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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jun 1945, p. 2

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â- A OF BUSY HOUSEWIVES For meals-in-a-hurry at any time of dayâ€" breakfast, lunch, between-meal snacks- clever housewives rely on Kellogg's ready- to-eat cereals. They're ready to serve In 30 seconds . . . need no mixing or cooking. Easy to digest. Economical, too! VOICE OF THE PRESS HE "KNEADED" IT Someone in Chatliani robbed a bread wagon. Probably an ill-bred loafer with no dough, but « lot of cruet. â€" Ottawa Citizen. WHERE TO FIND 'EM Kuts resembling j/inheadi art BOW being used on some machines. Many of them may be seen behind iteering wheels. â€" Peterborough Examiner. PEACE OR PIECES Note to the San Francisco secu- rity conference: This is the world'* kst chance â€" it must come to peace or go to pieces. â€" Kitchener Record. THERE IS STILL HCPK Pcrliaps if the right measures are taken now we can win World War III before we leave Germany. â€" Brandon Sun. Economy Keeps Great Britain Dim Decorative and display lighting in Britain, permitted during: VSr Day celebrations, must cease "ow- ing to the urgent need for contin- ued fuel economy," the Fuel and Power Ministry has announced. TANKS FOR THE BOAT RIDE You Will Bnjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TOnOITTO Kytrj Ruiim nllb Bntb, Skon- •I and rclrphoae. BlBKlr, apâ€" Double, KM np. Oood Fooil, DIniBB and Dane- las NlKhtl7. Sherboume at Carlton Tel. RA. «185 GOING DOWN Against all natural precedents, the Rising Sun is now going down in the East. Return Of Canucks Depends On Shipping Availability of shipping is the de- termining factor in movement of Canadian troops home, according to 1st Canadian Army Headquart- •rs. While it is hoped the present plan to move about 15,000 horns In June and 85,000 in each of the subsequent months can be carried out, there are jo many considera- tions influencing the present thip- ping priorities that no firm official guarantees can be given that these numbers will be transported over the Atlantic month by month. Headache Nodiing Is moredepres- (sing than headaches... Whjr suffer>„.Umbl]^ will give instant relief ^r^y ' Lambly's isgood for ear- Cw.\ •ch«,tooth»che.ptinsio f^ â- , back, stomach, bowel*. Jkiu/f HEADACHE POWDERS i« Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE LjrdiaE.Pinkham'sVegetableCompound not only helps relieve monthly pain but alto accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings â€" when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one of tha most effective medicines for this purpose. PInkham's Compound ht\p% naturil Follow label directions. Try ill Whem can I get Ne^ir Flint, Naluially we will build all the furnaces for which manpower and materials are available. But there are not going to be enough CLARE- HECl.A Furnaces to go around ... and the most urgent needs must be met first. Any owner will tell youaCl.ARl--HECI.Aiswell worth waiting for . . . it Is liacked by 90 years' exper- ience and progress in effic- ient home heating. If you really need a new furnace this fall belter see your Clare dealer now. HECLA When Sgt. Donald E. Hudson, SI, left, of DeKalb, 111., was given access to a salvage dump in Italy, he combined discarded air- plane gas tanks 'with an air compressor motor and a propeller fashioned from scrap metal to make the tricky little catamaran pictured above. His companion is Pfc Eric H. Staples, 32, of San- ford, Maine. Both are ordnance workers in the 15th Air Force. Princess Elizabeth Wins Driving Class King Geort'e and Queen Eliza- beth saw Princess Elirabeth, driv- ing her pony, Gipsy, in a black phaeton built for Queen Victoria, win the private driving class for the best single turnout at the Ro- yal Windsor Horse Show. Princess Margaret, dressed like her