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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1945, p. 6

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M.idsttsi£iijii'iJil-^i W^ 4 PLVMOUTHf It's Simph! li$U$9l It's funi Dont delayl Send in your •ntry lodoyl As many entries as you likel JUST WRITE IN 25 WORDSt "WHY I THINK QUAKER CORN FLAKES ARE. MOST DELICIOUS OF ALl'« HJhfs to Mp You Win • Quakw Corn Flakac or* lh« evon-firesh com flaked • Quaker Com Flakes are Havovrhill • Quaker Com Flakes are €lâ€"p-ioa$t»dl • Quaker Corn Flakes tto/ oveA-ire*/i. The big blue and yellow Quaker Com Flakes package is flavour-sedledl READ THESE EASY RULES (I) Write » Katemene of 2) word» or leu eatitkd: "Whr I ibink Quaker Corn Hake* are Most Delioiou] of all", and send it to The Quaker Oan Co. of Can. Lid., Box 100, Peterborough, UaL or Saskatoon, Sask. Send as maoT entries as you wish proridias each entry is accompanied by 3 box tops (or fac- similes) from Quaker Corn Flakes. (2) Entries will be judged 'or frankness aiid sincerity, and will not be influenced by faacr writing, illustrated or decorated letters. CANADIAN GIRLS HITCHHHIKE 3,365 MILES (3) Judgesi B. T, Huston, Canadian GriKetl Wm. J. Bryans, Retail Grocer; A. Tremblay, Le Deiaillant. tiicir decisions will be final. <4) Contest open to residents of Catuda oolf . (9) Anyona may enter this contest except employees of The Quaker Oats C om panr* their famillu or their advertisinc aganls. fAll entries become the property p£ The aker Oats Company of Canada limitM. All entries most be postmarked oot tauc a midnignt, July 3 1 . 1945. Red Cross Hands Over Food Parcels To Feed Prisoners About 1.'), 500,000 surplus prison- er-of-war food parcels are being handed over to .\llied Supreme Headquarters by the British, Amer- ican and Dominion Red Cross So- cicl c>. 'riiey will be used to help solve the prcbiem of looking after Urge nun bers of Allied prisoneri of â- of various nationalities who cannot yet return to their own toi'ntrics. Si'rplus supplies of invalid foodi, u,edical and clothing comforts are elso being handed over for the •ai'.e purpose. 'i'!ie loodrparcels consist of 10,- 900000 packed in the United Kt^i.tes for American and Allied pri- soners and 15,500,000 packed in Bri- tain. Canada and New Zealand for Brlish and Dominion prisoners, ^he parcels are on the continent or tn route. Britain Produces New 'Pocket Tractor' NEW BELT LINE A new "pocket tractor," low-priced and with smal, run- ning costs,, which enablci even imall fields to be mechanized, has been designed and produced by t British manufacturer. This is a track-laying tractor, powered by is small S h.p. engine. It was Specially designed for work in ereas of soft or water-logged ground, or steeply sloping fields â€" bonditions in which the wheeled tractor is not suitable. It is now elso bcinj used with great success In small fields ano |ln market gardens, where, owing to its small •lie, it is able to work nearer to the edges of fields. A thair, built about 1800 B. C, was recently di.scovcrcd In one of the I^'gyptian tombs, in excellent condition. You'll probably get a big belt out of the latest thing to hold up your trousers. Sported â€" and probably first-worn â€" by the Duke of Wind- sor, al>ove, during a busineas-goU trip to Cleveland, Ohio, it is a rope affair with a couple of nautical laiots. By the way, that middle is getting rather middle-aged. On Both Sides H. K. Knickerbocker, war cor- respondent, says that last time he was in Italy he dined wilh a group which inclndcil an Italian nobleman of some minor distinction. Eventu- ally the conversation turned to- wards the course of the conflict, "iiut my <lear fellow", baid the Italian, who affected a British man- ner and accent, "you cmnoL ixi.ssib- ly know as innch ah'iii. Ih- w;ir as we do. You see, we have been on both sides!" â€" Wall Street Journal. HAPPY AT HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN