Wednesday, April 19, 1944 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE tspr-!V«*>«»t' »»Tr», STEPHEN'S CORNERS We extend our sympathy to the wife and family of the late Mr. Jacob LoujfhwHl, wlio died in the Miukiiale HospiUil on Alond", April 10. Mis8 Kathleen Morrison visited her eister, Mrs. Emerson Wright, and Mr. Wright. Miss Shirley Cairns of Kugenia visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Poe Porteous. Mr. inU Mrs. Austin Hill atti'iided the wed<iiii(f of the I'ornur's si.ster, Miss Valdu Hill, which w«s held in Toronto on Saturday, April 15. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. RoR. Londry and Jim spent a few days with Toronto friends. Miss Lillian Magee of Toronto, Mrs. Joe Little ami Mr Jim Ma^ee of Eugcmia visited Saturday with their sister, Mrs. Joe. Porteous, and Mr. Porteous. The W. W. meeting was held on April oth. A quilt was on hand. The next meeting will be held at tbe home of Mr.s. Km«rs', n VVright, on Wednesday, .^pril 19. The beef rin^' siiareholders held a meeting on April 8tli, at the home of Mr. John Lougheed when it was de- cided to continue the ring this sujtj- mer, commencing the second week in June. Freedom to .say what we think is important, but the courage to do what we say is c"en more so NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of MRS. OATHElRiIl^ WILCOCK, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, widow, who died on or about the 20th day of March, 1944, are hereby notified to send in to W. E. Harris, Solicitor to the Executors of the Estate of the said deceased, full par- ticulars of their claims, the last day for the receipt of such being the 29th day of April, 1944. Immediatelv after the said date the Executors of the estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have nf^tice, to the exclu- sion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice of for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof. Dated at Mankdale this IQth day of Awil, A.D. 1944. â€" W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. FEVERSHAM Dorothy, little two and a half year '.'Id daughter of 51r. and Mrs. llozell Conn, suddenly took ill a week ago .ialurday. Dr. Lindsay of Dundulk .vus C''lled and pronounced the ail- iient as spinal meningitis. Satur- lay niHit her parents, aecorxpanied jy Nurse Smith, rushed ttiu child to .le Hospital tor Sick Children, To- onto. Mrs. Conn rtnuuned in To- i jnto until the little girl was able to ''.â- brought hoint la^t Sunday. We re plca<e<l to report that she is uin': nicely and no ill cll'ect^ are '.pected. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Elby and Stcpli- ;. ;)f Barrie visited on Good Friday • ith the former',s parents, Mr. and \'r.s. G. Eby. Miss Mi.rion Bby spent '^ister VI ek with relatives in Owen So ind. Mr. Howard McKee of Hamilton .«pent Easter at his home here. Mr. 'ohn Speers went to Toronto <M\ Good Friday and visited a few days with Mr. md.Mrs. D. W. Cliri- ton and other frientLs. Miss May Whiteoak, Toronto, was a visitor Easter week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. John McLelland and son, David, Mr. and Mrs. John Hew- son and son, Allan, all of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ross David- son and spent the Easter week p"d with Mr. and Mrs. Ern Davidson. Miss Ann Rdbinson, Reg.N., has been assisting at " - Markdale Hos- pital for the oast two weeks. Wilma Williams of Flesherton hol- idayed with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler. Miss Mary Dutf. teacher at Ches- iey, visited last Tuesday with Mrs. Howard McKee. Mr- W. R. Colquetite of Owen Sound spent a dav or two last week with her oarents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander, and sister, Mrs. McKee. Mt. and Mrs. C. VanWyck of Owen Sound spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexand"- Miss Dorothv Jamieson t'>ncher at New Toronto, visited last Thurs- day with friends in the village. Ken Teeter spenit las't week at pinghampton. Mrs. McLean of Collingwood visit- ed the past week with "her son, John, and Mrs. McLean. Mrs. Jim Bby and daughters. Flaine and Ann, of Owen Sound vis- ited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Elby and Marion. Mr. Wm. Osibome returned home on Monday, after spending the win- ter .vith his son. Harold, and Mr-. O?:l>ovro at Dundialk. Mt. J. M. Stafford went on a bus- iness trip to Toronto the first of tlie week. Messrs. Lloyd Hudson and Joe Tate, and Miss Jane Gould of Toron- to -spent the week "nd with the for- niars parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. Mr. Chris. Thomson, who has been visiliii" his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tohn Thomson, at Ag- iiif iirt, for the past two months, re'.ained home on Mon-h^y much '-â- •- pi'dvtd in hep.lth. Mr.^. A. E. Hell of Flesherton is at piesvr.t teaching in the school here. KIMBERLEY Mrs. Elmer Wnrling, Miss Beth and Frank, Aircraftman Art Wheeler and Don Giiaham of Toronto werr week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham. Mrs. Chas. Thom'o.son of Orange- ville spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Burritt. We are sorry to report our mail carrier, Jas. Kirkpairick, seriously ill in Markdale Hospital, where he underwent an appendicitis operation. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ellis have moved to their -ew home recently purchased from Mrs. B. Carruthers. Mr. Learv of Toronto hnd ^harge of the service in the Baptist church on Sunday. Rev. Thomipson, recent- ly returned from a Chinese mission is expected to be on the Kimberley circuit from April 30 to May 7, in- clusive. Plans are being made for the re- decorating of the United Church. A final meeting of the convmittee- will be held Thursday night, when the tenders will be in. when the alloting of the contract will hf made. Mrs. G. Wiley p'''' V,abv nf '- •-â- •i. ton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens and other friends. I AT^I Sft'fl fl'rf fti ?a[ ' â- ^<•<•<•<•♦<•*•^•>♦x~:•♦<•<••^•>•x••>♦•K•<••:••x••:":~>♦^•x•♦•K•♦^^•^•^♦<•<•<>♦♦♦♦♦♦ GIFTS TO DEPARTING FAMILY Mrs. Walter Dungey and family were the recipients of a presentation at their home on Wednesday evening of last week when 'they were presented with two bedsipreads, 2 pairs pillow cases, pictures, etc., prior to their removal to Alliston. Miss. Bva Doupe read the address and Mrs. Gu'"' Haz- ard made the presentation. Why not leave the job of simpli- fying life to these fellows who have found how it's done? Toronto woman tells police that Victory Bonds, "hidden in various nirts of the house," have been stolen. It would have paid her to rent a safety deposit box. YOU WILL FIND :♦*» YOUR A SELECTION AT HILL'S, WHETHER IT IS A or DRESS YOU WILL FIND A FAVORITE FROM A GRAND SPRING SELECTION LADIES' COATS See our new selection of Spring Coats. Brig-ht cheery, .snapDV styles, and all moderately priced. LADIES' SUITS 'Jliey are grand and everyone is so smartly styled. You wUl find il easy to choose from. These Ime tweeds, worsted and tricotines and pin stripes. The ga\' spring shades are all here, and all moderately priced. DRESSES Wonderful and lovely Spring Dress- es, such ,'itir;u"ti\x- dre.'iscs that you will be delighted with them. See the grand new Silk Jersey Dresses. They are really po]);iiar iiiis year, beautiful prints for both misses and women. MILLINERY Be sure to see our range of New Spring Hats in felt.s and straws, and all the newest slvles; also a good as- sortment of Children's Hats from which to choose Men, Step out in Style for Spring MEN'S SUITS The season's finest in single and double-breasted models, finest tailor- ing, with wear-resisting materials of English worsted tweeds, etc. All are moderately priced. HAND BAjGS New Hand Bags for the Spring, all new styles and shapes, a big range to choose from >... $2.95 to $6.50 MEIN'S TOP COATS vSome very new styles in our range for Spring. Donegals and mixed- tweeds. See our new range. All are ti' Iciately priced. iViEN'S WORK SHOES . >A really need tough wearing, t.