i'HJ* \Velnesday, November 24, 1943 ROCK MILLS The winter appears to be here to stay, with some fresh anow coming almost every day. A few logs are beginning to come into the mill yard here th past few days, and it is likely that the Com- pany will have a large stock again. Mr. Mannie Dobson returned home last week, after a two-week hunting trip in the north, with his quota of deer. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Russell and son and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Best of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell. Mrs. Chas. Newell visited recently with friends in Hanover. Mr. J. MacArthur of Durham called on friends here the first of the week. Messrs. S. Copeland and W. O. Misener erf Brampton called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell, while enjoy- ing a deer hunt in the district. A practice for the Christmas enter- tainment will be held at Rock Mills Sunday School hall on Saturday at 1.30 p.m. It is important that all the boys and girls of the Sunday School meet at that boar. 8TH LINE QSPREY Monday evening, Nov. -15th, the first meeting of the Farm Forum for the new year was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merin Davidson. The meeting opened with the singing of '0 Canada," Mr. D. Stephens was chairman and Mr. Mervin Davidson was secretary for the evening. The officers elected for the new year were: Mr. Kendal Hawkins, leader; Mr. Bill Stephens, secretary; Mrs. Jas. Otte- well, recreation leader; lunch com.: L. Stephens, D. Ottewell, L. Williams. Other officers elected were: Bryce Hanley and Stanley Lawler. During the evening an address was read by Mr. K. Hawkins to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lanktree and a presentation of pyrex ware was made by Mr. L. Stephens on behalf of the Farm Forum. Mr. and Mrs. Lanktree have moved to their farm on the 14th of Osprey. P.O. Arthur Lawler paid a flying visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lawler, on Friday. A number of ladies gathered at the home of Miss Frances Roberts, bride- to-be, on Wednesday evening last and presented her with a linen shower. An address was read by Mis? Xorma Maxwell and a presentation of linen was made by Mis? Lois Williams and Miss Edith Saver?. Franco? thanked everyone in a few well chosen words. Miss Elizabeth Murphy of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ja*. Ottewell and Dolly, accompanied by Mr. and Mr. John Ottewell and Dorothy of Flesh- erton. attended the PcRivers-Arm- strong nuptial? in Collingwood on Saturday: Congratulations, are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Conn, who wore married on Saturday. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Gerald Maeee. in the loss of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jack Carson. FEVERSHAM We welcome new residents to our village. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson have moved to the Manse, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hawton kave moved to the Conron home lately purchased by Mr. Hugh Davidson, Collingwood. Mrs. Howard McKee and family have returned after residing in Ham- ilton for the past few months, where Mr. McKee is employed. Mrs. Bert Davidson returned tO t Hamilton, after visiting two weeks with Mr. afui Mrs. Win. Davidson. Mr. Wm. Heitman and Norma are working at the Clyde Aircraft in Coll- ingwood and were home- over tho week end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke visited a week recently with friends in Toron- to. Their son. Fit. Sergt. Bill Burke of the R.C.A.F.. after finishing his administrative course at Trenton, re- turned home with 'hem and is enjoy- ing a 32-day leave. Mr. Wm. Osborne left last week to resile for the winter at the home of his son, Harold, in Durfdalk. , PRICE OF POTATOES The following are the correct max- imum retail prices for Potatoes in the counties of Grey and Bruce: No. 1 Large: 75 l>b. bag $2.49; 16 Ibs. 56c, iO Ibs. 37c: No. 1: 75 Ib. bag $2.19, 15 Ibs. Sic, 10 tbs. 33c.; No. 2: 75 Ib. bag $2.04, 15 Ibs. 47c. 10 Ibs. for Sic. These prices are effective up until Jauary 10th, 1944. The worst thimr about history is that every time it repeats itself th price goes np. VANDELEUR The funeral of the late Mrs. Jack Carson, who passed away in the Mark- dale hospital following a brief ill- ness, was held on Wednesday after- noon of last week, Nov. 17th. The I service was held in the Markdale Funeral Home, with Rev. Norman Caswell in charge. Interment was made in Priceville Cemetery. De- } ceased was formerly Bernice Har- 1 bottle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harbottle of this place. Her untimely passing at the age of 27 is deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. Mrs. Frank