sister in a tweed coat and skirt and wearing a colored scarf over her liair sat as Princess Elizabeth's passenger with a top-hatted groom i- tlie back seat. The Duke of Beaufort presented Princess Elizabeth with an oil painting by Gwyn Jones of herself driving her Norwegiai. pony, with which she won at the show last year. Netherlands East Indies have a population of 70,000,000, of whom 45,000,000 live on Java. The Shawini^aii Water and Power Company First Mortgage and Collateral Trust 33^% Sinking Fund Bonds Due Ja/iiiary I, 1970 Price: 100 and accrued interest Dtstriptive circular jrladly furnished upon request 36 KingStreH fTe,, ^y^^j^ Gundy & Company 7 oronu> 1 • • • < H Telephone: EL^in 4321 i.imiiea Cathedral Intact Despite many air attacks the ca- thedral of Aachen. Germany, dating back to the 9th century, is virtually intact, tlie War OfTice announced recently. Damage was "extensive but superficial" and tlie structure remains sound,- the statement added. Long, Hard Years Mr. Cliurchill betrays sometliing of the liard strain he has been un- der, as Great Britain's leader, when he reviews the long train of turbu- lent events since the fall of the Low Countries and France in 1940, and says: "Years have passed since then; indeed every year seems to me almost a decade." AGENTS WANTED REPRESENTATIVES RELIABLB! wanted to sell Pl&stic Coatlngr*. (•.specially sufted for Brick and Metal surfaces, also for Roofs. Finest quality products. Qood commlsslona, Box 27, 71 Adelaide W., Toronto. .« nABY CHICKS STARTED PULLETS. BARRED Rocke and White Leghorns. S weeks old 26o. Ooddard Chick Hatcherle.i, Britannia Heigrbte, Ontario. ROCK X LEGHORNS 111.75, AvE- tra Whites J12.60. Shipped C.O.D. anywhere by: Wlllowdale Chlck- ery. Newtonbrook, Ont. STARTED £HICKSâ€" 2 TO 4 WEEKS OLD We can supply fairly limited nuna- ber of started chicks Z-4 weeks old. If you act quickly. WEEKLY SPECIAL UST STARTED CHICKS Send for wctldy special list of .sUutcd chicks. FREE RANGE PULLETS 3-S MONTHS OLD Roised under ideal range condition* LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM A Breeding Farm of SOOO Layers WEIN BROS., Exeter.Ont REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS BARRED UOCKS IL't, l.bJliHORN Pullets 22c. Uarred Rock Pullets 20c, LeBhoi'n.<i are Barron ;itratn. Rocks ure O.B.S. lircedint;, and all breeders are blood-tested. 15. R. Cockerels to six weeks old also Leghorn Pullets eisht weeks old, fully feathered and roosting. Hybrid Broilers four weeks and over. One dollar books your order now. Johnson Hatcher.v, I'ergus, Ont. DO.S'T JUST TAKE OUR WORD for It. Ask the poultrymen wrho consistently order Tweddle chicks year after year they'll tell you the reason. They'll tell you our chicks and .satisfactory In every way because all Tweddle chicks are Government Approved from bloodtested breeders. Buy Tweddle chicks for Blsper profits. Our hieh quality and low prices will please you. Prompt delivery on Hay old, 2 week, 3 week and 4 week olds In all popular breeds. Also free rangre pullets elicrht weeks and older. Send for reduc- ed prlcelist for June and July. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, PerKUs. Ontario. ATTKNTtONâ€" POIII.TRYKIOKPERS â€" .vour July ihicks should be or- dered now. For prompt delivery wo have ninst breed.*i, pullets, chicks, coeicerela. Kray Hatchery, no John N'.. Hamilton, Out. YOIT PAV NO MORE POR 1st Hcide Top .Notch chicks. Usually you have to pay a hlKher price for quallly. Top Notch chlck.s are well known by poultrymen Can- ada wide (or their robust health and quick Krow^lne â€" early pro- rtucinK. I'riies of a few breeds for delivery after June 15th Non- l^cxed; Wliitn I.effhorns, Uarred Itiirk X White IjeKhorns. Au.'stro Whites 9. 45; rt.arred Hocks. New Hampshlre.s, New Hampshire X Hnrred Rocks 0.05: Assorted l..ig'ht and Medium Hreeds 8.45; A.