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Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1945, p. 3

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.Return of Over 4.70% Massey-Harris Company Limited â€" the largest manufacturer of agricultural implements la the British Empire â€" was established in IB-l?. Tlie 6Ji% Cumulative Convertible Preferred Shares of the Company earned $2.92 per share in 1944, compared with the dividend of $1.25 per share. At the current market of about $26}.^, the shares offer a return of over 4.70%. Mail inqu ries receive prompt attention. _ ^ 36 King Street Wat Wood, Gundy & Company Toronto Limited Tdephone: ELpin 4321 JAPS HAD WORLD'S LARGEST SUB Voice of the Press THAT IS, IF WE C^ When we want to buy s^e of that stuff to kill weeds in thc^^n, we won't dodge our resppiigaHtity by asking for 2,4-fj; Nb^iiF ^11 walk right up to the counter and demand boldly, ."Give .us .some dichlorophenoxyacetic acid." â€" Windsor Star â€" o â€" THE SAME STUFF A farmer near Roblin Manitoba, has dug up a piece of pemmican which is extremely dry and tough, and estimated to be 150 years old. Our butcher has a big cache of this stuff, but he calls it steak. â€" Peterborough Examiner. â€" o â€" DOUBLE TROUBLE The Japs have trouble pronounc- ing the letter "1"â€" and considering the certoin kind of a fix they're In, the handicap is doubly serious. â€" Ottawa Citizen OR APOLOGIES FOR SAME If you believe in signs, those affairs in the millinery shop won- dows are Fall hats. â€" Stratford Beacon-Herald. U. S. TAKES OVER The American flag that flew over the Capitol in Washington on the day of Pearl Harbor last week flew over Tokyo, says the New York Time* It was the flag that was flown over Rome July 4, 1944, and over Berlin July 20, 1945. It had been selected by President Roose- Telt as the symbol of .America's triumph over her enemies. With the dramatic ceremony of its rais- ing over the burned-out ruins of this last Axis capital its mission was fulfilled. The event was the highlight of the formal occupation of Tokyo by Gen. Douglas Mac.^rthur, Supreme Commander for the Allies, and his men. Koala bears are nocturnal ani- mals, and spend the daytime dos- ing or sleeping. EASE MUSCULAR PAIN THIS WAY- I Insfoniine Tablet brings FAST RELIEF! If tou suffer from muscular aches or pains, and have been relying on slow- acting, sometimes ineffective remedies to tiring you a measure of relief, learn all about the Instantine 1-tablet-way to fast relief from simple pain. You see, fast-acting Instantine tablets are a skiUful combination of three proven medicinal ingredients, scientifically com- pounded to relieve pain promptly. Chances are you may be surprised at the speed with which 1 Instantine tablet can Inint you wtlcome relief I You can count on lostantine's triple-action to work in these ways t* give you fast reUef from pain: 1. SpMdily easa pain. 2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Rwluce "deprwssetkfeeling." Giv* mild, stimulating "lift." Instantine never pampers pain, but • works fast to bring needed comfort. Re- member Instantme, too, whenever you suffer from hcadacht or the discomfort of a told ot sort throat. You can get Instantine at any drugstore. 4nslantine 1945 Famine Facts From 5 Countries No Fresh Meat For Rations; No Fodder For Livestock Meat rationing make you un- happy? Feel that it's unfair to have only about two pounds of meat a ' week? Take a look at what five key European countries have to get by on: FRANCE: a Chin slice of meat a week, equal to one-tenth of a pound. Meat in restaurants only on Sundays and legal holidays. Meat consumption in Paris down, from 117,000 tons to BOOO tons. Starvation bringing disease in Its wake. Children especially suffer- ing; Infant mortality rate up 60 per cent. _ BELGIUM: One meat meal dur- ing the week. Nine-tenths of Bel- gium's chickens have disappear- ed. There Is no fodder for cattle and all slaughtering has been stop- ped until the herds can somehow be built up. Belgians have to rely on what meat they can buy abroad. HOLLAND: most meals built around sugar beets. Horsemeat, when it can be obtained. Is $20 a pound. Mercy