GERMANY'S LAST "SECRET WEAPON" FINE CUT >- ^ i«i* V Ship Dairy, Draft Animals To Europe About 50,OUO dairy and draft ani- mals will b« shipped to five Balkan countries during the next 18 months to help replace Eur ipe'9 decimated livestock herds, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminis- tration announced last week. About half the animals are sche- ^led to come from the United States and the remainder from other United Nations in the west- ern liemisphere. The first shipment, 300 dairy heifers and 000 draft animals, wi 1 leave the United States for Greece within a few weeks. In addition, SOO bred heifers and 300 mares pro- bably will be shipped shortly to Yugoslavia. U-NRRA said its livestock pro- gram was designed to replace one percent, of the l.lX'il nOO uniinals destroyed during the war in Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslova- liia and Poland. The first shipment Has directed to Greece, it said, be- cause of her "extreme need." Belgium is in desperate need of meat and is said to be slaughterinij wilk cows and young beeves in an effort to meet the daily meat al- lowance of 35 grams a person. a ^- 1 Because this firm conducts a Conunissiou Broker- age business . . . â€" its advice and re- commendations are given without bias. Our only source of revenue from clients is the commission received from busi- ness executed. 9' rm ^M}lff ^ ' <&R "c9 44 Atlclaide St. West TORONTO 1 Tilcpkiae ADelaiik 8lMI PARTNERS J. H. C»u« B. *;. Dunic; (Limitnl) L. L. Mdaawn E. t). Scvtt HEMUERS r«iniat* SlcM>k Eii-hauge CaJcary Stock Excbange VaBCOQTcr Stuck Eacluiiicc Winoipet Grain Eicli*ll(e I tt RHEUMATIC PAINS? (~^ ALLENRI ivifh lemon Juice Mm atxl wuincii whi> >uflcr n«|[;j;iiig adto iuid paim cauivd by Rhcumaiiun, Nrti/iiiv oi Lunihaiio nam 10 relieve *»iKh »)iiit>it>ni» pnimpdy To gel juch *irliel . .' try ALLhNKU! Mi» 2 nble- af|HK>i» •â- ! <hi> fant medicine with unt ^^tablr>v<>^>i> ul lemon luicc in a glaM ol water. l^nKiIti th»UNaiid> ul lotk» uM ^LLfcNKl) Get ALltNKl' t<-d»v ., •V ai any druy >tOCC. Write for Informiillv* bccklct ^|pl»rr'!> i;«od Henlth to Von" to [Bffrld-Miller (of Ciuiad.T), Ipt. S, 17« John St., Toronto. Ont. Built in high hopes by the Germans, these diminutive one-man submarines remain on the docks at Ijmuiden, Holland, an object of curiosity for the amusement of two members of the Canadian Provost Corps. left, L Cpl. J. Lang, Shawinigan Falls Que., and right, L, Cpl. P. C. Ajas. McLeod Valley, Alberta. ^^ British Get Less Food That Needy May Have More Life has been exceedingly toiigli for British civilians throuRhout five years of war, says the .\linne apolis Star Journal. It will be tougher as regards both food ind clothing before it gets better be- cattse of continuing shortaucs. There would be more to eat and more to wear lor the British ii tiey curtailed the war effort against Ja- pan or shut their eyes to the misery of the liberated peoples of Europe. The British will do neither. With commendable altruism the British are making plans to get along without further clothing and other relief from the United States in order that needier European li- berated peoples may receive the fullest possible measure of .Amen- can assistance. The British War Relief, whicn during the past five years has con- tributed $oO,ilOO.(lon to nccv.- Tri- tons, will terminate its activities October 1. By British request funds raised in the national war fund campaign ne.xt Autumn will be uti- lized for sufferers on the continent while rhe United Kingdom* will care for its own needy without American assistance. Waterloo Bridge Across The Rhine L<iid<>n'> "temporary" Water- loo BridKe that Avaii used for seven- teen years until the permanent Waterloo Bridge was opened in 1942, now spans the Rhine at Re- niagcn. It was dismantled and shipped across the Channel alter the cap- ture of .