TH KI,iiUlB?O* APVAMCfi Wednesday, Decem'er 1, 1943 CEYLON Dr. Minnis and Mrs. H. Griff en of Toronto visited Mrs. C. Wilcock re- cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Lieut. Doug. Bullock, Toronto, and Miss Hazel Oliver Toronto, spent a few days with Mrs. Jos. Oliver and Mr. R. C. Oliver of the O.D.K. Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller of Dun- dalk and Mrs. Blakeley of Flesherton called on Mrs. C. Wilcock recently. The many friend.-- of Mrs. Jos. Whyte are sorry to hear of her re- cent illness and all hope for a speedy recovery. 'Mr. and Mrs. Will Meads received a message Monday from their eldest son, Tpr. Robt. Meads, of his arrival in North Africa. Tpr. Meads was formerly with the Grey and Simcoe Foresters. His many friends wish him the best of luck in duties in far- off lands. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie McMullen of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen Sr. Mrs. L. Duckett and Gordon Mc- Cartney visited friends on Friday last in Collingwood. Mr. H. Archibald, Violet Hill, was a week end visitor at his home. Mr. Wm. McAuley went to Toronto last Wednesday morning, after visit- ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Will Burnett and Mrs. M. Irwin. Mrs. Laverne Piper and daughter, Mary Belle, of Markdale visited re- cently with Mrs. H. Piper. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair and two sons, Donnie and Douglas, and Miss Hazel Gopeland visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Copeland, Victoria Corners, last Sunday. The Sunday evening service is at 8 p.m. each Sunday in the United Church at Ceylon, and the good at- tendance at these services is apprec- iated. Those who are absent are missing very interesting messages by Rev. Chas. D. Cox. given to the junior congregation as well as to their elders. FEVERSHAM The Red Cross weekly meeting was held last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Jaa. Long, where the afternoon was spent in sewing and quilting. This week's meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ottewell, when a quilt will be completed. An in- crease in attendance is desired. Paul Hudson, voung son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson, has been ill with penumonia, but we are pleased to report that he is improving. The Salvation Army Sunday School Chriitmas concert was held Friday evening last, when a la.rge crowd enjoyed a good program. Two splen- did items were given by the Fever- sham male quartette. Major Beau- mont of Collingwood very ably occu- pied the chair. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander are visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette, Owen Soind. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby and Steph- en spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby and Marion. Miss Bernice Allen visited over the week end with friends at Meaford. 8TH LINE OSPREY The Farm Forum was held at the home of P. J. Somers Monday even- ing. Nov. 22nd, when an interesting discussion took place on "Price Con- trol.'' The next meeting will be held at the home of Ross Smith. Mrs. S. R. Hawkins returned horn* from Markdale on Wednesday, where she spent the past few days with her sister. F.O. Arthur Lawler. Mrs. Lawler KIMBERLEY Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis were: Mervyn, Thelma and Kendall Chard with Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard. Mrs. Johnston of Dundalk visited a few days with her nephews and nieces the Ellis, Chard and JleMuIler. families. Mr. and Mrs. E. Alexander and Paul visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Camack visited Mr. Rufus Wiekens and Misa Edith Camack on Sunday. Miss Edith re- turned with them for a visit at Acten Mills. P R I GEV1 L L E A Red Cross euchre was held at the home of Mr. Peter Muir Wednes- day of last week, when u tables wert in play. Mr. John McMillan held the highest score for the men and Miii Lizzie Mather and Mrs. A. L. Hincks tied for che ladies' prize. This Wed- nesday nigbt an euchre will be held at the aome of Jim Sturrocfc. