V£: Big Three Plan Military Eclipse Of Germany And Beginning Of Peact From Feb. 4 to Feb. H President Roosevelt, Premier Stalin and Prime Minister Churchill with their staffs of military and political ad- visors held day-and-night session! •t Yalta, Crimean watering resort •n the Black Sea. Their program embraced plans to •mash, occupy and control Germa- ny; to assist Europe'* liberated peoples in solving their pressing po- litical and economic problems and to organize "» secure and lasting peace". Missing was any reference to possible Russian participation in the Anglo-.\merican war against Japan. This, in quick sununary, is what the Big Thr«« propo»e for Gtrmt- â- jr: 1. Defeat. I. No deitruction of the OkrmM people. 1. Disarmam«nt 4 Elimnation of the General Staff. I. Payment of rcparationi. «. Elimination or control «l po- tential military production. T. Punishment of war crimiMU. 1. Wiping Mt ef the timai Puir 9. Elimination of Nami in»iil«- tioni and laws. 10. Removal of militaristic in- fluences. 11. Measures necessary for "peae* - and safety" of the world. Nothing For Nothing That important side of social security about which so little is heard during election campaigns â€" the cost of such services to the taxpayer â€" received a pointed air- ing during the recent British House of Commons debate on the govern- ments's social insurance scheme, says the Regina Leader-Post. Total annual cost of the scheme at the beginning is placed at $2,800 million. Of this, one-half will be a direct charse on the British tax- payer. Within SO years, the cost will have readied $3,384 million, and at this point the taxpayers will bear two-thirds of the charge. And just in case anybody thinica the largest part of this will be borne by those In the high income brackets, it has been accurately computed that the only way the soheme can be carried at all is Arougli collecting one-third of the required tax revenue from those whose incomes are under 12,500 a year. Paris has a talking clock, which automatically tells the time when rung up. Four million people used Ike service ir. one year. <^^)ll!.'/^^ EAT-6LEEP-L00K««W" "^^A'^Peet BSTTSRf BETAMIN VITAMIN B-COMPUEX l.iiliii<l >'. Tiilitt'l rciriii r 2 TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF BRONCHITIS Now get real relief from coughs, soreness and congestion or bron* ctiitlsâ€" thlsdoubla-acUon , way that actually y(»ys AT ONCf J^ PENETRATES f deep Into broncnlal f tubes with soothing medicinal vapors. STIMULATES ' rhn.st and back stir« \ faces like a warm- ♦f, Ing poultice ' '''O'WNO FOR H0U«* ISE^ To get all the benefit.'; of this combinod PENETRATIHC-STIMUIATINC ai-tlon, ju,st rub throat, chest, and back with Vlcks VapoRub at b<-<ltlme. Inttantly VapoRub goes ti) work-2 way!! at once ns shown al)ove-to case bronchitis cough- ing, loosen congestion, relieve muscular soreness, and speed rostful, comforting sleep. Often by morning most of the misery Js gone. Get relief #om bron- chitis distress tonlcht with dou- blo-actlon, time- «,.^,>#» X'-.MinX Vlcks Vapo- \/|CKS Rub... Try It! VVapoRus BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS II yoijt l)ack aches oi II you have dlsturboi dlccp. hurning or .smarting. looU out lor trouble. This condition is a surt sign that youi kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wni>t' s. When the kidneys slow up. wastes '.ollcct. Bacluiche. ditjy spells, puffy cyesand rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help â€" and there Is » time-tried, proven way to help them known tm GOLD MEDAL Ilaariom Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quiinlities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drora Vou will fmd tbelr action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil CapsuUrs, the genuine and original Outcb Dropsâ€" packed In Canada Get a (Oc package from your druggist. I Bli FAMOUS for your coffee. Serve Maxwell House. This choice blend of rare coffees is roasted by the famous '^Radiant Roast'* process, 80 yon get extra flavor, f ragrano* and vigorous body. HEAD COLD? Get quick reliefl Just NOSTROL.INB in each ooetrU. Braatb- tog passages open right awajr,; NOSTROLINB soothe*. lufaricate*. disinfects, helps make and keep your oose healthy. Brings comfort swutly. Convenient. Pleasant. For adults and clifldren. 