^ntwerp in readiness for an emergency. Its time came when Reinjgen Bridge â€" at that time the .Miles' only bridge across the Rhine â€" collapsed soon after it had been taken by U. S. troops. Special trucks rushed the tlismembered bridge to Remagen. section b.v' sec- tion, and army engineers worked night and day under enemy fire to rebuild it over the Rhine. Within a week tanks, g.:"-, trucks and men were pouring ver Waterloo Bridge and on into Ger- many. â€"that â- ICc package of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more flies than $5.00 wordi of any other fly killer !It Grocery. Dr-ijc, Hardware and General Stores sell a^d recommend WILSON'S FLY PADS. 'TOJO NO GOOD' Waving one of the "I surrender leaflets dropped behind enemy lines in northern Luzon, a bearded Jap soldier emerges from tall grass crying "Tojo no good. Ameri- cans very good." Alert for a trick Yanks keep him covered. The flv-uiiianiti. r.i' de- rives its name from the fact that a poison for fly-paper was made from its tissues. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO ^ l-.>t'ry Room ititti limb. Miow- er lind l>lc|thooe. % MniClr. %'Z.TM -jpâ€" Uiinblr. V^SM up. Goo«l Pooil, Dinlns and Daac- InK ^Ichlly Sherbonme at Carlton Tel. RA. 4138 KILL mosquitoes AMOSQUITO '•y» eggs in stagnant water to hatch into a swarm of dis- ease carriers. Fly-Tox, sold ererywhere. in- stantly destroys this menace. Get a large bottle today. THERE IS ONLY ONE FLY-TOXL KILLS I NSECT PESTS ITCif CHECKED in a Jiff If •or Money Back For quick relief from itcbins caused by eciema. athlete's foot. scat)ies, pun I'les and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, iiiedirated. liquid D. D. D. PRESCRimON. c;it'a.<.eless and pfainless. Siii>tlie*". conilorts ami quu kly calms 'ntenseilchii •: Pon't sniicr, A«k vour dnJKgist today for C. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Do iw suffer [ NERVOUS TENSION K I wMi its wsali, Krnt ftslhipT If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired, rest less â€" at such timesâ€" trv Lvdia E. Pmkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms Pinkhani's Compound is one of the most effective mi-dicines (or this purpose. Follow label dirc-ctions Buy Icilavl JSf/dui,C-(I^/*tkha/nCa compound Bl s. OI'KORTiMTIKS I'Rr-NTKR wat:t>r) r.iKE to se- cure active and fiiianci.'tl interrst in wi^ekl.v newspiiper :ind job shop. NVUJ 'Tent cr make good down payment on purchase if reaKonahl... f. A. M..ffat. P O. Box 714. .N'ew mnrket. I 'hone 602. nABV CHICKS STARTED PALLETS. BARRED Rocks and Wfiite Lejrhorns, t weeks old -26c. Goddard Chick Hatcheries. Britannia Heiirhts. Ontario. ROCK .K LEGHOR.SS JU.7,'i. At'S- tra White." $12.50. .Shipped C.O.D. anywhere b.v: VVillowdale Chick- ery. .Vewtonbrook. Ont. REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS BARflliD ROCK.S l::c. l.EGHllR.N Pullets :;:;c. Barred Rock Pullets 2fic. L.eghorns are Barron strain. Rocks are O.B.S. Breeding, and all breeders are blood-tested. B. R. Cockerels to si.\ weeks old also L.eKhorn Pullets eight weeks old. full.v feathered and roosting. Hs'brid I3roilers four weeks and over. One dollar books your order now. Johnson Hatcherv. Forcus, Ont. ' TWO \vi>:ek old st.^rteii chu'K barpains while they last for im- meciiatc delivery. Non-.^exed: Bar- red Ri^ck.s. N'ew Hampshire X Parretl Ttock.'' pullets UL*.!*.-., cock- erels It;. !!.'.. Pullets: White Leg- horiLs. I-:arrpd Ruck X White I.*ghorns. Austra â- \\"hites 25.IK*i. Non-sexed: Assorted Heavies 14. S.*!. pull*-l.s 20.95. cockerels 15.95: -Assorted Medium or flight Breed pullets 2.1.9.'