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Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1945, p. 3

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\ ^im^aiHicoolin any Pipe « * « « « « « I € t 4 m iC NO FUEL PROBLEM HERE L CANADA'S STAMDARD PIPE TOBACCO No V-E Day Until Total Nazi Defeat Gtn'. Eisenhower was quoted in a shortwave broadcast last week as Mjring There will be no V-E day vntil Germany is completely occu- fkd, including all pockets of resis- luice, and the German army is eompletely destroyed." Canada now ranks second among the gold-producing countries of *« world. JOIN THE THOUSANDS who drink and enjoy Max- yreB. House Coffee. You'll Jove the superb Maxwell House flavor. All Purpose iGrind suitable for any type of coffee maker. Housewife of Cheltenham, England solves transportation problem with goat-drawn cart. Instead of the coveted petroleum, his vehicle burns old rags and tin cans. The well-behaved goats present no difficulty in traffic. Two WiU CaU At Your Door Soon there will be a knock at tiie doo. oi the Canadian liome. On the threshold will stand the Victory Loan salesman, confidently expecting an invitation to come in. It will be tlie eighth time that he has knocked at the door, and his confidence will not be badly founded. For more than three million Canadians have long since learned that he is indeed a friend and brings with him sometliing of real value for the householder. But let us not forget that there are two callers at the door when the salesman knocks. Behind him. in spirit, is the Canadian boy in uniform who is backing up the salesman in his effort to increase the size of individual Victory Bond purchases â€" not so much because of his concern for the future material benefits to the purchaser, but because those purchases help to guarantee the continued flow of arms and am- munition to the battle-fronts. The Canadian who decides to buy a hundred-dollar Bond after listening to the Victory Loan salesman may change his mind if he loplis over the shoulder of the salesman into the eyes of that sailor, soldier or airman who counts on folks at home to back up his efforts overseas. Such a look may prompt a two-hundred-dollar purchase. The hour for return is draw- ing near, so every day feels longer. Your vigorous help will shorten the time. BUY VICTORY BONDS cag^ TOl»] Confr«buf«<f by TIC BLUE TOP BREWING COMPANY LIMITED KITCHENER, ONTABIO Truman's Prayer At the conclusion of his message to Congress, President Trumaa •aid: At this moment, I have in my ht-art a pra.\ er. As I assume my heavy duties, I humbly pray to Al- mighty God, in the words of So- lomon: "Give therefore thy servant an anderstanding heart to judge thy people, that I ni«y discern between good and bad: •Cr who is able to jndge thii, thy to great * pcopidK* I ack only to be s good uai faithful servant of my Lord *xA my people. Much land between Ecuador and the Gulf of Panama is still unex- plored. i ACCUL'N'i'A.NTM « AIUITURS INCUMB TAX REPORTS COM- plcte Bookkeeping Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett A Co., 8 Welltngton St E„ Toronto. Ont ARTICLES IfOR SALE U.ABV CHICK.S SI.00 BOOKS vucR oroe:r ORDER VUUn rJ45 CHICKS .MOW. and not be lisappolnted. All chicks are from guaranteed rest- ed stock, and frois 26 ok. eggs or better. Bnrred RocKb mixtd tl2.00 per too. White Leghorns mixed 111.00 per lOn Barred Rock Pullets IIS.OO per 100. whits Leghorn t>uneta t22.liO per 100. white Rocks mixed tlS.OU per 100 white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery. Chatham. On' .T riO- BRUNTON "Bred-to-Pay" CHICKS RHODE I.'SI^\.\D REDS, WHITE Rocks, Barred Rocks, Golden H.-impshires. Government Approv- ed, Bloodtested. ruustrated Cat- alogue Free. Brunton Cedar Glen Farm.s Hatcnery, 52 Winnett. Toronto 'mention paper), 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR ORDER FOR CHICKS from a real breeding farm. Don't take chances on just ordinary hatchery chicks. Order chicks NOW for Ma.v or June d-^livery. Lakeview Toultry Farm, Exeter. Ont.nrio. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER OF 100 Pullet chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets S22.'J5 per 100. barred Rock puliet.s $19.95 per 100. White Hock Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chick.s sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.0(1 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed lOOT, live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery. Chatham. Ontario. PROFIT OR LOSS. THAT'."