-. .liijrlable Shoes for long hours of iuotwork on your job. We have the footwear you need. Rubber Footwear for every member of the family. MEN'S FINE SHOES In black or tan, all new styles, a big assortment to choose from. Priced from $3.95 to $7.50 BRIGHTEN UP THE HOME WITH DRAPERY See our selections of homespuns, monk cloths and brocoded repps, a wonderful range to choose from. FLOOR COVERING We have a good selection of Floor Covering in 2, 3, 4 yard widths; also big assortment of Rugs in sizes 6x9, to 12x15. Be sure to see our range. SPECIALS Royal Household Flour 98 lb bag $2.5§ Purity Flour 98 lb bag $2.69 Grain Feed, per bag $L65 Barley and Wheat mixed, ton.... $36.00 This Store will be open Saturday nights and closed Thursday afternoon. O O Mr. Henry Westcott spent u couj/e of days in Toronto last week. L.A.C. Ben Bellamy of CVntralia sment the week end at his liom«. Miss Irene Martin visited durini; the past week in Toronto. Miss Elfie Sandilands of Dundalk was a visitor last week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Wes Armstrong. Miss Tena Hutchinson visited last week with her sister, Mrs. E. Foster, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander of Colliu'gwood spent Sunday wit'i hi.-' mother here. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan re- turned home over the "rok end, after spending the winter in Toronto. M'ftis Laura Boyd of Toront'^ has returned to her teaching diitios in Toronto after holidaying at her homo. P-f'vp K. G. Botts is attending t'he April meeting of Grev County Cour,- cil this week. Miss Florence Armstrong of To- ronto was a gues' at the home i>f Mr. F. H. W. Hickling last week. Pte. Stanley Westcott of Toronto is on furlough with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Westcott. Miss Norma Antler of MacTier wa.>' a o-uest last week at the home of Mr. Wm. McMillan. Mrs. S. McMullen is spending a couple of months with her daughter, Mrs. N. A. Huctwith, at Watford. Mrs. F. Gorrell and little daughter, Patsy, are visiting in Barrie with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gorrell. Mr. G. B. Welton expects to re- open the Munshaw House this week, after it has been closed all winter. Mrs. W. W. Anderson of M ;>le and Mrs. Ross Anderson of Weston visit- ed a few days last week with the former's t,ister, Mrs. R. G. Holland. Mrs. Ken Kaittino- left the first of the week to join ' er husband at Pres- ton, where they will snend the summer. Mrs. Jean Rennick has returned home after spending the past two weeks with her brother and family in Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell and son, John, of Thombury visited 'â- ''h Mr. F. H W. Hickling and Dorothy Armstrong on Sunday. Misses Nancy and Mary Jane Miitchell of Thomtoury spent their Easter vacation with their aunt, Miss Dorothy Annstrong. Misse.s Jeani Loucks and Agnes McMilalw, Normal students, are this week teacJiing in the Old Durham Road and Rock Mills public schools respectively. Constable Harold Black and Mrs. Black have returned home, after spendinr' several vireeks in Toronto nnd Burlington. Mr. Black was ser- iously ill with nneuimonia while away, but hp" improved nicely. Word has been received from Don McMillan and Jim Thurston that they had received their Easter boxes in England, sent theon by the Wo- man's Association of St. John's Un- ited Church. They were well pleased with receiving them. Mrs. Leslie Ferris and daughter. Sheila, of New Liakeard am visiting with her parents', Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sloine ?nd with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferris. Dr. Ferris is at present at Brv.