w LAND, HO! Odd angle photo makes $10,000,000 Coast Guard icebreaker Macki- naw appear to be traveling on dry land. Ship was maneuvering close to shore of Black River (not seen in photo) with Lake Erie in background, near Lorain, Ohio. The Government Must Have Money If everything in Canada were to be handled by tlie co-operatives, as sonic arc suggesting, tl\ere wouldn't be many taxes coming from private business, comments The Leflil)ri<lge Herald. The Gov- ernment would tlicn have to do what the Russian Government does. There a turnover ta.x on the business of co-operatives brought In 800,000,000 rubles lasrt year, and co-operative farms had to pay be- sides eight percent, on product sotd and on revenues distributed fo their members. After all, the Stat* must have cash on which to oper- ate. Future of Radio Radio- manufacturers expect to employ 08 per cent more persons after tlie war than they did in 194U to meet the predicted demands for new household radios. Mustard gas released in a damp, dense jungle may remain effec- tive for a year. Nincly-five per cent of Haiti's population of 3,000,000 are pure- blooded Negroes. DO YOU SvfHR' FROM ANY OF THESE PAINFUL, ANNOYING AFFLICTIONS? Relieve lo<fce Pain Aspirin Eases Headache Almost Immedialely Genuine Aspirin's new prices now make it easier than ever for you to get fast, effective relief from headache misery. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST See with your own eyes why Aspirin takes hold of pain a few minutes after taking. Drop an Aspirin Tablet into a gIa-3 of water. Almost instantly it begins to dissolve. And that same tatit action takes place in your stomach. That's why Aspirin relieves you so q ickly. For years Canadians have elicd on Aspirin tor fast relief, for effective reli-:f â€"above all â€" for dependable relief. Get Aspirin at your druggist's today I New KIDUCID PRICES PockatBox t) 12 now 18c Economy Bottl* f 24.. . . . .. .now 39c Family ilia J 100 .....now 79c (S) Aspirin Th* Bayer crolt en each labUI It â- sur guaranlt* that It's Aiplrin RHEUMATIC PAINS? r:± 7t^ ALIENRI with Lemon Juice Men and wdiiii-ii ulm tuflrr lUft^iO); â- rh(.'> and |>Hin> <aiiM-d hy Kheii>i<aii»n, Nctirilii, <ii Liinibatto »acii ui rt-lii-vc jiuh ikympiiinii pronipily To gfi »uih rt-hvl . . iry Ai.l.iiNKU! Mu 2 uhlc- ip<Kin\ <il lhi» hn«- nitdicint- wiih one ul>lt.-»pi»>ii III Irmiin (iilcc in * gU»« ol water. Uiiliild ihiiiisandt ul lolkt use AI.I.HM<(I (.»! Al I hNHH li>d«v . .. •>i ai any tIruK tiur*. CHECK THIS LIST NOW ! • • • DRY, CLOGGED NOSTRILS CHEST COLO CONGESTION STIFF, SORE MUSCLES ACHING, TIRED FEET CHAPPED SKIN, WINDBURN RHEUMATIC OR NEURALGIC PAINS ECZEMA, PIMPLES LUMBAGO ^HEMORRHOIDS If you do â€" cheer up. Thousands have found that BUCKLEY'S STAINLESS WHITE RUB, mode by the makers of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE, brings fast, comforting relief from any or all of ihem. InfactitmustbrlngrelieFfaster than anything you have ever used or money back. Sold everywhere. I( your dealer is sold out send .50c for large jar direct fo W. K. Buckley eu Limited, Toronto, UCKLEY STAINLESS WHITE RUB Headac Nothing Is more depress sing than hesdsches... Why suffer?... UmblW will aive instant relief; -j>» Lambty'sisgoodforear-*^' -, ,-â€" ache, coochache, pains in "rfT/^ back, stomach, bowels. Jteaaf -^ A M B LY'S HEADACHE POWDERS i« nViiI^''^!^, eat-sleep-look^U •â- ==^ 2?