Wednesday, July 4, 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE of June, 1946. â€" W. B. Harris, Markdale, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS «* *>' «"y p*"^ ^^^'^^ Eteted at Markdale this 26th day IN THE MATTER of the Eat»t« af EmSst Hawton of the Township erf Osprey, deceaaed. All persons having claims against the e9t«t« of Emeart Hawton, late of the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died on or aibout the 19th day of May, 19- 46, are hereby notified to send in to W, E. Harris, Solicitor for the Ex- ecutrix of the estate of the said de- ceased, on or before the 16th day of July, 1946, full particulars of the claims. Immediately after the said date the Executrix of this will dis- tribute the assets of the said deceas- ed, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice of for the assets so distribut- EN THE MATTER of the Estate of Wm. John Newell of the Township of Artemesia, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Wm. John Newell, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of March, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to W. E. Harris, Solicitor for the Exc'utrix of the estate of the saio deceased, on or before the 23rd day of July, 1945, full particulars of the claims. Immediately after the said date the Executrix of this will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased, having regard only to the ♦♦ •• ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ .[♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦. | i. | i H .. | . »»♦♦♦♦♦< MEN'S SMART SUITS Owing to war conditions, supplies of suit- Just placed in stock an assortment of better quality worsteds in a variety of colors and patterns. Good fitting and well tailored, ing materials are difficult to obtain, and we were very fortunate in securing these choice patterns. The styles are suitable for young and older men. Sizes 36 to 44. Special Prices $25.00, $27.50 PIONEER POULTRY FOODS Chick Starter Growing Mash Poultry Concentrate Laying Mash Fattening Mash Pig Starter claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion nf all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice of for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 3rd day of July, IMS. â€" W. E. Harris, Markdale, Ontario. Sblicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTEK of the Estate of Donald McMillan of the Township of Glenelg, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Donald McMillan, late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of January, 1945, are hereby notified to send in to W. E. Harris, Solicitor for the Executors of the estate of the saic. deceased, on or before the 23rd day of July, 1945, full particulars of the claims. Immediately after the said date' the Executors of this will dis- tribute the assets of the said deceas- ed, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whos'e claim they shall not then have notice of for the assets so disti'ibut- ed or any part thereof, ed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 3rd day of July, 1945. â€" W. E. Harris, Markdale, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. ADDITIONAL LOCALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS I During June, July and August Store will be OPEN Wednesday Evenings and CLOSED all day Thursday. F. H. W. Hickling IN THE MATTER of the Estate of .John Stephen of the Township of Osprey deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Stephen, late of Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of May, 1945, are hereby notifed to send in to W. E. Harris, Solicitor for the Executors of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the 23rd day of July, 1945, full particulars of the claims. Im- mediately after the said date the Ex- ecutors of this will distribute the as- sets of the said deceased, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice of for the assets so distribut- ed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 3rd day of July, 1945. â€" W. E. Hai-ris, Markdale. Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. man of few words, or won't you?" Gob â€" I'm a Will you kiss me Girl â€" "Well, I wouldn't ordinar- ily, but you've talked me into it." General Merchant FLESHERTON Arrangements made with the Can- adian armed sei-vices are designed to speed up the discharge of bricklayers so they will be available for essen- tial building construction in Canada. Prepare For Warmer Days You'll find at Hill's just what you want in Summer Wear t ? T T f t t t t ? t t t T T T t t ? T t T ? T T T T T T T T T T T T T \ T T % This Store will be dosed for one week commencing July 30 untill Tue«., Aug. 7 t I t t t t T T t t t ? T ? ♦♦♦ t t t ? SUMMER DRESSES Dozens of new styles of the season. Smart- est creations in Misses and Women's sizes Dresses that will thrill you beyond words. See this lovely display of these dresses now, WASH DRESSES Cotton Dresr:es in styles you will love on sight. They come in plains and lovely floral patterns, incuding spuns, ginghams, seer- suckers, etc., Siies 12 to 44, also oversizes 4') to 62. All moderately priced. SPECIAL Men's Pyjamas, broadcloth sliglitly soiled, reg. to $2.25. or flannelette, Siiecial .. $1.00 MILLINERY CLEARANCE Hats reduced to clear, including felts and stiaws, also whites. All smart styles, a wonderful saving. Prices are slashed to clear. Be sure you see thes« extra values. MEN'S SUITS I3uy your new suit now, as these lines are very scarce. We still have a good assort- ment of tweeds or fine wor&teds. All good patterns and well tailored, sizes 36 to 50. Be sure and see our range. X YOUTHS' and BOYS' SIJITS J See our won<lcrful assortment of Youths' V and Boys' Suits in tweeds or fine worsteds. A These lines are hard to ge, so buy now while X we have the assortment. ♦j* MEN'S ODD PANTS y Nearly everything you want in tweeds or A fancy worsted and nearly every »ize and X all reasonably priced. ^ BOYS' ODD PANTS A big range to choose from in several dif- ferent shades of fancy tweeds or plain colors' full range of sizes. Priced $1.69 np Special Showing of SUMMER SPORTS WEAR Ladies' 2-pioce Slack Suits, assorted colors, also a good assortment of sejMirate slacks and shorts, and of course bathing suits in a good variety of styles. BOYS' SPORT SUITS Sliirt and long pants, male of strong san- forized cotton material. The shiii â- with sport collar an(l two patch pockets. Longs have bolt loop and cuff, dandy for summer. They come in sand and brown; size 10 to 18 yea>-s. Priced $4.95 BOYS' WASH SUITS Made of strong cotton material (sanforzied) sport shirt with short sleeves and two patch pockets, shorts have belts. They come in blue or sand shades, and sizes 6 to 12 years'. Priced at ,. $2/J9 WINDBREAKERS See our big range of Men's or Boys' Wind- breakers. Nearly tverything you want. Several different styles to choose from. All moderately priced. DRESS VOILES Make your own dress with these beautiful floral voiles, some very smart patterns and colors, 36 Inches wide. Price 59c LUNCHEON CLOTHS Some beautiful patterns for your table. They come in 60 x 50 size. Price $1.95 SHOES! SHOES! SHOES It's time for summer and sport footwear. We have it for the whole family. Nearly everything you want in summer sportwear. See our range of WOMEN'S or MISSES' PINE S1HOE3S in black, tan or white. Near- ly every last and size. Miss Mary Maclntyre of Toronto is visiting this week with her friend, Janet Betts. Mx. and Mrs. K. G. Betts spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wardman in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Pattison and son, Beatty, of Toronto holidayed at the home of M. S. MoLeod. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sloan were; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sloan, Miss Ilene Sloan and Mr. R. Edmons, all of Chatham; Mr. dnd Mrs. Orval Heath and son of Aurora. Sergt. Thos. Crowe arrived home from overseas a covtple of weeks and has been visiting his family in To- ronto. They are this week with Mrs. Crowe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Sergt. Crowe was serious- ly wounded in the face while serving in Italy and has sipent the past year in hospital in England. Holiday visitors in town were: Misses Marjore Thistlethwaite of To- ronto and Phyllis Wauchope of Shel- burne at J. Thistlethwaite's; Bernice Johnson of Toronto with her par- ents, Mr. and Mi-s. Wm. Johnson; Mrs. Eric Henderson, Toronto, with Mrs. R. H. Henderson; Pte. Stewart McRae, Toronto, and Mrs. McRae, London, with Mrs. A. McRae; Mi. and Mrs. Lome Fawcett, Aldershot, at home of Lewis Pedlar; Joey Will- iams, Toronto; Jean McCracken, To- ronto; Tpr. Earle Thurston, Camip Borden; Pte. F. Welton, Simcoe, Al- lison Grant, Toronto, Mrs. Mervin Crane and Gloria Ball of Mt. Forest at the Muiishaw House; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Smith, Toronto; dpi. Harvey Croft, Camp Borden, and Mrs. Croft, Toronto, with Mr. S. Croft. BUCK.KNGHAM t T T PHONE 7 MARKDALE, Ontario WE DELIVER J* F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Miss Alda Hawton returned to Toronto this week to attend summer .school after spending a few days at home here since school closed. Mrs W. Armstrong and daughter, Sheila, ad Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bby and Stephen of Barrie sipent Sunday and the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davidson. ^ Congi'atulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cameron (nee Dorothy Tuck), whose marriage took place in Toronto June 30th. Mrs. E. C. Cameron and family and other rel- atives from here attended the wedd- ing. Pte. Hughie Adair, who has been stationed at Petawawa for some time visited with friends here over the week end before being posted to Chatham. Mrs. Mina Fletcher of Colli-ig- wood is visiting this we«k with Mr. ano Mrs. A. C. Brownridge. Miss May Whiteoak of Toronto called at the homes of her sisters, Mrs. J. T. and Mrs. Em Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson visited with the latt^r's sister Mrs. J. W. Brown and family at St. Mary's over the week end. Misses Margaret and Mina Doug- las spent the holiday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas and brother, Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn of Tpr- onto are spending two weeks vaca- tion with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hawton at- tended the funeral in CoUingwood of the late Mr. Elijah Buckingham whose family were residents of this community for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLelland and son, David, and Mr. and Mr.s. Jack Hughson and small son of Toronto spent the 1st of July week end with Mr. and 5/rs. Ern Davidson. Spr. Bruce Plunimer, who recently returned after five years overseas accompanied his mother, Mrs. N. Plunimer to visit the Davidson fara- flies here before going west to see other members of his family. Spr Plunimer was married in England and his wife will follow him to Can- ada as soon as transportation is available. Friends here are sorry to kn(jw that Mrs. Alfred Hawton is a patient in CoUingwood hopsital and sincerely hope she may be enjoying better health soon. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Siddell of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Siddell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hutchison. Mrs. Ross Robinson and two chil- dren of Nottawa are with Mr. Alf. Hawton and family while her mother Mrs. Ha^vton is in hospital. The young people of Ma(ple Grove community enjoyed a weiner roast and social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Langtree one evening last week. Mrs. A. Mullin received word of the death on June 15th of an uncle, Mr. J. B. English at Caldwell, Idaho. Mrs. J. Douglas, who has spent the last 17 years with her son, Morris, in Sask., returned last week to stay wih Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas. Mrs. Margaret Mullin of Maple Grove spent a few days last week ' with Mr. ind Mrs. A. Mullin. Local aod Persooal , Mrs. R. G. Holland is sgpending a month at Waaaga Beach. Miss Irene Martin is visitinff in Toronto at present. Mrs. C, Dou(pe and Eva sipent the week end at Orangeville. Mr. R. W. Bellamy of Toronto is spending this iweek with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. jMr. and Mjs. Angus Avis and lamily spent the holiday with Port Elgin relatives. Miss Beth Warling and girl friend of Toronto spent several days this week visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards and Koddie MacDougall spent the first of the week at Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Armstrong ol Burvie holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. P. S. MacDougall. Miss Jean Loucks, teacher at North Bay is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. Gdrdon McKinnon of Toronto spent the holiday at their cottage in town. Gpl. Norman Stoddart of Goderich is spending a f«w days in town with his family. Miss Hazel McKillop of Toronto spent several days last week with her parents. Miss Mary Baton Reg.N., of To ronto is spending three weeks holi- daying in the village. Mrs. C. S. McTavish is undergoing an operation in Markdale hosipital this Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Purvis of New Toronto were holiday visitors at the C. S. McTavish home. Mr. Alex. Henderson and Junior spent the first of the week with rela tives at Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milligan and John Sipent the first of the week on a motor trip to Muskoka. Mr. ond Mrs. J. G. Moore and son of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson of Owen Sound holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Dargavel. Mrs. F. Gorrell and Patsy and Mrs Wm. Welton and Jack have returned after spending two weeks holidaying at Sauible Beach. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan and Jean spent the holiday at Waubau- shene and enjoyed a boat trip at Midland Monday afternoon. Mr. Frank Bunt of Toronto spent the past week as guest of C. S. Mc- Tavish. Miss Florence Bunt was at the McTavish home for the holiday. Dr. and Mrs. Ken Boyd and little daughter of Toronto sipent the first of the week with the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Boyd. Mr. and Mi-s. Fred Irwin of Bad- jeros and Mrs. Nellie Gilchrist of Dundalk visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Whewell of Grif- fen, Sask., and Mrs. R. Clark and son of Toronto are visiting the for- mers' daughter, Mrs. Geo. Morrison, and family at Maxwell. f he editor enjoyed a fishing trip tp Lions Head over the holiday and his party caught five nice lake trout. The weather was not as warm as hoped for by holiday vacationists. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stevens and family of Michigan visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens and other members of the Stevens family. Mr. Wm. Caiwell has returned to town after sipending the past couple of months at Waterloo. We are sorry to know that Mr. Caswell is confined to his bed at the present time, his illn'.'ss being a lingering one. Mr. Norman Scarrow has rented the bakery business in Flesherton from Mr. Art McDonald and took over on Monday. Norm, has been the baker in the shop for the past four yeai-s. We wish him success in his venture. Mr. J. O. Dargavel is attending the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. D. Ewing, at Wiarton this Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ewing was form- erly Netina Dargavel, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dargavel of Wiarton. She leaves, besides her husband, two daughters and one son. Small Ads FOR SAiLE â€" Trade for cattle, on* bey loader in good oonditiin.â€" Dick Carson, Priceville, phone 2r6. FOR SiALE â€" Barn 40 by SO and L 36 by 42. Apply to Ernie Littl«» R.R. 2, Proton Station, 3^0^ FOR SALE â€"Peter Hamilton mower, 6-foot cut, in good condition. â€" Joha Shortreed, R.R. 1 Priceville. 4p2 FOR SALE â€" Jersey cow, due to freshen in June. Delbert HfW,. Proton Station, RR. 1. NOTICE â€" From this date ott my registered bull is not for serTUM^ â€" W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. WANTED â€" Animala rndtttble for mink and fox feed. â€" Bert McInto«A> Eugenia, phone Fevershf"i 6i2S FOR SALE â€" 1% h.p. International gasoline engine with new magneto â€"Jas. Allen, R.R. 3 Flesherton. 4p2 FOR SALE â€" F. & W. binder, 8 ft. cut; McCormick binder, 7 ft. cut; Fordosn tractor; M.-H. 2 mowers 6 and 5V& ft. cut; M.-H. hay loader. â€" Chas. Stafford, Ceylon. 4p3 FOR~" SALE â€" Man's suit blue strip, size 36, good as new, 2 pair trous- ers, reasonable; sharkskin wind- breaker, beige and brown, size 36. Can be seen at The Advance office. FOR RENT â€" 4-room furnished cot- tage with cooking utensils, wood supplied, near fisihing* on Beaver River or Hydro Lake, rent by day, week or month. Terms reasonable. Aipply to Mrs. Edith Cameron, Eu- genia, phone Feversham 6r2i. FARMS FOR SALE â€" 150 acre farm in Orange Valley, No. 10 Highway, good buildings, well watered, sPlcndid soil and goo\ location, easy terms. 148 acr« farm at Harkaway, good buildings and well watered, easy terms. J. W. Eagles, Main St., Markdale. 4p2 FARM FOR SALE 100 acres. Lot 26, Con. 14, Arteme- sia Township, 60 acres under culti- vation, 15 acres of crop in, 4 acrei bush, balance pasture; good bank barn, water in stable, windmill; good frame house, hard and soft water. Apply to Dave Genoe, R.R. 4 Flesh- erton, phone Thornbury 39r81. S LIGHTNING AND FIRE ARB DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLART, PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL INSURANCE Confederation Life Insurance BUSINESS CAR - DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY Commissioner for Taking Affidavltl Clerk of the Village of Flesherton Issuer of Marriage Licenses Conveyancing Wills, Mortgages and Deeds FLESHERTON. ONTARIO . WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONBBB for the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp ^-altf . Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction ia guaranteed. Dates arranged at 1W Advance cffice or phone 4w. NEGLECT CAN STEAL YOUH BUSINESS • No btttineu can afford to face rltki which ihonld b« covered by inanp- •nee. Lot ni analyao yonr need*, explain how ininrance can protect your bnaincM from loaa fai many waya and arrange pka> nod Pilot polieiea to cover all eventnaUtiea. We write Pilot Inanaanoe to covor mL •eted riaka in Antomobile, Fire, Peraomd I^perty Floater, Burglary, Cargo, Qera- tor, Ibama, Plate Glaaa, General and Pak lie Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonda. H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton Representing "•I .4 WALTER E. HARRIS A Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. ^m J. Arkle Dunlop. •f Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. â- < 1 4 COMPANY- i