^<inville in the interests of the Ontario Live Stock Branch. Mr. and Mrs. Delfcert Smith and Mrs. Laurie Smith of Toronto visit- ed over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lsaac Smith. Marilyn and Ronr nie returned home with their mother, having spent the Easter holiday witii their grandparents At the April meeting of the Wo- men's Institute v(na- held at the home of Mrs. Dargavel on Wedtiesday evenine of last week. It was decided to donate $16 to the Horticultural Society and $6.00 for shruba to be placed around the monuimenit m the Memorial Park. Mr. Lome Turv-'-and family have moved to the residence purchased from the estate of the lat" Mrs. J. 0. Patton and Mr. Alex. Aberdein has moved into the Cairns residence on Toronto street vacated by Mr. Tur- vey. Mr. Aiberdein has purchased the re.sidenco from F. G. Karstedt, formerly owned by the Gilchrist estate. Mr. K. G. Goheen has also moved' to the residence purchased re- '•-ntl'.r from Mrx. C. Hartley, form- erly owned by the late Jas. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. F~'"p1i ' nve moved into the Gordon Stuart residence, for- meijly owned by Mrs. W. S. Inkster. It has been man- yeanr since so many real estate deals have taken place in Flesherton. I .' B@iius Continued on Creont Shipments GREATER THAN EVER is the need for an increased butter production THIS YEAR. This is due to the bigger re-; quirem&nts of our armed forces and overseas shipments. In order to encourage a HEAVIER CREAM PRODUCTION the Govern- ment has announced that it will continue to pay the 10 CENT BONUS without interruption during the coming summer months right up to April 30th, 1945. This is certainly WORTH YOUR CON- SIDERATION when you are planning your CAPACITY PRODUCTION for some time idbefid. COLD STORAGE Meat Locicers Additional MEAT LOCKERS have been installed at tht Markdale Creamery Cold Storage. We can make arrangements to have your meat stored there aoid deliver- ed to this Creamery whenever required. COME IN and make enquiries when the arrangement will be explained by the manager. I ksl erton Creamer^ i Produce Limileil Piione 66 Angus Avis, Manager ion Board at Flesherton and the cou- pons, collected miust be sent to the secretary there. Coupons now valid are: Butter, 54 to 58; Siigar, 14 to 31; Preserves, Dl to D18; Tea - Coffee, 14 to 29, El to E^ and T30, T31. Butter coupons 54 to 57 expire Ap- ril 30. The sugar, the tea and coffee coupons and the preserves coupons in Book 3 will remain valid untill can- celled by the Ration Adminis'brator. Boss to girl coming in late "You 'should have been here an hour ago." Employee: "Why, what happened." Ontario hunters so successful that woM bounty is ended; So are the wolves. A kangaroo in the Fniladelphia zoo has given birth to t^vins, but her pouch only holds one. Dear! Dear! So the housing scarcity is affecting even the animals these days. FOR SALE â€" Team Agricultural horses rising 6 and 7 years; also <iuantity mixed alfalfa-timothy hay. Colony house 20x12 feet. â€" J. D. McLeod, Ceylon, phone 40r3. Small Ad. Colum n FOR SALE â€" Quantity mixed hay. â€" Harold Richardson. Fleshearton. WANTED â€" A gander, please. Writx, Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell, or phone collect 4r2 Feversham. 43p2 FOR SALE â€" 11 Head of young cattle. â€" J. A. Gowanlock, R. R. 2, Proton Station. 