convoys from Bri- tain doing their best to provide Dutch children with soup. GREECE: there is absolutely no fresh meat for rations. All the pigs have disappearixl and practically all the dairy cows. One and a half million people are living In caves, scarcely keeping themselves alive. One million people have malaria. YUGOSLAVIA: livestock popula- tion wiped out. A shipload of sheep from abroad had to be unloaded by the crew; the Yugoslav men were too weak from starvation to work. People who are strong enough are bringing small quantities of grain In on their backs from hundreds ot miles away. There simply isn't any food. Churchill Wielded Too Much Power? One reason given for the defeat ot Winston Churchill Is that the former Prime :\Iinister had ac- quired too much personal power through his leadership In the war, comments thi? Windsor Star. It is a trait ot the English people that they dislike seeing anyone ap- proach the position ot a dictator. Although Mr. Churchill may neith- er have wished to be nor was a dictator, there is no doubt about the great power he wielded. In war the people followed his leadership. but once the crisis against Germany had ended, the people decided it was time to end such power being In the hands of any Individual. even Mr. Chur- chill's. There were so many factors In the recent election in Britain. It Is Idle to single out any special one. But. It Is always interesting to re- view some ot the opinions. Too Smart To Live This atom smashing business prompts the thought that the world is getting too smart. Some creatures of the past became ex- tinct because they were too dumb to live. Now there's the danger that mankind may become extinct beciuise it is too smart to live. â€" Kitchener Record. LydiaE. Pinkham'sVegetableCompound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings â€" when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkham's Compound htlfs naturtl Follow label directions. Try ill Japan Must Pay For Ghastly Crime One ot the most tragic' photo- graphs to come out ot the war was found in the pockets of a dead Jap, says The Ottawa Jou.ual. It showed a blindfolded white officer kneeling in front ot ranks of grin- ning Japs, in front of him a Jap officer with the sword of decapiia- tion poised for the fatal blow. Now it is announced the officer was Lieut. William Newton, V.C. of .\ustralia, beheaded by the Japs in New Guinea in 1943 â€" one of the most ghastly crimes of the war, and one for which certainly Japan must pay. The American flag flies above the Japanese battle flag on this captured enemy submarine, world's larg- est and twice the size of any the U. S. has. Note size of superstructure in relation to U. S. sailors of the prize crew on deck, and the three big guns it mounts. The giant sub carried three plane:. Lights Go Out Again In London Britain, which happily wel- comed sparkling lights when Ger- many was defeated, now watches the blackout creep back. Darkened streets are part of the austerity program the British peo- ple have been told t'ney must ex- pect to continue in greater or less degree for perhaps two years. After the splurge of bright lights in cele- bration ot peace, shortages of elec- trical power and gas have made â€" In the opinion of the government â€" conservation essential. And so, in London, the lights are going out at midnight in various areas, 'w'lth street lights turned on at dusk and off at midnight. There . will be half-Ughting on by-roads, with only every other street lamp lighted. Other large cities are following the same procedure, amid com- plaints from residents who had hoped tor a speedier return to pre- war conditions. "It looks as though we had bet- ter make up our minds to it that the days ot rejoicing faded with the VJ celebrations; everything,^ from cigarets to clothes, will soon be in shorter supply than ever and darkness will presently become the only completely unrationed commodity." said the Manchester Guardian on the conservation pro- gram. Although It Is the oldest conti- nent geologically, Australia was the last to be occupied by white men. Not Bad â€" Hitler's Income $6,009,000 Ad alt Hitler received an annual