You Want REuer FAST from that COUGH, COLD BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA Take • • • BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE Ws All Medication No Syrupy IT'S BETTER IT'S BUCKLEY'S THAT'S WHY Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Should a child be trained to converse with visitors? 2. If a woman has no servant and she is giving a bridge partj', â- who should greet each guest at the door as she arrives? 3. Where .'hould the 03Ster fork \>t placed on the table? , 4. If a girl is wei: acquainted with a girl who is ten years older, yiay the younger one address her by her given name 5. What is the proper way to «at an apple at the table if a small iilver fruit knife is provided? 6. When a person Itaves the table what should li. do with his napkin? Answers 1. He should be trained to speak Jf the visitors speak -first, and then he must not be allowed to mon- opolize the conversation, -t. The hostess may ask a friend to per- form this duty. 3. At the extreme right of the cover. 4. Yes; usual- ly the woman who is ten years elder prefers this among friends. •. Cut the apple into quarters and tat it with the fingers. 6. The napkin should be left unfolded be- side the plate. WHAT SCIENCE IS mim Moss For Wounds In the proceedings of the staff meetings of the Mayo Clinic ap- pears a discussion by Lieut. Col. C. W. Mayo and Dr. E. G. W'ake- field on the use of moss for sur- gical dres.siiigs, says a science wri- ter in the Xew York Times. Ac- cording to Mayo and Wakefield, moss was used successfully by Na- poleon's surgeons. It was also used by both sides in the Franco-Prus- sian War and by the Germans and English in the last war. The moss used for dressings by the Germans and English was sphagnum moss from peat bogs. Colonel Mayo and Dr. Wakefield have been studying the possibili- ties of a tree moss which grows along the seaboard in the Gulf and •astern States. This is known loc- ally as Spanish or Florida moss. It attaches itself to the boughs and trunks of trees and its stems trail down in great lengths. The absortive power of the moss depends on the character of the leaves, which are in the form of hollow cells, more or less filled with â- water. The water can be squeezed out and the moss dried. Thus treated the moss is brittle, but !t retains its absorptive power better than cotton. Cotton dressings will take up from four to six times their dry weight of water; the Florida moss from six to ten times. The amount of water absorbed is reduced by handl- ing, because the leaves break. The small broken bits tend to penetrate the gauze covering. Best results are obtained if the moss is dried slowly at ordinary temperature. Thus treated the moss remains soft and elastic. The Mayo doctors carried out their investigation because in cer- tain battle areas it may be impos- •ible to obtain an adequate supply of medical and surgical dressings. VICTORY PARADE Nazis Drop Paper Strips On London Mixed with the bombs and spent shell fragments that are shower- ing London these nights during German air raids are thousands •f .strips of metallic paper intend- ed to jam aircraft radio location devices. Allied bomber.'i have been dumping similiar strips on Ger- nany for months but the Germans fcavc adopted them only recently. Known as "Flutterers", the â- trips are made of black paper konded to extj'emely thin metal loil and range from a few inches to a few feet in length. They a?e about three-quarters of an inch wide. One of a unit of U.S. Marines â- withdrawn for rest after a month and a half of tough jungle fighting in the Empress Augusta Bay area of Bougainville Island, the leath..