50c â€" all druggists. MOSTROLINE Jl^ciirtoN, atisroi. ENOiAMa CHECKED 4MQ Jwit •or MonexSiok For quick relief from Itching caused by scsem^ atUett'ifoot. acablei, pimple* and otheritcb' â€" gpndltiona, use pure, cooling, medictted, lloi a O. O. PRCSCR^rnON. CreoideM s iHHslMa Soothes, comforu and qulckljr oslma IMaossitchlng. Don't tutler. Ask ypuranudtot r If you suffer MONTHLY "\ FEMALE PAIN You who suffer such pain with tired, nervous Irritable weak feelingsâ€" due to functional monthly disturbances â€" should tryLydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Plnkham's Compound HELPS NATDit. ThousanOs upon thousands have reported bcncllt. Follow label directions. LYDIALPINKHAM'SS'uiS WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM StimuUUs circulation and ' Ijreaks up conjicsllon, prevcniing complica- tkms of a serloui nahire before It Is too late. Allnwi a restful night for rapid recovery. nuus cupwni'iD wiuo wis ist â- ir n im im Headac^ Nothing is more depres- sing than headaches .. Why suffer?... Umbly's *.. will tive instant relief. ^, LimDly'sisfloodforear- ^ srhe.coothiche.palnsin "fj}^ bsck. stomach, bowels Jimd/ A M B LY'S HEADACHE POWDERS i* Coughs are ilingerous if neglected . . . Get Relief Usuilly... QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY WITH COUGH SYRUP AT ALL DSunoiaTs tSe ld-i MADF BY THE ORIGINATORS 0( LYMOIDS VOICE OF THE PRESS lie BE KINP TO BIRDS This is one winter when the birds •r« really ha^^rtg a difficult time fkaging for ftto^- Feeding th« birds is an act of human kindness which should be practiced in every household. â€" Simcoe Reformer WHAT, NO SKySCRAPERSI An American soldier expressed •urprise that there were no sky- scrapers in London, and added that he had never seen a sky that needed them more. â€" Punch OFF WITH HIS HEAD "Victor Emmanuel's head is to come off Italian money." A littla while ago there was a feeling that it might come off period. â€"Ottawa Citizen DOORMATS DEFINED For some reason known only to 10-year-old boys a doormat is something to be walked around to get into a house. â€" Detroit News ACCOUNTANTI « Ai;DITOR§ mOOMK TAX REPOIITS COM- plets Bookkeeping Services. Small or Uirgro Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co., t Wellington St. K., Toronto. Ont. ACCOUNTINQ AND INCOME TAX Ssrvlca. Will so to any town. No account too small. Walter O. Boyd, It Salem Arenus, Toronto. \Xiia- bard 5861. kEACHES MODEL HO^ ivBRLOOKINO IJIKE ONTARIO. Tou may win this $10,000 modal boms for tl-M. Writ* for your Shares today. ((1.00 each) to Bssches BusIbsss Herd's Assocla- ilon, Toronto I. Tour receipt wftl be mailed promptly. Draw to b* made Miny 14th. Proceeds for war Charities. nABT CHICKS •1,00 BOOKS TOUR unOBR ORDER YOUR ll<5 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 26 oa CKCrs or better. Barred Rocks mixed 112.00 per 100, White Leghorns Slxed $11.00 per 10(1 Barred ock Pullets IIS.OO per 100. white L^grhorn Pullets S22.00 per 100, whit* Rocks mixed $15.00 rer 100, whits Rock Pullats 14.00 per 100. Brown leghorns mixed $13.00 per 100. Brown Isg- horn pullets 114.00 per 100. wa guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario. HIJRONDALB! CHICKS HIGH QXJAUTI AT REASONABUB prices. All chicks backed by Fedlgraed tested stock and from )e oz. eggs from Special Mated Flocks. Price Mixed Chicks â€" Barred Rocks, 111.60 per 100; Bussex X Nsw Hamp., Pure Sussex and Rock X New Hamp. IIS.OO per 100; Ldtrga Type Leghorns, Sussex X Leg- horns and Rock X Leghorns I12.2S per 100. All Heavy Breed Cockerels $6.00 per 100: Rock X Leghorn and Sussex X Leghorn Cockerels t$.fO psr 100; Leghorn Cockerels $l.tO per 100. (1.00 per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. fiend your order to HURONDAI.B CHICK HATCH- BRY. LONDON, ONTARIO. BABY CHICKS NOO BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Largs Type Leghorns. Sussex X New Hamps., Sussex X Leghorns. Rock X Leghorns, Hock X New Hair pa., tjarred Rocks. Send for large Illustrated Catalogue and Price List Lakevlew Poultry â- Farm, Weln Bros., Exeter, Ont. THE OLD METHOD OF EGQ PRO- ductlon was largely a gamble. Bgg prices went so high In Oc- tober and November that people quit eating eggs. Then In the Winter ana early Spring months when production