«r£-/ BETTER f ^ VOICE OF THE PRESS SCARE 'EM TO DEATH War is reaching new depths. The Germans urge civilians to "kill, murder or poisoii the eneniy." And the Allies are terroriz'ag the Nazis with bagpipes. â€" Peterborough E.xaminer. â€" o â€" THAT HANDWRITING .Something for Hitler to think about: The longer heavy Allied bombing continues, the fewer walls will be left for him to see the handwriting on. â€" Christian Science Monitor. â€" o â€" HITLER'S COMPLAINT Rudy IIcss complains of the way they cook his fish. Hitler's case is different. Ke doesn t iii^e iiic wav they're cooking his goose. â€" Ottawa Citizen. BETAMIN COMPLBX iiblrl Korna DKVe STOKiS Easy Way to Relieve RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains Hero l.s II Hlmplc, ca.sy way to Bet lollpf fidin llio uKoiiy nf Hwollcn, rhciiiniitlo Juinla nnil nui«iMilnr i>Lhe!) nnri pnln.s. (io to nny druB p'ore anil KOt n l)ollln of Kn-Mii. If you art' not |)l('nscd Willi tlie lielp It Blvcs youâ€" Ro Kot your rnoiioy liiirk. This 1» n Konerous offer you cnn mil llffcKl 111 lnMoro. How Sun's Rays Affect Steel Mast Studies made of a 125-foot tubu- lar stainless steel mast atop « New York Skyscraper indicate that al- though mounted and designed to stand vertically it actually does so fiiily on heavily clouded days and at night. When the sun's rays strike the rast, the metal on the sunny side becomes heated and expands more than the shaded .cooler opposite side, causing the mast to bend away from Old Sol. In the course of a bright sunny day, the top of the mast swings through a 12-inch arc. bending si.x inches to the west before noon, and six inches to the east in the afternoon. The ma.s-t would stand erect in the sunshine only if the sun were directly overhead, an unlikely clr- cuiiibiaiicc ill New Vork, foi^that- city is far north of -the Earth's equarfor. Berliners Dread Artillery Barrage Berlin people fear the artillery barrage they figure the Russians will lay on the city once they are within range of the German capital says the Wind.sor Star. So, as many Berliners as possible are making tracks for somewhere else. Once the guns open up on Ber- lin, it will be just too bad for the people and the city, .\rtillcry can do what bombs cannot accomplish. While airplanes soar overhead, drop their bombs and fly away, the artillery simply sets up the guns and keeps on firing until de- molition piles on demolition. \n artillery battery can train its guns on a given target and fire away until there is nothing biJt rubble. Tlien, the sights cpn be shitted and' the battery can go to work on another target. The Amazon river drains an area as- large as the United States. No Coal! Just Like Buckingham Palace" Queen Elizabeth inspected a kit- "^ cheii exhibit a short time ago and "^ peeped inside a plastic coke bin «« â- on a prefabricated heating unit. --. "Oh", she exclaimed. "No coal! ^ Just like most houses now." Then she observed, "My good- ^ ness, it has been cold in Bucking- ^ ham Palace." British Consols PIPE TOBACCO I -GTGARtTTf TO B ACt?:^ ACCOl!.\TAKTS Al'DlTUnS LydialC.PinkhanrbVcKilablt- Compound not only helps relieve periodic pahi but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highslning feelings â€" when due to func- tional monthly dist urbaVces. It's one of the most elTective nie<licincs for this pur- pose. I'iiikhnm's Compound htlps nature! I-'ollow label directions. Tiy it! J^^duLCO^mAkrutniA comVouno IIAIIV CIIICKS ia'comf; ta,\ RKi'oitTs COM- plete Bookkeeping Services. Small or Larffe Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co.. 8 Wellington St. E.. Toronto. Ont. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKING I.AKI^ ONTARTO. You mny win this SIO.OOO model home fur 11.00. Write for your .shares today. ($l.nO each) to Benches Business Men's Associa- tion, Toronto 8. Your receipt will be mailed promptly. Draw to be made May 24th. -Proceeds for war Charities. IIABV cnicK*/ Sl.OO IIUOKS VOIin OROKR ORDER VUUR t94& CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. esB.i or better. Barred Rocks mixed 112.00 per 100. White LeBhorna mixed $11.00 per lOli Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100. white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100. white Rocks mixed $15.00 per 100 white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. 