Mona loves to string beads and push the little cars around her tray. She is as happy as s lark at the Hospital for Sick Children In To- ronto, in spite of her damaged legs. She does not know about ths aOO children fiom sll over the Province on the Hospital's waiting hst. Space will be provided (or these children if the »6,000,000 goal for â-  new building is reached. Yon Will Bnjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO ^ Bvcry Rudiii wttta Bath, Show- •r aad Telephona. « SiBKle, t2.50 Dp- Double, V3.S0 up. ( Oood Food, Dlnlns and Daae- IbK IVIghtly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 41SS B. C. First During the early days of Csn»- dian fisheries, Nova-Scoli* wa» first among the provinces. This rank is now held by British Colum- bia, which produces 60.7 per cent of the country't total crop. Did you know Out • lOe j a c^â€" I a» WU50N-S FLY PADS will taB "?»"5 than $5.00 worth of any other Or USkrT The flics do the work when »oo aw Wll^^NSFLYPADSI ITCH CHECKED inaJi/rv -or MonexSack For quick relief from Itching caused bT ec»em*i athlate'a foot, acabiea, pimples and other itcfalnS conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, Uankt D. O. O. PRESCRIPTION. Greaaele* and â- talnlew. Soothes, comforts and quicUr calm* intense itching. Don't auHer.Askyourdniggl* todar for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Barbara Green and Joan Smith, Vancouver, carped the wrench and needles as weapons on a 8,385 hitch-hike to Toronto â€" ^but never needed them. Their report on ths 80-day trip is: truck drivers know the best eating spots; Canadian motorists are gentlemen. Trip cost $.56 Italian Prisoners In Britain Still Held The Foreign Office denied a re- port "that the Allies are to free or repatriate all Italian prisoners-of- war. The position is that a decision has been taken by which the Allied military authorities in Italy are to release Italian prisoners who were captured on Italian territory befors the conclusion of the Italian armis- tice and who are at present on Italian soil. The decision does not affect Italian prisoners now in Bri- tain. Bavaria is the second largest state of Gertiiany, with an area of some 30,000 square miles. Here's a SENSIBLE way S to relieve MONTHLY LydiaE. Pinkham'sVegetableCompound not only helps relieve monthly pain but aUo accompanying nervous, tired, high- stning feelings â€" when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one ol tbt most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkham'8 Compound Htlps nalurt! Follow label directions. Try itt JjfduiCO^^nkfuunCi VECETSSie COMPODMi BAUY CHICKS â- TARTBD CHICKS, t WKBIK OU> non-8*xed pullets and cockerels la many popular pur* breeds and hybrid cro.iueu. Also free ranns puU(t< elKht weelta up to laying. Send (or catalogua and pries list. Twsddl* Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. TRIAL BY KRUOR IS A "HAfl been" In buying chicks. Top Notch chicks have proved for over ten years that their purchasers matte more profit year after year. You too, can be assured of mors profit and risk. 1'op Notch chicks euf.h and every one ars from Government Approved blood- teated breoiier.s. Prices of a few breeds for .luly delivery. Whlta I..e8rhorn. liiirred Rock X White I.BKhorns, Austra Whites 9.46. Barred nock.s, New Hampshire*, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks 9.95. ABSorli'd lilfrht end Medium breads 8.4ri. A.s.sorted Heavies X.O.'i. Piillet.s: White IjeBhorns, Rocks, New Hamp.-ihlre X Harred Rarred Rock X White I.*Rhorns, Austra Whites 19.46. liarred Rncks IG.ll.'i. New Hamp.shlres 17 95. Aj!.sorti>d l.lKht and Medium Breeds \1.'il\. Assorted ITenvles 11.95. (Cockerels: White Leghorns 1.511. Rarrert Rocks, New Hamp- shire X BarriHl Rock.s 10.96, New Hamp.shlre.i 9.95. AR.sorted Hi-av- los 9.96, White LeRhorn X Bar- red Rook.s 4.60. 