RETREAT, ON THE DOUBLE WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING n. These Nazis, part of more than 300,000 troops forced to retreat in the Kiev sector through a strategic blunder by the German command, take a last look at this burning Russian, village which they systematically destroyed before deserting It. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Leu 1. What Is the correct pro- tanclation of "lyonnalse" and what Iocs It mean? 2. (n what way can one be cer- tain that a business letter will be thought to the attention of a cer- tain person? S. Is It correct for a girl to lore her listers as bridesmaids Md attendants at her wedding? 4. Will you give a definition for K "bore" In conversation? B. If one It writing a letter to girl of twelve or fourteen, should address It merely to "Mary Jones"? . Is It customary for a bride to buy a present for the groom LEADS CANUCKS IN MEDITERRANEAN Canadian troops in the Mediter- ranean war theatre have been (panded to constitute a Canad- tan Corps, and Lieut. Gen. H. D. tCrerar (shown) former Chief <f the General Staff has been ^pointed to command of the Corpi. Photo by Harsh, from The Canadian Army. on their wedding day? ANSWERS 1. It Is a cookery term and means prepared with flaked or sliced fried onions. Pronounce H-u-naz, i as in lie, us as In run unstressed, a as in day, principal accent on last sy'.'tble. 2. \Vrit'j "Attention of Mr. Blank" on the same line as the salutation, or on the line below It to 'the right. 8. Yes. 4. According to one auth- ority a bore Is "a person who ts Interested In what does not in- terest you, and Insists that you share his enthusiasm." 5. No. the prefix "Miss" should be used even for a young girl. J. Yes. she should give him some gift for his per- sonal use. How Can I ? ? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent slipping on Ice? A. Many a slip on ley streets can be prevented If a two-inch strip of adhesive tape Is attached lengthwise to the sole of each shoe. Q. Kow can I give extra width and height to a small window? A. By setting the curtain rods heyond the casing at top and sides and then using materials heavy enough that the casement cannot be seen. Q. How can I preserve cut le- mons? A. By smearing the cut surface with either the yolk or the white of an egK, then setting it aside to dry. Q. How can I make a good fruit punch? A. By mixing one cup of pine- apple Juice and one and one- fourth cups of white grape juice. Add two cups of water and sweeten to taste. Then pour into a large punch bowl, axld one quart of rasberry Ice, ajid serve. Q. How can I treat bruises to prevent them from swelling? A. By applying Immediately ft cloth about tire folds in thick- ness, dipped in cold water. When the cloth becomes warm, renew the wetting. TROUBLE ON DECK FOR NAZIS * . H i: *triking photograph above thows one of Britain't biggest Mid newest aircraft carriers, H.M.S. Indomitable, traveling at high uptt'L Planes on deck, with folded wings, ore Albacore torpedo ftombers. Shakespeare Knew What To Call Them In the "Merchant of Venice" (Act 1, Scene 2) Portia discusses with her handmaiden, Nerlssa her alters of various nationalities. Nerissa asks: "How like you the young German, the Duke of Saxon y' nephew?" Portia answers: "Very vilely In the morning, when he is sober, and most vilely in the afternoon, when he Is drunk; when he is best he is a little worse than a man, andw ben he Is worst, he Is little better than a beast." Ottawa Citizen. For Faster Relief of CHEST COLDS Muscular Aches & Pains Tired Burning Feet MASSAGE WELL WITH STAINLESS WHITE RUB PRICa 3Oc and BOc at ALL Druggists ffffftft Itch Fast - ^Scratching for quick relief from iirhiniof ecsema. i ;;,. alb* iU'i foot, KJilc, H ,1 In,-- . nutlet anil other 1 1 n uJ I . omued ikin (roubltii, UM ffiot-arlini, cooling, anli* epbc, liuuiit 1 . D. D. Prescription. Gr5f>eleM, uiiileaa. 5<>othe irritation ami <iuicUv !UIM mteiue Hchinft. 