FIRST Sia PATROL 4 r Trudging through deep snow amid fairyland Bcenery, an expert akiar leads first Allied ski patrol organized to overcome anow-coverad terrain on 9th Army front in Germany. How To Lower Living Standard One point made this year by Mr. A. N. Mitchell, president Canada Life Assurance Co. which if com- prcliended widely enough, would save Canada oceans of grief and let us get on with the job of build- ing soundly for a better Canada ivt all Canadians is this: "It is time to realize that re- gimentation ultimately destroys not only individual opportunity and freedom, but leads the hobbled peoples finally into lower itandardi of living. Assumption of power over the lives and actions of their fellow-citizens by a politically ag- gressive few in the namt of the state â€" call it Fascism, Nazism, Socialisin, Collectivism, State Con- trol, Planned Economy, or what have you â€" must always lead to some form of autocracy and much lessened individual freedom. The so-called planners must have power to force complianoe with their orders, if their plans are to be ef- fective. No .Socialist-planned ec- onomy can operate without each citizen yielding the planners his prevTous rights of choice decision and action." U. S. Rice Crop In 1943 the United State* acre- age of rice was 58 per cent more than the average of the preceding 10 years, and the production 48 per cent more. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO % Everj nuiim nilb llalb, Sben- cr nnd Telrphoa*. 9 SlnKlr. upâ€" Double, up, Clood Pooil, DlnlnB nnil Unnc- Ins 1Vlgh«l7- Sherboume at Carlton Tel. RA. 41SB f <V^:^; Don't Suffer- DON'T WAIT FOR ocnEF FROM- HEAD-COLDS GRIPPE PERIODIC PAINS YOU CAN HAVE IT IN 7 MINUTES wilk Ihii Iraal Prneriptitn hmi^ tr Mtoty latk BUCKLEY'S CAPSULES, Turks Grant Allies Use Of Dardanelles Authoritative British quarters said last week that Turkey had granted permission to the A1U«« to ship supplies to Russia via the Dardanelles, thus eliminating the long haul of the old Persian Gulf supply route. Turkey recently broke diplomatic relations with Japan, sending the last official Axis listening post out of the country and depriving the enemy of bases for Japanese agents who might report on the move- ment of Allied supplies through the Straits bewteen the Mediterranean and Black Seas. YOU GET EVERY ATOM of the flavor and goodness in Maxwell House Coffee because it is "Radiant Roasted". Every coffee bean is roasted thoroughly â€" «1I through I For Eczema - Skin Troubles ICak* up your mind today that Kou are soingr to gtva your skin a real chance to get well. Go to any irood drug store and get an original bottle of Moone's Bmerald Oil â€" It laata many days because It \a tilgrhljr ooncentrated. The very first application will »lve you relief â€" the Itching of Bc- tema la quickly stopped â€" eruptions dry up and scale off In a very few dajra. The same U true of Itchlna Toea and Feet. Barber's Itch, Saft Rheum and other skin troubles. Remember that Moone'a Emerald OH Is a clean, powerful, penetrat- ing Antiseptic Oil that does not •tain or leave a creasy residue, Oomplets satisfaction or money back. BROWNIES AID WAR EFFORT BRONCHIAl lASE COUGH SYRUP Relieve that cough NOW before it b*- oomes aerioum. I^moid Con^ Syrup usually aob initantly to reUere distrasstnBflolf and bronchial symptom! in eUl* dran and adulta. AiAixDauaoiHa SSe â€"IQIMTOMOF LYMOIDS iTCif A'.K/? SWAIIOWD ACT fASrf/^ CHECKED â€" *OPMonex6ack today for 'f:S°V.9n&^ii^fi^^^'*^. WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAH * ^ quickly rtUcm lorcneii, ittf Mck and otlKt aJlmtnti cauitd by cxpoMie to wcathtr conditions Arhee and palae *lâ€" P l ieiir with ont sppllcallon â- uw euMutD Mnw oua Ik I K. « mi â- )•â- /.YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM V HOTFUSHES tt you sufler from hot flaaliea, weak, nervous irritable feeltuKs, are a bit blue at timesâ€" due to the funo- tlonal "middle-age" period peculiar t<> womenâ€" try Lydla E. rinScham'e Vegetable Compound to relieve auch symptoms, it nelpt r.atjtrcl Follow label directions. Worth trylnsl LYDIAE.PINKHflM'S?S8.?tt!lg These earnest little irowniea are threading needles for the Red CroM. Thouianda of Brownies and Girl Guides have been busily engaged assisting in the war effort since the outbrealc of hostilitiei. /^ ^ VOICE OF THE PRESS MAY HAVE TO CHANGE King Peter