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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1944, p. 8

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Wednesday, July 12, 1944 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE > " i »<hc»<>«>»<"><'<»^'«;~><K'<kK'«x»<"X"X'<'<K'«x~><><-<><'»<»<'<-<'»<'»«>< ^ » » ♦♦» Storage Space Plan now to make use of the storage lockers for fruits and vegetables. We have bulletins on hand for the preparation of these. We also have waxed cartons for packing. i| Storing Fruits RATION NEWS < I .SP» SAVES YOU TIME ! SAVES YOU MONEY ! ! SAVES OU SUGAR ! ! ! the Creamery will be open Wednesday and Saturday nights to 10 o'clock, i ^;::::_ \ Flesherton Creameri & Produce Lmiteil Angus Avis, Maaaflor Phone €6 ^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4'«<><"M"><«<»*<><*<'**<'<><''<>****<'**'M'**************^ On July Cth the last series of the canning sugar coupons-p' 1 to FIO are valid-each coupon being good for nil), of sugar. Preserve coupons may be used for the purchase of sugar each coupon worth half lb. You may exchange yoifr F caupons for D coupons, with which to buy jam Or jellies -but you cannot ex- change D coupons for F coupons. Apply to youf local ration board if you wish to exchange your F coupons for D coupons. For replacement of lost ration books, or ration books for infants apply to your local ration centre at Markdale, Flesherton or Dundalk for the necessary application forms. Ap- plication forms for extra rations for extra help on farmers may also be had from your local representative. Coupons now valid are: Butter 66- 60 these will exipire on July ^1. Nos. 70 and 71 become valid on July 20. Tea Or coftfee-Nos. 14-29 and BI- BS (ration book 3) and T 30 to T36 (Ration Book 4). Sugar Nos. 1^-37, Nos. 38-S9 be- come valid on Aug. 3rd. Preserves coupons Dl-Da4. D25 and D26 be- come valid Aug. 3. Local and Personal Mrs. Dinsmore of Stranraer, Sask., is a guest at the home of'Geo. Best. Mrs. John Heard spent a couple of days last week in Toronto. * Mr. Harold Fisher of Toronto is visiting his mother, Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Miss Jean Kinney of Toronto spent Saturday, at the Banks home. Mr. Lome Fawcett of Owen Sound iipent the week end in town. Messrs. Clarece Alexander and Guy Hazard of Owen Sound were home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards and Mr. and Mrs. P. S. McDougall and Roddy visited at Alliston Sunday. Opl. Jas. Haw, R.C.A.F., of Ottawa visited with the McMillan families the past week end. Mrs. J. B. O'Brien and two children of Oakville spent a few days with her father, Mr. F. G. Karstedt. (Mrs. Ed. Frost of Owen Sound spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. C. N. Richardson. ,, . Mr. Wm. Meuser and Miss Addie An expert says tke average mot- j Meuser of Elmiwood visited Sunday at orist is lucky if he can g:et 13 miles to the gallon 0(f gasoline. He's luckie' than that if he can get a gallon to get 13 miles to. More than 60,000 acres ol market- able timlber burned in Ontario bush fires this summer. After the war bush fire prevention should provide work for . some cd our demoibilized boy». I HILUS July Clearance Sale SOME VERY INTERESINP VALUES OFFERED. ALL DRESSES, HATS, COATS REDUCED DURING OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE t t ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss Alice Heard is in Toronto marking Upper School examination papers. Mr. Henry Westcott is taking the sunuiier Normal School course ii Toronto. He has secured a school ir York County. Mr. Jas. Adams and daughter, Joan, of Toronto are visiting the lormer's mother, Mrs. John Adams. L.A.C. Ben Bellamy of Centralia is on furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Miss Gloria Ball of Mt. Forest is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton. Miss Viola Johnson of Guelph vis- ited a few days last week with Miss Eilma Hamilton. Tuesday night a heavy thunder storm struck this district, with