- neck above stages a one-man vic- tory parade as he plods wearily back to base carrying a Jap flag he captured. How Can / ? ? By Anne Ashley Q. Hinv can I prevent rust in a tin bread box? A. Paste a piece of oilcloth on the bottom of it. â- Q. How can I remove stains from the fingers? A. By using a little powdered pumice mixed with a few drops of olive oil. L^se an orange stick wrapped with cotton to apply the paste under the finger nails. Q. How should chamois gloves be washed? A. .Mways rinse chamois and doeskin gloves in soap, and dry â- where the heat is not intense, if you wish to keep the gloves in good condition. Q. How can I improve tiie flavor of prunes? A. Tlie flavor will be greatly im- proved by a<iding a little cinnamon aiid lemon. Q. How can I successfully dye a sweater? A. When p.'eparing to dye a sweater, remo\e the buttons and weigh the garm.jnt while it is dry. Then purchase enough dye to color the number of pounds the sweater weighs. The garment will never take a good color with insufficient Jve, Swivel Air Wheels Pass Official Test A new undercarriage invented by a young Scotsman permits the swi- veling of the wheels of planes to allow a landing at any angle, the Daily Express said last week. The device, perfected by Owen MacLaren who was reported to have proved the invention success- fully in .\ir Ministry tests, is ex- pected to prove valuable to avia- tion, especially in airport construc- tion. Planes now land and take off facing into the wind, requiring the construction of several runways per field. But crabwise or tacking take- offs and landings would make only one strip necessary. Nearly half of the earthworm spe.cies found in the northeastern U.S. came originally from Europe. PmWcci of Mtcc* railiv* pain, fetint out com, hub quickly, no ten. tSe, 35e, 50c, SI .00. MECCA OINTMENT /â- If you suffer MONTHLY > FEMALE FAIN â- you who suffer cramps, headacbe, backache, and tired, nervous leei- Ings â€" due to female functional dis- turbances â€" should try Lydla E. Plnkbam's Vegeta'.;!'* Compound. It has a soothing effect on 3ne of wom- an's most important organs. Also a flne stomach torUoI Made la Canada. Worth, tri/ing. LYDIALPINKHAM'SSS&^n'p' Removable Teeth Fascinate Natives Natives of newly-ocrupicd Green Island, New Ireland Group, have received their biggest thrill not from planes, guns or bulldozers, but from the false tcetli of an Am- erican .Seabec. Passing a native village, the Sea- bee was invited in to partake of a meal of roast pig. When a piece of meat was han<lcd to liim, he casually put in his upper plate and began chewing. The 'natives gath- ered around, gesticulating excitedly. The natives looked on in awe. When the Seabee left, one of them followed him back to camp. Later a delegation called at his tent, bear- ing baskets oi fruit as gifts. Later the native.^ invited him to another feast, telling him in pidgin English that they had invited other i-slandcrs to let thcni see this amaz- ing white many with tlie removable teeth. HERE'S A PRETTY KETTLE 'Shadow' Time-Table For Invasion Trains Any bui-k private who has been stui-k on KP will recognize the photo above as one of his most recurrent nightmares. The com- posite picture of three doughboys scrubbing away at a gigantic kettle â- was dreamed up by Sgt. Charles M. Royer at Chico, Calif., Army Air Field. Britain's railways are ready to play their part in the invasion of Europe. They have created a com- plete "shadow" service of freight trains which can be put on the lines in a few hours. The total probable journeys, run- ning into thousands, have all been classified, routed, and timed. In consequence rail and military chiefs have a complete lime-table of "shadow" services any of which can be ready at short notice. Each train in the "shadow" ser- vice carries a code number which has its own gnificance for railway staffs. For instance, "ABC 4217" might mean th.u a locomotive and 40 trucks must be at Depot "A" to load up and be ready to leave at 3 p.m. on a given day and steam, by an indicated route, to Port "X," arriving .".t fi p.m. the following day. A(;ENT>i WANTKI) WANTED IX VOUR DLSTRIOT some one to take oi'ders for da.v old chick.s in sp.ire lime for a large Canadian (jovornmiint Ap- proved Chick Hatchery. So in- vestment reciuired. Llber.Tl Com mi.ision pal"!. Write for full de- t.ail.s. Box No. 1.30. 