.Wednesday, May 2, 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE RED CROSS DONATIONS FLBSHKRTON Sâ€" E (Canvassed by John Stewart) fl.OO â€" ip'lesherton Grcumery, K. G- Gohecn, W. Kernahaii; $6.00 â€" Lawrence McCracken, Cecil Thistle- waite, Mrs. H. B. Poweis, K. B. Heard, Avery Hawkins, Gooree Banks, James Dargavel, H. C. Black, Cec. McTavish; |4.00 â€" John Stew- art, John Thistlewaite, Krank Tay- loj\ Irene Martin; |3.00 â€" A. 13. G«o«se<, W. A. Westcott, Wm. Tur- ney; $2.00 â€" Bab Phillips, Angus Avis, Mrs. (Dr.) Bibby; |1.00â€" Mrs. S- E. Fisher, Mrs. Moore, Everett Croft, Barne" Welton, George Corn- field, John McDonald, Mrs. Ottewell, Robt. Gorley; .50c â€" Miss E. Hem- phill, Mrs. Ettie Blackburn; Total $116.00. FLESHERTON Nâ€" £ (Canvassed by R. J. Boyd) $10.00 â€" Edgar Bette, F. H. W. Hicklin«, R. J. Boyd; $5.00 â€" T. J. Fisher, H. Milligan, Lome Turvey, F. W. Nicholson, J. Hutchinson, David Williams, Mr. and Mrs. T. Sled, K. G. Betts; $3.00 â€" Wm. Meyers; $2.00 â€" Wallace Hamilton, Lewis Pedlar, S. J. Sutton, Mrs. Mc- Fadden, Robt. Fishe^, Wes Little- rns, Hugh Bailey, A. MaoDonald, McKillop, S. Stauffer, Miss G. 't Lever, Basil M'cConnel, George Best, Fred Brackenbury; $1.00 â€" "Frank Teeter, C. J. McKechnie, Jos. Dun- can, N. Scarrow, Mrs. J. Hass, F. B. XeyB. Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Hazel -iilifcrt, Mr. Torrence Williams; â€" W. Kaitting, Joe Sewell; '^ob Smith; Total $11L25. Juhnston, George Shaw, John Shier, Seth TLompson, Lome Ormsby, .Marion Summers, Mrs. George Sum- mers; .6i6câ€" iRoy McMullen; .60c â€" Jack Flynn, Master Donald Teeter; Total $163.80. "•'.RTON sâ€" w ". S. McDougall) '"can; $10.00 â€" ""hurston, G. ,j«ft, Mrs. \j. J. Bellamy; â€" Mrs. W. and Agnes Mac- *>hn Nuhn, Mrs. J. Wilson, •i, P. S. McDougall, Mr. '. W. E. Thompson; Parks, Mrs. J. A. Mark Wilson, Alex P. Bellamy. F. G. iarold Best, Isaac Sitsup, Mis* M. â€" W. Thompson, W. McNichol, Bob (Ion Long, Mrs. J. J. - Thos. Taylor, Dave ,()(• â€" Mrs. L. Genoe; ^ , jirs. Wm. Wyatt; .25c â€" Mrs. Joe Blakey; Total $129.83. S.S. NO. 11 VANDELEUR (Collector, Mrs. George Buchanan) $20.00^Mrs. S. M. Davison; $15.. 00â€" .Woman's Association; $10.00â€" Woman's Institute; $7.50â€" Geo. W. Buchanan, Melville Buchanan; $5.- OO-JoA. Buchatian, Wm; Heath, â- Wlm. Johnston J^., Mac Ratcliffe, Louis Teeter, Vandeleur Sunday School; $4.60â€" Wm. B. Johnston; $4J0i(>â€" FVank Davis, Howard Gra- ham. Glenn McCteei; f350â€" Lundy JC8&nston; $3.0(Kâ€" W. G. Bowles, Vic- toe Brodie, Maxlne (3onnell, Andrew Pawcett, Samuel Pitzsimmons, Dane MtiCke, George Summers; $2.00 â€" Jas. Harbottle, Mrs. E. Hiitchdnson, Howard MoGee, Earl Morrison, Hichard and Carman Sewell, Ken- dall Teeter. Lanco Hutchinson; $2.00 â€" »Wm. Weber, Albert Wyville; $1.25 â€"Mrs. Alex Foster; $1.00 Fred R. Roland, Lloyd Boland, Jas. Cargo, ' Myrtle Fawcett, Jack Hill, Dorothy S. S. NO. 10 ARTEMESIA (Collector, Ken Stewart) $10.00-John Nlchol; $5.00â€" Wm. Irwin, Joe Stauble, Mrs. Anna Mc- Millan, Roy Piper, Melville Hogarth, Mrs. Piper, Wm. Gibson; $4.00^ Percy Hunt; $3.00-W. T. Genoe, Charles Stafford, Percy Hemphill, E. C. Mitchell; Ken Stewart; $2.00 â€" Mrs. C. Archibald, Mrs. D. Reid; Mrs. Annie Stewart, Sam McDer- mid, James Sinclair, J. W. McMuI' len, Robert Plester, John McWilliam, Bob Rutledge, Allan McDonald; $1.25â€" iSangster Hemphill; $1.00â€" Mrs. Haxton, Mrs. Knox, Mrs. M. Irwin, J. E. Muir, Fred Field, Mrs. G. Jaynes, Mrs. Ada Campbell, Fred Marshall, Melville McDermid, Lu- ther Duckett, Angus Whittaker, Mrs. John Gibson, Dave Adams, Charles Adams, Ed Genoe, Laurie Genoe; .50c â€" John Kennedy, Edge- ley Hazard; .25câ€" Wm. Stoddart, Neil McLeod; Total $102.75. TORONTO LINE NORTH I (Canvassed by Alex Miller) $5.00 â€" Fred" Brown; $3.00 â€" Alex Miller, Ed Ferris, Wilfred Le- ver; $2.00 â€" Wm. Talbot, Otto Mey- ers, Ed Loucks, J. Stewart, E. Wick- ens, George Swanton, Harold Rich- ardson, Lloyd Talbot, Mervin Mc- Fadden, A. Sparks; $1.00 â€" Henry Brown Sr., Jos. Radley, W. Newell, H. Brown Jr., Everett Talbot, Levi Pallister, Jamci Morrison, Mrs. M. Lover, Harolf^ Lever, ' Leslie Hum- phrey, J. Ottewell,' Roibt. Thompson; Total $46.00 . ,. ARTEMESIA S. S. NO. 7 , (Canvassed by Stewart Muir)» $25.00 G W. B. Williamson; $20.- 00 â€" F. R. Oliver; $15.00 â€" A. S. .Muir, Stewart Muir; $10,00 â€" J. Dow, W. J. Hincks, R. E. ParsloWj Don Gillies, Jas. Oliver, Jno Oliver, W. R. Meads, J. Meads, H. Hutchin- son, D. Corbett; $5.00 â€" Wm. Demp- ster, F. J. Collinson, L. Whitehead, Lottie Whittaker, Marion Muir, Su- sie McKinnon, J. Whyte, T. Currie; $2.00 â€" Clifford Harrison, C. Mc- Millan, Mrs. D. McKinnon, R- Brown» R. Oliver, J. McMillan, E. Dingv\rall, C. Huddy, H. Huddy; $1.00 â€" H. Hazard, C. McPhail, Mrs. Wm. Reid, R. W^ttepB, G. Huddy, E. Huddy; Total, $23i9.00 VICTORIA CORNERS (Canvassed by M. Bannon) SI 0.00 â€" Chas. Best; $5.00 â€" Wm. Nicholl, Proton Station Women's Institute; $2.50 â€" Ernie Stinson; $2.00 â€" Merritt Nicholl; Milton Bannon, Wilfred Gallagher, .â- \llen Montgomery, Geo. Ludlow, John Goiwanlock, D. A. Stinson, Lu- ther Love, Arthur Nicholl, Elmo Ste- nhens, Fred Plantt; $1.60 â€" Wm. Crockford; $1.00 â€" - AM Hardy, Er- nie JStewart, .Toe t'opeland, Elvin Moore, Elwyn Ferris, John Duncan, Geo. Moore; .50c â€" Wm. Love, Dave Blakey; Total $54.00 nie, D. J. McArthur, R. H. McConk- ey, J. Stothart, W. G. Watson, A. A. McLean, T. Harrison; $6.00 â€" Rev. A. P enman, J. H. Whyte, F. Auss- em, W. Aldcorn, J. Wilson, Mrs. M. McLean, C. A. McLean, Mrs. D. Nich- ol, Mrs. J. G. Whyte, T. Spicer, Mr. and Mr.s. W. Mather; $4.00 - H. B. McLean, Mrs. E. Ritchie, J. Short- reed, W. D. McKechnie; $3.00 â€" J. McTJougall, A. O'Dell Sr., D. Campbell, W. J. Sayerg, T. Mather; $2.00 â€" H. R. McLean, Mr-.. A. Mc- Lean, H. E. Karstedt, A. J. McVioar, P. Sims; $2.00 