3Sc trial bollle prtivrt it. or money Ak r<mr <lniRft uxUr for D.D. D. PRESTHHTIUN FOOT ITCH Stopped In 7 Minutes Does Athlete's Foot make your skin peel, crack and blister? Doen the Itching nearly drive you mad? No matter how long: you have suf- fered or what you have tried, there ti new hope for you In a new treatment vnllrd Nlxodrrm. In 7 mlnut MMMI.TMI ...;( the Itching and ftarts romDatlnjr the germs that cause Athlete's Foot. You will probably see a big Improvement the very flrnt dny or BO. If not completely satisfied Nlxoderm costs nothing because you get your money back on return of the empty Jar. Get Nlxodrrm from your druRKist today the monpy-bark trial offer protects you. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED It you .tie troubled with Ucblng piles or rectal aorenes*. du not delay treatment and run the risk of lotting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful paso- age of tool Is nature'* warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a pacUage of Hem-Hold from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which la used Internally ts a small, asy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the Itching and aoreneds and aid In healing the sorfc tender spots. Hem-Hold is pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and It seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a flue remedy may be had at such a omall oust. if you try Hem-Hold and are not entirely pleased with the results, your drutrglat will gladly return your money MIDDLE-AGE WOMEN HEED THIS ADVICE: : H you're cross, restless. NERVOUS suffer hot flashes, dizziness caused by this period In a woman's life try Lydla B. Pinkhaiu's Vegetable Compound. Made eapeciuilv tor women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made In Canada. W. -J Soybean Fibre A fibre made from soybeans has just been produced commer- cially for the first time by the llackett Co. of I'inrinnali and pro- mises to 1m of major postwar im- portance, the company announces. This new soybean fibre, which la so new it. has yet to be named is claimed > be as warm as wool, says The Financial Post. It la resilient, strong. durable and can be made either moist. urn ab- sorbent or moisturo resistant. It Is not a competitor of any other fibre but Is said to be an entirely new material wilh a grow- ing field of usefulness. It may be blended with either cotton or wool, or it may be woven or spun into fabrics. Already It has been made experimentally Into blank- ets, felt hats, underwear, hosiery, suitings and upholstery fabrics. The process is relatively simple in operation. From the soybean is first extracted the soybean oil. After this the residue soybean mealis sold for livestock feed. Roughly half of this meal Is pro- tein, required amounts of which are removed to make the new fibre. Special Process This meal, It Is said, gives a powder-like product. Through a speoial process this Is liquefied and converted Into a mass wtlh a con- sistency resembling molasses. Thl liquid is then forced under pres- sure through very fine platinum splnnerettes from which it emerges as hundreds of thin filaments. These filamtjutn are then given a number of carefully controlled chemical treatments and baths during which they are stretched and hardened. Finally the fibres are dried and cut '.nto any desired lengths. The company's technologists have made many products experi- mentally from soybeans Including plastics, wallboard and paints. Currently it produces about 70,000 tons of soybean meal annually, and approximately 30 million pounds of soybean oil, which Is distributed under government allocations. The King's Sword For Stalingrad The pictures of the presenta- tion of the King's sword to Pre- mier Stalin make a pleasant me- morial, a little out of the ordinary in the chronicles of the meeting lit Teheran. It was the great eword of hon- or, presented by Mr. Churchill in the name of the King, on the be- half of the people of Britain, in expression of their honor and re- pect for the people of Stalin- grad. The symbolism of thu sword nd the cross are entwined in the atory of the great wars. Th sword of the Crusader was like a cross and so was the word of Joan of Arc. The King's sworfi for Stalingrad lay for three days on the altar of Westminster Ab- bey. And it was taken in a sort of procession and pilgrimage through the towns of Britain and was seen by millions of the Brit- ish people. More than 200 ei-servlce men are now serving as conductors on London buses. A former dis- abled Commando Is among the latest to Join the London Trans- port Service In this capacity. OBALSKI-Gold Mines Chibougamau Area indicated ore reserves 143,000 tons of *! J .29 grade to a depth of 100 feet awaiting end . of hostilities to proceed to production As of Jan. 4 Approximate price 8-1! cents C. C. Fields & Co. 200 Bay St. Toronto PARTNERS C. C. Field., J. C. Allen, G. D. Adami F. Rote, R. Paynter, J. V. Broolti CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS II A II V CHICKS SU.MK l-'AV THE liKMxS WILL, riiirf uut anil \\\v whistles blow aii.i we'll nil ..