73 .Adelaide W.. Toronto. IJAUV CHICKS BARRED ROCK BLOOD TESTED Chick.?. 1-4 d.Ty unsnxnd $17.00 hundred. Pullets $26.00. No wait- ing. E. J. Masse, 22t! Bridge Ave., Wind.«or. Ont. » PLAY SAFE NEIGHBOt'RS. BUT Government approved Chiolca bred to lay and bred for quality, T-effhorns & Barred Hocks are our .specialties. Write now for price nur oi'dei-a are limited. â- W.-iterloo Chick H.utohery. Water- loo" Ont. QUAUTY CH1CK.S. ALL OUR breeders .=elected .and blood-test- ed, only largo egrgi^ set. B.ii'red Rocks. New Hampshires. Lisiht 'White LeBhorn?. Hybrids, H.imp.shire X Barred Rocks. Sus- sex X Hampshire. Also hatehiner epsrs. Immediate delivery. Writ*- for price..;. Paul W. Dntjrindf & Sons, Route 3. Smithvllle. Ont. O. B. S. BARRED KOCK CHICK.^J from Pulloruni-free. p:overnment approved breouers. Send for price list. Hnn'es Poultry Farm. .ler.sey- ville. Ont. ER.\Y- CHICKS â€" PRO.MPT SHIP- ment. T.hat's what you want now. no wnitinar. if you want to cntoh the frood maricots eommenoinK September. We have .some start- ed pullets .also, .ind thiyold eoelc- erelp. p.ray Hatch.^ry, 130 John St. X.. Hamilton. Ont. BUY PAYWELL CH.ICKS IN MAY .VXD JUXR. THE OfiCK srrowth ami early maturity of Paywell (""Iiieks will appure vou of Plenty nf Fall esprs. White T.etrhorns. Barred Rooks. X'ew Kamp.'ihirfs and Ilvbrids nv.;iil- able. T.oi-kerhy T.en Poultry Farm. Box 20. Lome Pnrk. Ont. IXniVTDr.VLLY P..O.P. SIRED Kot'ks. Leu'hnrn X Rook. Sussex T,eirhorn. Red.''. liTI, discount on Fall Chiek orders now. HatrhinfX Eps-.s. Ete. Brunner's Poultry Farm. Lucan. Ont. STARTED CHICKS, SUSSEX, Etc. FRO^M 1 WEEK OLD TO 2 MONTHS old. Several thousand available now. Thi.i is not ,i sideline. These chicks are raised . under ideal conditions from d.ay-old to 10 days In battery brooders in a lariro moist ba.?ement room and trans- ferred to a spncious 70' x 40' bulldinfr under electric brooders. Order Now (as started rhieks and pullets won't be available a little Later on> and bnv from a real Poultry Breedina- Farm of 5000 Breeders on ONE Plant. Lflkeview Poultry Farm. Wein Bros.. Exeter. Ontario. DON'T W^ORRY .^BOT'T THE markets, go as a."^ you like. Start all the rhick? you ean handle. The present demand Isn't a bubble that's likely to hurst: It's a solid, durable, dependable market that's ^ruarnnteed by world conditions. "Rut, be ns eer- tain ns you ean tliat yon start the kind .of ehieks that will pnv for their feed and yonr care and time. Top Noteh chieUs are all from Government Approved blood- tested breeders. Send for free eatalopue and special priee list. A limited number of two and three weelf old started ebleks at bararain prines for immediate de- livery. Ton Xotoh Chiokerie.f. Ciuelph. Ontario. LAKEVIEW OFFERS YOU BROAD BREASTED SUSSEX cockerels if you â- want a real heavy breed coekerel. Hybrids or New Hamps. if you want .something: in a maturing: bird for broiler or up to .1 lb. dressed roaster. Several thousand available for Immediate delivery if yo" act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, â- Wein Bros.. Exeter, Ontario. DONT KEEP CHICKENS, SEE that they keep you. It you start with "Just any kind" of chicks you're likely to keep (hem. Start with chicks of known breeding', and with any kind of a break, they'll keep you. The successful chicken man's slogan in 1044 should bo "buy grood chicks and •tart them early." Tweddlo Chicks are CTOvernnient Approved from blood-tested breeders that made food In a bigr wa.v. 'We hope to e ablo to fill all orders, but judging: by the past "you never can tell." Better send for the Tweddlo catalosrue and pricellst, figuring: on g:ettlnB: as early & •tart as possible. Can g:lve Im- mediate delivery on practically ».ll purebrceda and hybrid crosses hi non-sexed, pullet or coekerel shicks in day olds. Also a Ilmlt- «d number of two and three week «ld started chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergu.s. Ont. â- IGH GHADE BLXlOD TESTED Barred and White Rooks. Red and Leghorn Chicks Immediate delivcr.v. Eleven other breeds for later deliverlesn. Order at once, pufferin Hatcheries. 