.. 3 week old add 5c. 4 week old add lOi'. .\!so day old chicks at rock bottom prices. .Shipped C.O.D. Send for complete price list. Top Notch rhicl;erie.«. Guelph. Ontario. VICTORY CHICK SALE FOR .lU.NE A.\D Jfl.Y B.VKRED Rock Mixed 10c. Barred ^ock Pullets l(5c. White L.ephorn mixed 9c. White Leghorn Pullets I'Oc. White Rock Mixed 15c, Brown Leghorn Pullets 24c. Goddard Chick Hatcheries Ltd.. Britannia Heights. Ont. starteii chk^'k.'^. 2. ;t ami 4 weeks old In many popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses In non- sexed. pullets and cockerels. Im- mediate delivery. Also day olds. Send f(*r reduced prices for June and July. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited. Fergus. Ontario, SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED PLI^LETS. 1 WEEK old 22c. 2 weeks old 2f. ceni:^. Im- mediate delivery. Carleton Hatch- ery. Britannia Heights. Ontario. U.4BY CHICKS JCLY PCLLETS. CHICKS, COCK- erels should be ordered now to Insure breed and shipment d.ite required. For Immediate shipment come started pullets. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John N.. H.imilton. Ont. AVATCH YOCR INVESTME.NT grow with Top N'otch chicks. That Is "good news" in any lang- uage and remember many are dying in Europe for the lack of food. So, Mr. Poultryman take full advantage of the world egg and poultry market. Top Notch chicks are from Government Approved bloodtested breeders. Prices of a few breeds for delivery after June 15th. Non-sexed: White Leg- horns. Barred Rock X White Leghorns. Austra Whites •I.4.S: Barred Rocks. New .Hampshires. New Hampshire X Barred Rocks 9.95: -Assorted Light and Medium Breeds 8.45. assorted Heavies 8.95. Pullets: White Leghorns. Barred Rock X White Leghorns. Austra Whites 19.9.T. Barred Rocks. New Hampshires X Barred Rocks 111. 95: New Hampshires 17.95: -Assorted Light and Med- ium Breeds 17.95: -Assorted Heav- ies 14.95. Cockerels: White Leg- horns 1.50: Barred Rocks. New Hampshire X Barred Rpcks 10.95: New Hampshires 9.95: -Assorted Heavies 9.95: White I^eghorn X Barred Rocks 4.50. 2 week old add 6c. 3 week old add lie. 4 week old add 16c. Send tor com- plete price list, also eight week old and older free range iiullets. Top Notch <''hickorics, (Juelph. Ontario. â- UK? OAKS FROM LITTLE ACORNS grow" and husky, healthy big t>rodiicing birds conic from Tweddle ihicks. Our "know how" of pro<lucing only first trade chicks is .icalous]>' iju-'trded. Vcs. to maintain the Tweddle high Muality great pains are taken to hatch healthy chicks that are from Government Approved blood- tested breeders. It is not too late to order Tweddle chicks and have them ready for the Fall. .All the poultry meat and eggs we can Iiroduce will be needed in 1945 and 194 6. Send for reduced price list for June and July. T'rompI delivery on day olds. 2. 3 and 4 ^eek olds In all popular breeds. Also free ranse pullets S weeks and older. Free catalogue Twed- dle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fercus. Ont:'rio. nvKix<; »M» ti.RWivr. HAVFi voo anvtb;n«: Nn:En.'- dyeing or ele.inlnK? Write to us lnf,»rmnlIon We ire clad tc answer vour Qiipstlons t^enart- ment H Parker"* Pve Work.* Limited. 791 Yonge Street. To- roDto. ELECTHIC W .A TKH HE-ATEHii: IM-MERSION TYPE, COPPER CO.N- struclion. C60-watis. Just drop It in a pan of w;iter and almost in- stantly the water is hot. Handy in the kitchen, wonderful for shaving etc. Postpaid $3.00. The Radio Hospital. Tracadie, N.B. FAK.M MACHINKHV FOIt S.AI.B THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER CA.V BE FITTED TO .SW-ATH board y>t an.v mower. Will replace help usuallj- needed to fork hay behind inower in heavy crops. Also save time, as there is no clogging of knife or knife guard. Guaranteed satisfaction.. J7.50 f.o.b. Brii^iol. Que. Sole Mfyr. and distriliutor for Canada and LT.S. IXJCAL SP-ARE TIME .AGENTS WA-VTEIi. A. ARBIC. BKISTOIh FOR SALE J5. 