â-¼) \ It 4# f • t â- ^ r -I * \i *. .V ii Jt «> • 1 * A * >-4 • i > ^ I ^ TH£ FlM&aajiTOik ADVAHCX Wednesday, January 31, 1945 PORTLAW Mrs. Wallace Fisher sp«it a few 4layB with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Lin- ton, Victoria Comers. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts are spend- ing this Wednesday with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoddart, in Markdale, it bein^ the golden wed- fyag anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Stoddart. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper have returned to their home near Heatbcote, having spent three weeks with the la tier's sister, Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson. Mr. Fred Plantt spent a day in To- ronto the past week. Congratulations to NJ*. Fred Betts and bride, who were married Jan. 6th, and to Leading Seaman Elmer Jam- ieson and bride, a former resident here, who were married Jan. 20th. The Fourth Line Red Crose unit met at the home of Mrs. Harry Fisher on Tnursday. Jan. 25th, with seven members in attendance. Letters of thanks for ciearettea received were read from Stewart Foster and Joe Little. Another lot of cigarettes are being sent this week. Plans were made for a dance to be held in the Portlaw school in the near future. A quilt is to be completed on Thursday, Feto. 1st, in this same home, and the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Laurie Pedlar on F«b. 8th. Mrs. A. Thomson spent a day witL her family at Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett of Kimberlely were visitcii over the week end with Mr. jind Mrs. Law- rence Shier. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Simmons was not so well over the week end. Our deepesst sympathy poes out to the White and Linton families in their recent bereavements. ORAN GE VA LLEY The Farm Form met at the home of Mr. Elliott Smith with about 30 present. Mr. Jack Hill acted as con- vener for the evening and arranged two groups. This being review night discussion on the Federation of Ag- riculture and Action projects were the topic. It was decided to ask those responsible to take some action in cleaning up the two cemeteries in our community and have a cairn built around the same. The next meeting will be held at the school house with Mr. Don Russell and Ed Beimes ais conveners. Progressive crokinol- was enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill taking the prizes. Glad to report Mrs. Clarence Al- cox home from the hospital and do- ing nicely. Miss Pearl Bumstead is spending a couple of weeks with her during her convalescance. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Carefoot and family visited recently with relatives near Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell and family attended the funeral of their brother-in-law. Mr. Jas. Linton of Victoria Corners. Messrs. Aleox and Lome Bumstead were in Toronto on Monda''^ NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons havirtg any claims or demands against the . Estate of John Peole, late of the Township of Osiprey in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of October, 1944, | are required to forward th .ir claims j duly proved, to the undersigned ; Solicitor for the Estate, on or be- fore the 10th of February, A.D. ! 1946. j And further take notice that after j such mentioned date, the Ebcecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as they will then have notice of. [Dated at Oolling/wood this 12th day of January, AJ). 1&46. â€" R. S. CAMEiRON, Collingwood, Solicitor for the Executors. I GRATITUDE ^ .\ widow has recently writ- ten US; "I owe you a lebt of gratitude for the way in which X! you have handled my accounts" Â¥ The same service is available * to youi â- Simply send in your list to-day and watch the pleasing results follow. No collection, no eommissicn. ^ KELLY & AIKEN Collection Specialists Ormnseville, Ontario ♦♦♦<~><h!><»<K»<>'><><><«<">'>^<S><">.