2 week old add Ci', % week old add lie. 4 week old add lf)c. Sond for complete price list. ALso 8 week up to Isy- Ini? free rantjc pulleta. Top Notch rhlrlcerle.s. (luolpli, Ontario. WI'l'VM .SOMK lUtlOKD.S CillCKS for prompt .'ihiiiinont now. if you want July-AuKUHt pulliMs. chli-ks. cockerels â€" tlicv Hlinuld l)e ordered now. Bray Hiilchery, .lolm N., Hamilton, Ont. TWO WIOI'IK 01,11 STAIiTKD rliick barjr.iin.s; while Ibi'V last for Immcdiati' ilcllvory: Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rork.s, New ll.imp.shlres non- HBxed 16.96, piillcla 22.95. cncker- plM IB. 96. While I.echornN. Barred Rock X Whit.- l.cKhornH. Austra Whites: Bullels 26.95, A.isorted Ilenvles snn-.scxed 14.96, pullets 20.96. coc-kerelM 16.96. Assorted Medium iiMil i.lKhl Breed pullets 2:1.95. I'hree week old add 6c. 4 week 1)1(1 mid Ifli'. Also day olils at raelt hill lorn prices, .'iend for ccinipleto priee Top Notch Clilckerie.s, (;iieliil\. Ontario. DviniNn AND «;i,r;ANiNfi HAVR Vf)l) ANVTHTNfi NIUCD.S dyelns or cloaninK? Write to «» for information We are Kind to answer your nues'lons Depart- ment H. i^nrlcer's Dye Works Limited. 791 Ynnse Street. To- rfinto KAIIM MACIIIMOUV VV>\\ .SAMS THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER CAN Bl!i I''lTTi'!iJ TO SWATH hoard of any mower. Will replace lielp usually needed to fork hay behind mower In hnnvy crops. Also save time, as there Is no eloKKluK of Icnlfe or knife suard. <Iuarantee(l Kallsfactlon. $7.50 f.o.b. Rrlstul, Que. Sole MfKr. and (ilHtrll)utor for Canada and U.S. 1.0f:AL HPAKf!; TIME AdK.NTS WANTED. A. AKIIIO, IlillSTtU., HIIK PI'!llKI'i(;TION M1L1C15RH ANO HUP- piles. J. I''. nonaUlson, Joyeevllle, Ont. MA.SSI'iY HARRIS 101 SlIPlilR TWIN power tractor on rubber, prac- tically new, or Model C on steel In At ennilitlon. Alvln (iruer, Ormstowii .Station, Que. 16-30 INTKUNATIONAL TRACTOR on steel, i'rlee ISKO.OO. R. ndl, R U. 8, Liindoii. Ontario. FOR SAI.R ORKAT nANk; PUPS KOR SAT,K. Champion lllnndllnes, excellent hreediuK stock or show pros- pects, ideiil pet and protector, .lobn Pearson, Lnkevlew P.O., Ont. OOLDIM-Mcl'lM.LOUim 100 HOU.SB- power Steam KuKlna, portaet con- dition. One Warren Steam Pump alee 10 X 12 x 12. One Warren Steam Pump slue 11 t U x II. One .Hmart-'l'iirner Huplex Steam Pump sice 7H x 4H x 10. All In perfect ciindlthtn. CROWN IRON & METAL CO., HAMILTON, ONT. KOR S.4.L,B PURE BRED COLLIES. IMPORT- ed sire; farm, show doea; sabls, black with white, tan markingat S months, male, female, unreel*- tered. $25 each. Ship C.O.D. John Brodle, Emsdale, Ont. FOX AND COON HOUND PUPS, G weeks. $10.00. Fred Davlca, Fergus, Ont. REMNANTS IE I'O 20 VARUS, LINEAL MB-AS- ure $1.98, consists 8H lbs. un- bleached cotton, cushion covers, raiiicapo material. flannelette, woollens. C.O.D., postage extra. Refund If unsatisfactory. FubleX Sales, 377 Parliament, "Toronto. FOR SALE VESSOT 18" BALL beariiit; grinder direct driven 30 H.P. motor first class condi- tion. Apply J. A. Eager, Kempt- vllle, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, boueht, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Alien Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St.. To- ronto. BACRII'^ICINO PEDIGREED AuK.ira Rabblt.s. Does $4.00. Bulks $2.00. Entire 16 does. 17 bucks, 36 hutches, galvanized tray.s $85.00. P.artlculars A. Zim- iiit^i-man, 3(5 Itrlt.annla Street, .Stratford. Ri.;(;i.sTi;iti';t) ikikh setter I'uppii's 2Mi months, Wlldair- .Sii.-iun.ivori breeding. Sim Ivoch Kennols. i.ak.shore Road, Port Nelson, Ont. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA altlH you retain Slender it'li^ure. turii.t your food into energy instead GUARANTEED HARMLESS, coini> ple;is;int herbs, ni» exor- cise-.- 1,1' dr.'islie diet. Ml. mil's simply $1.(1(1 1111.^1 paid Dominion Herb Distributors 1 1:!.% .SI. LiiwroiM-t- Ulvd,, Aluiilronl KAIIMS l<H>l( .SAI,r, FARM I'OU KAl,l';^-t93 ACiillS 1 mile west of Kitchener llniita on Kltilu'iipi'-Strntforcl h i p h w a y. Ch:irlcs W. Moser. 