heavy rains and high winds. Considerable damage was done to standing crops. but the compensating fact was th ground received a thorough soaking, the rain was greatly needed and the It is still raining this Wednesday morning. DIED HAWKINS â€" At her residence^ 8th Line, Osprey Township, on Sat- urday, July 8th, 1944, Isabella West- wick, widow of the late S. R, Haw- kins, in her "Srd year. The funeral took place on Monday, July 10th, with service in St. Mary's Anglican Church, Maxwell. Inter- ment was made in Maxwell cemetery. RUNSTADLER â€" At Buffalo, N. Y., on Sunday, July 9th, 1944, M&r- garet Egan, widow of John Runstad- ler, formerly of Flesherton, dear mother of Dr. Marguerite Cudraore, Buffalo. Funeral on Wednesday to Sit. Helen's Church, Toronto, for Mass |t 9 a.m. Interment in Mount Hope Cemetery. Australia has banned the sale of cigarette paper to women. NOTICE 1 RACK SMART ATTRACTIVE SUMMER DRESSES In sheers, spuns, etc.; so much style for so little; all the cool colors, you'll need for day in and day out wear this summer. July Sale $L39 to $2.9^ Big Reduction on LADIES' & CHILDREN'S COATS Including the very latest in cloths of plain materials and tweeds. MEN'S and BOYS' SUITS Some very smart patterns in men's and boys' tweed anl worsted suits, and all at moderate prices. MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Made of proofed gabardines, with full zipper front. Navy only, reg'. $1.95. July Sale 98c MEN'S COTTON JERSEYS Made of finely woven cloths, with round neck, white only 69c MEN'S PANTS Made of good quality, grey flan- nel with cuff and belt loops. July Sale, per pair $2.25 BOYS' WASH SUITS AND OVERALLS All nicely trimmed, sizes 2, 4, 6. July Sale .'. 50c MEN'S SUMMER CAPS Nice assortment of colors. Julv Sale 25c DRESS CREPES _ In silk and rayon, plain colors and printel, reg. up to $1.00, July Sales per yard 39c LADIES' SLIPS White and colors, all nicely trim- med, value up to $2.50. July Sale 69c RUMMAGE TABLE With several different lines, some very outstanding values. 4 t t T T t t t t t t t I: the home of Alex. Henderson. Sergt. Eld Gibson, of Camp Borden, visited recently with Mr. and Mr». Frank Teeter and family. Mr. Frank Bunt returned to To- ronto on Friday after holidaying with friends here. Rev. Alice Armstrong preached in St. John's United Ohuroh Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Heard are holi- daying this week at Elgin House, Muskoka, L.A.C. Harold Best of Camp Bor- den is home on two months' farm leave. An extra hot heat wave has almost cooked the grass the past week, al- though the hay has cured quickly. Mrs. L. Brown orf Toronto is r iting her mother, Mrs. M. Thistle waite, this week. Mr. Chas. J. Bellamy underwent an operation in Markdale hosipital on Thursday last. OBOFT â€" In Flesherton on Fri- day, July 7th, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Everette Croft, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walton and family of Proton Station were recent isitors with the latter's aunt, Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson. Bom BLAJCK â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Thursday, July 6th, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. G. A Black, Siwinton Park, a daughter. fiUN/TBRâ€" At Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, Ont., on Sunday, July 2, 1944, to W.0.2 and Mrs. T. W. Hun- Having installed a modem cold*. storage plant in connection with our fur farming business, we are now in position to handle aged, injured or dead animals for fox and mink feed! in miuch larger quantities. â€"FRANK EAGLES, phone ilrS Flesherton R. R. 3, Proten Statienr WEiBDS The Weed Cortrol Act will not ter (iBetty Murray) a daughter, Shir- I control a single weedv Any woric that ley Anne. - j is accomplished must be the result of definite human action. The co-op- eration of every individual is neces* sary. Weeds have no xyHce in a pro- gressive village, they are a meniace- to well kept lawns and gardens. It is your