®l)je /tol)^rU*n ^jrtwmc^* ' vol.. 64; NO. 12 FLESHBRTON. ONT.. UEDNESDAY, AUGUST §*, 1944 VV. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers HAROLD TRACEY ^ SAFE IN ENGLAND Harold Tracey of Toronto, former- ly of Ceylon, has arrived safely in England, after being reported as missing for the past month, follow- ing a raid over Stuttgart, Germany. Apiparently he had come down in France and had been protected by the French underground until the territory had been captured by the Allied armies. Harold made his home for a numlber of years with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson at Ceylon, and his many friemds are pleased to know of his escape and safe return. Is Now On Leave; Will Be Home Shortly Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Banks re- ceived a cable on Friday from their son, Sergt. Bob Banks, who was re- ported last week as safe in England after three and a half months in oc- cupied France. Bob stated that he was going on leave to Scotland and would be home shortly. A real wel- come will await him when he arrives home. Flesherton|Stora:Hrs. In accordance with the bill passed at the last session of the legislature limiting the hours of retail stores in Ontario, Flesherton merchants will close their business places Wednes- day nights and will remain open on Thursday mornings, on and after September 1st, until further an- nouncement is made. Store hours will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Mon- day ,Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9 to 12 Thursday morning and Sat- urday niyhts the stores will remain open until 11 o'clock. The public is respectfully requested to observe the hours set. Former Eugenia Resident Celebrates 91st Birthday Many friends and relatives called at the home of Mrs. Mary Madill, 42 Hawthorne Avenue, August l»th, to offer their congratulations and best wishes, the occasion being Mrs. Ma- dill's 91st birthday. Mrs. Madili, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. E. Carruthers, came to the Sault in 1902 and resided here ever since. She was bom near Fer- gus, Ontario. She and her sister, Mrs. Margaret Pedlar, are the only two of their family which numbered nine who survive. Mrs. Pedlar is 80 years of age. Her home is in Win- nipeg, but she is in the city and was here for her sister's birthday. Also here for the occasion were Mrs. Ma- dill's two nieces, Mrs. Margaret Car- ruthers of Winnipeg and Mrs. Ella Stucky, Port Arthur. â- Mrs. Madill has two other daugh- ters, Mrs. John MacDonald of 18 Hawthorne Avenue and Mrs. F. F. Walton, 42 The Drive, also four sons, Benjamin who lives out west; John, Port Arthur; Wally, 53 St. Andrew's Terrace; and Sam, at home. Her husband passed away six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Madill had been mar- ried 64 yearg at the time of his pas- sing. Mrs. Madill still enjoys good health. The honoree was the recipient of many lovely gifts, messages of con gratulations and flowers. She had a beautifully decorated cake. â€" Sault Daily Star. Thos. MtKenzie Is 117 Offered Bloed Wounded in France lAt Sixth Clinic In Memoriam ENGLISH â€" In loving memory of my dear twin brother, Harry English, who passed away August 28, 1928. I have lost a dear companion, A life linked with my own. And day by day I miss him more As I walk through life alone. In hearen, dear brother, I'll find you When God's great will is done; I will stand once more beside you When He calls for me to come. â€" Frank English. Card of Thanks Mrs. Chas. Doupe wishes to ex- press her gratitude to friends and neighbors for their many expressions of sympathy in the loss of her son, and also for the many letters and cards received. Canadians are reported to be mop- ping up" in Florence. But isn't this a strange occupation