«aort- cd Heavies 8.95. Pullets: White lii'Prhorns, rtarred Rock. X White Lcushorns. Austra Whites 19.95, Itarred Itock.s, New Iliimp.shire X Uarred lioiks 16.9,1; New Hamp- .sblres 17. fS. Assorted Llsht and Medium Mreeds 17.95, Assorted Heavies 14.!15. Cockerels: White I.eKboriiH 150; Burred Uocks. New H.inipsbire X Uiirred Itock.s m.Oa, New Ilarapahlres 0.95. As- sorted Ilc.ivies 9.95. White;- horn X I'jirred Rocks 4.4.'i. 2 \veek old udd fie. S week old add lie. 4 week old add 18c. Rend for complete prlcelist. Also B week old to laylnB pullets. Top Notch Chlekerlea, Ouelpli. Out. ^ , •STARTIOn CHICKS J, 8 and < weeks old In all popular purA breeds and hybrids crosses In iion-seted. pullets and cockerels. Tmmedlnte delivery. Also day olds, .lend tor reduced prices for .Tune and July. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited. Fergus, Ont. VICTORY CHICK SALE rou JUNf: ANn jui.v iiakhed Hock Mixed 10c, Barred Iloek Pullets Ifio, White LeKhnrn mlxfd 9c. While LeRhorn Pullets SOc, White Rock Mixed 15c. Brown I.e(;horn Pullets 24c. Coddard Chick Hatcheries Ltd.. Rritnnnls Heights, Ont. SPECIAL PULLET SALE BTARTEn PULT.RT.M. I WKKK old 22c. 2 weeks old H eent<a. Im. mediate delivery. Carlelon Hatch- •rjr. Britannia Uelchli, Ontario. OVEINO AND CLEANING HAVE you ANlfTHINQ NEEDU dj'elng or cleaning? Write to us fur infqrmatlon. We are glad to answer your questions Depart- ment H. Parker's Dfa Works Limited. 791 Vang* Street. To- ronto. Kl.L':C'ri<.IC WATER HE^ATERSt IMMERSION TYPE, COPPER CON- struction, 6C0-watts. Just drop tt In a pan of water and almost In- stantly the water is hot. Handy in the kitchen, wonderful tor shaving etc. Postpaid }8.00. The Radio Hospital, Tracadi*, N.B. KAIttM MACHINERY FOR BALH THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER CAN BE FITTED TO SWATH board of any mower. Will replace help visually needed to {ark hay behind mower in heavy crops. Also save time, as there is no clog^Ring of knife or knife guard. Ouarunteed satisfaction. 17. SO f.o.b. Bristol, Que. Sole Mfgr. and distributor for Canada and U.S. I.OCAL SPARE TIME AGENTS AVANTED. A, ARBIC, BKIt>TOL« «tl !â- '• ron SAL.B JS.OOO â€" STORE AND DWELLING, metal side, detached, large lot, ciment basement, 60 x 25, all conveniences. Separate sale. Jew- eler's safe and fixtures. Phone Arthur OSJ. Brlllinger, Arthur, Ont. Ki.K HOO.M liUIClC HOUSEâ€" HY- ilro. garage. Bargain for cash, ininiediate possession. A. Bawten- liimer, Shedden, Ontario. YOL-.\C; ABEItDKE-N ANGUS BULLS, heifers and cows. N. Bawten- hitner & Son. Shedden, Ont. SPECIAL OFFER, 4 DUAL PUR- pusu short horn bulls. All dark red. Ready for service. They are accredited bred by Parfaite Royal Sensiition whose grand dam made the breed's largest butter fat record in Canada la IDSii pro- ducing 1173 lbs. fat from 14091 lbs. of 4.8',i milk. Three of them are from dams aired by Prince Martinis. Present herd aire at .Nurthland Farms. Write or phone IMK.'ir ISiiKshaw. 427 Avenue Ituad. Toronto. Farm at Beaver- ton. Phone Ml. 5847. CI.YDKSDALE STALLION, QUIET In harness, enrolled B Premium 1H45-194G-1917. Sell cheap or ex- change for young mare. A. Mar- shall, Vara, Out. BE-\L:T1FUI, UlOCaSTERED DO- berinan Pinscher. 14 months old. Bu.v 73. Iloriu'payne, Ont. MA.SSKY HAltUIS 101 super twin power tractor on rubber, prac- ti<:illy new. or Model C Case on steel in Al condition. Alvin Uruer, Orni.stown Station. Que. LAfNDRY AND DRY CLEANING in Western Ontario. Doing over J2400 weekly business with excellent post war opportunities for expansion. tSood money maker, low overhead: real estate con- sisting of brick buildings Includ- ed. Fully equipped and capably st.'iffed. Requires a capital of JdO.OOO cnsh Reason for selling 111 hcTlth. Apply Box 81, 73 Ade. laide W.. Toronto. A ;ui BED MATKRNITY HOSPITAL for sale, goinc: concern. good liusiness, only Hospital In town. An.v Ontario Registered Nurse could oper'ate this business. t)wn- er will stay on and will help for one month from the date of sale. Ro.ison for selling Is poor health. All latest equipment. Hospital ha.