2048 Duffer- fi), Toronto 10. IIVIIY CKK IvS POULTP.V'-KEEPER.S. BE SURE of a good iiealtliy bunch of baby chick.s this ocraing: season. Good chicks mean g:ood hens and more egrgs. Immediate delivery on day- old chicks. Write for 1944 cat- aloi^iie and prices nn our Gov- ernment Approved chicks. JIONK- TO.V POULTRY' FAK.MS, Monk- ton. Ontario. BABY CHICKS AND POUL'TS, Barred Kocis and Wliite Leghorns from Government approved and bloodtested stock, all eggs set from our own stock. Also White Holland and Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults. Send for price li.sL The Wright Farm, Broclcvillc. Ont. CHICKS FROM A BREEDING FARM OF 5000 LAYERS DUE TO HPIHER EGG P R O - ductiuu and hatchabiliry, Lake- view offers you limited number of day-old chicks, eockerels and pullets for immediate delivery, also limited number of ijtarted chieks 1. L'. 3, and 4 weeSs old and a few lots up to li and 8" â- weeks old. Act now and don't be disappointed. No started, chicks available later on. Large Type White Leghorns, Sussex. Sussex X Xew Hamp., Sussex X Leg- horn, and Rock X Leghorn. Book your order for Ma.v and June chicks NOW. Only limited num- ber lel't for May delivery. Send your order to L.akeview Poultry Farm. W.:in Bro-.. Exetgr. Ont. R.O-P. AND R.O.P. SIRED BL^VCK AUSTRALOlirs AND BAR- .-ed Rocks, Donley Poultrv Farm. r..i:. li. London. Onr. IILSI.VESSES VOU. S.iLE FOR SALE. <;OUNTRY STORE AND service .station, complete equip- ment and stocit. Good location. Pike Kaasl. ' Busy Beo Corner. Ka.vmond Desiioivj, Anihor^tljui'y, Ont.. R.R. 1. CAT'l'l.E l.-UK «iALK B.SSKX-KKNT GUER.N'.SKV .VSSOC- iation offers Heifers, Bulls, H.O.P. Breeding. Write A. Kendrioit. Essex. i>\i:iM. ,v I i.i:.\M\(. HAVE Vlllj A.NVrHlMl .\iiEUb dyeiiiB i)r c!eanlu«'/ Write to us for mrurm.-itiotj. We ar»i glad to answer your question.s. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Llmilert. 701 Vitu'^e SlrocL To- r.u.tii i:i.i;( ii!n -.1. i;<ii ii';ii,%i ELKCritlC .MiiTui;.-;. .\E\V L'.'^El). bought, sold, rebuilt: bells, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company l.iii.. L':{:;ii Oufferin St..'.. I- i>4) I BAl .MI:;E1i„\ I'IMP'I liAI..M Jcstluyt olfeii-sive odiir insiatiily. 46c boU'e uuawa aiieot l)eiini.-in Ulim â- ~lfiri- I .tia w:i 1A>M_\U .nii.i, FANNING .Mll^L. FARMERS CLAIM seed graded with (Klijie) in- cj'euscs Bushels per acr<', Kline Manufactuyng. Box IL'4, Weston, Ontario, I'lUt MALIO EGG BHISHIOS â€" DIHTY EGGS made cican with ;i tew strokes. Brushes, jiic. Itefills. T'sc, post- paid. Speci;il prices to Egg Sta- tions. A. I.. Ueichmuth, .\l:u-ch- well. RUBBJIK TIKE C.VURl AllFl, i.-ON- vertible type, very good condi- tion, bargain 37.'!. OU. Windsor Auto Sales, 75!' Wyandotte East. atte.n'tion: STOP feeding sparrows. Plans supplied for per- fect simple spari-ow trap. E. Wh.-iling. .Moore field . (.)iitai-io. KLEI, \V«»OD W.WTEU MAPLE, BlUCH A .N D MIXED cordwood. First or seconil growth. Also ail kinds of Millwood. Give full particulars and lowest prices on oars. Waller Schioss. LI Mel- inda .Siroct , Toronto . KAU.nS KOK MAI.K 150 ACRES, GOOD BUILDINGS. 7 highway, 3U miles cast of To- ponto; orchard, stream: for sale 01 rent. Box 131, 73| Adelaide West, Toronto. FARM FOR SALEâ€" 110 ACRES, 50 plowed. Good buildings. Vpply Mrs. Weediii Ellis, Crotou, Ont. FKurr AND poultkv farms for sale, 5 to 50 acres in .Niagara district. Easily financed. R. C. McGlioc. 06 Jackson St. West. Hamilton, Ontario. SO-ACHE FARM. GOOD BUILD- ings, water in barn. Mornington Township. Price only $2,800. H. J. Cotty & Co., 108 Downie Street, Stratford. Ont. FIVE HUNDRED ACRES. BUICK house, three barns. ? 'achlne house, good roofs and fences. 8table, fifty-two catti*. nine borsee. Rural mail, telephone. Herbert Campbell. Route No. 5, Smith's Falls, Out. â- â- FARM Kaill'MENT FOR 8ALS! t;8ED THRESHERS AND TR.