of" Yugoslavia may change his mind about opposing establishment of a regenc> until such time as his country's affairs can be settled. If he doesn't, he may have to change his crown â€" for hat. â- - Brantford E.xpositor THOSE WOLVEi Large gray wolves are said to be invading many communities in Ontario this winter. Probably selling mining stocks to innocent lambs. â€" Toronto Saturday Night. FAMOUS LAST WORDS "Well, if he won't dim his head- lights, I won't dim mine!" •â€" St. Thomas Times-Journal. British Consols PIPE TOBACCO CIGARETTE TOBACCO TAKE YOUR CHOICE You can either cut a niche for yourself in the world, or chisel it. â€" Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph. TRUSTING SOULS The pedestrian trusts the autoist and the autoist trusts the pedes- trian and in the end the doctor has to trust the patient. â€" Chatham News. ACCOPlfTAMTS A AVD lTORg INCOME TAX RBPORTS COU- plete Bookkeeping Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co., 8 Wellington St. B., Toronto, Ont. ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX Service. Will go to any town. No account too small. Walter G. Boyd, SI Salem Avenue, Toronto. Lom- bard E861. BABY CHICKS SI.OO BOOKS TOUR ORDBR ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 26 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed J12.00 per 100. White Leshorns mixed $11.00 per lOu Barred Rock Pullets 819.00 per 100. white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 pel 100. white Rocks mixed 116.00 ?er 100, white Rock Pullets 24.00 per 100. Brown lej-'homs mixed 813.00 per 100. Brown lep- horn pullets 824.00 per 100. Wo guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. HVRONDALB CHICKS HIGH QUALITY AT REASO.VABLK prices. All chicks backed by Pedigreed tested stock and from 26 oz. eggs from Special Mated ITlocks. Price Mixed Chicks â€" Barred Rocks, 812.60 per 100; Sussex X New Hamp., Pure Sussex and Rock X New Hamp. 818.00 per 100: Large Type Leghorns. Sussex X Leg- horns and Rock X Leghorns 812.2S per 100. All Heavy Breed Cockerels 86.00 per 100; Rock X Leghorn and Sussex X Leghorn Cockerels 83.60 per 100; Leghorn Cockerels 81.60 per 100. 8L00 per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. Send your order to hdronuale: chick hatch- ery. I,UNUON, ONTARIO. rary chicks 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out cnrly. Don't take chnnces on ordinary cliicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, I,arKe Type I..eKhorn3. Sussex X New Hamps.. Sussex X Leirhorns. Ttocit X lyCKhorns. Rock X New Hamps.. Harrcd Rocks. Send for large illu.strated Catalogue and Price Lakevlcw Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. TWEDDI,E CHICKS ARE TIME tested. We've been 19 in the hatchery business and have learned one Important thini? â€" that the customer l.s the one wlui must be satisfied. That's why we value those repeat orders that l<eep pouring in and letter.i like this: Parkhlll, Ont. "The 400 chicks 1 received are doing fine and I have only lost one. They are feather- ing good and without a doubt they are the best chlcka T have had In five yiMus, Arthur McDon- ald." Don't dulay further, send your order at once for 'I'weddle dependable chicks. You can save 1.60 per hundred on non-aexed chicks, S.OO per hundred or. pul- lets for February delivery. Also offer discount of 60c per hundred on non-sexed chicks. 1.00 per hun- dred on pullet chicks If you send your order before Feb. 28th for delivery nn.vtime during the hatch- ing season. Yoif can't lo.'e price guaranteed against a raise or de- cline. Free catalogue and early booking price Hat. Tweddle Chlol: Hatcheries Limited, Fergu.i, Oi . 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY t)RL-EB OF 100 PUU (our choice). Leghorn pullets let chicks, we give 100 free chicks 822.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 819 96 per 100. White Rock Pullets 824.95 per IOC. Brown leg- horn Pullets 824.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg ^ pedigreed stock. 81.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham. Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE OUARA.VTEEP your chlcka for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed 812.00 per 100, white leg- horns mixed 811.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets 819.00 per 100. white leghorn pullets 822.