Wednesday, July 25, 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'S*'' KIMBERLEY On Tuesday afternoon Union and Kimberjey Sunday schools joined at Kimberky for a picnic at the school grounds and C. Park. They enjoyed a ball grame for the ladies. Mrs L McMullen and Mrs. Lougheed choos- ing up sides. Score Kimberlev 19, Union 13. This was followed hy T*'^?^ -r^?^'^ ^^^ ^f"''^ ""''ei- six L,eith Uebcr and Jean Charters All runninsr received a prize. From six to seven, girls, Evelyn Ferguson, Fay Ellis, boys, Ronald Lawrence and Johnny Wallace; eight to ton, girls, Marilyn Shilvach, Gloria Fer- guson; bo.^-s, Billie Elford. Garnet Ferguson; 11 to 12, Vclnia Hutchin- son Ruth Chard; R. MteMullcn, D. rtallaco; 15. Shirley MfeMullen, Aul- da Hewgill, Keith Carruthers, Keith Ellis; 3 leg race, Jr., Bilile Elford and Kcii Kirkipatricli; sr., Ri/ssell Chard, Uiok Hewgill, D. McMullen and Barl Henderson. Bean guess- ing, Mrs. C. Shilvoch, Velnia Hutch- inson, Stunt I. Smith. All enjoyed a basket picnic together in the com- munity hall. .Miss Easter Magee is the guest of Kimbtrley friends. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wardman is vi- siting Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wober and (ither friends. Mrs. D. Doris and children are vi- siting Mr. and Mrs. T. Soul. Mr. and Mr.s. Bert Parker of Tor- onto and Mr. and Mts. W. Graham and Joy of Markdale visited Mr. and .Mrs. D. A. Graham Saturday. Mrs. B. A. Carruthers is having an enjoyable visit as guest of Rev. and Mr.s". J. S. Veals at Mona Road. Mrs. A. Hurlburt leaves Monday for Toronto then on to Chicago to visit her son, Harry. She gave a very fine missionary re- port of the recent convention in Tor- onto to which she was a delegate from Central B.C. W.M.S, VICTORIA CORNERS ; ;< 1 1 1 1 ♦♦♦» 1 1 1 1 1 1 ♦ 1 1 1 1 11 1 i | i. > »i|i»»»»»»»»»»«»»»«i| 1 1 1 1 1 1 »; ^ English Bone China iiCups and Saucers II Just Arrived, a nice assortment of FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS IN ENGLISH i BONE CHINA .These goods have been in very short supply for some time and we are fortunate in having them to offer again PRICED FROM $1.25 ;; PIONEER POULTRY FOODS ^ fc Chick Starter Growing Mash Poultry Concentrate Laying Mash Fattening Mash Pig Starter During June, July and August Store will be OPEN * Wednesday Evenings and CLOSED all day Thursday. F. H. W. HickHng General Merchant FLESHERTON .Mr. Fred Bannon returned Wed- nesday evening from his trip to Mexico. He carries with him sev- eral souvenirs of interest. The jour- ney was one of n.uch pleasure hav- ing stopped at several places en- route. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gowanlook, sons, Edwin and Allan spent the \<<eek end of Ji^ly 14-15 at their par- ental homes near Orillia. Mrs. Gow- anlock and sons remained for a week's vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Talbot and Shirley, Hamiltfon, spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Talbot. Mrs. W. G. Talbot goes to Toronto today (Mon- day) to the Toronto General Hos- pital 'to undergo fuHher observa- tion and treatment. We trust she may obtain favorable results. Mr. and Mrs. S- J- Simmons, Dun- dalk, were Wednesday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Moore. Haying operations are the chief occupation of the day now. Another of the local boys have returned home to Protpn Station in the person of Flying Officer Jack Dingwall. A welcome home party in his honour was held in Proton Hall on Thursday evening under the leadership of the legion with Mr. Wally Wellwood as chairman. After a varied programme, Miss Ruth Sherson read an addres'S and Bert Hodgins presented Jack with a purse of money. The best wishes of the friends and neighbors of Proton Station. Jack replied in a few well chosen words. Lumch was served and the remaider of the evening spent in dancing. Flying Officer Dingwall has signed up with the Pacific Fleet. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon spent the week end in Toronto at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wall- er. While there they had the plea- sure of meeting again their son, Jim, his wife and little son. Tommy, who have spent the past fourteen and a half months in Vancouver, where Jim has been stationed with the R.C.A.F. Miss Doris Bannon, Sarnia also spent the same week end at the same home. To-night (Monday) is the occa- sion of a party at the home of Mr. pickling, Flesherton, in honour of his niece and liusband, recent bride and groom, Rev. Mr. £tnd Mrs. Huff of Saskatchewan. Mrs. Huff was the former Rev. Alice Armstrong, and a former minister on this charge. Our heartiest congratula- tions to the bride and groom for many years of happy wedded life together. Fred and Jack Bannon attended a rousing charivari party on Wed. night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ru.ssell Phillip's recent groom and bride. ^ ni()M (MABiS) CAmriTA 7 ^ Your bank is a link between the man in Canada who has goods and services to buy or sell, and his customers abroad. The business of your bank is not all done in dollars and cents. It renders valuable service to Canadian business in the far-off market places of the worlfl, overcoming the obstacles of strange currencies, be they pesos or piasters, escudos or rupees. Through its commercial correspondents and business connections all over the globe, your bank often has the specialized informa- tion necessary to bring buyer and seller together, no matter how far apart they live. Your bank is able to gather information on the reliability of foreign firms, to handle letters of credit, to arrange the compli- cated exchange of funds, performing an individual, intricate and inexpensive service to importers and exporters alike. This tMtiro of Canadian banking has a direct bearing on your welfare. It has, through many years, developed the sale of Cana- dian goods abroad, resulting in more jobs for Canadian men and women. Local and PersoDdi Miss Tena Henderson is visiting in Toronto this week. 'Master A, flenderson spent tho past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton spent a couple of days last week fishing at Pike Bay. Miss Ethel Goff, Thombury, spent the pdst several days with her cous- in. Miss Dorothy .Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong of Toronto are holidaying at their sum- mer home in the village. Miss Hattie McRae of Windsoi spent the past week ' holidaying in town with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton and family spent the week end at Guelph. Mrs. W. E. Morgan is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Glen McDonald, at Chatsworth. Mrs. Chas. Ball of Ml. Forest was a visitor last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton. 'Mrs. L. Brown of Brighton spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Thistlethwaite. Mr. George Brown and Mrs. Fred Brown of Forest spent the past week in town with the Brackenbury families. Mr. ad jMrs. Wm. Patto.a ard two children and Miss Ollie McDonald, all of Toronto, sipent the week end at the home 'of .Tonn McDonald. (Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jordison and Harry of Laike St. Peters, Ont., vis- ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Duncan and F. W. Nicholson. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Teeter on Wed., Augnist 1st, at 2:30 p.m. Roll call: A brand (y£ flour and where manufactured. Visitors welcome. Rev. G. E. Huff and Mrs. Huflf (Rev. Alice Armstrong) of Nether- hill, Sask., are spending part of their honeymoon with the latter's uncle, M'r. F. H. W. Hiokling. Mrs. H. R. Herbert of Toronto visited the past week in town with her .mother, Mrs. ' Cargoe. Mrs. Herbert had the privilege and enjoy- ment of talking to her husiband. Major H. R. Herbert, over the trans- atlantic telephone, his voice comino: quite clear. Don't forget the sipecial visitipg Sunday to be held at the Flesherton Cemetery on Sunday, .\ug. 5th. Plot- holders and others interested are cor- dially invited. The Commission will be there to assist you in any way they can. COAL â€" Carload of Alberta coal arrived. Make sure of your supply now. â€" D. McTavish & Sons. SHINGLES â€" Carload of shingles on hand. â€" 0. & A. Co-operative, Flesherton. 