i TliE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May jp A Welcome Special ii Flannelette Blankets $2.59 Pair jj Pink or blue plaid, size 70x80. Each blanket whipped singly. Only a limit- ed number available, so only one pair to a oustomer. SPECIAL $2.59 PAIR F. H. W. Hickling i General Merchant FLESHERTON KlMbERLEY ♦♦♦♦♦♦•X»«>^<m:..5»j.^.Jm:..;«{m^ ^ n •♦♦++* PRICEVILLE • Tho Y.P.S. met Tuesday evening at the home of A. L. Hincks. The iiifeting opened by singing O Lord atiul F\ather of Mankind. Mr Halli- well then led in pri-.ver. Mr. Grant Siiyors gave an instrumental on pl- nno. A duet was sung by Mr. Halli- wel! and Mrs. Oan Campbell. (Com- munity Binging was enjoyed. Betty and Sijrley Hincks sang a duet. Sev- eral can* -its were enjoyed. Mr. Hal- liwol'i, Mrs. Sims, and Kenneth Mc- Kocluile won the prizes. Choir prac- tise w«8 held also. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims spent ^nday at Gue^h. iHx, and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and Gordon spent the week end at Georgetown. Visitors last week at A. L. Hincks wt-re, Mr. and Mis. G. A. Black and family, Mr. D Hincks, Mr. and Mrs. Ali Hincks and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, and Miss Jean Hincks. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petrie, Wa>'ne, Larry and Beverley of Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKechnie spent Thursday at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cftirson and family have moved into Mrs. Buck- liam's house in Priceville. Mr. Innis McLean, Toronto, spent the week end At his home. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carson are vi- siting with their daughter, Mis. Art Richardson, Swinton Park. Mr. Stuart Carson and friend of Pickering spent t]|e week end with friends here. Miss Jane Karstedt of Brampton apent the week end at her home. Mra. D. -Nichol returned home af- ter spending awhile with her daugh- ter, in Flesherton. Mrs. T. Nichol returned after spending awhile with friends at Col- liftirwood and with her daughter at Mclntyre. Mr. Roy McLean, Toronto, spent the 24th with his mother and broth- er. Hermie. Mr. Neil McLean, Toronto, was a Tisitor on the 24th at his mother's. (Intended for Last Week) Mother's Day was fittingly obser- ed Sunday last. The children and their teacher's occu|pied the front peiws. The minister, Mr. Halliwell j»reached a fine sermon. High com- mendation was given to Christiar. mothers. Mr. Grant Sayers and Miss Betty Hincks sang a duet 'IMothers prayers have followed me". The Y.P.S. was held Wednesday nijrht, at home of Mr. Donald Nichol and choir practise was held. Ken McKechnie gave a very interesting Empire Sunday in Priceville Presbyterian Church Ehnpire Sunday was oibserved in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcii at Priceville, when Mr. W. D. Halliwell delivered a special sermon, stating that the Christian religion is "life and reason" an <xpression of life and order. Since long life may be denied us, let us do something to show that we- have lived. Our contribution in making the Dominion a better place to live is our responsibility, and he expressed a challenge when he said "We are not here to play, to dream, to drift, we have hard work to do and loads to lift. Shun not. Face the struggle, its God's gift." Pte. Ted Weber of Ciinip Horden .â- ipent the week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. K. li;llis visited Sun- day with Mr. and Airs. V. Uoodl'el- low at Uubbinton. .Villi, N. Smith visited with Mr. uiid Mr^. D. A. Oiahum and Mrs. IJuriitl, Sunday. iMiss ]{uth Ellis and Miss Betty Graham are vi.siliiig Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham. There was a meeting of the con- gre;'ation of the United Cliurch on Monday night to consider plans for tnu reik'corution and remodeling of the church, with a fund of over ^^.'i'OO.OU on hand and more promised, they expect tenders and work to be- gin soon, a committee was appointed to forward the work. Mr. and iMrs. Fay Marshall and daughter of CWAC spent the week wtih Mr. and Mrs. F. Weber. Mr. Roy Garnish of Toronto preached in the Baptist Church Sun- day morning and night. He â- *ill have charge of the services through the summer months. iSunday morning the Y.P.'s had charge of the service in the United Chui-ch. The congregation apprecia- ted their service. Rev. West gave a fine sermon too. A meeting of BC candidates, .Mr. H. McCauley and Mr. Case, owing to rain the attendance was not large. Mr. Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. Findlay McDonald on Friday night was very well attended. Both randidates and Mrs. McDonald spoke and were well received. The social credit candidate held a meeting Saturday night. Mrs. B. A. Oarruthers visited a few days with Vandeleur friends and attended the W.I., where she Krave an interesting paper. iMrs. W. Thompson of Owen Sound and baby are guests of Mrs. Geo. Proctor for an extended visit. Mr. D. Davis and children of Tor- onto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Soul. -*.â€",»-' - "^ .r-^ -- « K GREY BRUCE ELECTORS! JOHN GRIERSON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE over CKNX paper on missions. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock spent Sunday with her mother at Swinton Park. Mrs. J. A. Nichol received one dozen and a half roses from her son. Gordon in England, for Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKechnie, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McFarlane spent Wednesday at Guelph. Mr. David Hincks has sold, his house in town to Mr. Elmer Harri- son. Tuesday afternoon the WMS and WH Societies met at the home of Mrs. J. A. Nichol with a good atten- dance. Mrs. J. A. Nichol presided over the W.H. meeting opened with a hymn, Mrs. A. MacCuaig led in prayer. Miss Nellie McLean resign- ed as treasurer for both societies after 12 years of faithful service. Mrs. Arthur Leith vas appointed to take her place. Mrs. D. L. McAr- thur gave a sple.idid reading. A contest was put on Ly the president, Mrs. D. Campbell won the prize. .Mrs. Sayers presided over the WM'' and was appointed President and Jlrs. Sam McDermid as Vice President. Mrs. A. MacCuaig gave a reading and Mrs. D. L. Mc- Arthur offered a splendid prayer. The meeting closed by singing a h>Tnn followed by Mizpah Benedic- tion. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Chas. Tucker. Miss Violet Stcnehouse is assist- ing in the home of Mr. Peter Muir. Mrs. Curtz is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. Whyte. Things You Will Be Needing SEED CORN, RAPE SEED COMPTON'S E.\RLYâ€" 606 Hybrid DW.VRF ESSEX .... 20c lb. Golden Glow HOUSE SUPPLIES Screen Doors, plain. $2.95 - $3.25. Special $4.25 Combination Doors, unpainted $6.95 Window Screenn, varioos sizes Galvanized Screenjng Brooms Dust .Mops Waxes and Polishes Galvanized Clothes Line and rubber Fly Swatters just arrived FOR SURFACE SATISFACTION USE SCARF'S PAINTS and VARNISHES C omplete line in stock, also good stock Paint Bru.shes HAY TIME IS COMING Good supply of Ham Kope and IWatty Ha.v Forks Pulleys Slings Ropes Slinc Chains and Beatty Barn Track 3Tine Hay Forks SI. 10 to S1..30 Beatty Stock Pumps Cistern Pumps Galvanized Piping BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Rolbrick Siding Winloc - 3 Jn 1 Roll Roofing and Building Paper Inaulbrick 8idinK Shingle SEE US FOR YOUR NEW STOVE, HEATER or CIRCULATOR 1 GOOD USED STOVp $25.00 liASSEY-HARRlS FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIF^ I MOI J. M. STAFFORD HARDWARE FEED CBMENT Phone 4 r 22 ' FEVERSHAM, Onl. MODHRN FARM MACHINERY ROOFING ROCK MILLS At the meeting In the interests of the Township School area held in the school last weeK, Mr. Rae pub- Thursday, May 31 . . 7.15-20 p.m. : SUBJECT: "The Lack of Understanding of the Kiny Government" •4 t \U Thursday, June 7 . . 7.15-20 p.m. SUBJECT: "A Policy for Canadians" (Published by Grey-Bruce Progressive Conservative Association) ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ â- HH ' **** **< hH"M^4>4>« lie school inspector spoke and out- lined some of the methods of a school area. A vote was the* taken and waj turned down as the rate- payers of this section felt they would rather have the old system. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent a day in Oiwen Sounu. Miss Ruby Dobson of Durbaia spent the week end at her home. She was accompanied by Miss Isabel Whitmore, who spent the week end here. Rev. Eric Quirk, returned mission- ary from India was the special speaker at the Missionary Rally held in thie Baptist Church, Tues- day night of last week, Mr. Quirk is a fine speaker and well worth hearing, but owing to the disagree- able night not as many were able to attend the meeting as had been hoped for. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beaton and Emerson dj Ceylon wero visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts. The entrance class of five pupils of the public school here have all re- ceived a pass and are out of sdiool on farm leave. "tMable, dear/' bee^an her :&iend| "I was so sorry to hear that Mae broke oiff the engagement. Did yon have a quarrel?" "No," replied Mabel. "He met a girl from Aberdeen wihose birthday was on Christmas Day." PROVINCE OF ONTARIO GENERAL ELECTION, JUNE 4th> 1945 NOTICE To Active Service Voters v/ho are absent from their units e The attention of members of the Navy, Army and Air Force and all other persons who qualify as Active Service Voters under the ~~' """ "~~ "^ ~ Ontario Active Service Voting Regulations, 1945, is directed to the â€" ""â€" â€" â€"â€" â€" following provisions. 1. Active Service Voters ot their homes. Active Service Voters who are in their place of ordinary residence on polling day may vote in the manner prescribed by the Election Act for civilian voters, whether or not their names ore on the Voters' List, on taking a declaration (Form 8 A) before the deputy returning o£Eicer. Such voters may vote at the regular polling place for the voting sub-division in which they reside. ^ 2. Active Service Voters on Leave or Furlough. Active Service Voters who are absent from their units but not in their place of ordinary residence, on leave or furlough, including such voters on farm leave or industrial leave, may poll their votes with any commissioned officer appointed to take the votes of Active Service Voters, on producing to such commissioned officer docu* mentary proof that they are on leave or furlough and provided that they have not already voted in the election. Such voters sheuld apply to the nearest Naval, Military or Air â- Force headquarters for information as to the location of the Commissioned Officer neaOst to their present address. Alex. C. Lewis CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER; PROVINCE OF ONTARIO * -5 r * 4 » 4