cnme. there was no demand and the bottom fell out of the market. The way to avoid this Is to secure early chicks. The present price schedule Insures remunerative returns the year round. Not a high price for a few months and then low prices for severol months. You will not only make e.vtra money with early hatched chicks but you will save mone.v h.v ordering early and tak- iiig- earlj- delivery. Listen to our radio proKramme over station CKNX Winghnm every Monday moriiinK nt 9.30 a.m. and every Wedne.Hdnv evenlne nt 8.46 p.m. Twpddle ("hlok Hatchorles Lim- ited. FerKUS, Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND Vol' ARE (iUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you w.int them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, whits leg- horns mixed $11.U0 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100. white leRliorn pullets $22.00 per 100. Heavy Breed dels. $0.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 2( or. egga or. belter and from special mated (locks. Guaranteed 100<}(i live delivery. 11.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS KOR SUCCESSâ€" When ' buying cliloks for success you must buy chicks with breeding, llval)lllty, and with proper care you will bo certain of production for profit. Monkton Poultry Farm Hreodrr.s ore all Government In- spertod, bunded, and blood-tested. Write for 1946 prices and Cat- aloKUr. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS. MonUton, Ontario. ONE f)F OUR C i; S T O M E R S writes: "For several years 1 started my baby rhlck.'< In April. T.nHl yciir I got them In February, r finmd the early fines were the best Invi'Blmcnt. The roosters KoM at tlio top price and the pul- lets lalil when the «KKa were bltjli. .Aflir all we rnlso chickens to innke miiney and not for ex- erciMc". .'icnd for early booking price list today. You can save sevcriil clnllars on your chicks, if you book them early and take enr-l.v delivery nn<I you will aleo nijtke money with enrly hatched <-hUk.». Top Notch (^Iilckerlcs, fi'uelph. Ontario. R n A ."< a K It n's rujoh-tested chicks.. W» apeclnllze In one breed. ItnlLvwood Strain White LeB-tiiinifi, large hirda and chalh white cKH'i. Pullets 120.00 per 100. Mixed J10.no per lOO. $1.00 books order. Ttrn.ssnrd's Hatchery, Aults- vllle. Out. uno.Ai) iniKANTion !>ir<)<(F,v rox TIlOl-.'^ANnS AVAILAHLE WEEK- ly. If you order at once. Our nrond Preasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market. White skinned, long rounded bressts. Also New Hamp. cox with fast irrowth and feathering. Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X leghorns ninlce good roasters and grow fast up to 4-S lbs. Tou csn buy these for 14.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox It. 00. per 100. All from our well-brsd, healthy, hlood tested breeders. 5000 Breed- ers on ONE plsnt. T,ak»vl«w Poultry Farm, Weln Uros., Exeter, Ontario. BABY CHICKS CHICKS. COt^KERELS, PULLETS. Can give prompt shipment on many breed.s, or take your order for later shipment. But advise ordering now. Remember Febru- ar.v-March chicks are necessary for British needs next fall. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. WRITE FOR OUR NEW 1946 PRICB list on Barred Rock, Redrock, Leghorn and Legrock chleka. Liberal discount on early ordera. C. S. Deebank, MouUnetts, Ont. ORDER TOUR S.-C. WHITE LBO- horn day-old chicks from a brsa4' er hatchery. Stock blood tsstM and banded by O. B. S. Wllf A. Glazier. Clinton, Ont. liM CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORUEB CF 100 PUl.- let chicks, we give 100 free chieka (our choice). Leghorn pullats $22.96 per 100. barred Rock pal- lets tl9 96 per 100. White Rock Pullets $24.96 per IOC. Brown leg- horn Pullets 124.96 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high eKK pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery. Chatham. Ontario. 2.% FREE CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK U registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, 111.00; White Rocks, $16.00; Brown Leghoma, $13.00. Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19.00; White Leghorns, $22.00; White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 36 free chicks, our choice, will be giTen for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick Hatchery. Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario. BETTER ORDER TOUR UNCOLN Government Approved Chicks now. New Hampshire, Barred Rocks, and New Hampshire X Barred Rock Hybrids. Bookings heavy. Write for our catalogus and price list Lincoln Chick Hatch- . cry, 2 Race Street, St Cathar- ines, Ont. Post Office Box 1104. R.O.P. SIRED LEQHORN CHICKS, Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat- tery's Poultry Farm, Altona Rd., R.R. 2. P«KERINO. ONT. ORDER YOUR 1946 BARRED ROCK chicks now. High placlngs io Canadian and American contests since 1928. Second high Barred Rock pen 1944 Illinois State Con- test. Circular. Angus Urquhart. Greenfield. Ont SIMM BRKGDERSâ€" BLOOD TESTKD BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. High quality at reasonable prices. All breeders culled. Inspected, banded and approved by Canadian Baby Chick Inspectors. Pure Sus- sex mixed 14c, Sussex X New Hamps. mixed 13 He, White Leg- horns. Rock X Leghorns and Sussex X Leghorns mixed l$c. Heavy Breed Cockerels 6c. Sussex X Leghorn and Rock X Leghorn Cockerels 4c. 100% Live delivery guaranteed. $1.00 per 100 books your order. Balance C.O.D. ROSB- T,AWN FARMS & HATCHERY. New Hn mburtr. Ontario. nl'SINESS OPPORTUNITIKS SMALL rOt.'NTRT STORE, PRE- ferably with Post Office or Oss Station but not essential. Full particulars first letter. Box 10, 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. Ont. OYEING AND CLRANINO HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Infoj'mntlon. We are glad to answer .vour questions. Depart- ment H, T'arker'a Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. _^_^ IIAIKORESSING LEARN IIAIRDRE.SSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdres'ing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. FOR sale: P U P P 1 E .S INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION SIRED PEDIGREED - REGISTERED AT WESTERN ONTARIO'S LAnCK.'iT REGISTERED rocKER KENNELS CEE HAZE KENNELS (RKGI.'!TERED) 209 Pracdo Place, Riverside ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pul- levs, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferln St.. To- ronto. RMOiSTKHim NO. 1 KING GOLD SRAI. HVIIIIlIt SEED CORN 85 TO 120 PAT M.\.TURIT1BS. VAR- letles suitable for both ensilage and Br.nln. also a full line of Seed Oats. Write for price list. The King Grain & Seed Co.. Pain I'ourt. Ont. iinRNii-oitri kf.nnkIa'?, cocker spnniel inipples. red and black. Choice cbiimplon registered stock. 703 Giles Knst. Windsor, Ont. .\T STUD: SI-RINGER SPANIEL Imported Kncland. Beagle hotmd. 1''leld Trlnl Winner. Ree-lstered. Trent Vnllev Kennels. R. S, Pcler- lioro. Ontario. HERRFORn nULUS, RKGISTER- ed. coming? two. good type, low set. priced rlcrbt. Apply A. E. Nuke.", Miinllla, Ont. i2 HP. STIIAM TRACTION BN- Bine for sale, locomotive type holler. 160 lb. pressure, good run- ning condition. Box I. 73 Adelaide W Toronto Ont. ONTARIO CROWN 1 rURITY 1 'I'lniotby Seed, fjermlnatlon 96%. 10>,4c lb. rinkerton. Bags free. Sold In unbroken 120 lb. bags onl.x*. Cnsh with order. Roy Cramm Seed Merclinnt. Pliikerton. ALLOW AY LODGE OFFERS CHOim ANGUS nUI.IJ? of service- able HV!e. I'.reii Heifers for Herd' fourul't I 'o!i. D. E. McEwen. R.R. 4, London, Ontario 7,000 Miles of Rail Restored In France United States, Army Engineers have rehabiWt^ed J-.OOO miles of European r^a^ for use by Allied armif s.<as^upply routes to the VVcstcrfr^+>ont, it was an- nounced recently. . The Engiireers have restored 6,000 miles of double track and 2,000 miles of single track in France and Belgium, including all major rail networks in Allied ter- ritory and rtconstructed 172 major rail bridges destroyed by bombing or enemy demolition. FOR SALE LUMBERMEN â€" LOG SCALES, handy calculator, 26 cents post- paid. The Outlook, Middleton, Nova Scotia. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR- agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears. plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery. Simcoe, Ontario. QUILTING PATCHES COTTONS OR SILKS BY POUND. Make fancy silk petal Cushions from Satin Patches, colors Pink, White. Blue. Wool RemnanU suitable for Boys' knee pants. La- dles' handbags, children's skirts etc. Also unbleached cotton. Pub- lex Sales, 377 Parliament Street, Toronto. MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE OF 1000 HORSES 1000 Bxhlbltton linrna, Rcgino, Saak. April 11, 12, 13, 104n AH farm raised, well broken and in fine condition. Some fine saddle horses and drivers, plan now to attend. OMAR CR.