-m •y > > Canada Leads All Nations In Asbestos, Produces 70% World Supply Asbestos is one of several distinctively Canadian minerals, a product in which Canada leads the world. More than 80% of the Dominion's asbestos goes to war in such articles as the fireproof suit (above), vital for battling flames in ships or rescuing airmen from blazing, crashed planes. Its peacetime uses are vast. At right is a sample of highly- valued "crude" asbestos as it comes from the ore. For hundreds of years mankind has existed in greater safety and comfort because of asbestos. Still, •ven today, man wonders at the mystifying properties of asbestos to resi'<: •/. >. ..thor. wi'ai' and piiriunl:;-- ly fire and heat. Although the •arly Komans used lampwicks of asbestos in their temples and wrap- pad their dead in asbestos cremation cloth?, tb-ingl\ Mari-o Polo sau tiio great Kubla Khan use it in Tar- :ary, ai'.l Cliark'iiiagne dressed liis feast tables in asbestos cloths, we arc intrigMed when a saiior, dre> Md in an all-covering suit of as- bestos, walks unconcernedly into sheets of name to rescue an ainiuri from a burning plane on an air- craft carrier's flight deck. Canadians are particularly inter- ested in asbestos since Canada pro- duces mere than 70% of the world's supply of the "magic mineral", and the largest operating asbestos mine in the wcrld is located in Quebec's Eastern Townships, at Asbestos, Que. Composed of fibres tough enough to dull a knife yet soft enough to be fluffed into silk- smooth masses with the fingernail, asbestos was dicovered in Quebec in the '70s, near Danville, the area from whence comes the Do- minions's world-leading production. Authorities today expect the Quebec deposits to last more than 150 years. The principa.' method of pro- curing asbestos is not really mining, but quarrying, the huge "mine" at Asbestos being nearly a mile across from rim to rim and sky- scraper deep at the centre. As- bestos is also procured trom regular mines, some of them more than 1.600 feet deep. In both systems, the rock is blasted loose with dynamite, giant shovels (in the pit) or chutes (in the mines) load it into cars which carryt it to the surface mills for crushing. The fibre is removed from the rock, cleaned, sorted and processed into a wide variety of articles, including fireproof clothing, building and electrical insulation, acoustical ma- terials, brake linings, wallboard, friction materials, cement, conduits, gaskets, packings, shingles, floor- ing, paper, filtres, clutch facings, sewers and water pipes, etc. Fibres more than fi of an inch long are called "crude" and are highly valued for spinning or weaving. "Crude" asbestos is ham- mered, • by hand with "cobbing" hammers, to separate it from ths rock. Often this is done right in the pit. Asbestos-mine communities are usually covered with the fine dust that flies from the mills, and bLiildiiij;3 become tiaturally insulat- ed against summer heat and winter cold. In some places, however, dust-control has eliminated that. Asbestos miners and manufac- turers are constantly conducting * exhaustive research by which th« uses of the "magic mineral" (and it is a true mineral, not just fos- silized wood or vegetable) can be further advanced and expanded. 6,000 CANADIAN SOLDIERS ARRIVE IN NEW YORK The giant Uner Queen Mary, her decks jammed with 15,000 cheering Canadian and American service- men returning from the United Kingdom apd eager for a first glimpse of the familiar New York sky line is seen here entering New York harbor, escorted by a U. S. Army blimp. Moce than 6,000 Canadians were aboard the famous liner. Keturnini Canadian soldiers showed their enthusia.m tor a Canadian Army photographer when h pictured them aboard the famous liner. Queen Mary, as she plowed through the waters of New York harbor last week. It was the largest contingent of Canadians ever to land in Manhcttar (Inset) Lieut. G. E. "Bus" Ryan, of Vancouver, a member of the Essex Regiment displayed his fee' ngs at being in America by waving his kilt through a porthole as the giant liner neared the dock. REPORTED MISSING "AIR-TRAIL INN" For hungry skyfarers who drop down from the heavens to dine at "air-trail inns." parking areas like this one at Emsberger's are provided. You might as well know now that your pre-war custom of driving to a roadside inn for dinner is definitely out-dated. After the war, thousands of air-minded Americans will fly to "air- trail inns" especially designed for their convenience. Here is a pre- view of the new type of country inn, where you can get wett- cooked meals away from the clangs, rattles and beeps of city traitic One of these inns already is in operation, serving private flyers who put their planes down upon a new landing strip that Park and Iva Ernsberger