-lebnit.r '><: KU.:- cii.-t-ful i:i>iicla.-it'>n "f tl"' w-ir. Th'-re isn't uiiy s-lunlow "t doubt ihi-iu will l)r an cvt-r ready m.iili'.-t for egsa .md poultry 111 I'Hi. Now Is th.- iinn: to make plans fur next year's production ami the t'.mii.l.iti..'in t" build DII lor efficient ami prufiuiblo pro- du.-M.-ii is lo start with good Tw.-cMl. i'hu:ks Will pass the most. rigi'l tf. Kn-e <""'.- aluttUt: and l'J-14 pnc.-lHt. AIM; laying and ready to lay pullets (or iinm<--diiit<- diillvr.v. Tweddle Chick Hutrherlou Limited, *er- gus. UiHa.'io. HVTVIUX'J KHiiS WANTED. Wli require additional breeding flock* ell breeds to supply us With bat- cHiuB K K for P"* 1 ilt l F, ll " 1 1 B season. Flocks culled und blood- tested free of charge. Guaranteed premium paid. Also turkey floou Seeded. CoekvreU wanted: HarrtMl Borks. Whit LeBhorns. White Hooks and Black Australurps suitable for brecdlni,'. Write for full details Immediately. Box .9. 73 Adelaide St. West. UON'T Pl'T THAT 1-H1CK ORDEK off. Some hatchings are ull booked even now. For immediate delivery we have chicks. and started chicks, cockerels, pullets. Taking orders for later delivery. Write for prices. Bray Hatchery. John N.. Hamilton Ont. TOO LATE 'rOO LATE NEXT SPKlNii UO.VT LKT LT BE aid "too lute." Send for our price list and order your buby chicks now. One dollar books your older. Goddurd Chicle Hatchery. Britan- nia Heights, Out. _ WE HAVE SOMK CHOICE WHITE Leghorn laying and ready to lay nulle's at reasonable prices. Also Barred Rocks and hybrids. Free catalogue, also day old chicks for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chldk Hatcheries Limited, Ferg- us. Ontario. LOOK AT THESE PRICKS I-'OR White Leghorn pullets 18 weeks old Jl 20. 20 weeks old $1.40. Also older White Leghorns. Bar- red Rock and Hybrids. Send for catalogue and prlcellst. Also day old chicks. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ont. _ DAHLIAS BE SUCCESSFUL IN GROWING exhibition dahlias. Our catalogue and instructions on Dahlia Cul- tur will be mailed free to you on request. Lovogrove Dahlia Gardens, Gal t, _On t. _ UO.HKSTIC HKI.f WA.Vl'KU COOK CiENKRAL. NICK TORONTO home. School age daughter. Phona Mohawk 4UJ8 or write 412 Uleii- ayr stating age, references, salary expoctt'd and date_ay_allahlc. IMKI.M. * UAVhJ i<)b ANYTHING dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are clad to answer your yuestlous. Depart- meut H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 7'J1 youg Stmtt. To- ronto. > i 1:1 IKK vi ELlfiCTUlC MOTORS, NEW. USlilJ, bought, old, rebuilt; bells, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., -'Jt'-ti Dulferin Sty Toronlo. 1.-AUM HEI.l' WANTKW EXl'KKIKNCKn KAUMKU MAR- niieu familiar with Hcf Cntll anil Sheep. House. Year round position. Good wtigi-s. "Yellow Briar', Mono Mills. Ontario. CLASS! FlbU ADVERTISEMENTS K vii>i i-oii iOO ACKICS. LOTS liT-28, CONUE.S- Kiuii 9, Ualdlmand twp. i':!--'- uiy louin. nil under triictor i;ultiv:aioii. u'i'll wateriMl. t w> huiiM's, liiirn.-'. ilyiiro. telcphnni', dully in:nl, juTir .-iuhool. chun.-li, ii>n!. Hitclnva> 1". Apply Cephas Brlebln, Feiiella. Ontario. _ TW<> HTNLHiKU A'.' HE PAlt.M NO! 8 highway, nil unv"iin-ii,-fH IIMU^I- and b.-irn. M. U.ntoul, beaforth Ontario. 6U A'.'IJKH. H -Mll.KS FUO.M ,SAI J .- nia, on Hlyhsvay, Ki acrtM saii'l nla. an Highway, 15 acrea sand. I,.!' .:: Ilia. "It inalll .Hill Illll'-l, li-i-niiiii frame huuao, barn: price J3.1IMI. Term.-. K. H. VVigle. KUIBS- villu. Out -HI) O.NK OK THE MOST PHOFITALILK rural buslnesst-e today la the FKED, Ml.