â€" C. Hunter, A. L. Hincks, Mrs. T. W. Harrison, E. Kinsman, D. Carson, A. O'Dell, D, H .McLean, D. Brown, Miss N. Mc- Lean, Miss E. Mather, L. McKech- nie, J. H. McLean, R. Parslow, S. Boice, P. Rumball, Mrs. J. C. Harr- ison, C. J. McMillan, Alf O'Dell Jr., J. Mather, Mrs. C. Burnett, J. Bur- nett, Mrs. N. Harden, W. Turntbull, Mrs. M. C. Hunter; $1.00 â€" J. E. McKee, G. Small, W. Prook, E. Neun, L. Frook, D. Biack, A. Idle, J. Livingstone, Mies M. McKinnon, FOR CLEANER ENGINES AND LOWER !tEPAIR COSTS, CHANGE NOW to . . . A. Calder, J, McGinnea, Mw. K. Pugh, E. Kleist, Miss M. Simpson, Mrs. E. Wright, Donnie McArthur, J. Smail, R. C. Whiteside, E. Eagles, A. McPhail, Miss E. James; Total $287.00 9u ToJ PRICFA'ILLE (Canvassert by R. H. MoConkev) $25.00 â€" F. G. Karstedt; 12.00â€" J. Nichnl; $10.on â€" Miss E. Camp- bell, Miss C. Campbell, X. McKech- J)hAtL^ Ask your dealer to explain it don make a difference iiliaii oil youuselAskhimaboutBiltbhl American's amazing new Peer- less Motor on. "If 8 Alloyed" to I prevent oxidation, cut repair I costs. Drivs in for a Spring [ change-over today I Hw BriHsh Anwtaii OP dapiny UbImI YOU ALWAYS BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG B-A That's a Sherwin-Williams job "Painted 3 Years ago and still as good as ever!" You can always point with pride and satisfaction to your house if it has been painted with Sherwin-Williams Paints; proud because of its beauty, and satisfied because you know that in the long run you chose the most economical, long -lasting protective paints available. Painting with Sherwin- Williams is a sound investment in house beauty, in surface en- durance, in protection against Look for the store that sells wear and weather, and in maxi- mum coverage. That's why peo- ple the world over prefer to use Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes. Look for the paint dealer with the famous Cover-the-Earth sign and be sure of getting the ^nest paints available â€" now, as always. You'll find him pleased to give you expert advice. Ask to see his Paint & Colour Style Guide be- fore you paint or decorate 1 SHERWIN-WiLUAMS V5>^;C-. PAINTS - VARNISHES - ENAMELS F. W. Duncan, Flesherton, Phone 54 8TH LINE ARTEMESIA (Canrassed by Wilfred Magee) 15.00 â€" Eugenia Red Cross, Mrs. Alex Cameron and Don, Charley Hanley, Jas^ Porteous, Wilfred Magee, Charlie Hopper, Bert Magee, Oliver Turner, Mrs. Joe Little; $4.- 00 â€" Harold Benson, Gerald Magee, $3.00 â€" Neil MacDonald; $2.50 â€" Mrs. Blais, Wm. Pinkerton, Percy Magee; $2.00 â€" Court Smith, Ron- ald Parsons; $1.00 â€" Mrs. Wilfred Magee, Mrs. Pinkerton, Mrs. Fred Jamieson, Fred Hopper; .50c â€" C> Weatherall; Total $72.00. PROTON STA-nON (Canvassed by Ruth M. Sherson) $10.00 â€" Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sher- son andi Ruth; $5.00 â€" Mr. Wes Dever, Mr. Herb Corbett, Mr. Bert Corbett; $4.00 â€" Mr. Sam Batchelor, $3.00 â€" Mr. Stanley