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and J. A of Bunessan visited Wednesday at the home of Mr. H. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs- G. V Buck and fam- ily of Swinton Park were recent vis- itors at the home of A. L. Hoick-. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson, Mr. A gataenng of the members of tne and ^ Dick Carjwn McMullen family, who could be pre- sent, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMuller! on Sunday. November 21st. Mr. Joe Ra*wlings is finishing hb last job of threshing in the Valley this week. Miss F. Soul is the guest of her sister. Mrs. B. A. Carruthers. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs C. Graham Thursday afternoon, when there was ~a good attendance. Ar- rangements were made for Christmas boxes to be sent to the boys from our community who are in the Armed Forces in Canada. PORTLAW Mrs. Ettie Blackburn of Flesheno5 visited at the week end with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Albert Blackburn. Gnr. Arthur Betts and friend, Gnr. Archie King of No. 2 District Depot. Toronto, spent a 48-hour leave at *.w. nrmur *_.av*nrr. Jirs. i-awieri and David are visiting with Mr. and th former's home. Mrs. Geo. Lawler. Miss Lois Williams spent a day in Owen Sound recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Dolly spent Sunday with Vandeleur friends. The many friends of Mrs. Richard ; NEW BOOKS NOW visited Sunday at Mr. Art Richard- son's, Swinton Park. The Nichol families attended a fun- eral of a relative at Hanover on Saturday. All enjoyed listening to the W:r.?- ham station Saturday morning, hear- ing the Swamp College orchestra. also duets and solos by members of the orchestra. Miss Annie Flync spent the week end at her home at Salem. The W-M.S. and W. H Societies are holding their annual meeting this Tuesday a; the home of Mrs. John N'ichol Sr., when election of officers is being held. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. POULTRY WANTED We will pay the following price* for Lire and delivered to oar Creamery. Dressed Poultry HENS Over 5 Ibs. . ' -2 Ibs. " 4 Ibs. A' Grade ... 21c ... 19c . 17c Dressed A' Grade 26c 2-k CHICKENS Dressed Alive A' Grade 3 to 4 Ibs 15c Under 3 Us. . 13c 20c !8c 25c 23c 21c 19c 17c Milk Fed A' 31c 29c 28e 26c DRESSED DUCKS "A" Grade: 26c DRESSED GEESE ".V Grade: 2-k TURKEYS AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Flesherton Creamer; & Produce Limited 6 Angua ATM, Manager NOTICE The Arwmesia Tax Collector will be in Prieeville on Friday. Dec. 10th. ^ ^gy ar.d Protor. Station the afternoon of .^^^ c December 9th. 1943. pieces crjde Whittaker are glad to know she is progressing favorably after her re- cent accident. The Ladies' Aid met at the horn* of Mrs. Will Gibson last Thursday afternoon. Miss M. McDonald and pupils are hard at work preparing for their concert on Tuesday evening. Dec. 21. to be held at the school. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkirisc- .\r-'. family have moved to 'heir own farm next the school. Mrs. W. Alcox of Markdale visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith and family. Mr. Frank Betts was elected by acclamation as Councillor, as were all the other Councillors and Reeve. Mrs. McMullen has returned to her home here, after visiting for some time at Vandeleur and East Mountain Air. and Mrs. Wilfred Best of To- ronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rusesll. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts, Helen and Harold, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams, 8th Line, Osprey. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and Bill visited last week in Owen Sound. Practices for the Rock Mills S. S. concert will be held in the church and Sunday School hall Thursday evening at 8 o'clock and Saturday afteroon at 1.30. IN PUBLIC LIBRARY Flesherton Public Library wishes to announce new fall book selections now on the shelves. In addition to lending facilities the Library now provides the following magazines in the reading room: Life. Readers' Di- ci'*t. Jack and Jill (juvenile), \Ve\ Wisdom i juvenile). Some of the new books in the Pub- lic Library: Fiction "Murder for Two" Cox. "Sound of Revelry" C "Sowing Seeds in Dar.r.y" Nellie McClung. "Paver Chase" Bayer. "Rair-bow Valley" Montgomery. "Pool of Memory" Ortpenheim. "Chad Hanna" Edmonds. "Men Are Such Fools" Badwin. Rock Mills School NOVEMBER REPORT Grades 7 and 8- Harvey Atkinson 76, loan Betts 71, Don Smith 63. Allan Betts i'._. Grade Irene Porteous So. Law- rence Dobson 75. Myrtle IV: ts 01. Gordon Helmkay il. Grade 5 Goldie Atkinson 74, Shir- U-> Partridge HI. Hobby Betts HO. Grade S to Grade 4 (Promotion) Clayton Porteous ). Leslie Porteous 7V). Redge lK>b*on 75. Grade 2 Murray Betts yO. Kenny Smith 82. Florence Wilkinson 78. Ethel Betts 7fi. Grade 1 Je*nette Dobson W, Lois Helmkay 92, Ivan Btts 41. Numbers are percentages; Clayton Porteous winner erf November contest In spelling; number on roll 21. aver- age attendance 20.22. Mrs. F. J. Seeley. Teacher. CRFDU AUCTION mi 4 HORSES. 6 SHORTHORN RVLLS 35 SHORTHORN AND (JRAPE CATTLE. 35 SHEET and first class Farm Machinery will be held 5 miles south-west of Dundalk on WEDNESDAY. OKfKMBKR 8, 193 * commencing >u 1 P-m. J. W. HAXNA. UEO. DVNCAN. Proprietor. Auctioneer, worth. "Daylight on Saturday" Priestley. "Hungry Hill" Du Maurier. "Alaskan" Curwood. Juvenile "If You Want to Fly" Kieman. "College Daze" Wright. "Kiki Muflfy" ^ceiner. "Sky Racers" Wirt. "Susannah Rides Again" Denison. "Happy Tramp" Denison. "Met the Malones" Weber. "The Christ Child" Petersham. Current Affairs "Combined Operations" Mount Batten. "Men Under the Sea" Ellaberg. "Problems of Lasting Peace" Hoover fe Gibson. "Social Security and Reconstruc- tion in Canada" Cassidy. "The New Europe" Newman. Adventure & Travel "\Vh-tc Mini's Folly" Oakes. "The t'liknown Country" - Hut- chinson. "Flight from Terror" Strasser. "Between Tears and Laughter" Lin Yutang. "Wild Cats Over Casablanca" Seeler. "Burma Surgeon" li. S. Seagrave. "Bars on Her Shoulders" Stansbury. Science, Poetry. Literature, Reli.uion and Biography "American Women of Science" Yost. "Songs of A Sourdough" Service. "Excuse It Plese" C. 0. Skinner. "Mayling Soong Chiang" Hull. "The White Cliffs" Miller. "God is Doing It" Winslow. "Poems 1 Remember" Kieran. "Exploring The Dangerous Trades" A. Hamilton. M.D. "Good Intentions" Nash. "Better Bridge" Gore-n. "Beethoven" Ludwig. "John Brown's Body" Benet. "Laugh Parade" Leacock. Mrs. Luther Love spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love at Berkeley. F.O. Arthur Lawler. Mrs. Lawler and son, David, of Aylmer were visit- > ors with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackburn and! spent Sunday with Mr. ar.d Mrs. Stanley Blackburn and family. Collingwood. Mr. Herb Betts spent a few days in Toronto as a delegate at the l"-i:- ? i Farmers' convention. A number from here attended the I McLennan-McXally nuptial a: Proton Swion or. Saturday. The Fourth Line Red Crvss .:.!: mo: at the horr.t of Mr*. Laurie Pe<5- .. - ... - .'. t; ,,, e ,, present. T- :v\- - 11 be at : :' Mr?. '.Val'iu^ F " n.,-.