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Flesherton Advance, 3 Jan 1945, p. 5

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m THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 3, 1945 PROTON STATION « Misses Gertie and Ruby Lycma, Toronto are spending New Yeurs with their father, Mr. Chas. Lyons. Pte. Ken Bates, Camp Borden is spending a few days with his par- ents here. Mr. Chas. Lyons has been confin- ed to the house for o, few days, ow- injr to a severe fall on the icy steps At his house. We are glad to report Mr. Lyons able to move around the same, and hope to see him out be- fore long. Wm. Batchelor who has been op- -erating the new chopping mill in the village for severol weeks had to -take his chopper to Mt. Forest Wed- aiesday for repairs, which he brought bome Saturday. Bill has Deen ^ -douig a rushnig business since -^e started and we hope he win be all set ready to again Tuesday morn- ing. '=" Mrs. -Florence Lyons, Wareham, visited iTiursday with Mrs. Gib Little. â-  ,. Maxine and oi/^~^ McConnel, Swamp College spent a couple of 4ays with their aunt, Mrs. J. Haw. (Intended for Last Week) A Happy New Year to the Mitor and Staff. Visitors at the Sim's house over -Christmas were, Bert Sims, Jacque- • line and Henrietta, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims and children also of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Ren Sims, Hamilton. Miss Annie Lockhart, Toronto spent the Christmas holidays at her home here. Pte. Harold Badgerbw, Vancouver, BX3., spent seven days furlough with Mr. and Mrs. John Lockhart. Visitors at the home of Mr. Chas. Lyons for Christmas were, Mr. and Mrs. Dune McNichol, Miss Gertie Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kirkwood and children, all from Toronto. Visitors at the home of Mrs. John Hodgins for Christmas were, *" Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins, Bert Hod- gins, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson of Owen Sound. Mrs. John McNally is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Neil Campbell, Swinton Park. ' Miss Margaret Mills, Toronto, spent Christmas at . iCis home here. Jack has been-vforking in the North Woods for some time and says the weather up there at 22 be^ow zero does not seem as cold as zero weath- er here, due to the fact that the air is much dryer and calmness in the north. Mrs. John Carson and son, Wes, motored to London for Christmas and is remaining for a few holidays. Mr. Jack Martin, Miss Martin and Miss Taylor. Owen Sound spent .» few days at Emmett Jackson's. Pte. Lloyd Lyons. Toronto visited recently at his home hert>.. Misses Zella and Marion Lyons, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wyville is spending a few weeks with their son. Clark, Toronto, Clark has been a patient in the hospital for some time,' with pneumonia. The Ia£t».re- port WV.IS that he was steadily im- proving. 8TH liNE OSPREY COLOUR OF EGGS The quality of an egg canwt be judged by the colour of the shell be- cause the colour of an egg shell has nothing to do with the quality of the egg inside. Some breeds of poultry lay white eggs; others, brown. On the other hand the colour of the yolk *><lej>ends on the food given the hen. Pale yellow or rich golden yolks are equal in quality and food value. ^ Pure seed is free not only from weed seeds but also from seeds f other cultivated crops. The Farm Forum met last Mon- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Halter Lawler with a good at- tendance. After the discussion a vecy enjoyable program consisting f Christmas carols, readings, etc. was conducted by Mrs. Mervin Davidson. The next meeting is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams on January 7 with Mrs. Chas. Hanley as recreation leader. Holiday visiters in the community were: Miss Lois Williams of Owen Sound at her parental home; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hawkens of Fever- sham and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar of Eugenia wth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams; Mrs. Alex Foster o4 Van- deleur. Miss Velma Smith of CoUing- wood. Miss LaVema Smith of Kin- cardine, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ottewell and Jean of the 10th Tjne and Mr. John Stephens at the Ottew^ell home; Miss Evelyn Hale of Honeywood, Mr. Jim Hale of To-ronto at their parental home; Miss Adeline Mur- ph;y oi Goderich with her mother, Mrs. Mark Murphy; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. La-wler with Mr. and Mrs. vValter Lawler. Mr. ajj Mrs. Pete- Somers and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Somers, of Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawler spent Christmas with Mrs. Lawler's parents at Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwiek and family spent Christmas with friends in Collingrwood. Miss Florence Pocock of the 12th Line is spending a few dcy? witi her sister, Margaret, in Flesherton. Mrs. Pete- Somers, Helen and Naomi of Mildmay are spending the Christmas holidays at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens and Helen Marie spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkinson of Rock Mills. Mr. Lyall Shields is spending Christmas holidays with his parents near Meaford. Mr. Jas. Ottewell has returned home after spendng the past several weeks in Collingwood. Mrs. Ottewell has also returned home after spend- ing the past month at Dundalk and Eugenia. School meeting was again held at S.S. No. 5 Osprey on Wednesday for another year; with the election of one new trustee, Mr. Mervin David- son, in place of Mr. Jas. Ottewell. Mr. Stanley Lawler and Mr. Lloyd Stephens received the contracts for the wood. Mr. Milton Roberts, the cedar contract and Mrs. Jas. Otte- well the caretaking. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley and Bryce spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanley on Max^vell gravel. A number of the 8th Line folks enjoyed a few hours of dancing at the Ottewell and Stephens' home (.^hristmas night. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell visiter! Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee at Eugenia. Misses Kay and Helen Somers are spondin? o few days with their br.ther, Mr. Wm. Somers, wife and ilaughter. Mrs, .\lex Foster spent the past week with Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens. CEYLON Visitor: To what do you attribute your great age and s«'<'<i health? Oldest Inhabitant: Well, in the first place 1 had good start on most people by being born afore these here germs was in"'ented. At a west coast port not long ago a navy doctor intercepted a sailor who was carrying abroad a rather unusual pet, a baby skunk. "You cant take that below deck," the doctor ruled. "Just, think oi the odor down there." "Oh, that's all rght." the sailor as- sured him. "He'll get used to it the same as I did." RUSH YOU ORDERS NOW FOR THESE | SB.\SON.VBLE PRODUCTS t January 3c Soap Sale I FOi- every order oi 2Bc you will receive 1 bar of a high quality X soaip for 8c. regular 7c a cake. For instance; an order for $3.75 * entitles you to l6 bare at 3c: 45c extra, total |4.a0 â€" saving of 60c. Y 2 Tubes of Tooth Paste or 2 Tooth Powder 60c ^ 2 Cakes of Pine Tar Soap « *0t â-  B475 units 6000 A units. 1000 D units. S38 Bl units $1.00 Box (28) o(f Vitamin ABCDG Capsule* Box at 100 Cod Liver Oil Capsules, A2478 â-  4% Jar Sina Rub Ointment (mustard) .... 5-os. tin Campro Septhol Oil (medicated) Bottle Nose and Throat Drops Boxes Olid and Grippe Tables (2«) '. Tins Thymol Throat Pastilles Bottle Cetopirine Headache Tablets («0) .. Bottle Kidney Pills, excellent quality (00) No orders accepted less than 91.00 l*M**««**«a«*> $1.00 . 50c . 50c . SOc . 500 . tOc . SOc 50e Send all orders to X STAFFORD'S MAIL ORDER DEFT. Box 113. Durham. Ont. '^ Our Christmas season has just passed and we have entered into an- other year. We iiope the spirit of peace and good will may soon be ir all coimtries in the near future in our New Year of 1945. There are many sad vacant places caused by this terrible monster war and we hope the sacrifice of lives so dear to us has not been in vain. Miss Isabel Weber was a holiday visitor the first of the week with Mr. and Sirs. Percy Hunt, while on her way to Windsor. Miss Weber is a former Ceylon teacher. LA.C. Mac Duncan of Deseronto^ and Mrs. Duncan of Toronto were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Collinson, also with Mr. and Mrs. F. Duncan, Fleshertcn. Mrs. .-Vnna McMillan and brother Mr. Fred Chisolett were New Years visitors with Dr. G. H. Holmes, Owen Sound. Mrs. MeMOlan re- mained for a visit. Miss Marion Collinson, Guelph and Miss Frances Collinson, Toronto were holiday visitors at their par- ental hme here. Miss Mary McDonald has returned frv>ni visiting friends at Gormilie and has resumed her duties as teach- er. Mrs. Earl Maycock and son anJ daughter, Wayne and Marion, of Markdale, were recent holiday visit- ors with Mrs. C. Archibald. The many friends of Mrs. Wilson McMullen are sorry to learn of her illness. Her son, ilr. Jas. McMullen, of C-eykn is visiting her .t present. We hope for an improvement in fier health. Mrs. Edwards and son of Fev- ersham have recently moved into Mrs. Smillies house in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Shan Camaban of Toron'o, we-^ holiday visitors