46.p2 FOR SALE â€" 2 Small mows of good hay at my hamv 1 mile north of Saugeen Jet. Apiply to R. J. Vause Box 272, Dundalk. FOR SALE â€" 10 Yorkshire pigs, ready to go. â€" Geo. Fisher, Ceylon, phone 40rl2. FOR SALEâ€" Allis-Chalmers Model B Tractor, practically new. â€" Clinton Hurlbut, Dundalk. 36p2 FOR SALE â€" Seed barley, O.A.C. No. ai. â€" W. J. Hincks, Ceylon, nhone 22r3. 45c2 FIMNE7 F. T. HILL & CO., Limitd MARKDALE. OWTABIO we iw^ ivf . '*,^^0'9^.^i^'^^^^^ RATION NEWS The members of the Local Ration Board wish to thank all tho^--^, who so ahly and voluntarily helped in the recent distribution of RationBook No. 4 at each of the distribution centres: Markdale, Flesherton and Dundalk. Ti-ir services were very much ap- preciated by the distributing chiefs at each centre Anyone who failed to secure Ration Book No. 4 during' the days of distri- bution may now do so 'hv unolying to the Ration Adminiirtration Office, 110 Ontario St., Kitchner, Ont. The form RB-gt) iti Book No.3 must be correctly filled in and forwarded to the above adldress. For chrildren under 12 years of age the complete sheet of E cou- pons must also aocomipany Oie child's apiplicant form, properly filled in and signed. Or you may present your Book No. 3, with the form properly filled in, to your local representative on the Ration Board, who will for- ward it to the Administrator at Kit- r'lBner. Thofl( \<'isihing to grade their maple ' /nip nav sre th^ color chart at the off'Ve of T. Stmvurt Ccvoper, Agrieul- f'jnl "epre<;/-itativfi, Mnrdalc. Ho rl'•nâ- ^e.'^R ihn'- veu go in the mornings, 't 1' necn«n'^ to t.nVe your syrup to 'iav.5 p.q,>li gr.l1,)n rradeil. A'ter once rf»fi-rr'nj- to the <Hvlor c'hart. yon may *i,,.-r, {,-.,,1 , ,„iu(. (j,„T, gj-Tup accordfin- g'y. Pour P coupons must be oolleot- 0-1 f-r t«ch trllor ?oM Fach producer of syrofp m.uBt notify the Local Rat- WANTED - mink and {ini teed.- Eugeafia, plioiM NOTICE â€" Trespassing on Lots 30 and 31, Con. 9, Artemesia, strictly prohibited.â€" Neil McDonald, R.R. 1, Eugenia. 45p3 FOR SALE â€" 8 h.p. M.-H. gasoline engine, or will exchange for Anto- Trac or half ton truck. â€" John Smith, Peveraham, phone Srl2. FOR SALE â€" .No of yowng Yorluhir* sows due first week in May or would exchange for cows. Apply Alex. Duncan, R.R. 1, Markdale, Phone lSar.2. 4&c2 FOR SALE â€" Number of pigs about 80 lbs. each; Jersey heifer, rag., eibout due; 2 young Durham oo<ws, due early. â€" Geo. Cairns, R. R. 5, Markdale, phone 44rl8. 44c2 FOR SALE â€" Platform body with stakes for medium size truck, g^ood as new, also some young horses.â€" Joe Radley, Flesherton. 4i6pl FOR SALE â€" Good brood sow, duo April 16; year-old Heireford bull. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia, telephone Feversham 6rll. 45c2 FOR SALE â€" Brick residence wltb double lot on which is small bam« in Flesherton. Apply to Francia Genoe, Eugenia. 40tf PIANOS FOR SALE â€" Choice selec- tion re-onditioned pianos ranging in price |65 and uip. â€" J. C. Black- sttone, 515~Sth Street (A) Bast, Oiwen Sound, phone 672. OHESTECRFIEILD and piano bargains at Sehuett & Sons Mt. Forest, OraX., (opposite theatre). Select fron* 9 used pianos, 22 new chesterfield suites, 3 floors of bedroom and kitchen suites, studios, rug«> spring-filled mattresses. Free de- livery. â€" Schuett'a, Mt. Forest. BtJSmESS CARDS DR. J. £. MIIJIB OfftM _ DttrtiMB St. OflNs boms) aftâ€"iiM t^ Wida n di y nAA No vWvM iMMm on FOR SALEâ€" Hereford heifer, due about April lat, G. P. mare, 8 yr». old, sound and well broken; younff pigs soon ready to wean; medium siise sap pan, good su&'ar kettlo, 2- furrow plow In good condition. â€" F. E^gloB, RJl. 8, Pfotem, ^eno 41rl. WM. K\rrTING LICENSED AU^TIOlfSER f sr tlie OoMttr of Omt Farm and Stook sales otmt ipedaHy. Terms: reaaonaUe. 8aMsteeMo» to gnsranteed. Dates arranioJ at Tbe Ailvanee cWoe or phone Am. i : - When a girl hat an aim in a ci that la another case of flip jfeoir'r«. ^ m