in a famous art centre ? Ceylon Community Honor Roll Unvdil ed Th ursday ^ (By Ceylon Reporter) Ceylon community was well repre- sented at the unveiling of the Honor Roll in the rublic School last Thurs- day evening. Rev. Chas. D. Cox, in his jovial manner was an ideal chair- man. Community singing started the program with Mrs. Cox as pian- ist. Mrs. Henry, Flesherton gave two humorous recitations, which were well received. Mrs. Cox sang a patriotic solo in keeping with the present events. Mrs. Alex Hender- son sang two solos which added much to the program. Mr. F. O. Oliver, M.P.P. in his usual capable manner aridvessud the folk assembled there. Chas, .\dam unveiled the Honor Roll and Snowden McLeod read the names on the Honor Roll, both of these gentemen were former soldiers of the last war. Mr. Snowden McLeod gave twO' volin selections accompanied by Mrs. Roy Piper at the piano. In the earlier part of the evening, crok- inolo was indulged in. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Ken Stewart tied for the high- est score. A vote of thanks was given to those who assisted with the program. There were visitors from Flesherton, Dundalk, aind Eugenia, prjser.: tj honor the soldier boys. "Mabel, who broke that chair in the parlour last night." "It just collapsed all of a sudden, Dadybut neither of us was hurt." 60% OF OUR FUNERALS COST lESS THAN $90052 l^f^fOT^Ilii (complex PBf^..7 Yithten iK, 'X T" tnote U, idetoZ "~ \m Central Location ,,„J FUNERAL CHAPEL 124 AVENUE RD. • Tei KIngsdatc 4344 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKenzie of Feversham received word Tuesday that their son, Cpl. Thos. McKenzie had been wounded in Franca on August 14th. The exient o: his in- juries ".vaa not ^tat-vl. Tom was sarviny: with Qu'jon'.s Own Rifl-;s I'wX wi-.nt La France with the 2nd Canadian Division a month ago. He cDiisred in 1940 with the QuG'.-n s Own and saw service in both >,'c-.vfQundl;'.ud and lesland before beini; sent to England to makj up the 3rd Division. He was larried overseas, his wife residin;;- in Wales. .-V brother. ^ I â- !, was w::inui'jd somr' time ago while serving with the En- gineers in Italy, his leg being broken in four places, besides suffer- ing a bullet wound in the hand. United Church Notes The Sunday School, which was Ms- continued during August in order to give the teachers a holiday, will re- sume next Sunday, 10.15 a.m. It is hoped that all teachers and scholars will be present and on time. Next Sunday, September ;ii'd, has been set apart thi-oughout the Em- pire at the suggestion of our beloved King as a day of prayer. In these terrible days we all need the guid- ance and blessing of God. Please be with us next Sunday, 11 a.m. if pos- sible. When painting at the time of year when insects might alight on and adhere to fresh paint, try adding from two to four ounces of citronella oil to each gallon of paint. The odor of the oil repels insects. h Future Events DANCE IN FLESHERTON Dance in Flesherton Hall. Friday, Sept. 1st, by Fourth Line Red Cross. Music by 7->piece Pedlar Orchestra. Admission: SSc and loe. Lunch free. Come and provide cigarettes for the soldiers. CREDIT AUCTION SALE Credit .^ucton Sale, includin,? full line of farm stock (horses, cows). im'.il:nients, etc., Thursday. Sept. 7th. five miles North-east of Dundal„. Wm. J. Ferris, Prop. George Duncan, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Auction Salt of good farm st-^ck, fint line of imi)lement<. grair. etc.. ^t Badjeros, Friday, September 8th. Terms, Cash. Ross Dobson, Prop. C ;â- :•-? Dj",ccn, Auctioneer. DANCE IN FLESHERTON .\ danct will be held in Flesherton Fraternal Hall. Friday, September 8. Murray Simmons Orclv.'stra will sup- ply the music. Special door prize. .\dmission 40c. L.