Lyons; $2.00 â€" Mr. Sam Sherson, Mr. Fred Kodgina, Mr. Neil McConnell, Mr. Robt. White, Mr. Bert Badgerow. Mr. Ed Badgerow, Mr. Gordon Acheson, Mr. Thos. White; $1.50 â€" Mr. Thos. Watson, Mr. Joe Watson; $1.00 â€" Mr. Jack Neilson, Mr. Wm. Batche- lor, Mr. Gilbert Little Mrs. J- Carson and Wes, Rev. Frank Hobbs, R. Al- bert Baker, Mr. J. A. Park, Mr. Doug. Clark, Mr. Jas. Pritchard, Mr. Wm. Reddick, Mr. Eldon Blackburn; Total, $62.00 ♦♦♦♦♦♦I I ff ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦l 1 1 H » M 1 1 1 1 1 l»l» M I 1 1»4 MEN^S SMART SUITS /; PORTLAW (Canvassed by Tom Phillips) $10.00 â€" Wes Plantt; $5.00 â€" J. â- T. Boyce, Wallace Fisher, Wilbert Fisher, Stanley Patton, J. W. McKee, Everett Blackburn, Jas. Pedlar, Fourth Line Red Cross, Laurie Ped- lar, Harry Fisher, C. D. Meldrum, Lewis Fisher, Jas. Wilkinson, Fred Taylor, Roy White, Mrs. F. Lyons, Thus. Phillips; $4.00 â€" S. McNevin, r.ny Lyons, Wm. McNally; $3.00 â€" John Badgerow, .Wilfred McNally; S2.00, â€" Bill Blakey, A. McKenzie, Stanley Taylor, Geo. Wilkinson; SJl»00 â€" Gordon White, Lawrence Shier, Marie White, Mrs. Will Fer- iruson, Jas. Hopps; Total $127.00. ROCK MILLS (Canvassed by Les Chard) $10.00 â€" James Russell; $5.00 â€" Rock Mills War Workers, Wes Smith, John Hargrave & Son, Sam Phillips, Walter Akitt, Leslie Chard, Fourth Line Red Cross; $3.00 â€" Mrs. Grant Helmkay, Mrs. Frank Seeley, Herb Betts. Kenneth Par- tridge; $2.00 â€" Ehvood Partridge, Joseph Hawkins, Mrs. Robt. Clark, Harry Patton, Alex English, Joyce Porteous, Frank Betts, Wm. Hanley, A. B. Chard, -Edward Croft; Sl.OOâ€" Chester Shier, Gordon Shier, -Wm. Phillips, George Fields, Cecil Sbier, Mannie Dobson, Jack English,' Wm. Russell, Walter Russell, MabeV "Betts, Just placed in stock an assortment of better quality worsteds in a variety of colors and patterns. Good fitting and well tailored. Owing to war conditions, supplies of suit* ing materials are difficult to obtain, and we were very fortunate in securing these dioice patterns. The styles are suitable for young and older men. Sizes 36 to 44. Special Prices $25.00, $27.50 F. Hi W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦>»♦»♦ ♦â- > â- H ^^ I ^â- ^♦^ ^^ ^ ♦ *^ ^^ ^ â- ^ ^^^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ I ^^ I ^^ ^ ^ t â- â- ^ â- ^ â- ^ ^ I ^â- ^ ^â- ^ ^ I ^â- ^ ^ ^ ^ l â- V* James Pedlar, Chas. Stafford, Mrs. Mark Teeter, Mrs. Jessie McMullen, Chas. Newell, Harry Genoe, Total, $m.oo. EUGENIA (Canvassed by Frank Cairns) $10.00 â€" Eugenia Red Cross, Mrs. C. B. Paul; S5.00 â€" W. E. Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns, Mrs. J. Cairns, Francis Genoe; ."3.00 â€" Stanley Campbell, John Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar; $2.00 â€" Wm. Walker, M. Phillips, Mrs. T. Stewart, Ed Baker, Bert Mcintosh, Mr. and Mrs. Xhos. McKee, Mrs. Chas. Turner, John Magee, Nerval Betts, Jake Williams, Ray Genoe, Garnet Magee, Duncan Williams; $1.50 â€" Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyce; $1.00 â€" Mrs. B. Fawcett, L. Lati- mer, Mrs. D. Carson, Ben Carruth- ers, Chas. Martin, Mrs. W. Gordon, Mrs. E. Hislop, Edgar Dobson, Miss M. Craig, Mrs. R. Haney, Robt. Hawkins, Roy McMillan, Fred Duck- ett. Jr. Red Cross; .65c â€" Henry Falconer; .60c -7- Ted Campbell; .50c â€" Cecil Mag'ee, Cecil Graham, Percy Graham, James 'Fawcett, Chas. Williams; .25c â€" Elgin Graham, Wallace Graham, Total, $95.00. IRISH LAKE, Sâ€" W CORNER t (Canvassed by George Cairns) % $5.00 â€" Mr. and Mrs. E. Patter;- son; $2.00 â€" Hugh McLean; TotaT $7.00. ^ Stephen's Corners ^^ (Intended for Last Week) ' We extend our heartiest congrat* ulations to Mr. Jim Brownridge and Miss Leone Mclntvre who were married on Saturday at Collinq-woodJ Mr. Joe Fenwick, who has speni the past few months with his bro- ther, Roy and family left on Satur- day for his home in Saskatchewan* Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison are visiting with their son, Mr. K: J. Morrison at Walkerton. Miss Annie Stephen, R.N., wh<^j has now been enjoying good health left on Wednesdav for Winnipeg^ J Man., wheer she will enter a hospital] for treatment. We hoi>e she vrWkl soon be restored to good health. The War Workers met on We nesday, April 18 at the home Mrs. Londry with eight ladies pf^ sent. During the afternoon a qxut was quilted. The next meeting willl be held on May 2 at the home o{| Mrs. John Lougheed. " ekM:i THE VOTERS' LISTS AC [ONTARIO] Notice of Sittings of Revising Officers NORTH AND SOUTH RIDINGS OF THE COUNTY OF GREY TAiKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Office rs for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals wit regard to fchc Voters' Lists to be used at the election of a member of the Assembly pending for the Electoj" twlti-icts (rf Xorth and South Grey will be held at the times and places set forth in the following schedule: # SCHEDULE MUNICIPALITY DATE AND HOUR OF SITTING PLACE OF SITTING CLERK OF THE REVISING OFFICER MEAFO'BD COLLINGWOOD .. THORNBURY EUPH.RASl.-\ ST. VINCENT (ISPREY SHALLOW LAKE KEPPEL SYDKNH.AM HOLLAND Monday, April ?0, at 2 prm. Tuesday, May 1, at 2.30 p.m. Wednesday, May 2, at 10 a.m. Thiirsdav, May 3, a* 10 a.m. Friday, Mav 4, at 10 a.m. SiUuid;iy. May 5, at 10 a.m. Monday. May 7, at 2 n.m. TiKsilav. M:>y ? at 2 ».m. Wednosd'y. May 9, at 10 a.m. Thursday, May 10, 10 a.m. Town Hall, Meaford Township H«1I, Ravenna. . Town Hall. Thornburv â- Township Hall, Rocklvn Town Hiin. Meaford Township Hall, Feversham. Noble's Hall. Shallow Lake. Libra)-y Hall. Kemble Counril R'm. Bothv.-oH's Cor Twp. Hall, Holland Centre. W. H. Chaople. Meaf"'-ri. Mrs. L. H>'^lo!i. ClarksburJ G. H. Boone, Thornbury. ..j K. Lanktree, R.R. 4. Meafof W. K. Chappie, Meaford. ( hoster L(^"f>- FevevshoT A. G. Dymott. Shallow L4 F. Carder. R.R. 2. Wiarto^ C. Bodri.