8c2 THRESHERS FOR SALE 28-45 (wood) Mount Forest, Cyl- inder, Blower and Cutter equipped with Ball Bearings. .36-48 Waterloo. 36-48 Hamburg. ."M-SO Old Style Mount Forest. Also :; and GIHP International gasoline engines, and endless Thresher Belts. â€" ^A. Eibersol, Milverton, Ont. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PRICEVILLE William D. HalHwell, Mini iter SUNDAY, JULY 29 11 a.m. â€" Memorial service for Opl. Oi-val Harrison. Subject: "Unto The Hills." Sunday School; at 12:15 p.m. "0 COME LET US WORSHIP" WARNING Any person or persons found guil- ty of dunToing refuse less than eight '8) rods from the rn'ad allowance at the FU'sherton nninicipal dumping grounds will be subject to a penalty of a $50.00 fine. Bv order of â€" THiE COUNCIL. Closed THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK COMMENCING JULY 30TH; OPEN AUG. 7TH F.T.HILL&]Co.,Ltd. M A R K n A L E. ONT, Phone 7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Matilda Pedlar, of the Village of Flesherton deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Matilda Pedlar, laie of Village of Flesherton, in the (bounty of Grey, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of May, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to W. E. Harris, Solicitor for the Admin- istrators of the estate of the said de- ceased, on or before the 13th day of August, 1945, full particulars of the claims. Immediately after the said date the Administrators will distribute the assets of the said' de- ceased, havii\g regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice of for the assets So distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 24th day of July, 1945. â€" W. E. Harris, Markdale, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrators. AUCTION SALE stock, Implements, Furniture, Etc. MRS. E. HAWTON will sell by public auction at LOT 15, CON. 10, OSPREY THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 when the following will be offered: HORSES â€" Bay horse, 8 years old; Bay horse, 8 years old; Dapple- grey mare, 6 years old. CATTLE â€" Red cow. 7 years old; Red cow. 7 years old; Red cow, 10 years old; Black cow, 9 years old; Durham cow, 4 years old; Grey cow, 6 years old; Black cow, aged, calf at "foot; Grey cow, aged, calf at foot; 2 hedfers, calves at foot; Dur- ham bull; 4 spring calves; 10 year- ling heifers iind steej-s. PIGS â€" Sow with 6 little pigs; Sow supposed due September 1st. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" Massey- Harris Binder, 7 foot cut; McCorm- ick-Deering Mower, 5 foot cut; Massey-Harris hay rake, new; Hay loader; Set of discs; McCormick- Deering Cultivator. 17-tooth; Mas- sey-Harris disc plow, 2-furro'W', Gang plow; Land roller; Harrows, 5-section; Wagon; 2 walking plows; Scales; Cock&hutt manure spreader; Wagon box With stock racks; S1!one boat, new; Hay rack; Fanning mill; pig crate; Extensiom ladder, 40-feet; St inch Fleury chopper with bagger; 2 sets heavy harness; Sleighs; Dem- ocrat; Cutter; Doubletrees; Buggy; Forks; Stt of single harness; Neck- yokes: Numerous other articles. Quantity of grain. FURNITURE â€" McCormick- Deering Cream Separator with mo- tor, nearly new; "Thor" washing machine; Sideboard; Churn; Tables anil chairs; Renfrew kitchen range; Coal oil heater; Coal oil stove; Floor lamp and other small articles. TERMS OF SALE Grain and all sums of §10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit wjll be given on joint notes apT>roved by The Bank of Toronto. Fevers'ham, bearing C per cent interest. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer. thit ASvrf it 9 m9 nf is Sponsored by your Boafc MEN FOR HOME BUILDING MUST BE SECURED Home building is highly essential to over- come pressing housing shortages, and to pro- vide dwellings for the Forces as discharged. Shortages of workers for building homes and for producing the building materials are threatening to impede Canada's program for the construction of 50,000 homes as soon as possible. All men experienced in home building or in producing building materials, who are not now working in either of these industries, are urged to apply to the nearest office of the National Einploy- ment Service immediately. Men experienced at home building or producing supplies, if now in other essential work, will be given permits to work at jobs which will assist the house building program. All men,, not now at house building nor pro- ducitig supplies, who can fill a job in this program, are urged to answer this call. Apply at once at the nearest office of the National Employment Service. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour A. MacNAMAx^A Deputy Minister of Labour Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Field of mixed hay. â€" D. W. Adams, Flesherton. 8c2 FOR SALE â€" 12 pigs ready to wean. â€" Oliver Turner, Eugenia, phone Fevershara 5r23. 7pl FOR SALE â€" Hot plate, 2-bumer^ in good condition. â€" ^Mrs. Z. Randall Flesherton, phone 43rll. 8p2 FOR SALE â€" Three acres of stand- ing hay at Ceylon. Phone Stew- art Muir, 2i22. FOR SALE â€" Field of timothy and alfalfa hay. â€" Wilfred Lever, phone 33rl4 Flesherton. 8c2 WAN'TCD â€" Amanaia SBttablc for mink and fox feed. â€" Bert HdatCMk: Eug«nia, phone Fe*«nh4-i Gi2& NOTICiE . â€" No fishing, picking berries or trespassing on lot 24^ con. 7, Artemesia. â€" Harry Genoe,. Flesherton. BpS. FOR SALE â€" 10 acres of mixed al- falfa and timothy hay. â€" Cbas. Newell, Rock Mills, phone Flesh- erton 75rll. FOR SALE â€" 10-acre field of faU wheat, good cro^p, clean. â€" A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia, phone Pevershaia 5 r »1. Sp2 FOR SALE â€" One Hereford Cow, due to freshen in a week. â€" Mrs. Levi Duckett, Maxwell, phone Feversham 4r4. LOST â€" In Flesherton, leather key case with 3 keys, liberal reward. Finder please leave at The Ad- vance office. FOR SALE â€" Young pig^, $10.00 a piece. Invalid's adjustable wheel- chair, $15.00. Stake body, new condition, suitable for army truck, $75.00. Jos. Radley, R.R. No. 3. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED â€" By Sept. 1st for home in Owen Sound, complete chai-ge, 3 in family. Send wTitten replies to Box 275 at The Advance office. LOST or STRAYED â€" One beagle hound, black, white and tan, lame on left front foot anyone knowing whereabouts please notify Fred Brown, Fevershams Ont. NOTICE â€" Will the person who took bell off our cow while it was past- uring in our own field, June Isit, and who have it on their own cow, kindly return it and save further trouble. â€" Walter Wilson, Eugenia FARM FOR SALE lOO acres, Lot 26, Con. 14, Arteme- sia Township, 60 acres under culti- vation, 15 acres of crop in, 4 acret bush, balance pasture; good bank barn, water in stable, windmill; good frame house, hard and soft water. Apply to Dave Genoe, R.R. 4 Flesh- erton, phone Thornbury 39r31. 8 NOTICE ."^ny person or persons having ob- jections to the buildings in Salem Cemetery being sold ov removed are requested to inform A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia. Ont., on or before the 15th (lay of August. 1*>45, of such ob; â- â- - •iiMis. If there are no objections the buildings will be sold. 8ip3. LIGHTNING AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY,. PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL INSURANCE Confederation Life Insurance BUSINESS CAR OS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto Univeriity Office: Kenned v Block Phone 77 Flesherton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister «nd Solicitor . Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. 49.W.41E C. J. BELLAMY Commissioner for Tailing AffidaTitB- Clerk of the Village of FleshertOB Issuer of Marriage Licenses Conveyancing Wills, Mortgages and Deeds FLESHERTON. ONTARIO WM. KMTTING LICENSED AUCTIONKB* for the County of Grey Farm and Stock »ales our sp ''»l*y. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction '!» guaranteed. Dates arranged at !*• Advance office or phone iw. «