«i been runnni^ for 6 years. For further information and Inspec- tion apply in writing to Post Office, liox !!2n. Delhi, Ontario, Canada. I H.-VA'E TKN C.OOD FARMS FOR sale, ranging In price from three to twelve thousand dollars. For particulars, apply Jas. Donohue, Donohue Oarage, Renfrew, Ont, FOR SALE. SirCCESSFUL CREAM- ery and dair.v buslneai In pro- gressive Ottawa Valley Town, owner retiring on account of Ill- health, price right For further particulars apply to Box 35, IS Adelaide W., Toronto. ALl'MINUM TANKS, S5-GAHX3N capacity, weight only 1! lbs.: or- iginally hiillt for airplanes. Many uses In farms, gardens, cottages, boats, $7.50 each. I,evv Auto Parts Co. Ltd., 7,15 Queen St. W., Toronto. Circulars on request. Bl SI NESS FOR SALE. FARM MA- chlnery, other articles and mach- itiery, large lot and buildings with high moving beam and blocks for wrecking and loading. .Suitnhte machinery for repairing. Two minutes' walk to large stores, banks and po.ofof tire. Particulars given. W. i;. liutledge, Newmarket. Onu ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, »old. rebuilt; bells, pul. leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2.126 Dufrerin St.. To- ronto. FARMS FUH SAL.B ISO ACRES, TWP. OF NOTTAWAS- aga, large bank barn, frame house, two good wells â€" $5,000 cash. Write E. L. Taylor, Streets- Tllle, owner or see A. E. Culham, Stayner, Ont, Agent. CHOICE 100 ACRES CLAY LOAM, tile drained, t miles to Liondon. Modern brick house, gaj furnace. Good bank barn, water bowls, hydro, drilled well. Hog pen. poul- try house, machine sheds. |10,000. W. B. Bradshaw. Wilton Grove, Ont. ON NQ. I HIOHWAY'. IN KENT, 240 acres, ela)> loam, new house, large barn, on wall, straw shed, Implement shed, garage, deep well, windmill. 20 acres timber, 100 acres pasture. Write for par- ticulars. B. UacDonald, Business Broker, Auctioneer, Ridiretown. Ontario. Box 6S, HAIRDRBSSING LEARN HAIRDRESaiNG THE Robertson method. InrormatloD on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. THIS IS NfclW HAND PLANTER TO PLANT CORN and distribute fertilizer In one operation. Places fertilizer at plow depth and spaced from seed. Quantities adjustable. A boy can operate. Price Fifteen Dollars. Enquire â€" Gravity Planter Co., Robtin, Ontario. HEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of lll-bealth in humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto i. WANTEDâ€" EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent. Denmao Drug Store. Ottawa. CHIROPRACTOR H. S SIMONSON, CHIROPRACTOR, 2i Bloor Street East, Toronto. Hours 1 p.m. to g p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. FRUIT JUICES; THE PRINCIPAL Ingredients In IMxon'a Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Sold only Munro's Drug Stores, 335 Klgin, Ottawa. Postpaid Jl.UU. OI'I'OHTIINITIIOS FOB WO.tllilN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue tree Write or call MARVEL IIAIUDUESSING SCHOtlLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 RIdeau Street. Ottawa. Ali:SICAL INKIKIMKNTS FRED A. BOUDIN(.!TON tiUVS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. Ill Church. Toronto 2. TATIONTS FETHEliSTONHAUCH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established ISilO; 14 King West, Toronto Booklet of Inforinalion on re- guest. â- â- ROPEUTIBS WANTED TO UUV WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR chicken (arms, market gardens, town or village houses fn aU parts of the Province. Send full particulars In confidence at once â€" wo make no charge llnless we Jfill. Powell and Company, 6 St. Clair East, Toronto, PHUTtl(;llA|-H^ TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your riime oti.nptiv Jevelopfd upc' t'tMli • <JR i ExT*'>«Ui<L KOLLS J6c REPRINTS ( t>i ZSS FINEST BNLj»Rt!