^BB, Sale Mgr. Box 83S, Regina. Sosk. FARMS FOR SALB 11500 BRIM LET Rd! SCARBOR- ougb Township, 6 miles from To- ronto, 24 acres, good garden land, modern stable, frame house with six large rooms, hardwood floors, running water in house and stable, heavy wiring In both, about 1 acre of good orchard, TORONTO CITY REALTT, 2>ta Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. 200 ACRES, 2H MILES BAST OF Dundalk, on county road, 18< acres under cultivation, over BO acres ready for crop, good build- ings, cement stabling, water in barn, good house with furnacs, larm well fenced, possession any time. WILBBRT GREEN, DUN- DALK, R. 4, or Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk. 110 ACRES HALF MILE SOUTH OF Kenllworth, 7 miles north of Arthur on paved highway. Six- roomed brick houss, large bank barn, JS.BOO. APPLY McMaster and McMaster. 2859 Dundas St. West, Toronto. 190 ACRES MORE OR LESS WITH or without stock and farm im- plements, dwelling house, etc. Township of LongusuU Prescott County â€" 1 mile from Town. School. Church, electricity, running water. Apply John B. Woods, Solicitor, Hawkesbury, Ont. 218 ACRES FOR SALE ON NO. 8 Highway. 1*4 miles east of Mor- peth. Two complete ssts of build- ings, land suitable for all kinds of mixed farming, some tobacco acreage, hydro, gas, water. May be bought as separate farms. Lake Erie frontage. location Ideal. Apply Merton Simpson, R. 1 RIdgetown. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-health in humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto .1. DIXON'S REMEDY â€" FOR NEUR- itis and Rheumatic Pains. Thous- ands satisfied. Munro's Drug Store. 33.1 Eltrln, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.00. ^ BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly. 4Bc bottle. Ottawa agent Derman Drug Store. Ottawa. READ THIS â€" EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis .should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Po.stpald $1.00. MACHINERY .SEPAR.ATOR REPAIRS WORN DISCS .\RE USUALLY THE first Cream Separator trouble. We re-space and retin them, when not too badly worn, to give the equal of new Disc service, for one third to one quarter the cost Bowi rebalancing also, as well as returning and refitting of all parts. Symons' Metalworkers, ROCANVILLE. Saskatchewan. MUSICAL instri;ments FRED a! tiUDDlNGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church. Toronto i. OPPORTUNITIKS FOR WOMIIN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Halrdressing Pleas.int dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 3.i8 BLOOR \V., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St.. Hamilton. & 74 RlJeau Street. Ottawa. OlMMlUTlNrriES MEN « WOMEN Al!!' SIlOltTllANP. rURCllASE the biiok.s anti train yourself In HI weeks. I'ree folder illustrates this easy s>'steni. Cassan S.\'stems, Torotito. OFFER TO INVKNToitS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVIONTOK List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The ttamsey Co.. Registered Pateni Attorneys. 27.t ilnnk Street Ottawa, Can ada rKUSONAL "ELIJAH COMING HEl'-ORE Christ." wonderful book free. Meglddo Mission. Rocbester 11. NY. IH) VOU KNOW GOPâ€" OR PREFER a mystery? Read what the Scrip- tures teach. Write for free pamph- let. "The Truth About the Trinity." Cbristadelpblan Gospel Proclam- ation, ,11!' North l.lnsmore Cresc„ Toronto t. NEW DISCOVERY. TICSTED, SAVE.S 4.'if; gasoline. >;uarantetcl. Send stamped envelope for inforiurition. 