\ST RUSS CREIGHTON DANCE of the season will he held in the Crystal Gardens, Di'r>dal'k, on Tues- day, September 5th. .\dmission, 50c. Dancing every Saturday to the music of .Alvin Dermott and his Orchestra. .\dmission, 36c. SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT of the Badjeros' and District Sofbball League (League teams only> will be held at Maple Valley on Latxjr Da.v. September 4th, beginning at 2 p.m. .\t least five games. .Admission, 25c. Net proceeds go to Red Cross. The sixth blood donors' clinic, con- ducted by the Flesherton-Arteraesia Branch of the Red Cross on Wednes- day morning of last week, was again a success, 117 donors registering, with three rejects, 25 new donors offering their blood. For various reasons many who have previously donated were absent and many who could failed to show up. Among the newcomers were Mrs. Luther Mills, Maxwell, who lost a son overseas in June and has two others serving overseas, her son and daughter also attending; Mrs, J, J. Boyce, who has a son in this war and who lost one in the first great war; Mr. Gordon Long of Flesherton, who has been suffering the effects of a stroke suffered some time ago, and Jas. Irving, who is 72 years of age and who has given six times. These people are doing all they can to relieve the suffering of the wounded, .^re you doing all you can? Holdfast U.F.W.O. Club provider lunch for the donors and assistetl. these being: Mrs. J. Sturrock, Mrs. D. Campbell, Miss N. McLean, Mrs. C. Fawcett, Mrs. B. Irwin, Mrs. A Stewart, Mrs. J. Stewrart, Mrs. J. Sinclair, Mrs. J. McWilliam, Ms. M Irwin, Mrs. F. R, Oliver, Mrs. Johi Sinclair, Mrs. J. McWilliam, Mrs. M McFadden, Mr, M, Hogarth, Mrs, H Tucker, The following were donaters ai the clinic: John Parker, F, J, Tliurston, Keith Parker, Emerson Bepton, Eldre: Mills, Mrs. L. Mills, Mary Mills. John -McWilliams, \. S. Muir, Boi- Phillips, Mrs. 0. J. Howe, J. A. Nich- ol, N. Betts, R. Genoe, N, Loucks. C, Loucks, Mrs, J, Oliver, J, Oliver, Jas. Ottewell, L, Sephens, Mrs, J, J. Boyce, Jlpyce Porte due, J. McKee. K. Hawkins, Mrs. L. Fisher, Janei Lougheed, Marjorie Newell, Mrs, M. Phillips, Mrs. J. C. Harrison, K. Hill, Mrs, A. Idle, Mrs. Wm. Mather. Jas. T,. Irwin, Geo, Strath, Dell Tliurston C. S. McTavish, Geo. Armstrong, E. Russell, D. Brown, R. Brown, F. R. Oliver, D. Russell, G. McMullen. H. Tucker, Jean Mather, Ruth W'hyte. H. Fisher, D. Meldrum, R. Phillips, F. Teeter, L. A. Laurie, J. C. McClel- land, W. J. Filsinger, Jos, F, Sewell, -Mrs, L, Smith, S, Muir, J, S, McDer- mid, Mrs. Jas. Sturrock, Mrs, R. Park, O. Marshall, H, E, Collins, Mrs. W, J. McMillan, F. Levering. W. R. Meads, Hazel Copeland, C. Carruthers, W. T. Genoe, E, Hai-vey. G, Long, P. Hunt, Jos, Stauble, F. H. Chislett, Wm. M. Irwin, J. Mc Donald, Mrs. G. Long, Mrs. E. Steph- ens, E. Stephens, W. Lever, Mrs. F. Taylor, S. Staufifer, A. Proctor, J. .\. Gowanlock, W. Harrison, Mrs. A. Sled. E. Fenwick, G. Field, S, Patton, Mrs, H, Tucker, H. Corbett, S, Men- zies, 0. Meyer, Wm. S. Stephens, Mrs. Ruby Molitor. B. Thistlewaite. C. Fawcett, Mrs. D. Morgan, G. Ir- win, J. A. Richards, Mrs. L. Pedlar. E. Campbell, Mrs. F. Gorrell, Mrs. R. White, Mrs. E. Bart)er, Eleanor Russell, Elva Russell, Mrs, L. Atkin- inson, Mrs. J. Hudgin, Mrs. L. Ped- lar, R. Boyd, W. Thompson, E, Par- tridge, K. Betts, Miss .^da Whyte. Mrs. Geo. McTavish, C. J. McKech- nie. Bronze Button Those who received their bronze button for their third donation are as follows: C. Loucks, Mrs. W. J. Mc- Millan, J. S. McDermid, J. McWill- iam, S. Stauffer, Mrs. 0. J. Rowe, F. Lovcring, Wm. Gibson. Mrs, Frank Taylor, Mrs, M. Phillips, G. Strath. G. .Armstrong. Mrs. L. Pedlar. ' . Russell. H. Fisher. S. Patton, C. Faw- 'â- ott. E. Campbell, Miss .