|Ni; SKuVICB You may not gel all the films yoo want ihia yaar. but you can get all the quality and service you dealrt by sending your films to IMPriRIAI. PHO'KI xniMK'p Btatloa J, Toronto CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures. Soaps can't be taken over again. Send your film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll â€" 6 or g Sxposura* DEVELOPED AND PRINTED I5< "I get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer tn Nova Scotia, who adds that she has tried many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Print* sizes 16-20-127 If Z9c (4e extra) la sent with fltan roU. ENLARGEMENTS- COLORED AND FRAMED Bnlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, S tor 25c. Framed, on iTory tinted mats, 7 x 9" In Gold, Sliver, Circassian Walnut or Black Bbony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement colored, 7>c esc^ OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograpt or snapshot . . . and make any; number of prints or enlareementa desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but tha cost Is reasonable. Send us your picture and tell ua what you want done and we will tell you the coil before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A. Toronta Print Name and Address Plainly oa Orders. STAMPS STAMP COLLECTORS. APPROV. als for medium collections at reasonable prices. Free prem* lums. Jamas O. Smith, P.O. BOB 66, Edmonton, Alberta. TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER FOB S.S. No. lU, West Uaratraxa. Please state salary and quali- fications. Apply to A. B. Fletcher, RR. No. 1, Belwood, Out. REDDITT REQUIRES TWO FIRST Class Teachers about 50 pupil* In the School. Principal grades ( to 10 inclusive. Salary J1.604 a year. MALE PREFERRED. Junior Room Grades 1 to i in- clusive. Salary |1,200 a year. Ad- dress applications to K. B. WEST- COTT, ItEODITT. Ont. WANTKU â€" TWO QUALIFIED teachers tor Mayo Township School Area. Ontario-Hastings county. No. 1 McArttiur's Milla and No. 5 Hartsmere. Good mod- ern, rural schools. Term, l>4i-4S, Protestant, salary $1,100. State qualification. A. W. Ramsbottom, Hermon, Ont. TE^CHllR WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 4, Township of KnniskiUen. Lamb- ton County. State experience, sal- ary and phone number to John W. Pisjgott. Secretary, Oil Springs, Ont. ETON-ncCBY; QUALIFIED TEAC ETON-RUGBY â€" QUALIFIED teacher tor U.S.S. No. 1, Salarr tllOO.OO. Apply to C. A. Mattson. Sec. Kton-Rugby, Ont. FIRST CLASS TBIACHER WA.VT- td for S.S. No. i: Fitzroy. Duties to commence Septetnber 4. 1945. Apply stating salary and exper- ience to C. R. Campbell, Secy.- treasuriT. Fitzroy Harbour, Ont. WANTED TWENTY -FIVE TO ONE HUN- dred acres within two hundred miles Toronto. .Must be situated on Lake or River. Buildings Im- material. Box 34. 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. STORE. TOBACCO, CONF15CTI0N- ery etc. or other merchandlaa that a couple can handle, with comfort.Tble living quarters. Wilt pay Principals only. Boa 36. 73 .\delald e W., Toronto. POTATO CRADEU W.\NTED TO buy. Cecil O'Reilly. 1860 Oneida Court , Windsor, Ont. EXPEniKNCED FARM MANAGER desires position. Shorthorn pref- erence. Residence essential. Ref- mnces. O. ,â- !. Hamilton, Oardea Hill Fa rm. SawyerviHe, Que. WE BUY "" hundreds of Herbs, Ki.nts. Bnrka, ?!rr!e?, fii^w^'c innvov â- â€¢'- RICES HIGHER NoW Write for fun list Dominion Herb Distributor 142B S« l. nwrence lllv«l., Moatreal HARDWOOD WANTED WE AKK IN THE MARKET FOB ALL, KINDS OP HARDWOOD LUm'BRli, WHOLE CUTS PR*-" FRRRKD. ONTARIO HARDWOOD PRODUCTS LTD. 45 Ernest Ave., Toronto - LL. BWl ..A T .a a â- 4 -4 -♦ z -* « â- * » â- 4 4 •4 « â- 4 â- 4 â- â- * A â- A

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