6000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bied Sussex, Large Type Leghorns. Sussex X New Hamps., Sussex X Leghorns, Rock X Leghorns. Rock X New Hamps., Barred Rocks Send for 1 large illustrated Catalogue and Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros.. Exeter. Ont. ORDER YOUR fiOVF.RNMENT AI'PROVKD CHICKS NOW â€" Every breeder Government- inspected, banded, and blood-tested. Immediate delivery on I'rcntluiii Kriidc day old chicks. liCKhorn* Pullets 90% guaranteed â€" $26.00 per hundred. Unsexed chicks $14.00 per hundred. Cockerels $ 2.00 per hundred. Ilnrred Rockn, New llnniixililreii, Hoimex, Ilybridn â€" Suhkpx X Ilnmp, Rock X Ilamp, lianip -V I.eKliorn Pullets 90% guaranteed â€" $24.50 per hundred. Unsexed chicks $14.50 per hundred. Cockerels $ 9.00 per hundred. Save time, order from advertise- ment. Satisfaction jfuaranteed. Free catalogue on request, containing the proper brooding of chicks, and methods used in raising poultry for profit. MONKTON I'OIII.'I'RY KARMS, Monkton, Ontnrlo. B R A S S .\ R D'S l!t.OOD-TESTED chicks. We specialize in one breed. Hollywood Strain White Leghorns, large birds and chalk white eggs. Pullets $20.00 per 100. Mixed $10.00 per 100. $1.00 books order. Brassard's Hatchery, Aults- vUle, Ont. IIROAI) RREASTKD SUS.SEX COX THOUSANDS AVAJLABLE WEEK- ly, If you ordiir at once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market. White skinned, long rounded breasts. Also New Hamp. cox with fast growth and feathering. SUssex X Leghorns and Rock X Leghorns make good roasters and grow fast up to 4-5 lbs. You can buy these for $4.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox $6.00 per 100. All from our well-bred, healthy, blood tested breeders. 6000 Breed- ers on ONP2 plant. Lakeview Poultry Farm, WeIn Bros., Exeter. Ontario. ORDER YOUR S.-C. WHITE LEG- horn day-old chicks from a breed- er hatchery. Stock blood tested and handed by O. B. S. WUf A. Glazier, Clinton, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY OROER CF 100 PUU let chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock* pul- lets $19 95 per 100. White Rock Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Ouarontecd 100% live delivery. Kent Hotchery, Chatham, Ontario. •IV, FHHB CHICKN OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Canada. Order now. Prlcos for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $lii.00 per hundred: White Leghorns, $11.00; White Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leghorns. $13.00. Pullet prices: Barred RorV'', 5'9.00: White Leghorns. «2a.iiu; While Il.icks, $24.00; Hrown L< ^tSTDrns, $24.00. 26 free chicks, ou." choice, will bo given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free clilcks ','or each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard t;hlck Hatchery. Bri- tannia Heights. Ontario. .\-t IIAIIY CHICKS FROM BLOOD- Te.sted flocks, liarred Itinks, large type White Leghorns, Barred UoiU X White Leghorns, Sussex X Now Hampshire, Ited X Rocks. Write for price list to A. W. Swit/.er Hatchery, Grniiton, Ont. VAIIY CHICKS AND POUI.T.S. Ilarred Rock and Wiiite l,eijhorns from C,ovorniiient iipproved and tilomllcsled Block, all eKBS set from our own stock. .\iso White Holland and Ilroad Breasted llronjie Turkey I'oults. Send for price list. The Wright Farm. liroikvllle. Ont. I.iThTT. TESTK1> HYRRII) COCK- ercls, Uock-Hampcross Se each during March. lOOc;, llvi- delivery iruaranleed. I'hnne 502. Sto'-ti.tit Poultry Farm, Finch, Ont. FOR SALE WRITE FOR OUR NEW 1945 PRICE list on Barred Rock, Redrock, Leghorn and Legrock chicks. Liberal discount on early orders. C. S. Doebank, Moulinette, Ont. R.O.P. SIRED LEUriORN CHICKS, Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat- tery's Poultry Farm, Aitona Rd., R.R. 2. PICKERING. ONT. MARl'H CHICKS ARE NECESSARY for .September and October pro- duction. Export contracts assure the same price In the fall of 1945 as in 1914. Top Notch Chickeries ur^e poultrymcn to start early this year and to get off to the best .ftart be sure you start off with Top Notch chicks. They are all from Government Approved bloodtested breeders. They have a reputation for livabilitv and pro- ductively. Drop us a line to-day for our big catalogue that will start you on the road to bigger profit."