\.C- tors of various sizes and makes (or sale, wholesale and retail. For particulars write Huggards' Sales and Service, Wilson Avenue, Essex. Ontario. FOR S.MJi! â€" S6xB0 W H I T K Thresher with clover attachment, 14-ft. Ebersol feeder, weigher, excellent condition, used 10 saa- »on», James Martin. R.S, Harrow, Out FAHM HELP WASTED RESPECTABLE, TRUSTWORTHY, man withoirt children to operate 10 acres asparagus, raspberries, otchard. On main highway, 9 miles west of Toronto. Separate house. This would suit active re- tired farmer. 'Write fully statins lowest wage wanted. Box 122, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. P .^ R M E R. EXPERPEXCED knowledge of beef cattle and sheep, married man, house avail- able. Apply Yellow Briar Farm, Mono Mills. I HAXDYMAX WASTED WANTED: EXPERIENCED HOUSE- mau, gardner and general handy- man. Able to drive car. Must be married. Modern bungalow with all oonvenieuees provided. Army discharge or rejection preferred. Location in â- â- ountry 40 mile.^ from Toronto. References required. Apply Employment and Selective Service fjffice. Refer to C.R. 733. Those employed in war work nt-etl r.'jt apply. AXADDIX HOMES ALADDIN HOMES, $1.200-$7,500. Pay like rent. Send 25c. tor 32- page book. Howard St., R.jming- ton Park, Windsor. Ont. HAIRDRES.SIIVG »«:UUOL L i!i A H N HAJ P.DHESSING I'Hfl Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. RoBertsou's Uairdressing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. HAIR GOOD!; WIGS. .TOUPES, TRAXSFORM- ations, Switches. Curls and all types of finest qualit,v Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 52S Bathurst Street, Toronto. HARHt* r WEEDS GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AND 4 \ARD E.NDS .\T $2.00 PER yard. High Grade half. yard Suit- ings or Gabardines, suitable for children's clothes. SOo each. Post- age extra. Louis Rice. 361 Spaditm .\v. -!!'!â- -'. Toronto. I1AHM;sS DUl^-iSlM, SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING â€" Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 2,'io up at most grocery, h:irdwara and chain stores. .\ product of Lloyds Lab- oratories. Toronfo. iioits UOR •SAI.K HORSES. ONE CAR PERCHERON â- ind Clyde cro.=.s. 1.400 to l.SOfl lbs. broken: moslly young. G. M. McC'.ill v-;i, AllinKli.-im. AIii. 800--HORSESâ€" 8Q0 Bv Public Auction EXHll-.rrUJN KARNS, REGIVA. SASK. APRIL Il-12th. 1D44 All farm rai.sod, broken, very ex- ceptional .good lot. Write auction- eer, Omar <^r;(bl>, Bov :i.'t2 Rcgina, Sasli. oi'i'KU ro iWKN'i'ous AN ni.-KER TO EVERY INVENTOR LisI of Invenlinns nnd full I'll for- mation sent free. The R:imsa.v < 'o.. Registered PatenI .Attnriievs. 27:( Oanii StrcMi Otlnwa 'â- •uinda. I.AS'DS WASTED W.\NTE|,i FOR CASH. WASTE l.nnd.s. cut over lands, on lake. river or highway. State lot and concession numbers, township and all details of interest In first lelter with lowest cash price. P.O. Box 43. Postal Station K, Toronto. MALE HELP WASTED FOR MAY FIRSTâ€" SINGLE M.VN to care for garden and lawn, must be experienced and willing work- er. Write or -ippl.v In person. George Krown. The Log Chateau F.'irni, Keiielon Falls. Onr. MOTOHS l.-OIl SALE NEW MOTORS I'^OR r.\IMEDlATE delivery, all sizes nnd electrical specifications. Large stock of re- built motors, machine shop equip, nient and wood-working machin- ery. Macy Machinery Co. 100 King East, Toronto. M.ICHISERY DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK- ing Machines, Newest types avail- able from direct factory repre- sentatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. DeWalt Disher Corporation I>td.. 402 West Pender St., Vancouver. â- B.C. MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedv for Rheumatic Pains nnd Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store. S35 Elgrin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill-be.alth In humnns al! ages. No one tm- mune! Why