income ot ?2.640,000. secret Ger- man budget figures disclosed re- cently. In the third year of the war his income rose to nearly $6,- 000.000 as a result of his special benefits from German v/artime taxes. It Should Be Is the Encyclopedia Britannica's face red I "The Japanese," it aays, "are essentially \ kindly-hearted, laughter-loving people, taking life easily and not allowing its petty ills unnecessarily to disturb their equanimity.'' â€" Ottawa Citizen. Bearers are far more valuable for conservation of water than tor their fur. rrS AMAZING hovr the "Radiant Roast" used in manufacturing Maxwell House Coffee brings out the flavor and jioodness of this fine blend. Every bean is roasted evenly, all through. We recommend: YELLOWKNIFE GOLD MINES, LTD. (No Personal Liability) Bid 40, Ask 45 Circular on request Alliance Securities Telephone ELgin 4104-4105 Four Colborne Street, Toronio 1, Ont. B.l^BY CHICKS PULLKT-S 12 WEEKS UP lO 2i1 weeks. Pure breeds and hybrids. Day old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Free circular. Top Xotch Chickeries, Gueiph. Ontario. TO AVOID DISAPPOIXTME.VT. order your October-Xovembor chioks early. We've a very few started on hand. Bray Hatchery. 130 John X.. Hamilton. Ont. FREE RAXGE PULLETS PURE breeds and hybrids 12 weeks up to laying*. Also day old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ont. Ill sixEss orroitriMTiK'S $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTICIP.VTE IN monthly Bond draw. Other prizes. Details on receipt. Shares $1.00 each or 6 for So. 00. Send tor shares to St. Catharines Optimist Club. Box 445-H.. St. Catharines. Ontario. $10,000 HOME BUILT .A.XY\VHERE LX C-^X-A.DA to winner's specifications. cr ilO.OOO in cash will be awarded lucky winner. Also chance on ilOO monthly draw. Winner is still eligible for house draw. All proceeds for children's welfare. Tickets »1 each â€" 12 for $10. Mail remittance to Sudbury Kiwanis Club. Box B3. DYEING AND CLE.iSIXG HAVET you AXYTHING .VEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street. To- rotTto. ^_^__^_^___ FAioi ma<;hi>'Kkv von sai.f. NEW BRIGGS & STR.UTOX AIR- cooled gasoline engines. Most up- to-date engine made. Low cost. Dealers orders invited. Scope Sales Co., Box 852. Ottawa. Ont. "VIKIXG" CREASl SEP.VRATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited. 720 Xotre- Dame West. Montreal 3, Que. FOR SALE QUAX-l'ITY OF L.VRGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb Company. S.i King Street West. Toronto. Out. PIANOS. OUR SMALL XEW PIAXOS will be available shortly. Beauti- ful In design and tone. Circular mailed promptly. Factory Mason and RIsch Limited, 642 King Street West, Toronto. PIPE WRENCHES. RIDGID TRIMO Stillson 14: 18: and 24 inch at .2i' per inch 36 and 48 inch at .2,') per Inch. CUMMTNO WRECKING CO. LTD. 1578 Windsor Ave., Windsor. Ont. '41 BUICK S^DAN WILL BE SOLD FOR » 1.001 TO holder of lucky ticket at Picker- ing Rotary Fair. October *?. Send $1.00 for five tickets to Box 200, Pickering. Onf, 1942 PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDAN WILL BE SOLD TO HOLD- er of winnlnjr ticket, to be drawn In Hespeler, Thanksgiving Day. Tickets tSc, 8 for $1.00. Proceeds Kinsmen Service Charities. Send for tickets to Kinsmen Club, Box 4J8-C.Z., Hespeler. Ont. ANGORAS OF QUALITY. HIGH producer! ot excellent wool. Un- related trios, two months old, $10. Older stock reasonable. J. 'W. Noble. Box B, KIrklnnd Lake, Ontario. FOR SALE PUREBRED SPRI.XGER SPAXIEL Pupp;e.s. male, not eligible for rcgi.«tration. Ten dollars. Also malt.', (.ne year, eligible for reg- Istratior. R. H. Btnn, RxJute G. XapaiitM-. Ont. HOTEL. LICE.XSED. L-\RGE GAI^ lonage: $70,000 cash full price, includes building. furniture, equipment: also oiher hotels, ict; busir.ess. tourist cabins, poultry farm, bakery, restaurants and number good farms, .\pply James D. Campbell, 20 L'rim:ey St., Port Hope. Ont. REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS, six weeks, very choice breetnng. less without papers. Wm. Camp- bell. Cornwall, Ont. CHINCHILL.