-. R.R. 6. Owen SouJ Victor Wales, Walter's Fall! Judge G. W. Morley. is the Revising Officer for all the ^lunicipalities in this Schedule above mentioned. HANOVER NORMANBY ... DUNUALK PROTON . 15RNTINCK GLKNELG FLBSHl^T.TON ARTEMESI.\ . Munday, .\'>ril 30, at 2 p.m. Tuesd'y, May 1, at 10.30 a.m. Wodnesd'v, May 2, lO.'U) a.m. Thursd'y, May 3, 10.30 a.m. Friday, May 4, at 10.30 a.m. Saturday. May 5, at 10 a.m. Monday, May 7, at 2 p.m. Tuesd'v, May 8, 10.30 a.m. Town Hall. Hanover Township Hall. .Avton. . Town Hall, Dundalk Town Hall, Dundalk Township Hall. Lamlash. Town Hi'" Durham Town Hall. Flesherton. .. Town Hall, Flesherton. ... John F. P. Birnie, K.C.. Crown Attorney, is the Revising Officer for all the ed up to and including Hanover. DURHAM NEUSTADT MARKDALE .... BGREMONT .... SAR.AWAK SULLIVAN OHVTSWORTH DERBY Monday, April oO, 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 2, 2 p.m. Thursday. May 3, at 10 a.m. Friday, May 4, at 10 a.m. Saiuiday. May 5, at 2 p.m. M'inday. May 7, at 2 n.ni. Tuesday. Mav 8. at U) a.m. Town Hall. Durham Hammer's Hall, Neustudt. Library Hall. Markdale Township Hall. Hol&tein. .. Oran.m' Hall, East Linton. Township Hall. Des.boro Village Hall. Chastworth. .. Township Hall. Kilsvth p. D. Brip-ham Hanover. Harry J. Hen''"-v^"<- 4 -toll Mrs. E. Robinson. DundaU M. Irwin. R.R. 1. Dundalk.^ J- Chittick, R.R. 3, Hanovel P. D. Greenwood, -M BTk-JS H Chas. Bellamy, Flesherton.'." A. Chard, R.R. 3, Fleshertijil Municipalities above mentiov B. H. Willis, Durham. ....' ^- .M. Metzer, Neustadt. * Thos. Tuck. Markdale. ...♦ Jas Nicholson Holstein. '. D V,""""!"""' £a»t Linton:* h". -McDonald, <:iiatsworth Allan Fimllay, ChatswQ ^^• H. Hilts, Kilsyth. E. C. Spereman, K.C., is the Revising Officer for all the Miiniripalities above mentioned „n * „nA inrludinK Durham. "â- ' '" ""° AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the List to b for the several municipalities. And Further Take Noti or the name of any persons who are not entitled to be v appeal to have his name or the name of any other per AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the last day two clear days before the particular date for the hcarin AND FURTIH'ER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals signed by the complainant in duplicate and given to the address as stated above. For further information apply to Miss E. Ferguson, e revised is Part I and HI. of the Votere' List orena ce that any voter who desires to complab that hl% oters have been entered thereon, may apply compMn»( son entered on, or removed from the list for making complaints, to the revising officer, shtl g set out in the schedule above, .^ rilT 'J^.u*' S"*'.''^ '" writing in the prescribed *r , t lerk of the Revismg Oflficer or left w^ him a« h| Clerk of the Election Boiu-d, Court Hous^ Owen $^ JUDGE G. W. MORliY, *N| Chairman of the Election BoanI of the County of jq Dated at the Court House, Owen Sound, this 17tli day of .\pril, 1945.