3. Rrodie. Vilna. Alts. Likes All Animal* Except German* The educational expert who hat been recommending that in time of war even school children should "learn to hate" would p«rhaps b« satisfied with the first step in that direction as taken by Erica Ann, aged four years who had just paid a visit to the Zoo in Manchester, England. On the journey home her aunt asked which of the animala she had liked be.a. Much to the amusement of other passengers, she replied in a clear voice: "I like ai; animals e.Kccpt Germans." PATENTS Booklet of Information on re- quest. FETHEP.STONHAlUiH « COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Establlehed Igoo- 14 KIna West. Toronto. IMlOTOfiRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed aud printed » OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLIB 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25o FINEST ENLARGl.N'G SERVICE You m.iy not get all the* films you want this year, but you can gel all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS . PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Some pictures can never be taken again. Don't risk losing yours. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service tor developing and printing. Canada's largest tiiyshlng studio does the finest work 'at lower cost. Any sue Rollâ€" 6 or 8 Expoauies. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c "Your prices for such quality work are really economical," writes a customer at Peterborough Ont "I am particularly fascinated by the coloured pictures. I appreciate your prompt and rsUsble service and in future will send all my rolls to you." t MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 26c SIss 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Bnlargements 4xS' on ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement coloured, 79e each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Tour Name and Address Plainly on All Ordera. PIANOS IS YOUR PIANO PROBLEM SOLV- ad? If not, write us. Factory Mason k. Rlsch, 642 King St. West, Toronto. SEEDS ALFALFA, CLOVERS, TIMOTHY. Permanent Pasture Grasses, Hy- brid Corn, all No. 1. Best prices. Stewart's Seed Store, Bowman- vlUe, Ont. MORNING GLORIES! THRILL TO THE BEAUTY OF THE glorious PEARLY GATES and HE.WENLY BLUE Morning Glory â€" a combination of creamy white and belladonna bine: sturdy vines, copious blooms. Try them a4.-.t?«- your wall or porch. Get both of these lovely varieties for less than the price of one â€" 1 pkt. of each (2,'ic value) only lUc. Full-colour catalogue free. I'ept. W., W. W. HICK & SONS LIMITED. Uudsay. Ontario. WANTED LINOTYPE WANTED. NO. 6 01! 8 Model, give full p.Trtlculars to Wilson Publisbins Co.. 73 Ade- laide St. W., Toronto. ACREAGE WA.NTED. SUITABLE for c:iinp sites, etc.. Lake frontaKe. water, buildings. Bo.-i 6. 73 Ade- laide W., Toronto. WILL PAY LIBERAL PRICE Ft)R Maltese or crossbred Miiltese Male Pup. Send full particular- and photo. If possible. Box 7. 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. WANTED; PROTESTANT SCHOOL Teacher for Junior Grades to com- mence duties September 19.4J. Ap- ply stating qu.tlificatlons and salary expected to R. F. Stedtnan, Secretary. Kewagama. County Abitlbl. Quebec. WANTED 25 TO 20U .A.CRES Liv- able house, barn. bush, stream. Particulars, Price. Taxes. Box II. 73 Adelaide \V. Toronto, Ont. SMALL FARM OR ACUEAGE WITH house .'iiid outbuiUiina-s wanted to rent Mny 1 by good tenants: mu.it be reasonable rentage In or near village or town. If suited, would purch;ise after the war. D. Lis- conibe. Wllberforce. Ontario. VANTED TO BUY COTTAGE AND sniull acreage, hydro. 100 miles radius. FlesK, ::',i I.otiUinds Ave.. Toronto. WANTED SMALL GAS STATION and livin.g aceommoditlon few miles out.side Toronto. Box 741, CoUirmwood. IllOl.f WVNTEO' â- 4 â- 5 -r -A \ â- A. FARMHAND WANTED FOR MI.\- ed farming, yearly engagement, top Wines, st.irt about March 1st. Apply C. A. Martin. Fergus. R. 1. $60 PER MO.NTH FOIt GENERAL Domestic or helper in kitchen of v Hospital to live in. When apply- Ing give full particulars. Water- fonl Hospital. Dux 402. Water- ford. Ont. CIRI. WANTEH FOR LIGHT hou.^cwork. Comfortable, small loronlo home. Separate room. Two children. Good wages. Inter- ested party phone collect MavfaIr i: .•.•''*'.?."'"^' '^""' ''• TS Adelaide St. W ., Toronto. Out. COOK GENERAL SMALL FAMILY, pleasant surroundings V->«hwI wages. References required. MrT Stanle.v Ihomson, 406 Russell Hill Road. t.orest Hill VilUHge, Toronto. MAN WITH CHAUFFEUR'S UC ense to drive truck and work on farm. Must be very reliable and board. Steady Job for good man. $9tV00 duty t EG. NlltSH, GENERAL â- ','*" '" •''•<•"• and Hoard, t^)l^\^ '" '""""C'e at once. When apply ng give full particulars and experience Wi'terjord Maternity Hospit.ll. Box 402. Waterford, Ont. ISSUE »â€" 1949 â- 4