\ AXtl NEW ZEAL^VXD White Rabbits for sale. Good stocli. reasonable. Write Wylie McEaihron. McArthurs Mills. Ont. SWEET'OLENE SUGAR SUBSTI- tute: et-iuivalent to 20 pound.i sugar. Sl.OO postpaid. Box 61-AA. Digby, .Nova Scotia. W.VTERIA30 SEPARATOR 36 X 48 with Ebersole Feeder and Clover Kecleaner. .'Vlso Waterloo Separ- ator 33 X 50. roller bearings. Will sell or trade on Combine. Minto Noble. R. R. 1. Leamington. Ont. SURPLUS ARMY STORES Army Petrol Cans, capa.-it.v 2 Imp. gallons: with carrying handle and heavy brass cap. Just the thing for carryijig extra gaioline. water, anti- freeze or any liquid. Price 79c each. Used Land Mine Boxes, 8V4 x 8% x 28" long. Price $1.39 each. Used Ammunition Boxes. 13 x 11 x 18" high, double hinged cover. 18 g-a. steel. Two heavy carrying handles. Price $1.75 each. All-purpose metal containers. 17" high X lOS X SH. with slip-on cover and canvas carrying strap. Price .79c each. 6' Folding Mess Tables, price $5.95 each. 6' Folding Benches. $2.20 each. KAR.MS FOR »^A1,K C.O.D. â€" T'ransportation charges ex- tra. Write The Alison Machinery Com- pany Limited, 208 Simcoe St., To- ronto 21.;, Ontario. J^C(H*t^yiam!f vieiT«au ISSUE Mâ€" IMI UP TO DATE DRUG ST"ORE equipped with Soda Fountain Service and Souvenir Shop. Good business ail year round. Reply to Poitras Pharmacy. 210 Main St., Liichute. Que., 45 miles from Montreal. ELECI'RIC MOTORS. NEW. USEP bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St.. To- ronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND .A.XI? UKl' AIRED. Ex- pert worktnftnship. Moderate prices. Lloyd M- Bettger. Monk- ton. Ontario. '" FARMS FOR S.ALE 75 ACRES FOR SALE. GOOD buildings. 2 miles to Barrie, 8 acres wheat, 12 acres clover, 25 acres ploughed. Plenty water: well fenced; hydro available. Possession Oct 1: $2700 down. Apply Earl Barron, Barrie. Ont. NORTH BAT DISTRICT â€" 160 acres, free and clear deed. Good road to property. Good hunting and fishing. Total price $500. If you want a quiet property In a good place to relax, give me a call. Several more properties In same district. Geo. Wight. $03 Canada BIdgr., Windsor. Ont. II ACRES FRUIT FAR.M. 16 ACRES of fruit trees, new modern 6-room dwelling with space above for 3 additional rooms; large enclosed veranda, double garage, 2 wells. Hydro, modern conveniences, $12,- (00 terms to suit. A bargain for {be ahrewd buyer. S. Vujkov. >,R. 1. School Rd., Nlagara-on- $0.000 â€" DUYS CHOICE luO ACRES in Sunnidale, good bui'.dmgs, near school, highway, Stayner. Was- ago Beach, good water, immed- iate possession. Ill health reason selling. Arthur Gibson, Stayner, Ont. $6,500 BUYS A 250 ACHE FAItM. situated IH miles frorr. :he town of Perth and H mile from school, situated on It Is a large frame house, and stable room for 40 head of slock. There is a never failing supply of spHn.a: water. Thls is a good dairy farm, there Is enough wood on it to pay for It. A. J. Croskery. Perth. Ont, PEEL COUNTY FARM. 100 ACRES, good buildings, hardwood bush, spring creek, hydro avail-able; Caledon Vill.age 2 miles. Apply on premise only, no letter.*. W. J. Trathen. Caledon. Ont Phone 13-121. 104 ACRES FARM. RICH LOAM soil. Xcw steel barn in 1937, nei»r- ly new 8 roomed frame bouse. Hydro, running water in both house and barn. 8 acres bush, driving shed and hen coop, good fences. 25 acres hay and pasture, the rest ploughed, drilled well $8,000, at least $4,000 in cash, 10 miles from Gueiph. 3 miles from Rockwood. 5 mile.-s from Acton, 1 mile to school. Mrs. T. Halcovitch, R.R. 4. Rockwood, Ont. 100 ACRES DAIRY FARM LEVEL sandy cla.v loam, near Xo. 2 high- way, good buildings. 2 steel roof barns, hog house, hen house, house,, new cement stables, silo, drillled well, hydro pressure system, good paying asparagus bed, close to town and villages, all conveniences. Price S7300. Phone 65 R 11, Princeton. J. C. Griep. 103-.\CRE FARM. GOOD SOIL, stone road. 2 miles from town. Box 245 Dunnvllle. Ont. 200 ACRES FOR SALE. CLAY loam, sprin.g creek, good house, good well, windmill. Charlie Bell. Nobleton. Ont. FARM, 100 ACRES. 