4 t BOMB-BEARING JAP PAPER BALLOON Officials examine bomb-bearing paper balloon with Jap inscription. According to recent announcement by U. S. War and Navy De- partments, Japan has been sporadically attacking western United States, with no damage. Here Maj. J. F. Bolgiano, Army Air Corps balloon expert, holds release valve; Capt. W. B. Standard of Army Intelligence holds shock absorber; FBI agent W. G. Ban- ister holds flash bomb device, and Ensign P. M. Jackson, Navy Intelligence, holds roll of fuse attached to bomb. LOOKS WRONG, BUT IT'S O. K. That's a British soldier at left, standing in meek expectancy whil* an armed German sentry checks his papers befors letting him paaa. It goes on every day in Crete where the big German garrison haa been allowed to 'etain its arms, for fear of attack by ch« vengeful natives. Germans live in Suda Bay area and Allied personnel muat have special permits to enter. BRIDGE ON TANKâ€" TANK ON BRIDGE The photos above are the first released of the British Army's "Sissors" *ank, which carries its own bridge with it. From a nor- mal position on the top of the tank, the bridge portion is lifted by a hydraulic arm, as shown in top photo and deposited across nar row streams. The bottom picture made in Holland where narro streams and canaU abounds, shows the bridge in use. RE-ELECTED Returning to Lyons after release from Nazi bondage, M. Herriot is shown receiving cheers from citizens of Lyons. The former Premier of France was re-elected Mayor o[ Lyons upon return. DEFEND PETAIN In a book published in Montreal, French professor Louis Rougier, above, says that aged Field Mar- shal Henry Philippe Petain, in- stead of being a traitor as now charged, kept France and dia French fleet from going over M the Axis while he headed the Vichy government. MAYOR OF NAHA A pistol-packin' "city father" is Maj. Anthony Walker, above, of Fairfax, Va. He's the new mayor of Naha, capital ^( Okinawa, "elected" to the job by his divi- sion commander. MONTY DELIGHTS DUTCH LAD Great delight is registered on the face of this young Dutch boy, as Field Marshal Montgomery took a moment off to autograph the lad'n notebooK during a rtctnt visit to the First Canadian Army Headquarters. COMMAND PERFORMANCE^-TO LEARN THE TRUTH Because townspeople of Burg- iteinfurt, Germany, showed re« sentment against British occupa- tion forces, Allied Military Gov- ernment authorities ordered them Into the local movie theater, as pictured at top left, to see "Village of Hate," documentary film show- ing German atrocities at the notor- ious Belsen and Buchenwald mur- der camps. Top right, women emerge from the theater, grim- faced, some weeping, after seeing the filmed horrors. At right, Capt, A. Stirling, Assistant District Provost Marshal, orders a woman to rswitness the picture. She was laughing when she came out of the theater the first time. SYRIAN ROW SPOTUGHTS ALLIES' MEDITERRANEAN HEADACHES What tt Kussm's position on Iran oil fields where U. S. and Britain hove huge investments? FRENCH W«$T AFRICA The Big l>"ive â€" U. S., Britain, Russia, France and Chii?a â€" meeting to deal with the Syria-Lebanon dispute, would undoubtedly fi:J thenv. selves ensnarled in major problems involving North Africa and the whole Middle East. Particularly delicate, in view of possible geiierd Arab uprising in North Africa, is the great powers' attitude tuwardthe Arabs League, (diagonal shading) composed of Egypt, Saudi Arabia. Iraq Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. Map above locates some of the painful questions for which Big Five will hava to find answers. i i