><mX. VICTORIA CORNERS Sorrow entered our community on Friday when death claimed the life of one of our pioneer residents in the person of Mr. Jas. Linton. Our deepest synapathy is extended to Mrs. Linton and other mevabera of the family. Russell, here, Fred, Beth- el, Mrs. Albert Reid, Brampton, JVlrs. Ernie Stewart, Maple Grove, all who were at his bedside at the time of his passing also to Sgt. Jack Linton, R.CAJ., Oveseas. Friends here received word on Sunday evening of the passing oS Mr. IHowell, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Christie Johnston, Shelbume. Funeral service is being conducted in the Shelfcume Funeral Home on Tuesday afternoon. Pte. Ivan . Copeland, Brantford training centre, was a week end visit- or with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Copeland. Ivan is being trans- ferred to the "Range" for further training. Miss Raye Smith, Neustadt, was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher. She in company with Mr. Jas. Gallagher & Miss Ina Acheson visited on Satur- day night with Mr. -^nd Mrs. Emer- son Gallagher, Wareham. Miss Elda Reid, Brampton, accom- aanied her mother to the Linton nome on Friday. Mrs. Wallace Fish- or, Portlaw, also has been at the Linton home for several days, to he with her si.:ter, through her trying cime. Two days prior to two years ser- vice in the R.C.A.S.C. Camp Borden. Barber R^nfrcd Acheson received the rank of Corporal, in a message re- ceived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Acheson. Corporal Renfred Acheson is head over A19 barber shop. Congratulations "Ren". (Intended for Last Week) With the sick this week we have good news and not so good jiews. Mrs. Wm. G. Talbot's condition is good while Mr. Jas. Linton is very poorly. The Talbot family received word on Friday evening that Mrs. Talbot >has improved sufficiently to leave the hospital on Saturday. It is expected that she will return home on Tuesday. . Mr. Linton is quite poorly and Xurse Smith of Feversham wiil be in attendance on Tuesday to com- mence her nursing duties. Our sympathy is with the Colgan family in thefr recent bereavement in the death of Mr. E. E. Colgan, ed- itor of the Markdale Standard, who passed away in Markdale on Monday. Mr. Colgan was well and favorably known to many here. To the Ludlow friends here sym- pathy is also extended in the death at Rosemont of Mr. Wm. Ludlow on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore and little son Garry, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Saunders and family, Berkeley. Sor- ry to report little Robert Saunders will still be a patient in the Sick Childen's Hospital for at least two weeks. Mrs. I^ssell Linton spent Monday of last week with Mr. & Mrs. Albert Reid and family, Brampton. Mrs. E. A. Stinson had the pleas- ure of having her brother Pte. Eldon Henderson, Barriefield Camp, to vis- it a few days with them. Last Wednesday evening a number from here attended the social even- ing in Proton Orange Hall for Able Seaman Lloyd Little. A good time was en,iC;,".;J by a!!. Lloyd is home on a month's furlough and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbeirt Lit- tle, Proton Station and other friends. Sunday being a pleasant day quite a number tiurned out to attend Church service in Inistioge and also attend the annual meeting which fol- lowed. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Acheson and family, Saugeen Junction, were Sun- day evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stinson and Mrs. Wm. Lud- low. The annual meeting of Inistioge United Chuifh was held on Sunday afternoon. January 21, 1945. Reports read indicated a good year. Much credit is especially due Misses Chris- tena Duncan and Ina Acheson in their M. and M. Fund canvass when they collecte the sum of $42.00. After the reading and adoption of the reports, with Rev. Mr. Westcott in the chair, and Mr. John Duncan as secretary, the officei-<: were elec- ted for the coming year as follows. Elders, all re-electetl; Stewards, re- elected with Gortkvn Batchelor newly eleoteil; Trustees, re-elected: Audi- tor Mrs. Walter Nicholls & Mrs. EI- viii Moore; Organist, Mrs. Elmo Ste- vens, .Assistant. Mrs. Ge>orge Moore; M. and M. Fund, Misses Christena Duncan, Ina .\cheson Marjorv Ste- vens and Joyce Patterson; Ushers, Messrs. George Moore an<l Elvin Mo<.ire, R. J. Patterson, Bill Batch- elor; Roll Clerk. Mrs. Gordon Ache- son: Secretary Treasurer, Mr. John Duncan. 