herb Hawkins in her bereavement. Mv, and >ns. S. MacNab and Alex of Chatsworth visited recently with M'ssrs. Kendal and Kilbourne Haw- kins. Miss Velma Smith of Feve-sham spent a couple of days last wesu with her cousin, Mrs. Lloyd Ste- phens. Mrs. Alex Foster called on her daughte'i, Mrs. Jas. Ottewell Sunday evening. C.P.N. Tom Stephens of Camp POULTRY MARKETING WE URGE YOU TO FATTEN AND MARKET ALL POULTRY AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE By selling now you are saving weeks of feed- ing and labour, receiving good market prices and helping us to handle the great vojifme of poultry orderly. If you find it inconvenient to dress your poultry, x|et us dress it for you. You will benefit by it. nealiirlM Craomery & Produce l^ione H - Angus Avis, Manager FEVERSHAM Many old friends here and throughout the district were sorry to learn of the death on August 28 of Mrs. A. T. Hutchinson, Strong- I field, Sask., who was a former re- sident of our village. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the ber- eaved husband and family and other relatives. We were also sorry to hear that Dr. Fred Ottewell, a former resident here and on the 12th Line had pass- ed away on August 24 at Ladner, B.C. Sincere sympathy is extended to the sorrowing wife and family. School opened September 4th with Miss Pincome of Dorchester, as teacher in the Continuation School and Mrs. Rozell Conn again teach- ing in the Public School. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mills who moved! recently to the Whiteoak residence lately purchased by them. Cpl. Jim Robertaon who had been stationed for some time at Debert, N.S., returned to his home here. Mr. Ken Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long happened with what might have been a very seri- ous accident last week while buzz- ing wood when the buzz-saw struck him in the .chest. He was taken to Markdale Hospitail, where he re- mained for a few days and is home and able to be around again. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson over the week end were their brother-in-law an.d iUr. Davidson's three sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Johii Stoutenberg, St. Caherines; Mrs. D. Robinson, Deck- erville, Mich., a^id Mi&s Lillian Dav- idson, Buffalo, N.Y. They called Sunday afternoon on Mr. and Mrs. George Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Lome McQuay and Dianne, Collingfwood, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heit- man. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Patterson, Norman and Rus- sell, Toronto; and Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrison and Jim of CoUingwood were week end visitors with Mi. and Mrs. Rozell Conn. Mr. and .\Irs. R. Conn attended the farewell service of their broth- er-in-law, Hev R. Gordon at Proton on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Guy Kaitting and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kerr, Duncan spen- Sun- day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. George Burke. Bums Presbyterian Church, Fev- ersham, will hold .special ser-ices on Sunday, September 23r.-i at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. to celebrate the 83rd an- niversary of the founding of their church. The guest speaker will be Rev. Louis Shein, who will preach at both services. MAXWELL The Women's Institute held their meeting last week in honor of the Grandmothers at the home of Mrs. Wm. Meredith when about 15 grandmothers were present. The afternoon was spent in a very so- cial way, a short program of songs, readings and the minuette was danced by two of the members of the W.I. A prize was given for the oldest grandmother, which was won by Mrs. M. Guy and a prize for the youngest grandmother won by Mrs. Wm. Seeley and a prize for the most grandchildren, which was won by Mrs. (Jeo. Young. Mrs. Meredith composed a welcome song, which, was sung by some of the members, which goes to the tune of "March- ing Through Georgia", Hello, all the grandmothers, who are assembled now We will entertain you and in re- Ready for Fall With Your Hardware Needs FOR THE HOME Stoves, Heaters, Stove Pipes and Elbows, Enamel- ware, Canning Supplies, Pails, Paints, Enamels, Wax, Polish. Westinghouse Mazda Lamps, Radio and Flashlight Batteries, Aladdin Lamps and Parts, Glass, Putty, Roofing, Roof Cement. FOR THE FARM Plow Shares, Soles, Plow Lines, Sweat Pads, Halters, Harness Parts, Cattle Chains, Stall Irons, Royal Purple and Dr. Bell's Stock Remedies. Fresh Cement, Lime and Plaster Fuel: Coal and Coke Coming Soon â€" Guns, Rifles auid Ammunition Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON spect we bow. We hope you like the afternoon and when it's done you'll say It really was a jolly time we had up there today. Hurrah! Hurrah! for all the grand- mas here Hurrah! Hurrah' for each one is a dear. We extend a hand and say a wel- come waits here From The Maxrwedl Women's Insti- tute. A bounteous lunch was served at tfce close, a grandmothers cakse made by the Flesherton bakery ^vas a treat to ali who were there to enjoy it. T. S. COOPER WILL ADDRESS CEYLON LADIF;5' AID SEPT. 27 The regular meeting of Ceylon Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Gibson on Thursday. Spt. 2'Jth, at 8 p.m. Mr. T. Stewart Cooper will be the guest speaker, talking on the Blue Cross Hospitali- zation Plan. Members and their husbands are urged to attend. Vicar: "How did you get that black eye, Mrs. Green?" "Well, sir. me 'usband came out of prison last Toosday, which was 'ia birthday, and I wished 'im many happy returns!" _,.^ ^"â- -jK" tfm< m â- :y. THE DICE AGAINST YOU Canadians are lucky. So far we've prevented inflation and -voided deflation. It's not been just good luck. Your supportâ€" everybody's supportâ€" of price ceilings, rationing and other controls alone has made it possible. BL/r NOIV COMES THE Rlkl TESTING TIME. The danger of inflation and its black shadow, deflation, wilJ last as long as goods ore scarce and insufficient to meet demands. V/lth the war over and plenty of money in our pockets it's easy to overlook the danger. it's easy to think that paying just a little more to get something we want is unimportant now. It's easy to think that what you do can't hurt â€" and to forget that careless, extravagant buying is o sure way to help a general rise in prices. That's how inflation gets going. BUT INFLATION IS ALWAYS FOLLOWED BY DEFLATION. And deflation brings cancelled orders, bankrupt businesses, mortgage foreclosures, unemployment and distressâ€" distress yo« can't ovoid. Until industry gets back to normal, price ceilings, rationing and other controls are our safeguard. SO •» Keep on watching your buying. Don't rush to buy scare* goods. Kmp en saving your mon«y. Put M into Victory bond* and War Savings coftificato*. Koop on supporting wag* and pric* control*, and raNoning. K**p on figltMng inflation and its black shadow ... dollation. TMi adv»rtl(«m«nt Is en* ot a tarlos b«lna ItHMd by tlio OovoraaMirt of Cairada to •mphatlx* H:« hnpertonc* of pravanttni â-  funtior Ino-sis In Mm cost ot living new end deflotlen and unemployment later.

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