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckla. 86.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckla. 82.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 ci eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. fl.OO books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS FOR SUCCESSâ€" When buying chicks for success you must buy chicks with breeding, Uvabillty. and with proper care you will be certain of production for profit. Monkton Poultry B'arm Breeders are all Government In- spected, banded, and blood-tested. Write for 194R prices and C5at- alogup. MONKTON rOUI..TRY FARMS. Monkton, Ontario. 8iS PRBB CH:0K9 OUR f'OllMDATION STOCK IB registered and pedigreed blnls. Nothing better In Canarla. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks. 812.00 per hundred; White Leghorns. 81100; White Rocks, 815.00: Brown Leghorns 813.00. Pullet prices: Barred Itncks. 819.00: White L.eghorns. 822.00; White Rocks, 824.00; Brown Leghorns, 824.00. 16 free chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed ohlcki order- ed and 16 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets nrderert Ooddard Chick Hatchery. Iirl tannia Heights. Ontario. BABY CHICKS RROAD BREASTED SUSSEX COX THOUS.A.NDS AVAILABLE WBBK- ly. If you order at once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox brtas top prices on the market White skinned, long rounded breaata. Also New Hamp. cox with faat growth and feathering. Sussex X Legliorns and Rock X Leghorns make good roasters and grow faat up to 4-5 lbs. You can buy these for 84.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox J6.00 per 100. AH from our well-bred, healthy, blood tested breeders. 6000 Breed- ers on ONE plant. Lakevlew Poultry Farm. Weln Bros., Exeter. Ontario. BETTER ORDER YOUR LINCOLN Government Approved Chicks now. New Hampshire, Barred Rocks, and New Hampshire X Barred Rock Hybrids. Bookings heavy. Write for our catalogue and price list. Lincoln Chick Hatch- try, 2 Rare Street, St. Cathar- ines, Ont. Post Office Box 304. BP.AY HATCHERY CAN GIVE YOU February delivery on chicks and cockerels In these breeds and cros.^esâ€" B.R., W.L., N.H.. 1*8. x N.H. N.H. X L.S., N.H. x B.R. Thy will catch the extra markets for you. Order now, even for later delivery. Bray Hatchery, ISO John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON CHICK Have you eald to your- self ,'Next year I'm going to buy my chicks earlier and take ad- vantage of that early discount". Send for the Top Notch chlcker- Ics' circular and catalogue telllnff you how you can save money on your 1945 chlcka. Top Notch Chlekerles, Guelph, Ontario. R.O.P. SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat- tery's Poultry Farm, Altona Rd., R.R. 2. PICKERING. ONT. ORDER YOUR 1945 BARRED ROCK c'.iioks now. High placlngs la Canadian and American contesta nince 1928. Second high Barred Rock pen 1944 Illinois State Con- te-t. Circular. Angus Urquhart. lirecnfleld. Ont. £.â- ^00 IIIIKEDERS â€" BLOOD TESTED KOOlv VOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW. High quality at reasonable prices. All breeders culled. Inspected, banded and approved by Canadian Raby Chick inspectors. Pure Sue- ."ex mixed 14c, Sussex X New Hamps. mixed 13%c, White Leg- horns. Rork X Leghorns and .Siis.'icx X LeKhorns mixed lie. Heavy Breed Cockerels 6c. Sussex X LeKhorn and Rock X Leghorn Cockerels 4c. 100% Live delivery guaranteed. $1.00 per 100 books your order. Balance C.O.D. ROSE- LAWX F.\RMS & HATCHERY, Now ITniiibn?'ii. Oiit.arlo. 111 SI\KSS OPPORTUNITIES SM.MJ, COITNTRY STORE, PRB- ferably with Post Office or Gaa Station but not essential. Pull particulars first letter. Box 10. 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. TOWN IN GOOD FARMING Dis- trict to est.iblish welding bus- iness and small machine shop. L. Frnser. 18 Wanstead Ave., To- roiitc. Ont. l)YEIXn AN!) CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleanlngT Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto . IIAIRDRESSlivG LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halrdresslng Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. I'OR SALE ' PUPPIES INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION SIRED PEDIGREED - REGISTERED AT WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST REGISTERED COCKER KENNELS CEE HAZE KENNELS (REGl.'