with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Whitehead and sister, Misfe Mary Whitehead. New Years dinner goeets o<f Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDermid were: Mrs. Don Porter and son, Bryan of Flesherton, Miss Winnie Porter, To- ronto, Miss Catherine Stewart, R^., of Owen Scomd, Mrs. A. Stewart, r-f Flesherton, also Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Hog^arth of the village. Mr. H. Archibald returned to Agin- court on Monday after Qhristmas vacation with his mother, Mrs. C. Archibald and friends at Violet Hill. Mrs. John Oliver spent the holi- days with her mother in Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Genoe spent New Years Day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnett, Durham. Miss Catherine Stewai-t. R.N., re- turned Tuesday to Owen Sound after a holiday visit with her mother. Mrs. .A.. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair. Dun- dalk, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair's tw^o ''ons, Dcnald and Douglas were New Years Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Copeland, Victoria Corn- ers. Miss Marion McLeod spent the past week holidaying in London. Miss Marian Muir returned on Tuesday to her duties at Hamilton after spending the holidays at her parental Mr. and Mrs. Hewston and daugh- ter, Ruth and brother, Archie of London were New Years holiilay guests at the home of Mr. Peiter Muir. Mrs. Ckirence Bartley, Markdale. was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt. To the Editor and Staff of The .\dvance, also the many readers we e.Ktend our wishes foT a Happy New Year and Prosperous 1945. Miss Dorothy Snell of Islington spent the holiday at her parental home. The Ladies Aid held their annual metting at the home of Mrs. Harry Pi on Wednesday, Dec. 27th. The election of officers for the coming year took place and are as follows: President, Mrs. Dave Adams; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Geo. Jaynes; 2nd Vice-President. Mrs. Jas. Sin- clair; Secretary^Mrs. John McWil- iam; Treasurer. Mrs. P. Hunt. We :ire glad to know the Ladies' Aid of li'44 had a very successful year and we wish them the best in IS>46. Mrs. McHardy of Toronto, whose death took place recently and whose funeral was held last Saturday in Toronto, was a sister of the late Dougal MoPhail of Ceylon and an aut of Miss Agnes Mctcphail. MJ'J*., Mrs. Hugh Bailey. Dundalk, Mrs. M. Raney. Palmerstn and Mr. A. Hen- derson, of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell spent New Years Day with the fomitr't mother in Toronto. SWINTON PARK y British Fleet Air Arm's Latest Successful Attack Mrs. Wm. Kleingstein of Mount Clem«ns. Mich., visited with her par- eflXs, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Porter, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson and fam- ily of Hopeville were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteoua on Christmas Day. ' Mr. Wm. Hay spent a cc«ple of days in Toronto this week. Mr. Harry Hazard, Priceville spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. James McLean. Miss Sarah Ferguson is spending the holiday season with friends Toronto. >^' Miss Reta Porter of Ceylt)^' Christmas at ''^^^^^'*^*"^t''^ „ ,„ Mrs. Geo. Pcrter. Mr. Stanley Moore left for Harka- way on Thursday, where he is em- ployed for the winter months, with his uncle. Mr. Gordon Moore. Mrs. Herb Harrison, returned home after spending a couple of weeks Details have now been received of i ships were ablaze. The continuous j with her daughter, Mrs. John Wilson, the Fleet Air .Arm's successful at, : attacks on enemy convoys trying to | Priceville. tack on a German convoy off Bodo, : creep through northern waters with j Our teacher. Mr. .A.damson, has northern Norway. The Barracuda ! supplies for the eastern front, have ' gone to Toronto to spend the Christ- aircraft took off in the early hour of keen a deterrent to Germany's fight- ' mas vacation with his wife. a bitter Arctic dawn. When ' they ' ing powers in Russia, and every blow ' Jack. Dorothy and Janet Richard- reached the enemy convoy they were | struck at enemy sfcippin? is another ' son are spending their holidays in met with fierce flak but they dived | step towards the final and inevitable Toronto. Miss Jessie McCormick of D. H. School is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Lane and son. Earl spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Porter. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hardy and Shir- ley ore holiday visitors in Toronto with Mrs. Hardy's parents. Mr. Ward Hutchinson of Celyon won the lucky ticket for the turkey at Boochville Schoo-l. The turke y waa dec-.