4. Kitch- ent>r. Ont. ll.LNi:s.s c'Al'SE OF SACRIFICE Male of 1,1100 acres, mostly clay loruii. some sriml.N- loam soil. 160 lr;nt()r acres riearcil, lialance Imsh, :!nn.000 feet lumber tiinl)pr, l.illlO cords piilpwood. 8.000 cords file! wood, liewed lo^;;, barns, spi'liui w;iter, excellent hlinliilK'. i'riee $.S.(lon. Part ieula r.s, II.ix 211, i^any .Sound. Ont. 6:i ACItlOS. 25 l''AltMiN(!. 4,600 FT. luinierin^ iiay of I'^rencli river, 2,5110 ft. froril;i«:e on main road to iliitter Kit;\vood and famous Hllni^'.aiow camp; new home; oth- er buildiiiKs. Mr. .\. (tainlette, Klltler. Out. I' I I'll, WOOn WAJITKIl COl;'>W()00. MAPLE, BIKCH AND Mixe.l. Also sl.'ibs and Bundled l*M^;iii.i;s. Hardwood and Soft- \<'iu>(l. (Jive full p.artlciilars and !>est prices on i-ar. Walter Scbless, 19 Mellnila Sireet. Toronto. IIAIIIIIUI'IMMINO L E A R N llAIUDRESSINU THE Robertson method. Information on reiiuest reKurdlUK classes, Robertson's llairilressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. Ill IODIC AL, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of lll-haalth In humans, all ases. No one Im- munel Why not find out If this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Freel Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto t. aOOO RKSUL-PSâ€" EVERY 8UF- fcrer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drutf Store. 835 Bl- gin. Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. BAllMEEKA FOOT BALM DBJ- Htroya offensive odor Instantly. 4Kc bottle, Ottawa agent. Denraan Drug Store, Ottawa. TItV IT! EVERY SUFFERER OF Ithciinrilie IViins or Neuritis Hhoiild trv Hixon's Rerasdy. Munro's DruK Store, 885 Rlgln, Olttwit. Poslpaia ll.tOb OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. â- Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINQ SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rldeau Street. Ottawa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments, 111 Church. Toronto 2. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 Kins West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest rilOTOCRAPHY CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures. .Snaps can't be taken over again. Semi your film rolls to Canada's ]ar>;eflt and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT M.\IL SERVICE Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25o "I get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer in Nova Scotia, who adds that she has tried many places. SPHCIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4c extra) Is sent with film roll. ENLARGEMENTS- COLORED AND FRAMED EnlarKcmenta 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts. 3 for 26c. Framed, on ivory tinted mats. 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, I'lrcassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames. 690 each. If enl.'irKcment colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapsliot . . . and malce any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process retiutres the work of sl{llled nrtist.s, but the cost is reasonable. Send uS your picture and tell us what you want done anil we will tell you the cost befiM'e doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box U'i), Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print N.iine and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your rilms oioi,e(i,\ developed and printed « UK 8 EXPOSl'lii'. ItOLLS »5c REPRINTS 8 rot 2Sc FINEST ENLAROIN'i SEKVICE You may doI eel all the tllma you want Ihta year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by scndint;; your films to IMI'RKIAL PHOTO MEUVICK Station J Toronto ti:aciiei«s wanted liltANT CO.; 5 MILES SOUTH OF Brant ford. Experienced femala Protestant teadicr. S.S. No. 4, Brant ford Twp. Salary $1,500.00. ..Slate iiuuilfications. also former inspector. Personal application preferred If possible. Gordon Keiiam, Sec.-Treaa., R.R. No. 2. Brant ford, Ont. PARKWAYâ€" TEACHER FOR ALL grades, naw achooi at Parkway, near Kitchener. State full par- ticulars. Roy Karcher. R. 2, Kitchener, Ont. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAI.,â€" GRADE l< Continuation School, grades 7 and 8, and Latin and French tcrades 9 to 12. State (luallflca- tlona, experience, rellKlon. Give phone number. (Small classes) New School. O. M. Deans, Sec- retar. Sprucadalo, Ont. BTISTWD "11 O W N S H I P AREA requires three Protestant taaehers for three one-room â- ohool* nar Huntsville. Salary 1,100. Plaas* atat* qualifications, •sperlanca and laat Inspector. OiitiM to eominanca September 4th. Apply to Gaorge Tnit. HuntavllU. TEACHERS 'WANTED REDDITT REQUIRES TWO FIRST Cla:3s Teachers about 60 pupili in the School. Principal graded S to 10 inclusive. Salary (l,.3ua a year, MALE PREFERRED. Junior Room Grades 1 to 6 in- clusive, Salary $1,200 a year. Ad- dress applications to E. B. WEST- COTT, REDDITT. Ont. WANTEg - SyVO QU ALl£ifia teachers for Ma?o TowSlhrj School Afn. Onturip-HastuV^'i sStTBEj'. No. 2 McAflHuri Mifn and No. 6 Hartsraere. Good mod- ern rural schools. Term, 1946-46, Protestant, salary $1,100. Sta;* qualification. A. W. Ramsboltom, TEACHER WANTED FOR a& NO. 4, Township of Ennisklllen, Lamb- ton County. .State experience, sal- ary and phone number to John W. Piggott. Secretary, Oil Springs. Ont. TB.\CHEI!â€" McMURRICH lOWN- ship School Area, grades one to eight. small attendance. Slate qualifications, experience, relig- ion. Give phone number. Salary $1200.00. G. M. Deans. Sprucedila. Ontario. DORSEl' â€" TEACHER WANTED (Protestant preferred) to teach grade ti to 10. inclusive (senior room), and act as principal of a 2-room school witli modern con- veniences, term cotnmencing Sep- tember, 1945, salary $1,300. Apply, statins qualifications, to (Misj) Phyllis Clayton. Dorset, Ont. FIRST CL.A.SS TEACHER WANT- ed for S.S. No. 12 Fitzroy. DutifJ to commence September 4. 19tS. Apply stating salary and exper- ience to C. R. Campbell, Secy.- treasurer. Fitzroy Harbour. Ont. KENT CO. TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. IB, Dover Twsp. Sal- ary $1100.00. Apply stating quali- fications and salarv expected to Adelard Tetreault. R.R. No 1. Bear Line. Ont. IIKI.P WANTED TWO WOMEN TO WASH DISHK3 and prepare vegetables In North- ern Ontario summer resort for July and August. Exceptionally good wases. Apply by letter to Pow-Wow Point I/odge, Hunta- ville, Ont. GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN PX)R housekeeper on a farm, goad home, wages. Apply Lawrenc» Rrowe. Box 42, Dalkeith, Ont. STRONG, ABLE WOMEN FOR general housework. $60 - $90 month, bed, board. Girls, young women for summer resort, pay according age, ability. Married couple, man, boy. garden farm. Mrs. Boyd, Carlsbad Springs. Ont. AlITOMOBlI,E BUMPERS AND Painters, experienced on repair work. Highest rate of pay. 48 hour week, best working conditions. Apply nearest .'Selective Servic* Office. CR 2926. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON Farm 2 miles from Tillsonburs. All city conveniences. 2 children. 2 adults. Good wages. J. A. Me- Cabe. Tillsonburg, Ont. FARM MANAGER. MARRIED, 190- Acre Mixed Farm, good wagea. house and privileges. J. Keat. Inglewood. WANTKU GENERAL STORE. WITH QOOD mixed clothing stock: will par cash: confidential. Llghtman and Company. 3270 Danforth Av». "I'orontu, Ont. SARNIA GENERAL ' HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: .VPPIJCATIONS NOW liElN« Con- sidered. Date of admission Sep- tember 4th, 1946. Educational re- quirements Junior Matriculation. Remuneration after preliminary term, $10.00 to $12.00 per month. WANTED TO PURCHASE PUl^ lets, all breeds from g weeks up to laying. Good prices paid. Appir to Box 38. 7S Adelaide W., l<i>. ronto WE BUY hundreds of Herbs l!oot.'». Bark« •Berries. Flowers Leaves, etc. PRICES HIGHER NOW . Write for full list Dominion Herb Distributor* 142n S< l.nwrenre RItiI.. Meatrval <' ISSUE «7â€" 194S â- 4

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