? THE question that faces every man in bu.^iness for himself. For the poultryman the difference be- tween profit and loss Is almost entirely dependent on two fac- tors. Ono â€" i90od scientific feed- ing and en re of your flock. Twoâ€" jj Jt Is essential that you start with >,Th.« he«t chicks you can* get. Tji^ddie HatchTf^s hare "helped poultrrmen for 19 ye:ir>< to over- come two important linz:irds in the chicken business. Write Tweddle for full Information In- cluding poultry guide and grreat- ly reduced prices for and June delivery. K\sa ask for breeds and shipping dates for ' »W(i week old started chick.". Tweddle Chick Hatcheri.'s 'ted. Fergrus. Ont.irio. WE HAVE SOME STARTED PUL- lets. 2 wpeks old, for immediate â-  hlpment. also chicks in most breeds. For delivery In .Tune we advise ordering now, an'i not tak- ing a chance at the time. Bray Hatch"- 130 .Inhn N" . H irallton, Ont. SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED BARRED ROCK PUL- lets. 1 week old 22c. 2 weeks old 26 cents. [ramedi.ntc delivery Carleton Hatchery. Britnnnin HeiKlUs. Ontario. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CKRT.M.N iroU BUY GOOD hcriltliy. vigorous chicks. Buy chicks with breeding and livabillty and you will ba certain of success. Our Breeders are all Government inspected, b.nnded and blood-te{«ted Write for descriptive catalogue and prices on our Government Approved chicks. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monkton. Oniarlo A-1 BABY CHICKS; LEGHORNS: Rocks; Hybrids. Soma choice started chicks available up to 3 and -K weeks old. W>ite or phone A H. Switzer Hatchery. Grantor. Ont. r •>«!»» 38 R 3. OKUER \OlR CHICKS \UW AND YOL" .\RE GU.VHANTEED your chicks for next spring when vou want them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, White Leg- horns mixed $11.00 per lUO. Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per lOd White Leghorn Pullets S22.00 per 100. Heavy Breed CkLs. $ti.00 per 100. Legh.jrn Ckls. $2.ij0 per 100. All chicks h.itohed from 26 oz. eggs or bolter and from special muted flocks. Guaranteed 100'". live delivery. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery. Ch.iiham. Ontario. BABY CHICKS BLOOD-TESTED HYBRID COCK- erels, April 4c, Leghorn Cocker- els Ic. Also white Leghorn and Hybrid Pullets. Stormont Poultry Farm, Finch, Ont. DYEING A3rD CLElA.>rijrG HAVE XOU A.\YTHING NEED8 dyeing or cleaning? Write to as for information. We are glad to answer your queatlcna. Depart- ment R. Parker'a Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. I'.-i l-KKK CHICKS .>LK FOLNDATION STUCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed bab.v chicks, male." and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred. White Leshorns. $11.00: White Mocks, Slj.OO: thrown Leghorns. $13.00. Fuilct price.-?; Barred Rocks. $19.00: White Lenhorn.-^. $22.00: White Uock.-<. $24.00 Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 free chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 da.v old pullets ordered, '.ioddard Chick Hatchery. U' i KHiniii Hcight.s Ontario. A .SAI'l.<KII':i< CLSTOIIEU IS THK best adverliscnicnt. That s why Top .\ot';h Chickeries are proud that the biK percentage of ibeii business comes from poultrymeii who reorder year after year. Top Notch Chicks arc all Gov- ernment -Vpproved from blood- testtd breeders. .May prices. Non- sexed: White Lcghorn.s H.4.'». Barred Kock.s New Hampshire.-- 11.95. .\ssorted Light breed^^ 10.45. Assorted Heavies l0.9.i. I'ullets Whit'- l.*ghorns 24.95. Barred Hocks 21.95. New iiamp- shire." 22.95. Cockerels; Barred Hocks 8.95. .New Miiinpshire.- 7.95, White Leghorns l.ini. .\fici May 16th 50c per hundred les.<^ en non-sex'?d. 2.00 per huiiured on pullets. ..Vfter June l!:t still lower prices. Write for complete price list and catalogue. 