>ed by tlse t eacher . H'q] â- ::-^ rtrr~ The tickets sold amounted to $25.15. We are pleased to report that Mr. NeQ Clark is home from Orangeville hospital much impr.ved after iaa c'peration. Many attended the presentation held at the Park hall Friday ni^t for the newly-weds. Mr. and Mrs. Billie McLean. The annual meeting of Swinton Park Ladies' Aid and WJI.S. was held at the home of Mrs. N. S Campbell. To one and all. we wish a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. in and scored direct hits on several j defeat of the Nazi aggressors of ships, and at the end of the raid five I w^orld freedom. New British Fighter Seafire lU fitted with arrester and catapult gear. It has- folding wings. The ar- manent consists of two 20 mm. can- non and four 303 Browning guns. Picture shows: Seafire Ills range<: powered with a Rolls Royce Merlin - along the flight deck of a British es- •55 engine which develops 1470 horse â-  cort carrier in the Grand Harbor. ! per." power. The propellor is' a Rocol \ Multa. during preparations,*for the "Quick."' shouted Sandy, The Seafire 111 is a single-engin- ed, low-winged monoplane, single seat fighter, with single fin and rud- der. It has been designed by Vick- ers-.A.rmstrongs Supermarine. and is 4 < I J â- 'Are you ^ing to the bridge cltt^ - this afternoon?" "No. it's my turn to stay away and be talked about." "Sandy." shouted the Scotsman's wife. "Here comes company for sup- , f-ur~blader. The Seafire 111 oper- ) landings in Southern France. iites from aircraft carriers and is 1 body run out toothpick." EJvery- on the porch with a Just where did everybody livs be- fore the war brought the lousing shortage ? PORTLAW Christmas visitors were entertain- ed in the following homes, the Clark family with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutch- inson. Fleshert.n. Mr. ami Mrs.L. Pedlar with Mr. nd Mrs. Jas. Stew- art. Flesherton, the Meldrum family with Mr. and Mrs. Wickens. Ki;nber- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher anil ftimtly and Mr. J. J. Little ^f Delhi with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rus- sel. Rock Mills: Mr. and Mrs. Ke:. Mc-Kee and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyce of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Londry and daughters of the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. R. Boyce and family, M-.irkdale, and Mr. ami Mrs. A. Wilson, Leona and Bruce jined with the Bo>-ce family here and Mrs. Thontpson with her family in Fev- ersham. Nineteen sat down to Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mi-s. Harry Fisher. A gloom of sadness was in the homes of the Boyce, Fisher, and Badger, w families this year The Boyce and Fisher families who suf- fered the loss of their sons ^id brother who were killed and the Bad- gerow families in the loss of their nvother. To these we extend our greatest sympjithy. Mrs. Simmons, who has been eon- fined to her bed for several weeks is sl'o-wtly improving. Mi-s. Thompson' i>t" Feversh>:im is assisting in earmjt for her. Mrs. Clifford Taylor and son, Mr. Fred Taylor and Stanley were Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs. Frank Tayl.r. Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur and Douglas of Collinswood are visiting through the festive season with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps. Pte. R D. Meldrum spent a few days at his parental home here. t/lii--?'-.' /^ YOUR OWN CATTLE CHOP WITH A j^^^ ELECTRIC GRINDER ^ yi Grind your grain and make it go farther â€" From 1 per cent to 40 per cent of it passes tKrough the animals undigested, UNLESS IT IS GROUND. Save this waste by grinding. Your cows will give you . 15.4 per cent more milk. :; on the average, when fea •', a medium finely ground .: grain ration as compared -. to an equal weight of * whole grain. Grinding pays. Grinding kills many weed '. teedt which would other- wise pess through tkc ani- mei and 9Cf«iiM4«. SAVE i9% OF COST OF CROr . 6*1 • •mMv Et«clri« cent of the price asked by the chopping mill for grinding your chop. Also save the work of bagging the grain, loading, unload- ing â€" you save handling the grain FIVE DIFFER- ENT TIMES â€" the Beatty Grinder does the chop while you are doing the chores. It's particularly handy in stormy weathei â€" saves you running out of diop. NEW MODELS NOW AVAILABLE Tkt new model 6-inch BMMy EUcfrk Grinder is tai w | soU as fast as maitM- wfM •ow anQ we #aii 9^t SB ^^w y^^ B^WS ^aWk Go«bbel« has forbidden the Geraian ' people to discuss the war. He is , aware, no doubt, that from the Ger- i man point of view, nothing good can I be said about it, I w. &. BETTS Ont. s--."^

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