-::ber i>th. M". a-i.i Mr>. Ger Vrthur. spent Thursday w::h Mr. and Mrs. Ha rvy Fi^htfr. We ar" (rlad to ;' : Mr*. M;i-- s:\ret Shier home and hope that she may be feelivg Vt:er soon. (.r.:t'*t> at the home of Mr. Lav.r-< Ped'.ar at the week rut were: Mr. u--; Mrs. Ken Wright and Maurice of Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ste-war: and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. S. Sutton of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar MeKee of Ham- ilton. Joanne Wood and Laver-.e Wood of Flesherefcm. Pte. Willani Wood of Camp Borden and Mi" Shirle Wood of Toronto, the latter two formerly of "Vgina. and Mr. and Mrs. Nrman Jackson and Mr. Harry .Jackson of Wareham were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. A. B. CHAHD. Collector. t'c here we call then: steaks. One military probiem i* whexher a boy o-t "teert" ag* is also of canteea age. NOTICE Having purchased H. Freethy's truok and P.C.V. license. I hop* that will tx? able to irive the farmers of his district "ood service. Live sttxrk i specialty. Thanking you for any i co-operation. -RUSSELL T. HA\VTOX. phone - r Feversham. Ont NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims u ga:nst the estate of ALEXANDER Me- FAYDEN. '.a:e of the Village of Ceylon, in the Cuainty of Grey, retir- ed, who diet! on or about the I8;h day | of November. 1043. are hereby IKHI- tied to send in to W. E. Harris. Soli- citor for the Executrixes of the estate of the said deceased, full p.i- ticulars erf their claims, the last day for the receipt of such being: the ISth day of December, U>43. Immediately after the said date the Executrixes of this estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then h-ave notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice of for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this *ith day of November, A.D. 1948. .1 Look out fov the people who are' W. K. HAKRIS. triad to stick to you for all you are Markdale. Ont. Solicitor for the Kxe.-utrices. Only Two of Every Five Canadians Are Properly Nourished ! 407, IMMBJ 407. MAL1UT11TI9N Here's How To Make Sure Your Family Gets the Right Foods! According to Government surveys, only -M) percent of Cinadtdns know jnd regularly eat the right foods. Forty percent are on the borderline or" mil- nutrition. ia.i apt in wircnie co tall into the under- nourished cljss Twenty percent ire. definitely undert'ed. To help you t'eJ your family well, we offer you "Eat-to- Viork-tc-Vt'ia"*, FREE new booklet that takes all the ue<sork out of nutrition. Twenty-one days of nutririoaallv-souad menus, plus facts about foods that build energy . . . stamina . . morale. Le-arn the euii way to meals that axs as tempting as they arc healthful! Send for your FREE copy of "Eac-to-VC'ork- to- Win". Mail the coupon .\01F'.' let this original nw booklet bring b#rr*r hrrh to your fwnilyt I > - "---9- -? * ViMiM THIS COUPON TODAY! MAIL f . ......... NVTK1TIOS BOX ..-00, TORONTO. CAN O v Please ead meaiy r'RIH iOF> ot " Ea: tc^Vl'ork tv-Wia by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (.ONTARIO ia the icteren ot aurruioa mii heitith is ia j -i to Victory can be a Fighting Airman in Double-Quick Time The R.C.A.F. wants MORE Able-Bodied Men lor Aircrew ii blFRE'S a place actually uatttng tor you in the sjaliant band now thins; and righting in R.C.A.F. planes on many different fronts. More men are urgently needed to increase the attack to bomb and blast trii cuctm into unconditional sur- render. So, whatever work you ore now doing, don't let adventure and glory pass you buy. It's wur great chance. A job, even in a war factory, is no longer as essential as fighting in the air This is a call to every young Canadian who can make the grade Planes and Schools are Ready to Train You Quickly You will be in \it Forec uniform rijthj away. No more delay getting into Aircrew Basic training begins at once. Skilled instructor} are wiitiot; Fast planes are waiting. If you are physk-allv m. mentally *len, over l'*.j and not yet 53, VMI are eligible. You do 001 require a High School education. Aircrew Needed Now for fmmediot* Training as PILOTS NAVIGATORS BOMBERS AIR GUNNERS WIRELESS OPERATORS (A* OUMNBtt) Recruiting Centres ore located in the principal cities ol Canada. Mobile recruiting unit* visil smaller centres reaularly ,.,*"