^TERED) 209 Praedo Place. Riverside ELECTRIC MOTORS. NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pul- leys, lunshcs. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferln St., To- ronto. FOR SALE STALUONS FROM Yearlings up. All horses old en- ough, eligible for premiums. Also mare.'", Pcrcherona. John Sanders, St. Thomas. Ontario. AMERICAN BULL TERRIER PUP- ples, United Kennel Club regis- tered. R. N. Phillips, 1037 Shaw, Toronto, Ont. OAItAGE. SERVICE STATION, Grocery Business, Highway 15. Opportunity for returned man. Eulpmcnt. »tock, adjoining house, optional. Samuel Gardiner, Innls- vllle, Ont. T RI'J C KING TRANSl'ORTATION. Wei; established business. In the county of Abltlbl and Tomlscam- Ingue, located In Noranda. Que.. 6 trucks, garage 85 x 40. room for 7 trucks, storage space on 2nd floor; hot water heating sys- tem. Will sell at fair price tor cash, Apply by letter to Noranda. ()ue. llov 386. Noranda. Qua. RKcnKTr.RIMI NO. I KINO GOLD SKAI, ilVHUIl) SEED CORif 85 TO 120 DAY MATimiTlBS, VAH- lelloa suitable for both ensilage' nnd grain, nlao n full line of Seed f>nl». Wrile for price list. 'The King Grain & Seed Co., Pain <"o«rl. Out. FOR SALE SAWMILL CARRIAGE, NEW, light, complete, motors, arbors, rises, beams, angles, etc Beech- wood Machinery, Ottawa, Ont. It H.P. STEAM TRACTION EN- flne for sale, locomotive type oiler, 160 lb. pressure, good run- ning condition. Box 8, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. OnL ALLOW AY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE ANGUS BULLS of service- able age, grandsons of Blackbird Bandolier of Pafce. D. E. McEwen, R.R. 4, London, Ontario LUMBERMEN â€" LOO SCALES, handy calculator, 25 cents post- paid. The Outlook, Mlddleton, Nova Scotia. BEAUTIFUL COMFORTERS MADE from your materials. Quilting 81.85. Your wool carded I5c lb., washing 8c lb. Quick service. Virgin wool batts 81.16 lb. Wool Carding Machines 814.96. Spin- ning Wheels 813.95. Ask for cat- alogue. Slfton Wool Products. Box 123. Sifton. Manitoba. MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE OF 1000 HORSES 1000 Exhibition Barns. Reglna, Sask. April 11, 12. 13, IIMS All farm raised, well broken and In fins condition. Some fins saddle horses and drivers, plan now to attend. OMAR CRABB. Sale IMgr. Bex 8SS, Rearlna, Saalc FARMS FOR SALB 88500 BRIMLEY RD. 8CARBOR- ough Township, 6 mllee from To- ronto, 24' acres, good garden land, modern stable, frame house vrlta six large rooms, hardwood floors, running water In house and stable, heavy wiring In both, about 1 acre of good orchard. TORONTO CITY REALTY. 2380 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. 100-ACRE FARM OF FERTILE soil, well drained, two miles southwest of Stratford, In Downle Township, being lot 12, con. 8. There are 10 acres fall wheat. 40 acres plowed, balance seeded. Frame house. hip-roof bank barn, straw shed, alio, drive shed, garage, drilled wll. water In stables. Utter carrier, hydro, etc. Anybody wanting a high produc- ing farm see this one. Apply to William Strasser, R, 8, Stratford, Ont. 100 ACRES, tU MILES HAST OF Dundalk. on county road, 186 acres under cultivation, over SO acres ready for crop, good build- ings, cement stabling, water In barn, good house with furnace, farm well fenced, possession any time. WII..BETIT GREEN, DUN- DALK, R. 4. or Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk. 110 ACRES HAIJr MILE SOUTH OF Kcnilworth. 7 miles north of Arthur on paved highway. Six- roomed brick house, large bank barn, 83.500. APPLY McMaster and McMaster. 2859 Dundas St. West, Toronto. MEDICAL STO.MACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-health In humans, all age-s. So one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your troubleT Intorestrng par- ticulars â€" Free! Writs Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists Toronto 3 TRY IT! EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro'.i Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid 81.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destrovs offensive odor Instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent. Drug Store. Ottawa. tJOOD RESULTS â€" EVERY SUF- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 El- gin, Ottawa. Postp.-ild $1.00. machixkry .>iEPARATOR REPAIRS WORN DISCS ARE USUALLY THE first Cream Separator trouble. We re-.«paoe and retin them, whfn not too badly worn, to give the equal of new Disc service, for rue third to one quarter the cost. Rowi rebalancing also, as well as retinning and refitting of all parts. Symons' Metalworkers, ROCANVILLK. Saskatchewan. OPPORTUNITIES MI'SICAI. INSTRIVIENTS FRED A. tUinUINCTON HUY8 sells, exchanges mu<lcBl ln«tru- mcnta 111 Church. Toronto 2. OPPORTl'NITIKS FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAD.VS LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. I,«arn Halrdrcsaing Pleasant dignified profession, good wage.<. thousand.i succe.i.iful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOI^ SS8 BI/TOR W.. TORONTO Branches: 44 King St.. Haniilion * T4 BIdeau Street. Ottawa. ALFALFA, CLOVERS, TlMOTH\, Permanent i'aature Grasses, Hv- brid *.'orn, all No. 1. Best prices. Stewart's Seed Store, Buwman- vllle. Out. WAKTED LINOTYPE WANTED. NO. 6 OR 8 Model, give ful! particulars to Wilson PubllahliiR Co.. 73 Ade- lalda St. W., Toronto. ACREA<!E WANTED. SUITABLE for camp sites, etc.. Lake frontage water, buildings. Box 6, 73 Ade- laide W.. Toronto. WlLl, PAY LUUntAI. PRICE FOR Alaltetie or cro.s.-ibrcd Maltese Male Pup. Send full particular- and photo. If pos.^ible. Box T, 73 Adel.aide W.. Toronto. POWER PAPER CUTTER, ALSO Stitcher. Perforator. Corona Printing, 1108 St. Unvience, Mon- treal, Que, WANTIUV PltOTKSTANT SCHOOL lencher for Junior ifradcs to com- mence duties September 1945. Ap- Pi.y stating qualifications and saiar.v expected to R. F. Stedman, Secrit.'u>. Kewagama. County Abltlbl. Quebec. WANTED A WELL DKILU STATE solliiiK price and particulars to DouKlas Hanson, Dixon Corners, <,>nl. HELP WANTED- FAU.MHANl. WANTED FOR Mix- ed farming, yearl.v engagement, top wages, start about March 1st. Apply t A , Martin. Fergus, R. 1. lift Pi;i! .MONTH FOR GENERAL Dome.stK- or helper in kitchen of Hospi al to Ive In. When apply- f ..*^',\'' '1'" Partleulara. Water- ford Hospital, Box 402, Water- ford, Oni. GIRL WANTED l-' o K LIGHT hou.veworU Comfortable. small â- pI! w , . ^"""' Separate roojn. TWO children. Good wages. Inter- IV/,^ "'"'•â- y P'<""f collect Mayfair J; \,-''''.V.""'^- "'"' â- 'â- 73 Adelaide Kt \l .. loronto. Gtit. MEN A WOMEN BECOME TELEGRAPHER. TR.AIN for post-war career. Union wagea to start. NOW, Instead of taking course. you buy self-teaching books, and rent code machine to train yourself. Free folder. Cas- san Sv.'stpms. Toronto. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY rNVENTf)R List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free- The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attornevs, 273 i?ank Street Ottawa. Canada. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAOGH i COMPA.NT Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King We.«t. Toronto. Booklet of Information oo re- qnest PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission. Rochester 11, N.Y. 8PECUL-\TION WILL NOT DO. Only the truth can satisfy. Only the truth can help. Send for a free copy of the pamphlet, "Is Man Immortal?" Chrlstadelphlan Gojpel Proclamation. 319 North Llnsmore Cres.. Toronto 6. PHOTOGR.tPHY TIME TESTED OUALITY" SERVICE and SATISFACTION Tour films properly developed and printed » OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c « REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Tou may not get all the films yon want this year, but you can get all < the quality and service you desire v by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE ' 'f\ Station J. Toronto DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T HE lAKEN AGAIN get finer "snaps" at lower cost â€" Prompt Mall Service. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed This is Canada's largest finishing stu- SIo, serving customers all over anada. You'll like our work, too Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PUINTED 2r.r Praising Star Snapshot Service, a ouatomer at Windsor. Ont.. writes: "I suppose it's hard to give vour usual quick service with help so hard to get. but as long as you turn out such fine pictures. I'll waitâ€" if I have to wait" 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 26c Sise 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" In Gold. Silver. Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebonv finish frames. 59c each. If enlarge- ment colored. 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. SEEDS A a ISSTIE 7â€"1945 ^4,y^gJ|„g