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Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1945, p. 3

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v-^' ^ THE FLESHERTON AZ>VANCE Wednesday, May 30, 10W 1 CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES IN ONTARIO -JUNE 4 OnAWA SOUTH OXFORD PARRir SOUND 4 Bon. Ceo, H. Dnnbcar, Olt'.wo Provincial Secretary, Minister Municipal Affairs; Game and Fish. Veteran of last war. .Plans to create one of the finest game and fish areas in Ihe Dominion. RAINY SIVEB Major Rev. R. O. Wilkes, M.C.. Rainy Rivn Clergyman. Enlisted June 1940. Padre No. 5 General Hospital overseas, transferred to Roy-al Canadian Begiment. Received Military Cross for evaciiating wounded under heavy fire. TEMISKAMING Capl. B. D. Cuminijig, X.C, Haileybary Lawyer. Bom in Grenfell, Sask., gra- duate Osgoode Hall. Gunner with C.F.A. in last war twlc» wounded. Captain in Reserve Army. Practised law In Haileybury ior 20 years. WINDSOR- WALKERVIUE Wiag Cadi. R*v. M. C. Doriei. Walkenill* Clergyman. Hector St. George's Church, WalkervUle, for 23 years. Enlisted 1340. Four years service as Chaplain including overseas. 5 years on Windsor Board oi Education. Hen. L. E. BlackweU. K.C., Totonlo Attorney - General. Elected to Legislature 1943 with huge ma- jority. Is youngest Attorney - General in history of Province. Graduate Osgoode Hall. Served overseas last wax. Elected to Legislo- ture, 1943. Farmer and cattle breeder. Specializes in pure- bred cattle. President Holstein - Friesian Breeders Assn. Direc- tor Royal Winter Fair. RENFREW NORTH Stanley B. Himi, Pembzoln Elected to Legisla- tme 1943. Farmer and. former school teacher. Born ia Wilberforce Twp., Veteran World War I. Fifteen years as councillor and reeve* Past Warden. VICTORIA Hon. Leslie M. Frotl. K.C.. Lindsay Provincial Treasurer. Lawyer. Elected to Legislature 1937. re- elected 1943. Bora In Orillia, graduate University of Toronto, Osgoode Hall. 3 yeors overseas in last wtsr. TOU CAST lohtt A. Itslto. Scorboro Manager. Deputy Reeve oi Scorboro 5 years, and 5 years on York County Council. Ten years elected member Scor- boro P'jblic Utilities Commission., now Chairman. Toronto HIGH PAIS Hon. Geo. Drew, K.C.. Toionto Premier of Ontario. Brilliant overseas serv i ce record in last war. As Mini- ster of Education as- sumed 50''^ over-all costs education. Has Inllilled all his prom* ises. C. W. Cragg. Parry Sound Lawyer. Born at IngeraoU, Graduate Toronto University, Osgoode Hall. Mem- ber Parry Sound Board cf Education. 3 years member of Council. President Board of Trade. RENFREW SOUTH James S. Dempsey. Renfrew Contractor, lumber- man and farmer. Has long experience in road and railroad construction, sovrmill operator and has large scale lumber interests. Present reeve of Renfrew. WATERLOO NORTH Dr. S. F. Leovine. Kitchener Physician. Born at Elgin, Leeds Co. Graduate Queen's University in Medi- cine and Art. Served 7 years on city coun- cil. Member 2 / 24 Field Ambulance, Re- serve. TORK NORTH lla{or Alex Hackeaiie. H.C** Woedbridge Farmer. Scotch descent. Severely wounded at Vimy. Keenly interested in municipal affairs. Member York County Council, Chairman Board of Education, Chairman Reforesta- tion Committee. K€^, ^ -H Hon. W. |. Stewart. C.B.E., . Toionto Speaker last Legisla- ture. Elected 1937, re-elected 1943. Mayor of Toronto 4 years. Awarded C.B.E. in 1935. An outstanding, public- spirited citizen. PERTH PRTERBOROUGH PORT ARTHUR PRESCOTT Hon. Col. T. Li Kennedy* Dixie Minister of