000â€" STORE -AND DWELLING, metal side, detached, large lot, cement ba.sement. 60 x 25, all conveniences. .Separate sale, jew- eler's safe and fixtures. Phone Arthur 62J. Lrillinger. -Arthur. Ont. LALNDRV AND DRY CLEANING Plant in Western Ontario. Doing over 12400 weekly bu.siness with excellent pest war opportunities for expansion. Good money maker, low overhead: real estate con- sisting of brick buildings includ- ed. Fully equipped and capably staffed. Re(iuire3 a capital of • {60.000 cash Reason for selling ill health. .Apply Box 31. 73 Ade- laide W.. Toronto. A 30 BED M.ATERNITY HOSPITAL for sale, going concern, good busines.«, only Hospital in town. Any Ontario Registered .\'urse could operate this business. Own- er will stay on and will help for one month from the date of sale. Reason for selling is poor health. All latest equipment. Hospital has been runnng for 6 years. For further information and inspec- tion apply in writing to Po-st Office. Box iZ^. Delhi. Ontario. C'anada. I-Oft S.ALIC I H.AVE TEN GOOD F-\R-MS FOR sale, ranging in price from three to twelve thousand dollars. For particulars, apply Jas. Donohue, Donohue Garage. Renfrew, Ont. FOR SALE, SCCCESSFUL CRE-AM- ery and dairy business in pro- gressive Ottawa Valley Town, owner retiring on account of ill- health, price right. For further particulars apply to Box 35, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. BUSINESS FOR SALE. FAR-M -MA- chinery, other articles and mach- inery, large lot and buildings with high moving beam and blocks for wrecking and loading. Suitable machinery for repairing. Two minutes' walk to large stores. banks and postoffice. Particulars given. W. E. Rutledge. .\ewm:i.ket. Ont. REGISTERED E.NGLISH SPRl.NG- er .Spaniel Puppies. 10 weeks old. Reasonable. Tako. 3127 Turner, Sub. 12. Windsor. Ont. GER.MAN S HEFHERD PIP PIES. pedigreed. i-h:tmpion slock. J75. Southcotr. .'il Cardiff Hd.. T oron- to Ont. COLLIE PITS 9 WEEKS OLD. started ti> hunt. Mai e Jti.Ot . Fe- male $4.0(1. Ad.ini E( wards. R.R. 5. Cfilui, n. Ont. REMNANTS 15 IV 20 YARDS, T,INE.\L MEAS- ure $1.9S. consists 3V» lbs. un- blea<;hed cotton, cushiim covers, raincape material, flannelette, woollens. (^.O.D.. postage extra. Refund if unsatisfactorv. Puhlex Sales, 377 Parliament. Toronto. niE.SKL ENGINES â€" CO^IPI.ETT': PnSO International SO Horse- power. 4 vear« old: D770n Cater- pillar 70 HP: P46no Caterpillar 66 PIP. 2 vears old: T"D14 Inter- national 68 HP; Pn40 Inter- national 50 PTP. Leventhal * Co.. M.'iehinery liealers. AVinnii*eg. I 1.--H P. rASK MOTOR. IN GOOD rvinning order, either railiator or tank cooled: reason.-iMe for cash. -Appl.v nor 15. Granton. Ont. FOR SALE VFSSOT 13" TtAT.I. bearing grinder direct driven 30 HP. motor first class condi- tion. Apptv J. .A. Eager. Kempt- vllle. Ont. THIS TS >EW HANP PLANTER TO PLANT CORN and distribute fertilizer In one operation. Places fertilizer at plow depth and spaced from seed Quantities ad.iustable. A boy can oner.'ite.' Price Fifteen Dollars. Enquire â€" Gravity Planter Co. Roblln, Ontario. rOT.FCTRIC MCITORS. NEW USED bought Kold rebulU: belts. 0"' levs. brushes Allen RIectrlo Com- nnny Ltd.. 2326 Dufferln St.. To- ronto. ISSUE 25â€"1948 GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids vtiu ;>!;• in Slendt* r Fig uie, turns yr.'ir f< < »1 ; n *o *-neri:y ln?!lead GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs, no exer- cises or drasti*' diet. M.nTh'" suinily si"" i-.