1 SPECIAL I FRONT QUARTERS OF BEEF 18 Cents, cut ready to wrap HIND QUARTERS OF BEEF 24 cents, cut ready to wrap Bailey's Butcher Shop ;: PHor.c 47 FLESHERTON, Ont. } ♦♦*♦♦<^<^<•♦<^•^♦♦♦<••^♦•><^<^•^<K"^«^♦<^X'<"k•<•<^<><•< >><>*><iH^<.<»sV><><><><><"><> CEYLON The many friends of Mrs. J. A. Nichol are sorry to hear she is a pa- tient in Markdale hospital and hope Mrs. Nichol may soon be able to re- turn to her home. Mrs. Henry of Guelph is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jais. McMuUen Sr. Mrs. Walter Scrace and two daugh- ters, Elizabeth and Catherine of Todmorden are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Amett and daughter, Faye o* Durham visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe. Misses Hilda and Helen Duckett of Toronto were week end visitors at their parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams enter- tained their friends to a pleasant evening spent in euchre at their home last Saturday evening, Mrs. Howard McAuley having the highest score for the ladies, while Mr. Cecil Mc- Kechnie was the winner for the men. and the novelty prize went to Mrs. John Kennedy, Ceylon. The proceeds of the 10 tables of euchre went to the soldier' cigarette fund. Mr. Ernie McMnllen of Toronto visited this past week end with his father, Mr. James McMnllen who is ill. The many friends oS Mr. McMul- len hope for an imnrovement in his health. Mr. Harvey Archibald, Agincourt, was a recent visitor at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt visited on Sunday with Mrs. D. McKinnon ^r-' son Donald. The sympathy of this commurrity is extended to the bereaved widow and ftmily, also relatives of the late Alex Cameron, of Eugenia, whose death took place recently. The boxes are being packed for the Russian Relief this Friday after- noon, Feb. 2, at the home of Mrs. Mel Hogarth. Anyone having don- ations, kindly be nresent, if it is not convenient to attenid please see that the donations arrive. Tea will serv- ed and a social afternoon snent. Most of us have found it bit of a problem to keep comfortable in our recent severe weather. How about thinking what the Russians and many others are suff- ering through the enemy and in much more intense cold than we here in Grey have had. Th« Ladiesi' Aid held their regular meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. The president, Mrs. D. Adams presided at the meet- ing. Mrs. Geo. Jaynes had charge of the program. There were 11 ladies present. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Douglas Reid. Two quiltings were held at the homes of Mrs. Mary Irwin and Mrs. Douglas Reid last Monday evening. The quiita went to the Russian Re- lief. Mrs. Walker Sfcrace, Todmorden, and Mrs. Wm. CainiB visited friends in Markdale Ukst Monday. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson, Dro- more visted last Friday with Mr. <fc Mrs. J. S. McDermid. Miss Maxine Connell of Vandeleur. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Will Cairns. Mr. Jas. McMallen returned Sat. evening fom Toronto and we are glad ot know his mother, Mrs. Wilson Mc- Mnllen who has been ill is some what impoved in health. Mrs. T. W. Matson, Toronto, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. M. Irwin also with her grandmother, Mrs. W. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Dundalk, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sin- clair last Sonday. The Ceyoln United Church held their annual meeting in the church last Sunday evening after the regrular service. We are glad to know that the Church had a successful year in 1944 also the mennbers of the 1944 Church Board are going to carry on for 1945, with Mrs. J. Kennedy as caretaker. EUGENIA We are sorry to report Mrs. A. Cameron ill with pleurisy and Don with bronchital trouble. We hope both win soon be well again. Mrs. Will Graham is assisting at the ^ameron home. Mr. T. Stewart of Toronto was hoT^e over the week end. Seret. E. Hass and wife of Flesh- erton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W'. Pinkerton. Mr. Gordon Stewart and Mr. Ron- nie Dinsmore of the Northern Transport Co. were visitors at the former's home over the week end. Mrs. 