Agricul- ture. Commanded First Canadian Bri- gade in last war. Elected to Legisla- ture 1923-26-29., re- elected 1937, 1943. Established perman- ent 23-man Agricul- tural Committee. RUSSELL D. C. Herkley, Billings Bridge Brick manufacturer. Born in Finch, Stor- mont. Is member of Ottawa & Hull Citi- zens' Rehabilitation Committee, and Ot- tawa - St. Lawrence Industrial Accidents Prevention Assn. WATERLOO SOUTH Gordon Chaplin. Gait President of Cana- dian General Rubber Co. Ltd., Gait. This company engaged in full war production. Bom and educated in St. Catharines, son of late Hon. I. D. Chaplin. TORK SOUTH Capt. Howard |. Sale. Toronto Merchant. Born in Penetanguishene. Established own business in Bront- ford, which he sold on outbreak of war. Enlisted for overseas 1940. Dangerously Injured on duty. Dr. Gordon J. Millen. Toronto Dentist. Served over- seas last war with C.A.D.C. Member Board of Education 1 year, served on City Council 6 years. President, Danforth Business Men's Asso- ciation. J. Fred Edwards, Paimerston Druggist. In business in Paimerston for past 18 years. Chair- man Victory Loon Committee. Wide experience in busi- ness and industry. SAULT STE. MARIE W. lacic HcHeeken* Sanit Sle. BCorie Produce business. Director Bd. of Trade. Mayor of Sault Ste. Marie 9 consecutive terms. Alderman 14 years. Chairman local Employment Advisory Committee and ration board. WELLAND T. Harry Lewis. Wetland Contractor. Served 7 consecutive years as alderman, and six years as Mayer of Welland. Hon. member Canadian Legion; Chairman Re- creation Centre Com- mittee. TORK WEST lolin P. Alfan. Weston Merchant. Bom on farm. Overseas last war 5 years. Twice wounded. Ex-Lieut- enont York Rangers (R). Post President, Canadian Legion. Mayor of Weston since 1942. Toronto ST. ANDREW'S Major Edwin "Benny" Goodman. Toronto Osgoode student when he enlisfHI in 1941. Served in France with Fort G<9rry Horse, men- tioned in despatches. Twice wounded, sec- ond time seriously at Folaiss. A Good Candidate in Every Riding - Every Second Man a War Veteran PRINCE EDWASft- LENNOX Copt. Harold R. Scott. Peterborough Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Started in lumber business at 16, now success- ful operator. lieut- enant with Forestry Corps in last war. Now captain in He- ser/e army. SIMCOE CENTRE George G. Johnston. Hinesing Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Station- ary Engineer and Manager. Born near Minesing. Chairman of school board, 28 years school trustee. Past President, Rural Section O.E.A. . WELLINGTON NORTH Farmer and live-stock dealer. U.E.L. des- cendant, born on grandfather's farm which he now oper- ates. Is public school tmstee and â- erring on Victory Loos Committee. Toronto BEACHES T. A. Mnrphya Toronto Business man. Long service in Ontario Legislature, elected 1326, re-elected 1934, 1937, 1943. Manager- Director Toronto Dair- ies. 17 years super- intendent Toronto Roadways Dept. Toronto ST. DAVID'S O. R. Michener. K.C.. Toronto Lowyer. Born In Al- berta, graduate Al- berta University, and Oxford. Rhodes Scholar. Has B.C.L. degree, member Bri- tish Bar Assn. Prac- tised law in Toronto over 20 years. Toronto ST. PATRICK'S Major A. Kelso Roberts, K.C.. Toronto Elected to Legisla- ture 1943. Born in Belleville. Graduate Toronto University, Osgood Hall. Served overeeai as lieuten- ant in lost war. new major In mllitku Lt Col 1- rj '* Cook, Port Arthur Greneral contractor. Ser/ed with 52nd Bn. in last war. Or- ganized and took overseas in this war Lake Superior Regi- ment (Mortar). With Port Arthur Utilities Commission. SIMCOE EAST Dr. r. D. HcPfcee. Pt. McNicoU Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Physici- an. Is County Cor- oner and M.O.H. for Port McNicoU. Of Scottish descent, born in Mara Twp., graduate Toronto University. WELLINGTON SOUTH W. E. Hamilton! Gnelph Insiuonce executive. Post President Board of Trode, and T.M.C.A. Former chairman Red Cross, Community Chest. Victory Loan cam- paigns. Is Lieut- enant in Heserre Ai^ tiUery. Toronto BELLWOODS Dr. I. P. r. WUUams. Toronto Physician. Bom at Glen Williams. Prac- tised medicine in Dresden before com- ing to Toronto. As- sociate Coroner for Toronto. 5 years member, now Chair- man Board of Educa- tion. Toronto ST. GEORGE'S Hon. Dana Porter* K.C., Toronto Minister Planning and Development. Elected to Legislature 1943. Graduate To- ronto University, Os- goode Hall. M.A. from Oxford. Huge plans for post-'.v3r develop- ment of Ontario. G. C. Elgie. K.C., Toronto Lawyer. Born on farm. Graduate Wes- tern University, Os- goode Hall. Long aldermanic service, polling largest vote la city's history. Elected to Legislo- tttie, 1334, 1937. Joseph St. Denisa Prescott Farmer, cheese pro- ducer. Life-long resident in riding. Member of town council. Takes active part in all commun- ity affairs. Former member of Ontario Legisiaiuie. STOHMONT Jos. deC. ri^itouin, Pictou ' Coal meichont. Sit- ting memLer oi On- t a r i Legislature. Was educated ai Pic- ton end Trinity Col- lege, Toronto. One of most popular and highly respected mes in his riding. SUDBURY J. L. McDonald. Harrison's Comers Elected to Legisla- ture, 1943. Fanner. Served overseas last war with 8th 3tn. Two years council- lor, 9 years as reeve Cornwall Twp., and Past Warden of Uni- ted Counties. T. S. Wilson. Sudbury Insurance agent. 4 years service over- seas in Icat war. Executive member Canadian Legion. Member Soldiers' Aid Commission and Sud- bury Hydro Commis- sion. WINDSOR- SANDWICH Fit. LI. W. K. Worrender, Hamilton Lawyer. B.A. Mc- Master University, LL.B., University of Toronto, graduate Osgoode Hall. Was delegate Hamilton District Trades & La- bor Council. Mem- ber City CoundL Toronto BRACONDALE LI. Col. Wm. Griesinger, Roseland Lumberman . 4 yeara overseas last war with 19th Btn. Has just relinquished command of Sault Ste. Marie - Sudbury Regiment . 30 years In military service. Member Canadian Legion. Toronto DOVEHCOURT Lt, H. H. HyndnoB. Toronto Officer, R.C.N. Served on H.M.S. "Hood." On Malta convoy, Australian destroyer ' 'I'estor* ' and^ H.M.S. "Nel- son . " Escort duty on D-Day, 2nd in command H.M.C.S. "Chaudiere." Wm. Dnckwerlh* Toronto Insurance agent. First elected to Legis- lature 1934, re-elect- ed 1937, 1943. Elected to City Council 1931. Has lived in riding over 35 years. Born near Fergus. 20 MONTHS OF CONSTRUCTIVE GOVERNMENT Caixied out 22-point programme. Assumed 50 pex cent education costs. Reduced cost of electricity. 48-houx week. Statutory holidays vrith pay. Impartial Labour Relations Board Agriculture organized by Fazmers. Forest resources regulated. Opened Ontario House overseas. Estoblished Overseas Services Club. $68,000,000 in Victory Bonds. Created Sound Financial Position. Recreation and Tourist Develop- ment. Rehabilitation for Veterans. All this and more has mearit good Government. Never did the right to vote mean so much. Vote for the Progressive Conservative Candidate on Jurie 4, Vote Progressive Conservative June 4th H. A. McCAULEY IN SOUTH GREY

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