duty, as a good citizen, to look after your own lots and see that the weeds are kept under control Don't ask the Municipal Officials to enforce the Weed Control Act, get after the weeds now and make your Village a more attractive place in which to live. â€" WM. KAITTIiNG, Weed inspector. LONDRY â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ingr Home, Flesherton, on Friday, July 7th, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Mar- vin Londry of Glen Williams, a daughter, Linda Jane. SMITH â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Friday, July 7th, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith (nee Viol Howes) of Kenilworth, a son, Stanley Irwin. Astronomer says he has detected considerable static in the Milky Way. The universe seems to be about the same all over, alas! The warning is again issued to people not to trade in their Victory bonds for stocks of doubtful merit which are being peddled .aibout the country or offered to investors. WAiNTBD â€" Quantity of mixed hay, in field or delivered to barn. â€" (Harold Best, Flesherton. 6pl Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! WHITE SHOES New summer shoes for the whole family. It's the season now for White shoes. We have them in women's misses' and children's in a good range of styles. OUTING SHOES For the whole family, a big range to choose from. WOMEN'S SANDALS In white and colors with cuban or walking heels. July Sale, pair $1.00 FLOOR COVERING See the wonderful range of Floor Covering by the- yard, 2 or 3 yard wilths; also a big assortment of Rugs in all sizes, some very new patterns; sizes 6x9 to 12x15. Huy now while the choice is best. GROCERY SPECIAL Blendies Cereal 2 for 19c Quix Cereal 12c i)kg. Tomato Juice 20 oz. tin 3 for 25c Quaker Rolled Oats 19c pkg. Silver Swan Serviettes, 70's .. 9j/^c Wee Scottie Herring in tomato sauce, 16 oz 10c tin Beaver Herring in oil 10c tin Baby Clam« 24c tin Sea Lect Mussels 24c tin Certo Crystals 2 for 25c Butterscotch and Chocolate Pie Filling, 8 oz 21c tin Hi Ho Pudding 9c pkg. t t t t t t T I PHONE 7 During July and August diis Store will be closed All Day Thursday F. T. HILL & CO., Limited MARKDALE, ONTARIO we deliver T T Mr. Wm. Davidson of Feversham and son, Sergt. Gordon Davidson, R.C.A.F., Malton, visited on Sunday with the former's cousin, Mr. Wm. • Mrs. Percy Wright, Roy and Donnie, of Whitby, are spending a weeta's holidiayB with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter am? family. Mrs. Roy Thistlewaite of Toronto is spending this week with her sis- ters, Mrs. Geo. Best and Mrs. Russell Park. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCowell of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Springhill, and her father, Mr. H. LeGard. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Colquette of Owen Sound and L.A.C. Allan Col- quette of Fingal visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith and Keith of London are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Isaac SYith. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Springhill. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kimmerley, Misses Margaret and Pauline, and Pat and Johnie, also Mrs. J. McKin- non, all of Toronto, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sloan. Mr. Clarence Alexander, Mrs. Doris Jameson and Mrs. lone McCarthur and son, Pay, of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mrs. Alexander and family. M\-s. Normpn Stoddart and sons, Jim and Ted, returned home Sunday, after spending the past four weeks in Collingwood with her brother, EJarl, and wif^. Mrs. Prank Ball of Toronto was stricken with appendicitis last week while visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker, and underwent a*^ operation in Markdale hospital on Friday. Master Raymond Alexander cele- bratettl hi» eighth birthday with a party for ight of his school chums on Momday. They were served at the lunch time with ice crs;am, birthday cake, sandwiches and lemonade. Visitors