-^-p:-.! Dominion Herb Distributors 14â€" "» '•r. l.a«renee Hlld.. Mom real • f.AR.HS for S-ALE 160 -ACRES, TWP. OF NOTTAWAS- aga. lariie bank barn, frame hou.-^e, two good wells â€" $.",.000 cash. Write E. L. Taylor. Streets- ville. owner or see K. E. Culham. Stayner, Ont., -Agent FARM LANDS FOR SALE IF Al:E iNTEKESTEl' IN bu^'ing Farm I-;inds at reasonable prices and terms, in some of the very best districts of Wtsiern Canada, you are invited to write for our new 34 page catalogue of farm lands for sale. Free upon request. We also handle Ranches. Business Opportunities and City Properties throughout Western Canada. Whether you desire to buy or sell, it will pay you to communicaie with us. R. J. ROLLIS & CO. LTD.. Phone 651. Red Deer. Alberta. Offices also at Calgary and Lacombe. .Alberta. FAR-\1 FOl; S.\LE â€" 193 -ACRES 1 n>ile west of Kitchener limns on Kitchener-Stratford h i g h w -i y. "•h:i-le^- \V M. â- -••â- â- . R.K. 4. Kh,h- H tinuiii;ssi\G L E -A R .\ H.AIKDRE.-^SING PHE Robertson method. Information on request ' regarding classes. Roberl^on'.< ILiirdressing ,Aca(l- em.v. i:t7 .Avenue Road. Tcfonlo MIOOICAI. STO.M,\CH AND rHIIUAD WOR.MS often are the of 111-healih in human.«. ail ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting p.'ir- ticulars â€" Free! Write .Muiveney> Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 3. D(>NT DKL.W: EVERY SCFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or .Neur- itis shi'Uld tr.v tMxon's Remedy. Munro-s Drug Store. 335 Elyiii. lUt.iwa. l'o.«tpaid $1.00. BAU.MEEKA FOOT liAL-M DE- stroys offensive odor instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent. l^enm;in Drug Store. iTttawa. PROVEN I;KME1>V â€" EVERY SIF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try D'xon's Rem- edy. Munro's Pirug Store. 335 El- gin. Ot:riw:i. !'o-!tpaid $1.00. CHIROPRACTOR H. S SIMONSON. CHIROPRACTOR. 23 Bloor Street East. Toronto. Hours 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Satuni.iys 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oi'PtlKIVMTIES FtlH WiniF.X BE A H.MRDRESSER JOIN (.'-ANADAS LUADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Nta'"vel Kraduates. .America's greatesi sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL H.AIKDRESSI.NG SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W.. TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. .MCSICAL INSTRIMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON IjL'YS. sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. Ill Church. Toronto 2. i-ATFNlS FETHERSTONHALGH di CO.MPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto Booklet of lnform;ition on re- quest. I'ROrERTIES WAM'ED TO IIIV WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR chicken [arms, market gardens, town or village houses in all parts of the Province. Send full particulars In confidence at once â€" we make no charge unless we sell. Powell and Company, B St. Clair East, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films prnpcri\ developed ano prtnttd « OR 8 E.XPOSUHE HOLi^ 26c REPRINTS 8 tor 2Se FINEST ENLARt;iNi: SERVICE Tou may doI get all the films you want this year, but you can get nl' the quality and service vou <leslr< by sending your films to IMPP.RIAI, riKlTII SK.R^irir BtatUs i, ToroDto TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get bftitri- pi'.tui'.-.s at lowest â- -"-, Done rake chances with your llm rolls. Yuu citn't lake "snaps"' cvrP PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any .Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures DEVEUJPKD AND PRINTED I'^a. A customer in <\ipe Rreton say?*, "t hav« been sending films to you for 4 -r fi ytiurs. Would not send tht^m anywhere else. " SPECI.