\. Whyte. } Mrs. G. McTavish, F. Teeter and J. Sewell. Silver Pin Those who received the silver pi ' for their sixth donation were: K. S Muir, F, J. Thurston, S. Muir. W. R Meads. C. Carruthers. J. Stauble. J Gowenlock, W. Irwin, K, Hawkins. Miss E. Russell, D, Brown, R. Brown. H. Tucker, H. Corbett, W, Thomp- son, W. S. Stephens. R. Boyd and C. I. McKechnie. Appreciated Help Oiven By Kimberley People Tha fallowing letter from Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ure of Toronto speaks of the kindness of Kimberley people, and was nceived by the editor last week: We feel indebted to the people of the village of Kimberley who so will- ingly came to our assistance on Sun- day. Auh;. I'iwi, when we got into difficulties with our car when driving towsr;! Kimberley from Eugenia. We dc not renumber the name of the gentleman and his son, but Mr. Ellis o.wned the truck. These gentlemen refused any payment for their serv- ice.s. statin<r that their village prided itself on helping the other fellow if in :r:i„:'3l.' .-.nd ir we would help s ;ii.)!)nn Is;- should the occasion aris.?, that wa.": all the payment they Vi"9 I'.ioiiT" ; !'. such a wonderful .-spirit that it should not be allowed ti pass u'imMcc'd, and wish to thank them again through, ynur valued r>n"l( r. Dief' of Wrunds in France PIE. EDGAR DOCPE The above photograph was taken of the late Pte. Edgar Doupe, who died of wnunds received in France, prior to his leaving England and was received by the family the week be- fore the news of his death was received. First Class Honors In Nine High School Subjects Mr. Don Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. X\e\ Cameron of Eugenia has made a splendid record in the recent Upper School examitnations. He wrote the entire list of nine subjects and took first class honor in each. This record is exceptionally good and Don is to be congratulated on his success. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hutchinson of Flesherton wish to announce the en- gagement of their only daughter Irma Ruth, Id Lieutenant William I Dennis Bbbels, R.C.N.V.R., younger son of JIrs, Ebbels and the late Mr. I Ebbels of Saskatoon, Sask.. the wed- i ding to take place in Deer Park , United Church, Toi-onto. on Sept- ! ember 6th. Mrs. Robt. Little KUled In Highway Accident Mrs. Annie Little, aged 60, wife of Mr. Robert Little, West Ward, Orangeville, died in the Emergency Ward of the Toronto General Hos- pital about noon on Tuesday from in- juries she received when she fell from a truck while on her way to work at the Victory Aircraft in Malt- on. Mrs. Little, who has been employed at Malton for a year or longer, had been in the habit of travelling to and from work daily on a bus operated by the Oi-angeville (3oach Lines» Tuesday morning the bus which leaves here daily at 6 a.m. v.-ivh 9 load of day .=hift worRers, v:as late getting away due to some mechanical trouble. Rather than wait, Mrs. Little decided to hitchhike and chance getting a ride in the hope of reacUivi: Malton at tbe time she was suppoB^dl to begin work. She was picked up i; a passing truck driver on his way t* the city. Between Victoria and Sncl- grove the Orangeville bus overtoci the truck. When Mrs. Little notice I this she requested the truck driver to allow her to alight and get on the bus. As the truck stowed down she is said to have stepped out on th& running board to signal the bus to stop. In some way she fell under the heavy vehicle one of the rear wheels passed over her left leg. Drivers of the two vehicles and the bus passeng- ers did what they could for the in- jured won an. Word was phoned co Brampton for an ambulance, in which she was brought to Lord Dufferin hospital, where Dr. J. W. Leach made ,\n examination of her injuries and applied tourniquets to check the hem- oirhage. The examination revealeu .''