!. Top Notch Chickeries, Gueiph. Ontario. BRITAIN IS OUR BIGGEST Cus- tomer for eggs next fall. That means chicks now. to produce them. Some immediate shipment .ire n.R., N.H.. N.H. x B.R., N'.H. X US. and others. Bray Hatchery. 130 John N.. Hamilton. Ont. TWEDDLE CHICKS THRIVE AND more stay alive. Tliat's one def- inite advantage of getting start- ed with Tweddle Chicks. Every chick is from Government Ap- proved bloodtested breeders. They live and lay for you because they're husky, lively chicks with a background of livabiiity and productively backed b.v Tweddle's 19 years of supplying better cliicks. Send for 1945 catalogue to-day, Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario. ORDER VOITR CHICKS NOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100. white leg- horns mixed $11.00 per 100. Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100. white leghorn pullets $22.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls. $fi.00 per 100, Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. All chicks botched from 26 oz. 6gg.s or better and' from special mated flocks. Guaranteed IflO^o live delivery. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatctiery, Chatham, Ontario. DVniXr. AND CI.KANIXO HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. IIAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Koberlson method. Information on request regording classes. Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. FOR SALE BELGIAN STALLION RISING 10 Enr., priced low. Would change for a Hackney Mare. Allan Reesor, Markhum, R. 1, EIJSCTRIC MOTORS. NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufforin St., To- ronto. FOR SALK, ACME JAW CItUSHER, model IGD, 16" x 32" Jaw; In good condition; reasonable. Write Pru- dential Finance Corp., Ltd. Room 101, Wyatt Bldg.. London, Ont DURNFORD KB:NNEI.S, COCKER spaniel puppies, red and black. Choice cliamiiion registered stock. 763 Giles East. Windsor. Ont. COLLIE PUl'PIES, HEELERS AND watches. Males Seven Dollars, FeiiiaU's Three Dollars. Wire Ter- rier Puppies, reg. stock $25.00. .Shipped on receipt of Money Or- der. Will. Grove. R. 1, Stoney Creek. Ontario. AT STl'D: SPRINGER SPANIEL Imported ICngland, Hcaglo hound. Field Trial Winner. Itegistered, Trent Valley Kennels. IJ. 3. Peter- boro. Ontario. HERKFOUH HULU5, RKGISTKR- eii, coming two, food type, low act. priced right. Apply A. E. NoUes. .Manilla, Ont. ONTARIO CROWH 2 PURITY 1 Timothy Seed. Gerniimition 96% lOWc lb. rinkorlon. Bags free â- Sold in unbroken 120 11). bags only. I'.isti with order. Uoy Crainm, .Seed Merch.'iiit, Pinkerton. WHdi.KSAI.E AND RETAIL POUI,- Iry business together with build- ing, also two double liouses, good corner, property good condition, dose down town, reason for sail- ing, aged and retiring. Price rea- sonable. A. Schiller, 325 Falrvlcw, Riverside. ALLOW AY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE AN(!US BULLS of service- able age. Bred Heifers for Herd found.'itlon. D. E. McEwcn, R.R. 4, London. Ontario STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR- atius, raspberries, peach tree* apples, pears, plum.s, cherries grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging Hh.'ide trees, wire tree guards Norfolk Nursery. Slmcoe. Ontario. OltnEl! VOI'R PACKAGE BEEa OB nuilel. now for May delivery. Uoseview * â- .â- •»rlf-s H-ivvkestone. Ontario. NEW POCLTRY PICKING MA- chinc. electric motor. 