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Flesherton Advance, 30 Aug 1944, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTOW ADVANCE Wednesday, August zS^ 1944 « VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Frank Nicholls, Hazel Park, Michigan spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lud- low. On her return she was accom- paned by her little son, Jerry, who had spent the summer with his grandparents. Miss Winnie Awde, Bethel, has been visiting her cousin. Miss Anne Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stinson, Don- nie and Bert, are holidaying in the north country. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson were Mr. Dave Wilt- shire, Emerson and Lyla, Bethel and Mr. Glenn Allen, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and in- fant son, Garry and Richard Birch visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akiens and Anne, Springhill. iMr. Everette Awde apd Eileen, Bethel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stinson. Miss Elnora Fenwick, Owen Sound is enjoying some holidays with her sister, Mrs. Russell Linton ajid family. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Wm. Talbot has returned to her home from Toronto, where she underwent an operation in the Toronto IGeneral Hospital. Latest news reveal Mrs. Talbot making fav- orable progress. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patterson and sons, Allendale, are holiday visit" ors this week with Mrs. Patterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Acheson. We are sorry "to report Mr. Acheson not quite so well. Miss Ina Acheson is assisting' in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Acheson, Dundalk. Miss Marjorie Stevens is enjoying a vacation in Toronto this week. Miss Kathleen Wyville, Ravenna is assisting Mrs. Chas. Best. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ludlow and little son, Jimmie, Royal Oak, Mich., have been visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ludlow and other relatives. Mrs. Walter Allen, Toronto, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson and niece, Mrs. George Moore. Mrs. Jas. MacMillan of Bethel was a visitor on Sunday in these homes and attended service at Inistioge United Church. With the absence of our minister Rev. Mr. Westcott, while on holidays, the W. A. Society of Inistioge con- ducted the service on Sunday after- noon. A spendid form of sei-vice was supplied and much enjoyed by all. Much credit is due our ladies for their splendid achievement. 'Many of the friends from Inistioge attended the presentation on Friday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan in hon- or of their son, Jack, of the R.Cj^.F. who is home on furlough. Jack was presented with a well filled purse, and the good wishes of the community. KIMBERLEY EUGENIA I We extend our sympathy to Rev. i and Mrs. Westcott and family in j their sad bereavement caused by the ' passing of Mr. Westcott's sister, last | week. I - I Mr. and Mrs Chas. Pocock, 10th ; Line, received word that their son, I Pte. Dalton Pocock is now in France Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce re- ceived a letter from their son, Pte. Eldridge Boyce who was wounded in France that he had recovered suf- ficiently to be back in his unit again. We are sorry that there was an error in publishing that Pte. Don Carson was in France. Don arrived in England but it had been reported that he was serving in France which was incorrect. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Caswell, Eleanor and Ruth from near Chatsworth and the Misses Nettie and Cora Martin were visitors in the village on Sun- day. Visitors this week j»vith Mr. and Mi's. Jim Fawcett are Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hazzard and five children of Gait, and Mrs. Perkins, Ross and Carol of Ottawa, also Joan Warrilow of Toronto. Miss Margaret MacMillan, nurse- in-training at the General and Marine Hospital, Owen Sound is holi- daying at her parental home here. Miss Dorothy Falconer of the Hospital, Owen Sound visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee and fapiily. Mr. .and Mrs. Albert Sloan and Mrs. Walker Sloan visited with Mrs. C. D. Park and Gwen and Miss Marj- orie Park. Mr. Elddie Hargrave of Toronto is holidaying with the Park families. Mr. and Mrs. Meldrum Phillips and family visited Wasaga Beach on Sat- urday. Bill remained for a few days holidays. Mr. Wesley Jamieson has gone west on the harvest excursion. Instructor Glen Pedlar of the En- gineer training at Peta%vawa and wife of Niagara Falls spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee and other friends. Mr. Victor Tomilson and little son, Peter of Toronto spent a few holidays in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Irwin, and daughter, Ruth, Windsor are spend- ing a week with Mrs. Irwin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Larwler. Miss Lillian Magee of Toronto spent the past week holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ma- gee and other relatives. Mrs. M. Proctor and granddaughter, Mrs. Thompson are moving back to their home in Kimiberley. We are sorry to lose them from the village but our best wishes go with them. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Menzies and Arthur of the Power House spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting at Preston. FEVERSHAM ROCK MILLS We are sorry to report Mr. R. Wickens having a fall, severely in- juring his face. Miss Thelma Ellis spent a couple of weeks at her home here following a tonsil operation in Toronto. Mrs. Earl Dillon visited Kimberley friends this week. Rev. West visited among friends on Thursday and attended the S.S. ice cream social. The Ice Cream Social on Thursday evening was enjoyed by children and and grown-ups. A ball game between Vandeleur and Kimberley resulted to 15-20 in favor of Vandeleur, also another be- tween Kimberley and Woodhouse, 12- 18 in favor of Kimberley. Mrs. L. Morwood is spending a holiday with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Proctor accompanied by Mrs. W. Thompson moved to her own home in Kimberley. Turkey wants to be in at the carv- ing, notes the Stratford Beacon- Herald, without risks of losing a little meat itself. The "Busy Bees", a girl's group, under the direction of Mw. L. Shein, held a bazaar on Saturday afternoon at the Orange Hall, which proved very successful. A money order for $21.00, which was -ealized at the ba- zaar, has been sent to The Evening Telegram British War Victim's Fund. The "Busy Bees" harve also bought an Honor Roll in which the names of those serving in the armed forces from this community will be placed. The Ladies' Aid served lunch at the bazaar, which was very successful. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Pedlar, Detroit, Michigan were callers recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson re- turned after a two week's holiday .t London and other points. Mias Vera Brown, St. Marys, is holidaying at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery and Carole, Dundalk, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby and Steph- en, Barrie, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby and Marion. On Monday they motored to Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. G. Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heron and two I children of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. T. Williams, Wilma and Jim, Flesh- erton were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler. Wilma remain- ed for a few days. Miss Mary Duff, Owen Sound, who was holidaying last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short on the 10th Line, spent a day or two with Mrs. Howard McKee. Mr. and Mrs J. M. Stafford visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Pace at Port Elgin. They spent a day last week at Guelph. Fergus, and Elmira. Miss Lavonne Short of the 12th Line spent a week with Miss Yvonne Davidson. Mrs. Howard McKee is spending a week with friends in Toronto and Hamilton. Mr. Mervyn Gould held a very suc- cessful auction sale Monday after- noon. A large crowd attended. Mr. Geo. Duncan was the auctioneer. A preparatory service will be held in the Presbj^:erian Church on Thurs- day, August 31st, at 8.00 p.m. Those desiring to join the Church are re- quested to attend. Dr. Brown of Dundalk. will conduct a Communion and Baptism Service on Sunday, September 3rd. at 8 p.m. Ordination of the newly-elected elders and re- ception of new members will also take place during that Service. Sept. 3rd has been proclaimed to be a Day of Prayer and Intercession to .Almighty God for a speedy victory, this being the fifth anniversary of I the War. A community honor roll I is being placed in the Presbyteriwi Church for all those who are serving in the armed forces. We should ap- preciate having their names as soon as possible. Kindly send in name, rank, and branch of service, to Mr. L. Shein, Presbyterian ministe'-, Fev- ersham. The rain on Monday was very wel- come as the pastures are drying up badly. Much moisture is needed for the fall grass and root crops. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett of Vandeleur were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and family on Mon- day. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard over Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hill and family and Mr. & Mrs. Ross Davidson of Markdale. Lucille remained for a week's holi- days with her grandparents. Anyone in this community having salvage paper to spare please leave it at the skating rink in Flesherton and the Women's Institute will send it where it is urgently needed. Please attend to this at once and send in all you can. It will be ap- preciated by the ladies of the Flesh- erton branch of the W.I. Pte. Grant Helmkay, Veterans' Guard, of N'ipigon is returning this Saturday after being on furlough with his family here. Miss Eleanor McMullen of East Mountain holidayed for a week with her cousin, loan Betta. iMr. Ed Croft has sold his threah- insT machine to Mr. Jas. Adams of Collingwood and is quitting the bus- iness after thirty falls in the thresh- ing business. LA.C. Roy Helmkay of St. Thomas spent the first of the week at his home here. "Daughter, your hair is |ill massed up. Did the young man kiss you against your will?" â- 'He thinks he did, mother." Brother, Should You Sp^ a Dime? A dime s smo0c!iongel(jo<) But when a lot oF dimes march out oPyoorpodiet tfieysoa become dollars that start to Fight other dollars, ^^'^forthenew neckrieSrdrtssis or furniture left for us to buy. ^f This battleof the dollars is colled INFUTIOI because it storts prices rising I ly/^ And the higher pnees go . . .the less your dollar is worth! For instance, during the lost wor, people hod to pay ^J^ for sugar that you get for^^\ today, A voile night dress wos ^^^ compored to the <^^P^you pay now. l^r dollar buys more goods, b worth more thon tht doiior of 1914-18. Price ceilings ond other anti-inflationary measures have helped keep it's value high. And remember ! Every time you use your money wisely to pay off debt Y^ or to increose your savings S when you refuse to hoard goods or patronize block mokes your dollors worth MORE I I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need. I will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell- ing goods or services. I will pay oS old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And I will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. 1 ^1^ ^ifoi ^i^^&i Ui/^ ^A/ PuilitJud by THS BREWING INDUSTRY CONTARIO) to bdp tereil dia dmnaeis mat iaSaidoa tapraents for mil the people of the Nadoa. I Great Protestant RALLY I * PORTLAW Mr. and Mrs. John Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Blackburn and daughter of Collingwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .\. Blackburn and Mabel. Mrs. Frank McArthur and son, Douglas of Collingwood spent the past week with the former's oarents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps. Miss Hilda Betts and Miss E. Lam- by of Toronto were week end guests with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heife Betts. * Uurray and Gordon Blackburn of Collingwood spent a day with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Black- bom. The Fourth Line Red Cross Unit met at the h»m« of }It9. Chris Loug- heed with eleven memibers present. A quilt was put in the frames during th« Kftemoon and completed before the business meeting. Letters of thanks for cigarettes received were read from the following: Cpl. Miliford Piper, Elmer Jamieson, Harold Sims, and Winterburn. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Earl Croft, September 14th. s will be held in ANNESLEY UNITED CHURCH MARKDALE, ONTARIO Friday, September 8th, 1944 under the auspices of the Loyal Orange Associations and members of The Canadian Protestant League Come and hear the Truth about the rising power of the Roman Hierarchy ably propounded by REV. T. T. SHIELDS, D.D., Toronto YOU OWE TO YOURSELF AND FAMILY TO COME

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