not find out It this 1« your trouble? Tntsre.otlng xmr- tlculars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's â- Remedies. Spaclalists Toronto S. Ont. POT.VTOKS KlTATO EYES PROM CERTIFIED ««ed. four main crop varieties, Burbank. Up-to-Date, Netted Go m. and the New Kathadln. Carcfullv packed. State when to ship, fifty for 75c. ion eves $1.25. postpaid. C. West, 1751 HoUvTOood Cres.. Victoria, B.C. XLRSERY STOCK FREE â€" COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of Fruit Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; Roses: Brookdale-Kingsway; Nurseries. Bowmanville. Ont.-irio. KK.MALE HELP W VSTED GIRL FOR HOUSE WORK IX modern farm home near Hamil- ton. No f.arm â- work and no w.ash- Ing. »'40.00 per month. Box 132, 73 Adelaide W.. Toroiit.,. POULTRY f;RlT POULTRY GRIT Soluble or Insoluble Analysis guaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shells by using "Stresco" white poultry grits for healthier birds and more eggs. Available immediately m 100 lb. bags in any quantity. Write for samples and price.s. DEALERS WANTED STIXSOS REE:i| "itPPLY' CO. LIMITED CASS Delnrlniier .Vre., '^lontrenl PHOTOGRAPHY FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT .MAIL SERVICE Some pictures can never be taken again. Don't risk losing yours. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service for developing and printing. Canada's largest finishing studio does the finest work at lower cost. Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND FRIXXED -Zac "Your prices for such quality work are really economical," writes a customer at Peterborough. Ont. "I am particularly fascinated by the coloured pictures. I appreciate your prompt and reliable service and In future will send all my rolls to you." 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size- 4.x6" iu Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4xG" on ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, oHc each. If enlargement co!uii!''d, 79c each, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12!1. Postal Terminal \, Torniito Print Your .Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO KMi'lJRIAL I'^Uii QL.VLITY. service and satisfaction, ti or 8 exposure films 2oc; reprints S for 25c. Imperial Photo Service. Sta- tion J Toronto. I'ArKS'l'S FETHi;;kSTONHAUGB & CUM1'.\NY Patent Solicitors. Established 1S90, 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- quest. PEHSOSAL GAIN WISDO.Mâ€" ENCLOSE BIRTH date. Stamps accepted. Voluntary, donations. P.O. Box SOI, Ottawa, Canada. Hlll.TISG IMTCUES QUILTING PATCHES F.VNCY TOPCOATINGS AND HIGH grade Suitings. some Scotch tweeds, tixlS. 60 pieces $2.30 postage included. Louis Rice. .161 Spadin-'t .Avenue, Toronto. KHELM.VTIC PALSS PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT the good results from takingr Dixon's Remed.v for Khoumatio I'ain.s and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.00. SEED COILS WE ARE GROWERS AND .MAIIK- eters of the famous Truck Load Ear Brand seed corn. Order earl.v and save money. Belle River Grain & Seed Company. Belle River. Ont. 1944 FLOWER NOVELTIES THIS VEAU GROW A GAROENl TL of rainbow colours. Hick's 1944 Introductions â€" Petuaia Cheer- ful, a free-flo^wering clear pink beauty: Marigold .Mammoth Mum with huge, lemon-yellow blooms; Pinwheel Gaill.ardia, a picture In colour tints, from intense wine- red to cherry pink. Send 6.5c to- day for 3 pkts. of these All Am- erica Winners (Value 75c) ti> Dept. W.; W. W. Hick and Sous Limited, Lindsay. Ontario. "Seeds of Merit." yr.\MPS JOIN ST.VMP CLUB. C'0-4.ST TO Coa.'it membership. free stamps, supplies, 25c Junior, 50c double senior. Send coins. Stamp Club, S652 St. Dominique, Mon- tre:il. SlM.'MEtt HE.SURT « ASTKD WANTED TO BUY GOOD PAVIXG Summer Resort or Hotel, good cash payment. Robert McGhce, 9C Jackson Street West, Hamilton, Ontario. TKACTOR •WASTED WANTKDâ€" LATE MODEL 4-PLOW Tractor on rubber for cash. Box 10, Bremen, Sask. , ,