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Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1944, p. 8

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Wednesday, August 23, 1944 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ♦ »»»»»»»»»»»». » »»»»»»»»»<>».»»»^»^<.»»».>.»»<.»»l»»»<.»»»4»»»»<fr<,»{.^<,<^.<.^^»«>»»<MX»»<^ Y V $* ? HARVEST WILL SOON BE OVER THEN IS THK TIMK TO UKl'AIR AND PAINT UP Ramatalic Aluminum Paint â€" the real thinsr for covering over that steel roof that has become rusted also Asphalt Fibre Continfr. Good stock of Asphalt Roofing and Rolbrjck Sidingr. Insul Brick Siding will be in soon. Dowswell & Lees Hand Washers. McCormick-Deering Separnlor.s Beatty Pumps. HARNESS Team IHarness and Breeching $64.00 Dependable Plow Harness $29.00 We havo a good supply of different types of team harness and parts. WE KBi'OMMtlND AND CAKRY FEEDS Get the most out of your grain by feeding Concen- trates and Minerals 30r:{ Hog Concentrate, New Ufe $;t.l5 cwt. 35% (Hog Concentrate, Livingstone's $3.40 cwt. I'ig Starter $2.65 :i!)"r Poultry Concentrate, New Life $3.75 .35''/ Poultry Concentrate, Livingstone's $3.50 Super 35'^ Poultry Concentrate, Marmill $3.05 Livingstone's and New Life Calf Meal. Marmill and Sol-Min C.LL. Minerals If needing a stove or heater this fall, call in and compare. We keep them in stock. Steel Ti-ack and Carriers. Boys' Wagons. J M STAFFORD PKone 4r22 FEVERSHAM, Ont. >^^<^<'<'<f<'<r><<'<rl'<r><'<^><'<'<'<<<'<<'<'<^^ FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Jokn Stoutenburg of St. Catherines, who are holidaying at Wasaga Beach, were guests on Mon- day, August 14, of the latter's bro- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson, on the occasion of Mr. Davidson's birthday. The ladies of the Red Cross met at the home i)f Mrs. Bby last Tuesday afternoon and forty-nine articles were packed for shipping. Mrs. Ern Hawton is doing nicely after an appendix operation at Mark- dale Hospital. Mrs. Wm. Benson returned to CoU- ingwood after spending a few days â- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Parker, Dur' ham, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Parker. iMtb. Wm. Heitman has been ill the past two weeks with a severe attack of arthritis, but we are pleased to re- port slie i.s improving. Pte. Jim Robertson, Kingston spent the week end with his wife and fam- ily. Congratulations to Mr. Jas. David, son whose ticket won first prize, a bicycle, at the Rotary Club frolic held in Thornbury last Wednesday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander return- ed Sunday after visiting for a few weeks at Creemore. Mr. and Mrs. 1. Alexander and little son, Jimmie ac- companied them home. Mrs. \V. R. Colquette, Owen Sound, Mrs. E. Fisher and Sandra are visit- ing a day or two with Mr. and Mrs. Alexandei' and Mrs. McKee. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. L . Shein last Wed. after- noon with a good attendance of mem- bers and visitors. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Archie Campbell, Fourth Line, BORN â€" At .Markdale Hospital on Wednesday, .'August 16 th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stewart, a son. (Mr. and Mrs. Parker and son, Tom and Cpl. and Mrs. Arthur Parker, all of Woodstock were guests on Satui~ day of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyxer. Mrs. Bill Kerton and daughters, Joan and Betty Lou, Southampton are isiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson of Chatham are visitors this week with the latter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and .Mrs. H. Coulthard. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar, who observed their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary on Sunday, August "0th. Miss Winnifred Scrannage and Miss Hazel Fawcett of CoUingwood are visiting Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Mc- Nichol at the parsonage. Mrs. Wm. Tyler is holidaying this week with friends at Clarksiburg. Miss Helen Lougheed is relieving for her at the telephone office. Mr. John Smitli is in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fadden, Toronto are spending a week with the latter's sister, Mrs. John Smith. A number from the village and com" munity attended the memorial ser- vice at Maxwell United Church, con- ducted by Rev. 0. W. Holmes, for Pte. H.igh Laughlin, who was killed in action in France. Our sincere sym- pathy is extended to his mother and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gould have been appointed Manager and Matron of the Grey County Home at Markdale and will take charge Sept. 1st. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Gould and Isabel! from our neighborhood. The Girls' Group will hold a bazaar on Saturday, August 26th, at 3.00 p.- ni. in the Orange Hall. Proceeds will go towards the British War Victims Fund. The Ladies' Aid will serve lunch at 5.O0 p.m. Proceeds will go towards boxes for boys in the armed forces. FOR SALE â€" M.-H. 2-Disc Plow, complete with 3 and 4-yiorse even- ers.^Mervyn Mullin, Feversham, phone 10r4. 12c2 "ERIIAPS you thought that Long Distancre Lines were less crowded now. Actually, they arc carrying an average of 8,400 calls per day more than a year ago. YOUR HELP LS STILL NEEDED if urgent war messages are to go through promptly. Please use Long Distance only when you must, especially to busy war centres. REMEMBER â€" NIGHT RATES NOW BEGIN AT 6 P.M. d^ft f^iUi^s SeU/ie« Oti/if*^ li/infS t^ U/otiifs Died 7 WRIGHT - Died at her late resi- dence in Priceville, August 10, Miss Jemima C. Wright, youngest daugh- ter of the late Ferguson and Eliza- beth Wright. She was born 78 years ago and resided all hed life in Price- ville village. The funeral was held from her late residence on August 12 and attended by relatives and friends. She was laid to rest in the family plot in McNeil's Cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Mr. W. G. Watson. Rev. C. Cox, minister of the United Church, officiated. VANDELEUR Vandeleur Softball team won the championship of the Centre Grey League by defeating Cherry Grove in two straight games in the play off series on Thursday and Saturday ev- enings of last week on the Markdale diamonds. The play off, series be- tween the two leading teams followed the league schedule and was to have been tlie best two out of three. Aft- er a couple ol games had been called on account of darkness and one end- ed in a tie, tlie local boys decided that they had a job to do and really went to town. The score Thursday evening was 15-2 and Saturday was 5-3. Norman Genoe pitched most of the game on Thursday and Pat Weber caught and on Saturday Mel Buchan- an pitched and Genoe caught. Other players on the team are: Earl Morr- ison. Stan Harvey, Billie Bowles, Ver- non Fawcett, Carman Sewell, Ralph Fitzinimons, Billie Johnston and Hugh Wyville. The games created considerable interest in the district and good crowds attended. Mr. Clifford Allen of Flesherton, President of the Grey County Fed- eration of Agriculture was the guest speaker at the August meeting of the Farm Forum which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gra- ham on Monday evening of week. The speaker told of the work of the Federation, its accomplishments and its possibilities and outlined a pro- gram that it might carry out. He also outlined the work of Credit Un- ion, of whic'i there are three in the county. The subject for the evening was "The Care of Live Stock" and a good discussion took place. Mrs. F. R. Boland on the piano and H. Gra- ham with the mouth organ supiplied music. A sumptuous corn roast and refreshments were served. Mr. W. G. Bowles and Mrs. W. Ratcliffe were the convenors in charge. The School Board has had the ex- terior of the school redecorated dur- ing the past week. The community Hall will also be painted. Mr. Will Ratcliffe of Malton was a recent visitor at his home here. Mr. Gordon Wyville, who has been ill for the past month, underwent an operation for the removal of his ton- sils in tlie Markdale Hospital on Mon- day of last week. During his absence the neighbors took advantage and harvested and threshed for him. We are pleased to see Gordon is now convalescing at his home. Miss Ann Bowman of Tara, a for- mer school teacher here, and her sis- ter were week end visitors with Mrs. Etliel Hutchinson and Miss M. Faw- cett. Miss Aleda Ratcliffe has returned home after talking a summer course at London. Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson, President of local W. L, attended the County â- Convention of theW. I. at Thornlbury on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart of Redickvillo were the giuests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham. Harvest is about completed and much of the threshing is done. The crops are good and the weather has been excellent. Donnn Wyville was severely bitten by a hound on Sunday evening and is under the Doctor's care. Local aod Persou<ti Pte Gordon Stuart of Simcoe was in town the first <A the week. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McArthur and Elaine are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brackenibury are holidaying this week at Red Bay and Wasaga Beach. Miss Jean McTavish of Toronto and Mr. Fred Pallett of Dixie were week end visitors in town. t Master George Richards of Luck- now is spending a couple weeks at the home of his uncle, J. A. Richards. Mrs. Wm. Kaitting left last -eelt to spend a coupel of weeks with her son, Gaylord, in Detroit. Mrs. F. W. Duncan and Mrs! C. J. Bellamy are spending this week at Wasaga Beach. j Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty and two children of Owen Sound spent the week end with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. McDougal and son, Roddy, are holidaying near Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Adams of Durham spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. John Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McTavish of Toronto spent the week end with the former's father, Mr. D. McTavish. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson and Miss T. Henderson enjoyed a six hour boat trip from Midland recently. Mrs. Walter Dungey and children of Alliston are spending a couple of weeks with friends in town. Mrs. Ted Lyons has returned to her home at Brampton after visiting with the Parker and Johnson families. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Huffman and daughter, Lenora, Saskatoon, Sask., visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hutchison. Mrs. Chas. Ball, Gloria and Jack of Mt. Forest are at the Munshaw House , this week. Gloria is having her ton- sils removed in Markdale Hospital. Miss Irene McDonald returned to Toronto after spending a week's holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. W. Honer, Mrs. Helen BawtinlTeimer and Mr. Chas. Jamie- son of South Porcupine are holidaying with Mrs. M. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Henning and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Almond of Mca- ford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCauley and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan are this week enjoying a boat trip on the S.S. Keewatin to Fort William. Miss Hazel McKillop of Toronto and Athol McKillop of Mt. Forest were week end visitors at their par- ental home. Miss Joyce Molitor is visiting her mother at the home of Mr. Wm. Cas- well. Joyce was successful in the teacher's short course at Toronto Normal School, Mr. and Mrs. A. Howden, Toronto and the former's brother, Ross Howd- den of the west, were visitors the last of the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Betts. Sergt. Wm. Melville of Camp Bor- den, Mrs. Melville and Betty Anne of Alliston were guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards over the week end. Mr. and Mrs W. D. Fawcett, Clarks- iburg, Miss Marie Smith, o' Toronto and Miss Leona Hill of Cherry Grove were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bowler, East Backline. Mrs. A. C. Stoba, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Kimmehley, Margaret and John, of Toronto and Pilot Officer and Mrs. Ross Kimmerley of Vancou-er, B.C., visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton, accom- panied by Mrs. Willard Hill and Mrs. Wm. Arrowsmith of Markdale are this week enjoying a fishing and not- or trip to Algonquin Park and Petcr- boro. " ""' Mrs. W. H. Thurston and Dell at- tended the 38th County Convention of Grey Institutes in Tliornbury on Fri- day of last week and spent a few days in Meaford with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston. P.O. Stewart McTavish and Mrs. McTavi.'^h of Oshawa were visitors in town the first (xf the week. The young couple were married on Tuesday of last week and were spending their honeymoon at Wasaga Beach. They received congratulations of many friends here. <hJ.<.<hJ«c.*«««>*<~>*«K*<'<*<~K*<~:«*<~5>«<'<'*>*<'<'**<'******* •**••♦♦** I \ t I i X I ♦ ♦ I f t Y Poultry The poultry season is drawing; near arid we have a good market for your well-finished birds. A demand for C grade poultry, however, is definite- ly lacking. We, therefore, advise you to properly finish your birds, whether yua sell them alive or dressed, in order to secure top prices. This year the production of poultry is exception- ally heavy. It is advisable for you to finish your birds and begin marketing them early and at reg- ular intervals, in order to aboid too heavy a supplv at any one time. Right now we are dressing poultry. You may sell your poultry to us alive or have us dress them for you and pay you on dressed basis. Patrons are requesteld to co-operate in bringing their qream to the creamery by 10 p.m. on open nights, "otherwise cream will not be tested until the following day. Flesherton Creamer' k Produte Limited :: I Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager ty^fff^f*^fffffiy'fCffffy'eJ^fJ!rff<fff'><^^ • Farmers drive cars less than city people and get low rates from Pilot. But farmera do drive â€" one unin- sured accident could wipe out your home or your savings. Buy the full protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton Representing l!JHiill.'L1ll!?.VH We write insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, and other geaeral fatsnnuice. Small Ad. Column For Sale â€" 9 young pigs, 7 weeks old. Norman Reddick, quar-."- mile south of Proton Station LOST â€" 2 red yearlings, one with a white face. â€" Stanley Camipbell, Eugenia 12p3. FOR SALE â€" 4 Pigs 9 weeks old. â€" Wallace Hamilton, Flesherton. WANTED â€" Anumals suitable for mink and fox feed. â€" ^Bert Mclntoili Eugenia, phone Fe^wshp -i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" Brick residence with FOR SALE â€" Quantity of ice at my double lot on which is small barn, in Flesherton. Apply to Francis Genoe, Eugenda. 43tf STRAYED â€" To James Sewell's premises at Wareham, one red two year old cattle beast. Owner prove property and pay expenses. NIOTIOE â€" After this date, Aug. 23 my Hereford will not be for service to the public. â€" Mervyn McFadden, Flesherton, R.R. 2 12p3. House For Rent â€" On CoUing- wood gravel, 1 mile east of Flesh .t- ton, good garden, water in house. â€" Lewis Pedlar, Flesherton. llc.3 FOR SALEâ€" Farm, lots 152 and 163, 2. N.E., Artemesia, 95 acres, frame house, bank barn, steel roof, spring creek. â€" O. Meyer, R. R. No. 3, Flesherton. lOpl For Sale â€" Property on CoUing- wood St. in Flesherton known as livevy-.stable, will sell either the building, or as is. â€" John Eckhardt, R.R.I Proton Station. Ilp3. WANTED â€" Girl over 20 or woman for general housework, 2 adults, 1 high school girl in family, all con- veniences to work with. Apply giv- ing references and .state wages requested to P. O. Drawer 15, Thornbury, Ont. 10p2 ice house, urchaser must pick up ice. â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41i«. Flesherton. 4p2 FOR SALE 3,000 or nearest offer buys a real solid brick home, with nearly an acre of ground, lawn and fruit trees; 5 bedrooms, modern conveniences. Must be sold to close estate of late George Mitchell. Apply to Aleda Mitchell, 54 Glou- cester Glove, Toronto, or George Goldsiborough, 86 Russell Ave., St. Cathacines. Ilp4 FARM FOR SALE 100 Acres, lot 4, c^n. 6, Artrm- mesia, 2V2 miles from Highway No. 10, on which are good buildings, frame house with brick shingle; barn 45x60, with part " cement staJbling,. driving shed, hen house and water in stable supplied by windmill, small bush, about 85 acres workable land. Possession taken Nov. 1st, 1944. Apply to Mrs. Christena Hughes, Box 114, Markdale, Ont. BUSINESS CAK . j> FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 28, Con. 14, Arteme. sia, near County highway, on which are good buildings, frame house, bank barn, 45x50, garage, hen house, driving shed, water in stable supplie<l by win<1mill, small bush, abotit OS acre« workable lai 1; possession m,.., be taken at once or in fall. â€" DAVin GENOE, 2p4 R. R. 4. Fleahirfot- C. J. BELLAMY Commissioner for Taking Affidavits Clerk of the Village of Flesherton Issuer of Marriage Licenses Conveyancing Wills. Mortgages and Deeds FLESHERTON. ONTARIO WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County oif Grey Farm and Stock sAles our sp'^ciaHy. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction k guaranteed. Dates arranged at Van Advance office or phone 4w. -fl)«-^;c«rttoi'jlW» w ii ii.».jMi

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