00 cycles. Picks chicicens. turke.vs. complete, $250. Bicury Bird Farm. Iberville. Quo. FREE SCHOOL DESKS SINGLE STANDARD I;IXED TYPE .size 5. like new. You pay delivery .•md this advertisement. Write Box 31, Lansing, Ont. BEAUTIFUL COMFORTERS MADE from your materials. Quilting $1.S5. Y'our wool carded 25c lb., washing 3c lb. Quick service. Vir- .gin wool batts $1.15 lb. Wool I'arding Machines $14.95. Spinning Wheels $13.95. Ask for catalogue. Sifton Wool Products, Box 123, ."^ifton. Manitoba. REGISTERED. CERTIFIED AND (Commercial Grain and Grass Seed. Price List now ready. Write, phone or ^vire for copy Newfield Seed and Nursery Farms. Nipawin. Sasicatchewan. BROODER STOVES â€" USE FUEL oil or kerosene â€" no wicks. J. S. Reading. 630 Dougall Ave.. Wind- sor. Ont. ONE E.NSILAGB CUTTER, L.\TE Model, Melbourne Free, R.R. 2, Meaford. Ont. ONE NO. 3 MONITOR CLOVER AND Timothy Seed Cleaning Machine in good condition, complete with 60 Sections of Screens. R. Cramm. Pinkerton. Ont. REGISTERED NO. 1 KING GOLD SEAL HYIIRID SEED CORN 85 TO 120 DAY MATURITIES. VAR- ieties suitable for both ensilage and grain, also a full line of Seed Oats. Write for price list. The King Grain & Seed Co.. Pain Court. Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS WE CARPY A COMPLETE LINE of new and used Pipe and Fit- tings, Steel Stable Posts, Boiler Tubes, Rails, Plates, Structural Steel Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers. Belting. Machinery, Boilers, Tanks etc. We can save you money. S.imuel Bierstock & Sons. 255 Palmer .\ve.. Kitchener. Ont. FAR.MS FOR SALE 190 ACRES MORE OR LESS WITH or without stock and farm im- plements, dwelling house, etc. Township of Longueuii Prescott County â€" 1 mile from Town. School, Church, clectriclt.v. running water. Apply John B. Woods. Solicitor, Hawkesbury. Ont. FAU.M FOR SALE IN DISTRICT of Algoma, 158 acres, 115 under cultivation, oiay loam. Balance pasture and wood. Buildings In good repair. Excellent water In house and barn. George McKay, I'lummer, Ont. $11.000â€" 20-ACRE FRUIT FARM IN Winona, 10 acres grapes. 10 acres fruit trees, peaches, apples, plums, pears. Good reason for selling. B. Vekony, Box 60. Winona, Ont. SIIXI BUILDING EQUIPMENT, AD- Justabie steel forms, will build from 8 ft. to 14 ft. Also Concrete Mixer forms new. Apply Glen Tuffin, Wheatley, Ont. MEDICAl, STOMACH AND THRF..\U VVtUtMS often are jhe cause of Ill-health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your troubleT Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulvcney's Remedies. Specialists, Toronto S A TRIAL â€" EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Muuro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottuwo. Postpaid $1.00. CONSTIPATION. B I L T O U SNESS. liver trouble, depressed headache, quickly relieved with Fig-Lax tablet.s. Keep regular with Flg- Irfix. 25c at Druggists. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly. 45c bottle. Ottawa agent. Dcnman Drug Store. Ottawa. HAVE YftiT HEARD ABOUT DTX- on's Neuritis and Rhcumatictl'aln Remedy? It gives good results. Munro's Drug Store. .135 Elgin, Ottawa. PostpiUd $1.00. MVSK'AI, IXSTRI'MENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. oi'i'«m'ri'NiTii:s fqr women BE A HAIRDRESSHR JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn TIairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOI.S 358 BU)OR W.. TtlRONTO Branches: 44 Kins St. Hamilton & 74 RIdoau Street. Ottawa. OFFER TO IKVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOH List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. the Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys 27.< H^nk Street Ottawa Cnnnrts PHOTOGRAPHT -^ FILM DEVELOPED. S PRINTS, . one 5 X 7" enlargement 35c Re- "r prints. Including 116, 3c each. -^ Nelson Photo Service, Sault St* Marie. Ont. -• TIME TESTED QUAUTY ^ SERVICE and SATISFACTION ^ Your films properly developed and printed .