'Joe. Little and Donna are visitors at the Little home at Pro- ton. We extend our sympathy to the relatives of the late Mr. James Lin- ton in their sad bereavement, also to the Co-lgan family of Markdale. who are sadly bereaved bv the death of the late Mr. A. E. Colgan. The Y.P.U. met in the basement of the church on Tuesday of last week with an attendance of 17. The meeting opened by sineina: "0 God our Help in Ages Past". Miss Craig the president conducted the devo«tion- al and husines'S' periods. A social evenin? wasi nlanned for Tuesday eveninie. January 30. The Y.P.U. al- «o decided to buy some wood for the church. Mrs. Martin, the missionary convener, had charge of the discus- sion period. Passages from the book of John were read alternately, foll- owed by the Lord's Prayer in unisoo- The topic for discuseioa was "Our Miaedon in the New Year." The coo- vener also read a story about Jack Miner jind how he helped to spread the Goapel to the Eskimos. Yvonne Genoe read a poem, "My New Year Garden" and Gayle Genoe read an- other seection "I would be true, a prayer in tiane of war" was griven by Mrs. Martin. The gajnes used for the recreation period were "Lion In the Cage" and "Tag Postman". Col- lection amounted to 60c. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and the Mizpah Benediction. Owing to Mrs. Caimeron's illness full details concerning her huAan<ta obituary could not be obtained for this week's issr: of the Advance. {Intended for Last W^ek) The Y.P.U. met on Tuesday even- ing of last week with an attendance of around 25. Recreation which con- sisted of "Game of Post Office" and a contest of "Musical Terms" con- ducted by Dennis Campbell. Miss Craig presided for the devotional and business parts of the meeting. The discussion period was taken by Den- nis Campbell, the cultural convener, who took as his topic. "An Artist Without Hands'' aad showed pict- ures, which depicted the wonderful work accomplished by this man with- out hands. Yvonn« G^noe read a selection which was a letter from a father to a son who was anray from home. A hynui "Some Day We'll Understand" was rendered by Mrs. Cairns, Mrs. F. (Jaims, Mrs. G. Ma- gee, Mrs. Ray Genoe and Mrs. T. Stewart with Dennis accompanying on the organ. Collection amounted to 85c. The meeting closed with the benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and Miss Loreen of Walkerton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Campbell visited on Sunday witll Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyce and Jean. Mrs. Allan MacGregor spent a week with her sister, Mrs. W. Per- kins at Collingwood. Mrs. M. Proctor who has spent tha past month with her son, Mr. Ernest Proctor; wife and family as gone to spend a while with her granddaugh- ter, Mrs. Bill Thompson, in Owen Sound. Mr. â- Jake Williams has retomed after spending three weeks with his daughters in Toronto. Mrs. Well Graham visited a few ays with he sister, Mrs. Morgan, in Flesherton. <->*-x~:~>-K-:" .^♦^♦.^-fc^*.^*^^*^^^*--*â€" ». -*- -»- -♦- -»- -•^-•. -«. ,•â- -». -»- -♦- -*. -*- -»- -«. -». -*- - >. â- •.AAA. Do not miss ANY Opportunity of hearing Rev. John Crook OF CHINA ♦ SUBJECTSâ€" "In the St«ps of the Martys." "I was in China When the Japs Came." "Superstitions of the Orient." (Qlustrated) "Flight Under Fire." ser\t:cesâ€" Sunday, Feb. 4 K 11 a.m. Cedarside Baptist Church; 2:30, 3:30 p^m. Rock Mills Church (slides); 8 p.m. Cedarside Church, Union Fireside. Monday. Feb. 5 â€" 8 p.m. Cedarside Church. Tuesday. Feb. .6 â€" Markdale Rotary Club. Wednesday. Feb. 7 â€" 8 pjn. Annesley United Chnrch (Youth Rally) Markdale. Friday, Feb. 9 â€" 8 pjn. Krmberley United Church. Mass "Missionary Meeting. Sunday, Feb. 11â€"11 a.m. Cedarside Church; 2:30, 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Rock Mills Church. Rock Mills CTiurch. t z t •> t ♦> ♦ •> t t I I l ^mi^^^'sm^mm ^f^'O^i/Mes ? Jl'>A, ym'k-; ^. "â- %.: ^ W-^. f % %| ^!tepiis>i5^ â- i>i- k?,* '^. ^^»Wnescons» ,o43 non>b«'«^ ^^ Consun---*^'*^'*" ,<,M no^--a ?776: consumers odded ^,,po-er o"-,^ «, on Uo» >^«»'^ H;a\o Vtoe* ore o^* Hydro '* ,,i,..,v otobobW ^ lonpo-*',!^^ Hydro Une» »*^„a tho» THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTA.