Wednesday. Jtily 19. 1944 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ♦♦»»»»»<Hfr<.<«»<.<MX'<><>»<'<><'»X»<>»«X'<'':'<'<><'<"t'<><'»»<HgH>.»<H{^» â- »»♦♦♦ Locker Storage Space Plan now to make use of the storage lockers for fruits and vegetables. We have bulletins on hand for the preparation of these. We also have waxed cartons for packing. Storing Fruits SAVES YOU TIME ! SAVES YOU MONEY ! ! SAVES OU SUGAR ! ! ! The Creamery will be open Wednesday ? and Saturday nights to 10 o'clock. Flesherton Creamer; & Produce Limited Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager :: Too Many Accidents On Canadian Farms The cold truth is that the ratio of preventable uceidonts in agriculture is liifflier than in any other industry, Many hundreds of farnw-rs, members of their families and workers on farms are kflled and many thousands injurefl every year in Qanada as the result of accidents, mos't of which could have been prevented. With the farm labour shortage just now so acute and when all out pro- duction of food is so essential to the war effort, the accident toll ^is par- ticularly serious. A sui"vey has disclosed that machinery is the chief source of farm work accidents; that live stocK runs a close second and that falls are in third place. The wise farmer is he who learning the causes of accidents on his farm takes steps to eliminate such causes and all possible hazards. For example, the fact that loose clothing causes one-third of all farm accidents involving tnachinery should make anyone avoid that particular hazard like the plague. And ever-ipresent threat ot fire, which annually destroys millions of dollars worth of ruril property, ougiht to be enough for a farmer to justify devoting at least a part of one morning per month to looking round the farm for fire hazards, and accident hazards, too. Prevention of accidents means a- voiding making an acute farm labor shortagre more acute and also means an even bigger contribution to food production. 'Safety First is a good slogan for any farm. Local and Persoodi Any woman would rather be two- faced than double-chinned. ^^<$^^^«'^^t^t'^^^^»><^Z'^t'^><^«^t*K^$^^^ 1 i f t i * 41 i r n Biggest Event This Summer HILUS JULY Clearance Sales Big Reduction on LADIES' & CHILDREN'S COATS Including- the very latest in cloths of plain materials and tweeds. LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS In plain colors anl printed patt- erns. Good range of colors, all are nicely trimmed, regular to $1.39. July Sale 79c MIAMI CLOTH The new Dress niaterial, some beautiful patterns and colors, 38 and 42 in. wide. Cpecial, yard $1.25 RUMMAGE TABLE With several different lines, some very outstanding values. MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Pullover style, knitted collar and cuff, zipper fastening at neck open- ing, .sand collar with proofed cloths. Regular to $2.25. July vSale $1.39 Boys' size in medium and large July Sale $1.29 MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Made of proofed gabardines with full zip])er front, navy only, regular $1.95. July Sale 98c KIDDIES' OVERALLS In navy or khaki, all nicely trim- mod with red, sizes.2, 4 and 6. July Sale 50c BOYS' OVERALLS Made of good heavy khaki denim, to stand strong wear. Sizes 30. ^2, 34. July Sale 98c MEN'S SUMMER TROUSERS Male of good washing material in small check patterns. Sale .... $1.45 SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Outstanding shoes for the whole family. A big range to choose from. WOMEN'S SANDALS In white and colors with cuban or walking heels. July Sale, pair $1.00 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Made of good durable leather up- pers and soles, made to stand strong wear, brown only. July Sale $2.95 TENTS Made of good strong White luck, size 9x9, including poles and ropes. Special $22.50 BINDER TWINE 9c and llVzc also Hay Pork Rope in stock. GROCERY SPECIAL Blendies Cereal 2 for 19c Quix Cereal 12c pkg. Tomato Juice 20 oz. tin 3 for 25c Quaker Rolled Oats 19c pkg. Silver Swan Serviettes, 70's .. 9j^c Wee Scot tie Herring in tomato sauce, 16 oz 10c tin Beaver Herring in oil 10c tin Raby Clams 24c tin Sea Lect Mussels 24c tin Certo Crystals 2 for 25c Butterscotch and Chocolate Pie Filling, 8 oz 21c tin Hi Ho Pudding 9c pkg. t t T T t t t t t T T t t ? T t t t I I t t T T t t T T t t tin order to give our employees a week's holiday, this store will be closed com- mencing July Slst to August 8th 4» During July and August this Store Mrill be closed All Day Thursday I F. T. HILL & CO., Limited | I PHONE 7 MARKDALE, ONTARIO we deliver | Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Keys are holi- daying in Hamilton and Toronto. Kcv. Alice Armstrong left last Tuesday for Netherhill, Sask. iMiss Agnes Speers is spending a week with friends in Toronto. Mrs Hard Bates of Dundas is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mrs. Sensabaugh is visiting this week with friends at London. Miss Jeanette Cargoe of Toronto was home over the week end. Mrs. Guy Hazard spent the past week visiting at Eh'in. ' L.A.C. Jos. Banks of Trenton was home on leave several days last week. Mrs. John Jones visited with her mother, Mrs. W. S. Inkster, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McKee of Hamilton spent the week end visit- ing in this district. Opl. Norman Stoddart of Camp Borden spent 8i»veral days last week at his home here. â- Mrs. W. G. Trelford of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mrs. E. E. Wolfe and Joanne re- turned Saturday, after spending two weeks at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scarrow and Barry spent the week end at Sauble Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald of Weston spent the week end in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman of Toronto spent the week end with re- latives in town. L.AX;. Wesley McCracken, R.C.A. F., Ottawa spent several days last week on leave at his home. Mr. Wm. Thompson of Newmarket is visiting his sister, Mrs. 0. W. Phillips. Mrs. Armstrong, Miss Dorothy Ottewell and Mrs. Marr, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Otte- well. Mr. Geo. Jamieson of Timmins spent a few days the first of the week with his mother, Mrs. M. Jamieson. Mrs. W. H. Thurston and Dell are spending a couple of weeks at Mit- chell with the former's daughter, Mrs. N. H. Dun-ant. Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor and Ir. and Mrs. Eugene Field of Toronto are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Field. The regrular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of St. John's will meet in the basement of the church on Friday, July alst., 3 p.m. Rev. A. 'C. Armstrong of Meaford is visiting for a few days with Mr. F. H. W. Hickling, Dorothy and Geo. Armstrong. iMr. F. B. Keys, pastor of Cedar- side Baptist Church, Flesherton, will preach in St. John's Road Baptist Ohuroh, Toronto, on Sunday, July 23, in place of July 30th. Opl. Wes White, RjC.A.F., Mrs. White and daughter of St. Thomas are spending two weeks with the former's father, Mr. Geo. White, of Springhill. '•'hey spent several days last week at Severn Falls. Sergt. Laurie Smith of Detoert, N. S., and Mrs. Smith and children of Toronto are visiting with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mrs. Smith and children are remaining for a month. Visitors at the Hickling home on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Goff, of Thornbury, Rev. Reginald Goiff of Woland, Wyoming, and Mr. Paul Weeks of Toronto. Tipr. Wesley Littlejohns of Dun- durn, Sask., is on furlough with his family in town. Wesley suffered a broken leg some time ago while driving a motor cycle and, although his leg is still in a cast, is able to move aroumi nicely. The wild raspberry crop is now t its height of production. It is ex- pected the crop will be short due to 'he dry weather. Since the heavy story a week ago the weather has been cxinsiderably cooler and the berries have ripened splendidly. 'Mrs. L. A. Fisher left on Monday for Dupartiu'e, Que., to visit her son, Mr. Clarence Fisher, who is ill with foot trouble. Clarence spent several weeks in a Toronto hospital in the early spring taking treatment. We hope that his trouble will shortly show improvement. additional LOCALS Mrs. Wallace Thompson is spend- ing a couple of weeks in Toronto. Master John Milligan is spending the summer at Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill and two sons of Toronto are holidaying this week with .Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and two children of Buffalo, N.Y., are spend- ing this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. W. Adams. Mrs. E. J. Fisher and Sandra are spending this week in Owen Sound with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette. Mrs. T. H. Hale and daughter, Helen, returned to Sudibury Tuesday after spending a month among friends at Markdale, Flesherton, and Feversham. TORONTO LINE NORTH r>Ir. unu Mrs. Ivan Aelxander and son, Jimmie of Creemore, Mrs. Rus- sell Reeves of Oshawa, Mr. and Mx?. John Reeves of Owen Sound were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Dellan? of Palmerston were visitors on Sunday with Mrs. Thos. R. Lever. A number from this line spent the glorious l2th in Markdale. We are sorry to learn that Mrs.' Chas. Stewart of Markdale, a former resident of this line, is in poor health, but hope to hear of improvement soon. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Down, Chats- worth were callers on the line on Sunday. Passenger â€" "Why is this train so late?" Conductor â€" If'Well, you see, sir, the train in front is behind, and w« was behind .before besides." EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald of Weston visited over the week end with the Cairns family Tiere. Miss Marge Martin vjsited the past week with her gradmother, Mrs. T. Lever, Flesherton. The Misses Joyce and Gayle Genoe and Marie Phillips are working at Wasaga Beach for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McLehman of Toronto visited a few days with the former's mother, at her cottage at Gravenhurst. They also visited froiu Saturday to Tuesday with the let- ter's father in the village here. Miss Isabel McKee of Toronto is holidaying with her parents at pre- sent. Miss Georgina Smith of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. Well Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald and Mrs. J. Cairns visited on Simday with the Cairns family, Ceylon. Master Billie MacMillan is in Owen Sound hospital having his tonsils and adenoids removed. Pte. Delbert Magee, RCAjM.C, of Camp Borden, visited over the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duckett, Fred, Selena and Shirley and Mrs. C. Mar- tin visited on' Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Porteous. Shirley remained for a few days with her uncle qnd aunt. Shirley Cairns is also holidaying at the Porteous home. Tpr. Geo. Stewart of Camp Borden was home over the week end. Mr. Thos. Stewart, Toronto, spent the week end at his hoiTte here. iSunday evening there was a good attendance at churoh. The service, which was in charge of the staflf and pupils of the 'Vacation Bible School at Flesherton, was enjoyed by all. Some of the work done by the boys and girls was on display in the basement. Seeking an interview with his commanding officer, the young man shyly asked for special leave. "â- Humph!" said the CO. "And what do you want it for?" "Well, sir," was the bashful reply, "a lady friend of mine is gettingr married andâ€" er â€" she rather wants- me to act as bridegroom." NOTICE I The general stores and pest officer- in Maxwell and Feversham will be- closed all S&y on the following' holidays: Dominion Day, July Ist;- Labor Day; Christmas Day; New Year's and Good Friday. NOTICE Having installed a modem ooid storage plant in connection with our fur farming business, we are now in position to handle aged, injured or dead animals for fox and naink feed im much larger quantities. â€"FRANK EAGLES. phone 41r3 Flesherton R. R. 3, Proton Station WEiEDS The Weed Control Act will not control a single weed. Any work that is accomplished must be the result of definite human action. The co-op- eration of every individual is neces- sary. Weeds have no olace in a pro- gressive village, they are a menace to well kept lawns and gardens. It is your duty, as a good citiien, to look after your own lots and see that the weeds are kept under control Don't ask the Municipal Officials to enforce the Weed Control Act, get after the weeds now and make your Village a more attractive place in which to live. â€" WM. KAITTING, Weed inspector^ Small Ad. Column WANTED â€" Amnmla niitabk foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntost Eugenia, phone Fe»enfar-i 6i26 FOR SAiLE â€" Numtoer of collie pups, good heelers. â€" Chas. Pocock, Fev- ersham, phone 5r34. 7c2 FOR SALE â€" Dressed roosters and dressed hens. • â€" Mrs Jas. Stewart. Flesherton, phone 39rll. 7c2 FX)R SALE â€" Team of Belgians, 5 and 6 years old, in first class con- dition. â€" Frank Weber, Kimberey, phone Flesherton 48rl2, 7p2 ANiNIVElUSARY SALE of furniture and pianos; choice merchandise; cut prices at Schuett & Sons (op- posite theatre) Mt. Forest. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire sbw and 9 young pigs; 3 cows, 4 calves and 2 two-year-old heifers. â€" Dick Car- son, Priceville, phone 2ar4. 6p2 FOR SALEâ€" 2 Yorkshire brood sows due July 25 and Aug. 1; 3 h.p. Gilson gas engine in good running condition. â€" Frank Eagles, R.R. 1. Proton Sta., phone 41r3. 6c2 BABY CHICKS Good quality baby and started chicks for sale. â€" The Shelburne Hatchery, phone 5J Shetourne, Qnt. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 28, Con. 14, Arteme. sia, near County highway, on which are good buildings, frame house, bank barn, 4£x60, garage, hen house, driving shed, water in stable supplied by windmill, small bush, about 65 acres workable laid; possession may be taken at once or in fall. â€"DAVID GBNOE, 2^4 R. R. 4, Fleeherten FOR SALE â€" M.^H. Binder, 5H foot, cut. â€" Ryssell Park, Flesherton. WANTBD-Quantity of mixed hay, m field or delivered to barri. â€" (Harold Best, Flesherton. 6pa FOR SALE â€" Brick residence with double lot on which is »maH kanv in Flesherton. Apply to Fninei» Genoe, Eugenia. 4;^ FOR SALE â€" Cletrac caterpillar tractor in good condition; grey Percheron horse, 7 years old; num- ber of young pigs.- Chris Thom- son, R. R. 1, Singhampton, phone Feversham Irll. 6p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of ice at my ice house, purchaser must pick up ice. â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41rS Flesherton. 4p2 LOST â€" In Flesherton on or about Thurs.. July. 13, pair of glasses with light plastic frames. Finder please notify H. W. Kernahan, Flesherton. 'jpi. BUSINESS CAKl»S C. J. BELLAMY Clerk of the Village of Flesherten Issuer of Marriage Licenses Conveyancing Wills, Mortgages and Deeds FLESHERTON. ONTARIO WM. KAFITING LICENSED AUCTIONSBB for the County oif Qrey Farm and Stock sales our spfvlaHy. Terms: reasonaUe. Sktiafection to guaranteed. Dates arranged at IIm Aihrance afTice or phena 4w.