at the Boyd homes over the week end were: Dr. and Mrs. Ken Boyd and Heather, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith, Squadron Leader and Mrs. C. J. Crossley and John, Mrs. John Boyd, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyd of North Battl«- ford, Sask. LOCKER STORAGE SPACE Locker storage space is still avail- aible to customers wishing same in the new cold storage plant in Price- ville. There will be two sizes of locker boxes: 4V6 cu. ft. and 7 cu. ft. at $1.00 per cubic foot rental per year in advance. Most favourable positions will be given to those mak- ing early reservations. â€" F. G. KARSTEDT, Priceville NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having daims a- gainst the estate of the late DAVID McDonald, late of the TowBchip of Artemesia, County of Grey, who died on or about the 2i6th day of 'Jan- uary, 1944, are required to forward their claims duly approved, to the undersigned solicitor of the estate, on or before Saturday, July 15th, 1944. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date the ad- ministrator will proceed to distribufte the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto,having regard only to such claims as they will the» have notice. Dated at Markdale this 26th day of June, A. D. 1944. â€"J. B. LUCAS, Markdale, Onit. Solicitor for admiinistratrix Small Ad. Column WANTED â€" AniimaUi ndtable foT mink and fox feed.â€" Bert McIntosD Eugenia, phone Fe*«rah»~i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" 13 young sheep and 14 lambs. â€" Archie McKechnie, Priceville, phone 49rl3. 5p2 FOR SALE â€" 2 Durham heifers with calves at foot. â€" Neil McDonald, Eugenia. 5ip2 AiNiNIVElRSARY SALE of furniture and pianos; choice merchandise; cut prices at Schuett & Sons (op- posite theatre) Mt. Forest. FOR SAiiE â€" Yorkshire sow and 9 young pigs; 3 cows, 4 calves and 2 two-year-old heifers. â€" ^Dick Car- son, Priceville, phone 22r4. 6ip2 FOR SAIjE â€" Jlange type stove and one Taco range with hot water and warming closet. â€" Wallace Hamilton, Flesherton, phone 79J FOR SALE â€" 2 Yorkshire brood sows due July 25 and Auig. 1; 3 h.p. Gilson gas engine in good running condition. â€" Frank Eagles, R.R. 1, Proton Sta., phone 41r3, 6c2 BABY CHICKS Goo<l quality baby and started chicks for sale. â€" The Shclibarne Hatchery, phone BJ Shelibuvne, Omt. FARM FOR SALE 110 aeres, Lot 28, Con. 14, Arteme. .sia, »ear Courety highway, on which are good buildings., frame house, bank ben, 49x60, garage, hen kouse, driving shed, water in stable SHipplied by windmill, small btsh, about 96 acres workable laid; posses«io« may be taken at on«e ^r in fall. â€"DAVID GBNOe, ai>4 R. R. 4, Flesherton FOR SALE â€" 6 Durham calves. â€" Jas. Harrison, phone 41rll. 5pl WANTEDâ€" Young caf.â€" J. P. Stew- art, phone llr32. apZ FOR SALE â€" Brick residence with double lot on which is amai& barn, in Flesherton. A.piply to Francis Genoe, Eugenia. 4Stf FOR SALE â€" Cletrac caterpillar tractor in good condition; grey Percheron horse, 7 years old; num- ber of young pigs. â€" Chris Thom- son, R. R. 1, Singhampton, phone Feversham Irll. 6p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of ice at my ice house, purchaser must pick up ice. â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41x8 Flesherton. 4ip2; LAST Bray hatch is 17th. Right now they have day-olds and 2-3-4 week started for immediate deliver^. Wise poultrykeepers are culling â- older birds and replacing at pre- sent attractive summer prices. â€" John McWilliam, Flesherton. BUSINESS CARi>S C. J. BELLAMY Clerk of the Village of Flesherten Issuer of Marriage Licenses CoiiTe7anciiig Wills, MortsagsQ and Deeds FLESHERTON, ONTARIO WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTJONBEH for the County of (hey Farm and Stock sales our >p<»cia1t|r. Terms; reasoniaWe. Satisfaction Is gnai^nteed. Dates arranged at Tfc* Adrsnes <^ee n phwa* 4w. '~'»>wmwW*iBI**Nifc*'' wiiiW" «ii«|piii I'-

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