built upon their IZO-acre farm, five miles south of Norwalk, O. "Let's go to a quiet, cool place for lunch," C W. Grove, president of a Cleveland savings and loan association, suggested when I met him on the street. "There isn't any such place," I countered. I know better, now. We left Cleveland Airport in Mr. Grove's dual-control Rearwtn "Cloudster" at 11:60 a.m. and we rolled smoothly down the north strip of the Ernsbergers' T-shaped landing field at 12:15 p.m. The ride was cool and refreshing. The Emsberger's place was cool and quiet. We ate a home-cooked lunch on the farmhouse's wide. screened porch and talked flying to Mr. Ernsberger, a licensed pilot. Other patrons taxied up to the house as we ate. "We just opened up June 15," Mr. Ernsberger said, "and we served 115 meals the first two weeks. A week ago last Sunday we had IX planes in here at one time. "They fly in from Cleveland, Toledo, Columbus and Sandusky. I expect they will come from other places after we have had a chance to advertise a little." Mr. Grove and I lolled on the porch for a while after lunch (we were lucky enough to get steak), then went back to his plane. Unfortunately, we were back in town in time to do a full afternoon's work midst the clangs, rattles and beeps of the city. NEEDS HIGH HAT You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO 9 ever; Ruom »iih Ualh. Sk«i>. er and Telrpbone. ^liiKlc, Sâ€" SO ai>â€" Double, S3.S0 op. C;ood Pood, Dinins and Dbbc- IHR NlKhtly. Sherboume at Carltoa Tel. RA. 413S â- A-m. Following an operational flight m Burma while serving with tha Royal Air Force, Sergeant Simoa Eden, eldest son of Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden, British Foreig* Minister, has been reported missing since July 7. PRIME MINISTER Joseph Benedict Chifley, who haa become Australia's 16th Prima Minister in succession to the lata John Curtin. He has been elected leader of the Federal Parliamentary Labour Party. SAFE NOW Frightened but safe, young Manga- bey monk is in the hands of a Lon- don zoo keeper. Little pet was found alope on a bus and sent to the lost property office. He wfiB remain in zoo. CLEVER WIVES serve Maxwell House Coffee This choice bleud is bougHt by more people than any other brand of coffee in the world. The All Purpose Grind suits all types of coffee niaker. CONFIDE.VTIAL REI^ORTS ON CANADIAN GOLD Mines - Properties Companies ASCOT AGENCY Four Colborne Street TORONTO, ONTARIO Phone ELffln 4986 How Yon Can Get Quick Reliel From Sore, Puinhil Piles .Most peopla seem to think th* on- ' painful pile tumors soon heal o»er I; way to ge, relief from their sore, loavlnp the sensitive rectal mem- patnful piles la by local treatment, branes clean and healthv. Local treatment may trive teropor- Wo invite you to try Hem-Roid .iry relief from (he itching bill ' ind let it prove itself. You CBB you can easily see Here's an "upswept" hairdo, if there ever was one. Worn by screen actress Mary Jane Shores, it's made of spun glass, bec.iuse the human hair Holtyv/ood for- merly got from Central Europe in large quantities is unobtainable ttOW. why such treat men' wil not cor- rect the cause ol your piles. No lasting free dom from pllp can be had unles!' the cuu!<e of Ihi- trouble la correct- ad. Piles are due to I n t e 1 1 1 D a causes so the best way to get lasting relief Is to treat them Internalb with a modtclD'. Ilk. Hom-Rold. Uem-Rold ta a formula that bap been used for over 40 yeara by thou- sands of pile suf- ferers It Is a im;ill. highly con centrated tablet easy and oleas- anl 10 use Thi.* cleverly c o m • pounded tablet L^'IK,, * *%,â-º makt; your test, in the privacy ot your own home. NO COST It yoa ire not convinced that this Is an imazlngly easy and surprisingly affective method of treating your 3ore. painrul piles. L-. "^ â- t'OkCO 0.1 Formula directs ts medical actlor. to relief of the aonges'lan thai Is the real causa of your piles Hem-Rotd promotes free, easy and comfortable bowel movemens, quickly rellevea Itching irritatiorr and soreness and stimu- lates beMer blood circulation In the lower bowel With good blood clr- eulatloo In the lower bowel, the (jet a package of Uem-Roid to- iay from any dru> store aoa use it as directed for JUST Fiva DAYS. At the end of that time It you are not % at>- s I u t e I y sure Hem-Rold is the nicest, cleanest ' nd most effective } 1 1 e treatment you ever tried, re- turn the unused package to your druggi-, and he will promptly re- fund youi money XUTEi ThU Kcarronn offer fta bneked !>> r reliable rlrni ilulas teB*- in^iia In rtinndn for a a»oil maay year*. Ilciii-llnlfl ninal help yew pile foadltlon <iul<-kly, emily ead vieaaaafly •- (kla alnple, eaey *••* ceats â-¼â€¢â€¢ â- •<hla« Try It teday. â€"- , â€" Ji 'rtilt»llil1ft< IIO0«< portion of ths