2 week 'Old chlcki add 6c per chick to â-  Jibove prices. Top Not'-li ("bicker. ies, Guelph, Ontario. HAIRDRESsniiG LEARN H-^RDRESSING THK Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 -Avenue Road. Toronto. FUR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St.. To- ronto. STRAWBEHRi: FLA.NTS, ASPAR- agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, nedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. -Norfolk .S'ursery, Slmcoe, Ontario. SAW MILL, NEARLI NEW, CAP AC ity upward one thousand per hour. Can be operated by two men or more. Deaiifaeu and built by an e.xperienced aawscr. For partlcu- lar.'v wrrlfe or call Dan VaUleres, Ai;!I Brldfc'e. Ont. Do not call on - Saturda.v. JERSEYS. ALL AGES. QUEBECS leading show and producing herd, records, accredited. Gables Farm, Foster, Quebec. AT STUD, ATTRIDUE'S NIGHT- rider Black and Tan Coon hound, imported, six generation pedigree. His sire stands at one hundred dollars stud fees. Studding tbia young dog at Twenty-five dollars. Arthur Attridge, Freeman, Ont, PUREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE, iqales and females. Lawrum P^rms. Durham, Ont, GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION, garage equipment and stock and 6-roomed house on No. 2 High- way. Oakes Garage. Ancaster, Ont. FOR SALEâ€" MODER.N HOTEL IN proaparous manufacturing and farming town in Northern On- iarlo. Fully llcenaad. Principals only. Box 24. 73 Adelaide, West, Toronto, Ontario. POULTRY FARM. 25 ACRES, l,2U0 layers. Hydro, market garden l;ind, 20 miles from Toronto and Hamilton; going concern: im- mediate possession. Keith Cowie.". K.R. 2. Hornby, Ont. BULLS â€" KL.MVALE .NOBLE CAV- alier. class A, 3 years, grand champion at Richmond 1913. Sir- ed by K.O.I', bull. Silver Spring '"avalier and from a high testing dam, with three R,O.P. records, priced at $250. Also bull calves of excellent breediagi^. Apply F. AV. Argue. 234 Bank St, Ottawa, Ont, -MODKL -C CASE TRACTOR 17-27. On steel wheels, in extra good worliing condition. James Fiulay, Grand Valley, Ont. 1 l:?: UERO.N STALLION, FOH-M 3.;' year old. sure $165. or txade. Jclin Daviasyn, l.'elhaven, Ont CLYDESD.-\.LE, FYVIE RE.NOWJ) 27110. foaled 1934, Grade A Prem- ium, dark brown, white marking, sure foal getter. Sell cheap. Alex Crawford, Bo.x 74. Rosseau, Ont D.A.Y-OLD MA.MMOTH WHITE PK- kin Ducklings, 5 lb. at i weeks. Available tor May. and June. Write for particulars. Order at once. Ux-.S].'r;ni^ Farms. Uxbridge. Ont 1 rUESSURE" TA.VK SPRAYER. Two-wheel Whjeelbarrow type. Price $35.00. 1«S .Margueretta. Toronto, Ont. 3(Ml .\CRESâ€" TOWNSHIP OF GURD. dis.trict of Parry Sound, 3 miles from Trout Creek, Loring high- way :ind Commanda village. Mt mile from Catholic Church and hall. 2 miles from Catholic school: 3 miles from public school and Protestant churches: 13 miles from town of Powassan: mail route 3 times a week: SO acres under cultivation, free of stones Jind stumps, level land. Good soil, plowing done, 2 large gardens. 50 acres of maple sugar bush, balance. l.OrtO cord hardwood and pasture. Barn 4S'x5'i'x22' posts, steel roof, i-euu-nt floors. .->tone foundation stable, full size: 40 cattle and 5 horses: house 2.Sx42. 8 rooms, kitchen, steel roof, stone b.isement full size. Other outer buildings. Cream truck through all Summer. 2 never fail- ing wells. Good trout stream through pasture. Will sell with or without stock and implements. Take possession May I. Reason for selling, ill health. .-Vpply .-Mex (^mhowski, R,R, No. 2, I'owassan. Ont. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS! iMMKKSiiis' rvri-;. ct^iiTKU con- struotion. ililii-watts. Just drop it ill a pan of water and almost in- stantly the water is hot. Handy in the kitchen, wonderful for shaving et<-. Postpaid $3.00. The Radio Hospital. Traciidie. N.B. K.^R.M MAi.HI\KHV â- VIKING- c'RKAM SEPARATORS :ind repa:r imris are alwa.vs available eiiner at your local dealei oi direct from .Swedish .-Separator Co Limited. "20 .Notre Dame West. Montreal .1 Que. >l At HINKKt IVSa 14 YARD SCR.-M'F,RS. l;i)8s 12 yard scrapers. TP18 angledozer 10 yard scrnp.-r. TIHii 3^4 yard Letourneau s';ruper. .Northwest 104 ^« yard drag line. Rucyrus 20B -M yard drug line. Write, wire, phone. Other equipmet)! available. LeventhnI & Co.. .M.-- Intyre Block. Winnipeg. MUSICAL IXSTRl'ME.VTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. MEDICAL BTOM.VCH .0;D THREAD WORMS often are the cause of lU-bealth In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out if thi» la your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney'a Remedies. Specialists. Toronto S. DIXON'S REMEDY. FOR NEURITIS and Rheumatic Pains. Thousanda •atlsfied. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Klgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. CONSTIPATION B I LI O U SNESS, liver trouble, depressed headache, quickly relieved with Fig-Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig- Lax. 25c at Druggists. READ THISâ€" EVERT SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritia ahould try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- atroys offensive odor Instantly. 4Bc bottle, Ottawa agent. Drug Store. Ottawa. MEX A3fD WOMEir WA.NTED OP PARTICULAR INTEREST TO veterans and farmers. Sell Fami- lex spices, extracts, alimentary products, medicines, stock and other farm products and succeed. Monthly free offers open every, door. Every family a prospect. Good districts open. Pleasa.i: and profitable work for part time workers. Free plan and catalogue. F.amilex. 1600 Peiorimier, Mon- treal. . Ol'l'0RTt;:\ITlES FOR t^ft>»EN^ BE A HAIRDRESSER^ JOIN CANADA'S LE.AXIIXG SCHOOi; Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sya- 4»m. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAiRDRESSTNG SCHOOLS 358 BLOOi; W.. TORO.NTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONH,\UGH & COMPANT' Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 King West Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. I , » PI.4.XOS OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS WILU be available shortly. Beautiful In design and tone. Send for cir- cular naming approximately your price, and particulars In that range will be mailed promptly. Factory MiLson, & RIsch Limited, 642 King West. Toronto. PHOTOGR.IPHY TIME TESTED QUAUTY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Tour films properly developed and printed 6 OR S E.\.POSUIUi RUIXS 26q REPRl.NTS 8 for ZSo FINEST ENLARGING SER\aCE XoQ may not get all the tilms you want this year, but you ean get all the quality and service you desire by sending your tllma to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures. Snaps can't be taken over again. Send your film rolls to Ci.nadat largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost PROMPT M.-ML SERVICE Any Slle Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures DEVEIaOPED A.ND PRINTED 25o "1 get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a cust-omer In Nova Scotia, who adds that she has tried many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4o extra) is sent with film roll. ENL.\RGEMENTSâ€" COLORED .\XD FR.^MED Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts. 3 for 25c, Framed, on ivory tinted mats, 7 x >" in Gold, Silver. Circassian Walnut or B'.ack Ebony finish frames, 59c each If enlargement colored, 7'.'c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120. Postal Terminal .-V. Toronto Print Name^nd .Vddress PI: Orders. â- la;n:y on SL'ULKUAN I'ltOPEIlTlES W.A.\TED WITHIN 25 .MILES OF TOl.UNTO, with or without acreage. We have steady demand for proper- ties ranging up to fiu.OOO throughout this area. il. F. HEAL & CO. lla Votiye St.. Toronto .\ D M457 HELP WANTED M.VNUF.VCTUREK OF LIGHTNING rod equipment desires local sales- men for part-time work through- out Ontario. Drawing account against commissions arranged. .\pply B. Phillips, Company Lim- ited. 200 .Main Street. Toronto. CYLINDER PRESS.MAN WANTEd! one with some experience on make- ready. .Steady position for steady reliable man. (44-hour week) Apply nearest , Employ- ment i! Selective Service office. FILL':â€" I -R 25 Ul (J.M'KKIENCEI) I.INoTVI-'t; ol'ER- alor and floor man wanteo at once, steady position. (44-i)our ween) Apply nearest Gmplovment and Selective i'ervlce Office. FILEâ€" CR â- :.-.2" W WTKU ISSUE 18â€"1943 FOWL & BROILERS. HIGHE.ST prices paid. Crates ava '.able. Write .M. P. ,Mallon. 33 Jarvis .Street. ToroiUi. WANTEDâ€" PROI'EUTY ON L.VKE frontage between Huntsville, .North Day. •innd fishing, duck shouting. 464 Paling \ve . X. H.imilton. USED DELCO LH!HTINi; PL.\NT.S, motiirs. and generators w-inied. State ago. price and condition. H. VV, CoAuU, Monktou, Ont. ^a^ .-W^^!-. ..^â- .".•«. r.-:

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