.at the unfortunate woman's left leg had been crushed from eight in- c.ie.; above the knee right down to ankle. The right foot was lacerated and she had also suffered head and face contusions and lacerations. Re- alizing- that it would be necessary to amputate the limb, Dr. Leach arrang- ed have Mrs. Little remoed to the Emergency Ward of the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, where she died half an hour after being admitted. ,The accident is said to have occurred about a mile this side of Snelgrove. Bus passengers gave the time as ap- proximately 8.10 a.m. Coroner Dr. R. J. W. Brooke, of Toronto, investigated and an autop- sy performed by Dr. W. A. Burr at the Toronto hospital is said to have disclosed that death was due to hem- orrhage and shock. Dr. Brooke said that a full inquiry into the circum- stances of the accident had been or- dered by Chief Coroner Dr. Smir! â- Lawson and that an inquest would 1:? opened on Wednesday. The deceased woman had been a resident of Orangeville for fift-jen years. The family came here fr !in the Flesherton district. She wa a cheerful, industrious woman and an excellent worker. Her demise is mourned by her husband, two daugh- ters. Ml*?, Arthur Rutledge, Orange- ville, Miss Minerva Little, a nurse iii training at the Toronto General Hos- pital, and one son, Capt, R, E, (E^rl> Little, Niagara-on-the-Lake. â€" Or- angeville Banner. The funeral was held on Thursday of last week from the Orangeville Funeral Home, interment being made in Greenwood Cemetery. HIGH SECHOOL OPFNS TUESDAY. SEPT. 5 ALL STUDENTS SHOULD ENROL ON OPENING DATE Students required on farms after this date will be given assistance to cover work missed. I ROBINSON â€" BENSON i T:-.e Chapol of the Church of the i I Xazarcne. .\venue K;i.. Toronto, was ! the scene of a pretty wedding on August 5th, when Marjorie Elizabeth, , eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. : Benson, Colling\vood, became the bride of Norris J. Robinson, R.C.A.F. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robin- ! so:i, Kavenna, now .stationed at Que- bec. Rev, Riley officiated. T>e brid", given in marriage by her father, looked lo"eiy in a street !°nith dr?=s of white rayon chiffon with sweetheart neckline trimmed \vi!h silk embroidery, Har shoulder len,n;th veil was held by a headdress of orange blissoms and she carried a bajquot of pink gladioli and baby's h.ei h. Miss Arlene Benson of Toronto was her sister's attendant, wearing powder blue rayon sheer crepe, torso style with pink headdress and car- ried white gladioli and baby's breath. Kenneth Teed. R.C.A.. Halifax. wa.o best man. The brici:' and groom left by motor f-'r :i short honeymoon to the bride's heme in Collingwood, the bride tra- velling in a black pin stripe tailored suit with white accessories. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL TO MEET TUESDAY, SEPT. 5 The next meeting of the Council of the Township of .\rtemesia will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 5th in place of Monday, Sept. 11th. .\\\ parties interested will please take notice. Rev. Robert Pritchard Died At Winnipeg (By Vandeleur Reporter) Word has been received here of the death of Rev. Robt. Pritchard, who passed away suddenly in Winnipeg at the age of 67 years. Deceased was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard and spent his boyhood days in tbis community and went to school here. He attended Victoria College in Toronto and was ordained into the ministry of the Methodist Church (later United). Following his or- dination he went west and occupied many important pastural charges in the Manitoba conference. His many friends here are sorry to hear of his passing. Miss Gloria Ball iinrewent an oper- ation in Markdale Hospital Thursday last for the removal of her tonsils.