-♦ 6 OR S EXPdSURE ROLLS 26o REHRI.NTS !l tor 25c •* FINEST ENLARGINi; SERVICE You may not get all the films you â- * want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire â- * by .sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE) * Station J. Toronto -^ ISSUE 11â€" 194.t "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL"^ CUSTOMER SAYS \ "... and the prompt manner In _. which you return work Is greatly â- * appreciated." -^ Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposure* ^ DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c ^ Don't risk losing pictures. Send your film rolls to ^ CANADA'S LARGEST AND "»â- FINEST STUDIO A. Get Better Pictures at Lower CosL Prompt mail service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER .New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 If 29c (4c extra) is sent with film roll ENLARGEMENTS â€" 3 for 25c 4 X 6" in Easel Mounts SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts. 3 for 25c. Framed, on ivor.v tinted mats. 7 x 9", in Gold, Silver. Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 69c each. If enlargement colored, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Name and Address Piaialy OH" Orders. I'lAXOS -* IS YOUR PIANO PROBLEM SOLV- eilV If not. write us. Factory Mason & Risch. 642 King St. West, Toronto. -^ PATENTS â- » FETHERSTONHAUCH &' COMPANY "* Patent Solicitors. Establishd â- - ISHO; 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on r«- •" quest. i'osrrto.\ w.vxTKD .^^ -t BUTTER MAKER. EXPERIENCED, holding testers certificate, dip- "* Ionia, desires year round position. Rtiyniond Macleod. Bury, Que. * SEEDS . " THOP.UGHLY RECLEANED Gov- ernment graded clover seeds, Tim- â- " othy and Ccssack alfalfa. Write for prices. J. E. Mulr, Ceylon. â- < Ontario. ^ BAXTER'S SEEDS. BETTER QUAL- ity and value. Send for Catalogus "We sell everything that grows." , 3359 Y'onge Street, Toronto. PEEL SEEDS ALFALFA, ALSIKE. RED CLOVER. Sweet Clover, Mixed seeds, Tim- othy and grasses. Wholesale and retail. Write for prices. Peel Seed Growers Co-Operatlve Limited. Bi.x U«"v Brampton, Qnt "^ ^ â€" A. - WANTED M.\N OR BOY W.VNTED, FOH general farm work, good farm. State age. experience, wage. Ap- ply Clifford Ross. Beaverton, Ont. 4 NEW WRITERS NEEDED TO RE- write for magazines and news- papers. Full Inforqjatlon for s t aim p e d addre.ised entelop*. FACTUAL FEATURES 39 Lee Avenue. Toronto 8. A A ^^'I'l' I'AY $700 CAST! FPR BLOCK Pinner Machine, it is fi^J fM Planing sioie leather blocks. BoJ Ic. i3 Adelaide West. Toronto. SPKEin- CASH FOR 100-200 ACRES, good medium loam, hydro avail- able. Write richt now! Box 1.4. L3 .Vdelalde W.. Toronto BOSTON FEMALE. YOUNG OR proven brood, under 3 vears, reg- istered. Good home. Give <*esrriD- .']"" >"â- '<â- <â- • I'tix IS. 73 Adelaide w.. Toronto. | ALL KINDS OF POULTRY WANT- eil. live or dresseil Writo M P Mallon. 3.1 .l.Trvis. Toronto MR. WOOL GROWER WE OPERATF A GOVERNMENT Licensed Wool Warehouse and are prepared to pur.-hase this se,'«son"s woo clip according to Government (.r.iding Standard.s and at estnb- li.-^hed (.overnment prices You can ;ipv>ly your wool credit against liiaiikt purchases. We do not h;>iidle used woollen.i. THR STR.VTHROY WOOLLEN MILIit l.rir. STlt.\THUOV. Ont. VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are alway* available either at vour local dealer or direct froin Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notr«- Dame West. Montreal S. Que. IIKI.I WANTED COOK GENERAL SMALL FAMILY, pleasant surroundings, good ^vage.^ References required. Mrs. Slanlev Thomson. 406 Russell HIH Road. Toronto. tH.^O" REG NURSE. OKNERAL duty. live In Room and Board, rtuOes fo commence at once. When applying glTe fult particulars and experience. Waterford Mafemlfr Ho^^nital. Box <02. Waterford. Ont-