^L .ALBUM OFFER New Style ,\lhum W.ih Prin'.s sizes lii-:;ii-127 if 20c (4c i-\tr,'il i.,s sent with film rc;!. •SPECL^L PRICES ON FR.\MING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x B" in beautiful easel mounts. 3 for I'.'io. Framed (111 ivoi.v tinted mats. 7 x y". in tiold. Sliver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames. 59o t:., h. If ' i olorcd. 7!lc ei h. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can r*>^ture an.\' \'W ithotou. â- ti or siiap.*;hot . . . ami m.-ik'.! ;i;jv number of prints or eularsemer ;â- • desired. The procfss re<iuires the work of skilled artists, but the cost is reasonable, Seiif] us yc-iir picture and tell us what you wir^t done i\ni\ Wf \v;ll i, II ytni tile < â- "^*. bcf'ir,- doiriji tl;e v.iul*, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box Vl'.\ I'oslal T,Tmili,i! .V, T,;r :.â- i Prinr Nnm,- .-ind AiNivt*^*^ !'!â- ! »r n ST.V.MI- COLLIiCTOK.S. ,\PPRljV- als for medium collections at rcason.'i lilt- prices, I'^ree pr»-ni- i'.iiii»^. .; rni,"-^ '.' r'm''h. P.O. I? "C r !•: .V L H t; n > \\ \ s v i-: i> PKOTEST.\.\T TL.\CHKR F U R S.S. .No. lU. West Uaratra.\.i. Please state salary and iiiia;^- ficatioiis. .Vppl.v to .\. B, I'"leu!.er. R R. .\u, 1, IJeiuuud, tjrit. REUUITT KKyLlRICS TWO t'li;.<T Class Ti-ai hers about .'iti put ,s in the School. I'rincipal grades (i to 10 inclu.sive. Sal.ary SI.." '(» a year. .\1-\U!: PREFliRRKD. Junior Room Oradt.'.-* 1 to 5 in- clusive. Salary S1,2UU a year. .\d- dress applii-atioiis to E. B. WEST- COTT. HEUDITT. Ont. W-\NTEI' â€" TWO y L A L 1 F 1 E !> teachers for .Mayo Township School Area. Ontario-HaatuiVis county. .No. 2 .\lc.-Vrthurs XL!';* ana .No. a Hartsmerc. < !ood nu ci- ern rural schools. Term. I'.t4.'i-4i:, Protestant, salary ?I.1II0. Stat* qualification. K. W. RamsbottLin, Heiinon. Ont. TE.\CUEI: WANTED FOR S..S. NO. 4. Township of Kiiniskillen. Ijainb- ton County, .state experience, ."al- ary and phone number to John W. Piggolt. Secretary. Oil Spnnss. Ont. ETON-KICBV: QC.M.II'IEII TEAC ETON-Rl.'C.KY â€" ui r A L I F 1 i: t> teacher for U.S.S, .No. 1. Sal-,'-v- IllOtl.iill. .Apply to C, .v. Mutts. n. Sec. Eton-RuKby. Ont. FIRST .-L.XSS TEA. HEK WANT- f.d for S..-^. .\o. IJ Fiizroy. Dm «•» to commence Septembor 4. P.M.",. Apply stJttinjr salary and exper- ience to C. R. ("aniph.'ll. Secy - trcrisurer. Fitxro\- Harbour. Or:t. KENT l.-O. TEACHER WANTi::i> for .'<.S. .No. 1,1, Iiover Twsp. Sh!. ary $1100.00. .\pply st.itinB: quali- fications and salar.v expected trv .Adelard Tetreaiilt. R.R. No. :. Bear Line, Ont. W.VNTEP â€" Pl;OTI-:STANT TEArH- cr for Public Si'hool (.{ 18 pupils startiiiii" September, .st.ate qu;il'- fications and expected.. Edward Maclnncs. Secr»tat\'. Lee- biiii'. Of iii':i.i' \v.\\Ti':i> STRONO. A RLE WO.MKN FOR general housework. Silil - S!** month, hod. board. Girls, women for summer restart, tv. \- nccordinc ase. ability. Mar; if 1 •'uuplf, man. buy. i;:)nlcn frtl'Tl. Mrs. r.i'Vii. C:i! Spriiiyv. I. Tit. ELDER lv"m.\.n~or~stron(;"laiS for niiictl.v acre tractor farm, irood milki-r and teamster, iif^rir Tnron'c, (^ood home, .'^t.-tt,' \v,u -, Hex 1. N.ishvill.'. Opt. WANTED TWENTY-FIVE TO ONE HPN- dred acres within two hundred miles Toronto. Must be situat^id on I..aftf> or River. Buildinirs im- material. Box .'H. 73 Adel.iide W.. Toronto. HOISEKEEI'ER WANTED ON' Farm Z miles from Tillsonhuiir. All city conveniences. 3 children, 2 adults Cood waires. J. .A. M;- Cabc. Tillst»nburit. Ont. WANTEDâ€" 1936 CHEV. MASTER CYLINDER HEAD IK-' Kently Pay c.ish. Write Arv:J Uihli. Kc^â- n.irl>..uv Ont. WE BUY nundred* r>\ [tftis i:, F:irk», PRICES HIGHER NOW Write to' fu'i !••.' Don'Tnion Herb Distributors 14X1 *it. I.nmrrar* lllvd., MaBlr«ar