\l>;<.! AND GRINDING Business. We have several tfuod mills offered lor sale in dirfer- enl sections of the province. No agent's fee dialled. It you can, get Into this rapidly growinu bus- :!;-.! now. liox 73, 73 Adelaide St. \V., _ 'f<ii unto. _ TRAl'I'I.Mi CATCH 40 TO 50 FOX. COYOTE, mink, etc., moiuhy. Trapping methods and scent tcuaranipi-d to get fur. 12,01)0 words, nets, il- lustrations; information free. (Bottle scent caught 66 pelts; write for proof). Bottle scent GOc. McKinnon Sysu-tn, I'erth, <Jnt. I MALM KtHi'1 UAUU destroy! offenslva odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa a^ent. Uenmun UriiB Store, Ottawa. IHIUDIII M\i. SCHOOL L.JUAU.N tlAI KUUiiSSINU I'Hl!) Uobcrtson mntlioil. Information on request re^Tding classes. Itobertsous Hairdresslnt; Acad- my, ISt'l Avenue Uoad. Toronto i Hi. i ii.ii rii \ FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SKKVIfK Some pictures, -'un never bu taken again. Don't risk losing yoxir. Send your film roll lo tjtur Snapshoi. Service for developing and printing. i'anadu's larsewt FlnlBhlng studio does the finest work ut lower cost. Any Size Uoll H or 8 Exposui 0:3. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 'Joe "Vour piii'ea for uurli quality woi-U are n-ally n-'uimniieul," writusj a customer ut I'utci borough Ont. "1 am pin tu.-ularly fascinated by : hi: coloured pictures. I uppreciuti: yuin prompt und roliiiblc service ami in future will send all my rolls to you." 3 MOUNTED UNLAUUKMUNTS -.,. Size .i\., in Ucuutiful Easel Mounts Knlai KCIIICHU 4.\t>' uii ivory utiuo inounta ixl)" in Gold, Silver, Ciicas- nian Walnut or Hia.-k Kbony iiui.->li frame... ..'.'. uuch. 11' enlargement colourud. 7Dc euch. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box llili. 1'ostal TCI in. a. 1 1 A, Toioiiiu Print Vour N:inie und AdUll-.-^ Plainly ou All Ordc.-.-. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO lAil'Klil.M- 1'iUl y>..u,l aervii'u unil *:iiisra<.'iioii. i> i expnsiiro Minis J.',,-. rtipriiti.i 8 26e. lm.n!'i:il I'holo .Service. Lion J. 'iui'oiilo. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Ol-'KEU I'O IKVEHTURI AN ol'KliU TO KVERY INVENTOR List of ln.ventiuna and full Cnfor- mution sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorney*,' 273 Bank ritrett. Ottawa, Canada. "NOW AVAILABLE" Letz Combination Fe"<l Mill* Can- ada's nui.-it profitable farm feed processing unit. Useful all year round. Fills silos, i'hops hay into mow, grind!) grain for hogs, cattle and poultry, mid dues many other feed preparing job.M. :t si2<-.s. Wr!ta for froe literature. GEORGE WHITE & SONS CO. LTD., LONDON, ONTARIO MfrM. White -' ,-l ttirrtthrr*, nllo rillem, etc. DIstrlhillorM John Deerp Tructoriv _ unil Tritutor POULTRY UIWT GHIT: WHITE LI.ME- atone in 1UU Ib. bugs. Immediate delivery in carloads or smaller Humilities, write for samples :md prices. STINSON HKEB SUPl'UV Co.. Limited, 3iS5 Delorimler Ave.. Montreal. MEDICAL GOOD AUVICIO: 1JVERV Sl'K- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should l"y Dixon's Re- medy. Munru's Drug Store, 336 Ottawa. I'ostpaid $1.0U I'ATKMTS & CUill'AN X Patent Solicitors. Established 18!IU; M King West, Torouto. Boolilet of Information on re- "KL1JAH C U M 1 N G BEFUUQ Christ". wonderful buok tree. Mi-tciddo Mission, Rochester 11, HA\\ Mil* \VA\TI21I O.Nli Slvl.N UK T11ULSA.ND.S IT will pay .111 u -Inn to Untuiiua iaricner-tj \vded b'ur Cu-opcra:ive to r^i'civo the hiKlium iiKuliot pru:c. Write for shipping lags and advice lorm. Unlario Kur Kai'm- ers' 1,'ii-opBiativu, Limited, 50 Vorkvillu street. Toronto. II A HUH > UM.M, .\.\t;in;.\s "UHKI> M.ut cripiut- I'liurr iii... HfK;il Kab- _ bit rn'.x. i:i>.\ TL' Si. Vital. Mini. HI II-: I. Ill A Til I'AlTs IT'S I.VH'MKTAXT - lOVKKI ,SL K- I -!' i ji uln-uin;i t if 1 '.-t in - *r Niiuiiii^ .should !r>- l.>i\-ii > 1;- - in. !>. Miiiiro'.s l>iim stAJif. .;:ij KlKIII, OltlMVII. l'llNl|Klill SI. Ull. S'l' V >Trs \\ A.M'EU UA.NTKLi, UI-U rubTAUli 6TA.M1'.S. bust '"i-D urlcu puld. Send jour lots to A. otei u, iuiil at. Cutliur- ino .Si. liasl, Montreal. TKIMUAL" STA.Ml'S S>L' tit'lAL; 41. ou value lui' Hue t<) apptovui UU&ltillli-i :. Slalllps nought. Coi- oniai. Ijox oo-l, I'lucu d.Viintb. Monlixal. 1 AI-DIVOKM STi.M.\i II AND I'UUUAU WOlt.MS iit;ii iiiu the cause of lll-heiilui n iiiiii.i,- nil ;is<;. Nu onu un- IIIUUL: \Vb.v n. H i,,i out H :'i i 19 join tiuulilu? Inleiuslliitt uur- 'u-ui.ii.1 Krui-! Write Mulvaiiey' I.-..IH-U.,- -. .spci.-iulists Toronto t, >)UL