4'.4 MILES from Seaforth. Ont., \i mile from highway. fenced and drained, mostly under cultivation: never- failing stream at back: large bank barn with overflowing well: 8-roomed concrete houpe with hard .ind soft water inside: also garage. Write or phone Lome S, Webster. Seaforth, Ont. 200-ACRE FARM. LOT 18. (XiN. 13. Enniskillen Township, one mile off Xo. 21 Highway. Eight-room brick house, full basement. Barn 40 ft. by 60 ft., finished off with cement maTi.gers and steel stanch- lon.s. 12x40 concrete .silo. Good nl^chine shed and crnnarv. Good flay loam, well tiled. 25 acres hardwood bush. Apply Walter Clark. Wyoming. Ontario. H AIRUItKSSl.VG m--.i.p WA\'i'Kn WANTEPâ€" - EXrERll!:NCED FARM help.>" work offered on large Dairy Farm. Mod.:'rn build- ings and equipment. .-Vocommoda- tion furnished on pronu.>^es. Apply at farm. Oriole (Lansing) or phone Asincourt 87WI. Write Box 151, Lansing. Wynyatcs Farm. MFDICAl, DIXON'S REMEDY â€" FOR NEUR- Itls and Rheumatic Pains. Thous- ands satisfied. Mimro's Drug Store. 33.'"i Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1 no. STOMACH AND rHKEAf WtlRMS often sre the csuse of lU-henlth In humnns. all sges No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulnrs â€" Free! Write Mulveney'' Remedies. Soeclallsts. Toronto I RAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly 45c bottle. Ottawft nirert Penmnn Drue Store nttnwa READ THIS â€" EVERY ."SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drusr Store. 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. L E A R .S HAIitUf-^ESSlNG THE Robertson metiiod. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- em\' 1:^7 Ave,i;ip R'>nd Toronto. Ml >iIC Al. l-V>rRl MESIS FKED .A. BODDINGTO-X BUYS, selis. exchanc'es musical ir.^tru- m,'n:,=: *!' Chitroil. Tornnt.^ -. oi'i'dR Ti -M'l n:> lott v',iinii.\ BE A H.-\IRDRI£SSE:'R JOl.N (.'ANAPAS LEAl'iN"; SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. -America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. SVrite or call MARVEL HAIKDRESSIXG SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Bronci'.es- 44 King St. Hamilton .V "; n' i-^nn -^'-pe* I'lr'nwn. fi4«>TOGR.ArHIC WINDSOR PHOTO FINISHERS give you bePter pictures. Try our gloss-tex finish and see the dif- ference; six and eight exposure rolls developed and printed Sue, reprints .03c each. Windsor Photo Finishers, Box 490, Wind- sor. On*. "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS "... and the prompt manner In which you return work is greatly, appreciated." Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED A,\D PRINTED 25c Don't risk losing pictures. Send your film rolls to CANAD.'N'S L.-\RGEST .A.ND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures at Lower Cost. Prompt mail service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Stvle .Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4c extra) is sent with film roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts. 3 for 25c. Framed, on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", in Gold, Silver. Circassian Walnut or Block Ebony finish frames. aOc each. If enlargement colored. 79c each* OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograpO or snapshot . and make any. number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost Is reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us you want done and we will tell >'ou the cost before doitig the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Narno nnd .â- \i1dreps Plainly OD TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Vour films propcrl,\ ,tcveio:»ed and printed. 6 OR 8 R.XPOSURE ROLLS 25o REPRINTS 8 for 25o FINEST ENL-ARGING SERVrCE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMI'ERI.AL FHOTO SER%'1CB ,'<t;it,,tn !,-,nto I'ATK.V TM EKTHERSTONHALCH Ji CO.Ml'A.NY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 Kins West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- niiest AVANTKI) H,\TrHl.NG EGGS WA.NTED FOR 1946 hatching season. Flocks cull- ed and bloodtcsted free of charge under- Government Supervision. Guaranteed premium, plus hatch- ability premium p.aid. For full detail.", write Box 39, 78 Adelaide W.. Toronto. WANTED TO PURCH.ASE PUL- lets, (II breeds from 8 weeks up to laylngt. Good prices psld. Apply to Bo« 3n. 73 AdolMlde W_ To. ronto. (' â- ^

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