•'X. Mevs oa^T ,«»**'?, few ***it«^^''M Uwls Cavsrt of Ormttovm, P.O. writes: '1 hove a herd of 20 cowi of which a 'Out half ore registered. Prior to Uiin Rex Wheat Germ Oil I wa( hoving considerable trouble In get* Ing cows to come In heat after colving â€" one of tH«m would not come In heat 6 months after calving 1 After ona month's treatment with Rex Oil this cow was succesihtlly bred and juil freshened again a few days ago. I hove sinca used Rex Oil on eight or more cows and am extremely well pleased wilft the results." Rex Oil helps animals to overcome shy breeding^ slowness to mate* obsence of heot and other non- organic breeding troubles because (t supplies In a concentrated and stoblo form the factors necessary for suc- cessful, profitable breeding. A few drops of Rex Oil o day will turn your "boarders" Into profitable prodKert. StorfNOWl 4 01. $1.25 30 et. $5.00 YIOBIN (Caoti) IIMITEO 117 cDAic n. W. MONTRtAL WFF LS III mwm i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^t II 1 ^m \^j ^ "^f^^^^m â- HHI.i . jttM â- 1 H. G. Wells, above, famed Brit- ish novelist, is seriously ill at his London home. Long in fail- ing health, the 77-year-old au- thor has been confined to his home since February. DEEP SLEEP HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention â€" Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. Wc manufacture in our fac- tories â€" Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- keti?, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto On the tough Italian front viris« doughboys catch 40 winks when- ever and however they can. The Yank fighter above mad* himself snug in a deep foxholt â€" with Germans 400 yards away. HELP FOR AN INNOCENT VICTIM While her father and a group of her friends watch ^a. an American medical corpsman tenderly dresses the leg of a little Italian girl, wounded during the fighting in Castellinorato area. HIS FUEHER'S FACE ASSEMBLY LINE ART Strange and amusng is the art of Dr. Bernie Cooper, dentist, and Steve Jenso, war worker, both of Cleveland, O. When these statuettes were entered in the annual May Show at the Cleveland Museum of Art, Dr. Cooper listed "junk" as his medium. War plant workers bring oddly shaped bits of metal, faulty nuts and bolts, broken springs and rejected shells to Dr. Cooper. Jenso, one of his patients, watched the dentist welding, riveting, and Gawini; metal one day and feared that Dr. Cooper might injure hta fingers. Now he does the rough part of the work. Favorites at th« museum are "Red Cross" (top) and "Of the Tribe of Ham." Dr. Cooper s;iv:. lenso has the soul of an artist. THEY SUB FOR THE GAS OF CHINA Vehicles for transport of goods are scarce in much-bombed Chung- king, in addition to which the hillside city's sharp-slanting streets makit them impracticable. But the Chinese capital inhabitants carry on their daily lives, resorting to human burden bearers like the old woman in the upper picture, who totes a heavy bag of flour up one of th« many staep "stair-streets." Gas for civilian use being almost non- existent, when you hail a taxi, what you usually get is a rubber-tired jaunting cart drawn by tougti. wiry Manchui^an pony, as seen in lower ph^to. nru GBT Off TO A BETTER START with this BETTER BREAKFAST Nabltco Shredded WhAt, served witti milk or cream, Is a tasty energy breakfast. Gets your f omily off to o grand stort. It's o better breakfast because It's made from 100% natural Canadian whole wheat â€" pro- vides proteins, carbohydrates, and the minerals iron and phos- phorus. Vise the tested, practical recipes found in every package. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Falls, Canada SERVE PLENTIFUL FOODS TO SAVE SCARCE FOODS NAZI PUPTANK PROVES FLOPPEROO Members of a British tank recovery unit on the Anzio beachhead look over another one of Hitler's "secret weapons" that proved a flop in practice. This one's a pup-sized tank, 12 feet long, 6 feet wide, 4 feet high, which carries about 800 pounds of explosve*. driver takes it as far as he dares, then leaps out, while tank pro- ceeds to objective under radio control. Allies captured large num- bers of them intact. PICTURE OF HEALTH Posing for his first picture since he returned from his vacation in th« South, President Roosevelt looks hail and hearty and ready to meet the demands of another war summer. CANADIAN SNIPERS PREPARE U. S. Army M. P. Wlliam Spalding of Dresden, N. Y., enjoys a chuckle as he brings in a diminutive German prisoner who bears considerable resemblance to Der Fuehrer. If Heinle thought a|>ing Adof's mustache and forelock would bring him luck he was wrong. Can.uiian snipers tram for th.! 'Vig o;)". ' ;;t to right in a practice shoot: Riflemen I F Shower. MAnh-a,v. our- ^ ^ ^ Ont.; W. G. Bettridge. Br..mpt.n. On; V/.A Lyons, Toronto, and L. H. Odd" Toromo Montreal; C. H. Gcrrard, Tottnhanv