Davis was hostess to the Women's Institute for their Nov- ember meeting Thursday afternoon. The members have been busy making several quilts and a large number of blocks were handed in at the meeting. Tke Farm Forum met at the home of Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson Monday evening with a good attendance and an interesting program was provided. The next meeting will be at the home of Andy Fawcett. It is community night and all interested persons in the community ar* invited to attend. Miss Lillian Buchanan of Toroito visited with friends here recently. Miss Hazel Oke of Toronto is the g-uest of Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Tpr. Alex. Gilray spent the week end with Ms wife and little son. Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, Mrs. David- son and Mrs. L. Johnston attended the funeral of a friend in Owen Sound last week. Pte. Freddie Boland was a recent visitor at his home. CEYLON KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. A. Wardman of To- ronto were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Deer and deer hunters have been plentiful here. The Kimberley club, including Dr. Nixon f Clarksburg, each got one. Don Graham shot two >n Tuesday and one on Wednesday for his club. The weather was made favorable with enough snow. Farmers are still plowing in the Valley. The educational service in the Unit- ed church Sunday night was more than ordinarily fine. The teachers and pupils are to be congratulated. Mr. Holmes and Miss Myles conducted and ; --ed the pupils in the singing and music of about 20 voices assisted by a number of violins and other instru- ments. It was 'more so remarkable us it i~ only since September that any '^f them were able to secure instru- ments, and some of the pupils are nuite young. Word ha? been received by Mrs. B. A. Carruther? from Mr?. (Rev.) Veals of Mono Road of the arrival of their son, Seret. Brimley Veals in Britain on October 14th. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fawcett have mov- ed to the village to the home of Mr. Geo. McConnell. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Miss N-ellie Allison -spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stepart at Flesherton. Miss Mable Fenwick and friend, Miss Page, nurses-in-training at the Colling-wood hospital, spent the week end with Mr. Roy Fenwick and family. The regular War Workers' meeting was held last week at the home of Mrs. Jack Broderick. A quilt was oMiiploted. It was decided to send $10 to the Christmas Cheer Fund for British Children. A dance was plann- od and is being: held in Maxwell hall on November 2Sth. The next meeting' will 'be hold at the home of Mrs. John Lough eed on December 1st. Miss Etol Fenwick. Res.N'.. is car- ing for Mrs. R. Whittaker of Ceylon NOT A BEE IN HIS BONNET A young business man called into our office on day recently to see us. After a few moments of chat, he sat down in a chair but rose very quickly, not once, but tvrice. Each time he jrroaned and looked at us as if we had been guilty of some school boy esca- pade. Quite innocent of any such crime, we asked what was wrong. He acted as if a tack had been deposited where the teacher has been known to find one. On investigation our grood friend found out that a wasp had bees the offender that somehow had ktft ks sting. Tara Leader. An Illinois judge ruled that kiss- ing a girl in an auto is all right. As if most men didn't know. Young Husband; I suppose you'll threaten to go home to mother? Wife: I'll do nothing so foolish, after this. I'm going to invite her The many friends of Mrs. Richard Whittaker are sorry to learn of her recent accident when she fell in her home and suffered a Iroken hip. All hope for a complete recovery. Nurse Fenwick of Maxwell is in attendance. Mr. John Ismond and sons, Donald and Bruce, of Xorval visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt and Mr. G. Arrowsmith, and also with Mrs. D. McKinnon and son. Sergt.-Major Gordon Micks of To- ronto spent the week end with Mrs. Micks and two sons, Bobbie and Jackie. Mrs. P. Hunt and Mrs. C. Hartley motored to Guelph Friday to visit the former's aunt, Mrs. Geo. Ismond, who is a patient in the hopital there, owing to a recent accident. Miss Muriel Sparks. Flesherton. spent the week end with Mrs. Douglas Reid and son, Bobbie. Mr. Melville Hunt. Preston, spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Dundalk, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wilcck of Buffalo, X.Y.. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alton and Mrs. Russell Thorbum of Mark- dale visited last Sunday with Mrs. C. Wilcock and Mr. and Mrs. G. Ceiras. Mrs. A. Stewart, Mrs. E. M. Wnrts and Mr. J. P. Stewart visited friends in Harriston last Sunday. Mrs. Wiirts has spent the past three weeks with Mrs. Stewart and is now visiting her sister, Mrs. Brooks, and her brother, Mr. Harry Quigg, at Harriston, OB her return trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cairns visited recently the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Connell, Holland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnett, Dur- ham, spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Genoe. Mrs. Hyslop of Eugenia is visiting her brother. Mr. Geo. McKenzie. Mr. and Mr?. Roy McDermid and family of Glenelg visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. MeDermid. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Torry. Lauris- ton. were recent visitors with Mrs. H. Piper. Mrs. (Dr.) West and family of Angus were visitors the first of the week with Mrs. R.Whittaker and Mr. and Mr. I. B. Whittaker. Saturday some of Ceylon folk saw a deer pass quite close to their homes and it also went up the Street quite unconcerned. Mr. Robt. Meads and son. Harold. of Toronto spent the past week with his -brothers. Messrs. Wi'.l and John Meads of the O.D.R. Messrs. Oscar Judd. Stewart Judd. Oscar Lee and Ernie Prosser of Lon- don and Carl Heeny of Ingersoll spent the past week at the home of J. D. McLvod. trying their luck for venison. Mr. and Mrs. J. MeLood and daugh- ter. Sheila, of London, Dr. Donald McLeod. wife and two chilnleii of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. W. P Wharin and Miss Jeanette McLeod of Toron- to were recent visitors with Mr. am! Mrs. J. D. MeLeod. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Will Gibson on Thurs., Nov. 25th, at 2 p.m. Visitors wel- come. Members kindly be present. Mr. Arthur Fisher returned recent- ly from a visit with his sister, Mrs. Victor Hall at Levack, and while there enjoyed the hunting season. Congratulations are extended to Mr. ar\<i Mrs. Ben McKenzie who celebrat- ed their 41st wedding anniversary on Saturday last. Messrs. R. J. Brixlie. David Brodie and son and Mrs. R. Sherlock, all of Toronto, were present for the occasion. We hope they will have many more anniversaries. M : <? Mary Muir and Miss Doherty of Toronto were recent visitor? Mr.. A. S. Muir. Defeating Germany's Key Weapon: Liberator v* U-Boat Liberators of Coastal Command are , their prey. Then they take short | Picture Shows: The sun comes out one of the answers given by the R.A. ( sharp and usually highly successful " |F. to Germany's key weapon, the U- boat. During long uneventful hours of patrol flying Liberators watch for action. A Liberator of Coastal Com- mand keeps a rendezvous with an Atlantic convoy. for a few seconds and throws its rays on a tanker bringing fuel to Britain. A "Liberator-eye" view. VICTORIA CORNERS The W. A. held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. Jos. Copeland Thursday afternoon. Plans are being made for a social evening early in December at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Ferris. Some of our "locals" took in the open deer hunt the past week. Some were lucky, others were successful in procuring fox. Miss Muriel Talbot, Toronto, spent the week end at her parental home. (Inteaded for Last Weak) The death occurred at her late home, near Bethel, on Tuesday even- ing. Nov. 9, 1943, of Mrs. Everette Awde. The late Mrs. Awde. formerly Min- nei Galbraith, was born at Markdale 47 years ago. Daughter of Mrs. Hugi, H/nigins. Proton, the former Mrs. Galbraith and the late Mr. Galbraith. In her maiden years she was em- ployed in Dundalk and Toronto. In 1920 she wa? united in marrinee to Mr. Everette Awde. who now sur- vives to mourn her passing with throe laughters, all at home. Winnie. Hel- :i!:ii Kileon. Besides her fa;v : '.y left to mourn aiso are her mother who faithfully wair^ti o-i M;-s. Awde throujrh her '.i:'i:t.'r:!-ir i'.::u>ss and two half brothers, Lome Ho, : Owen Sound. Bert Hodjrins. Proton Station and a half sister. Mrs. C .1-. Hodjrins. Proton Sia'.ion. Mr. and Mrs. Awde and family liv- ed for two years o". the lit-.U- farm now occupied by Mr. unJ Mr<. Al- bert Stinson. later moving to the Lloyd Aeheson farm. Bethel .'.i-trio:. where they now reside. The late Mrs. Awde was .\ mi-Ti- ber of Bethel United Church. The funeral, which was lanrcly atti-rtled. was held from her late home on Thursday afternoon, Nov. \\. r.M-'i. to Dundalk Cemetery- The sympathy of our neighbour- hood goes out to Mr. Awde and the girls. Sapper Gordon MaeCauley, R.C.E. recently transferred from Br. Col- umbia to the Hor? Palace. Toronto, spent the week end with his par- ents. Mr. ami Mrs. Angus McCauley. and Pouiralti. M-. ar.i Mrs. Russell Linton. Pertry and Poiifrla*. spent 'ho week ovd with relatives at Owen ? ' from Collingwood hospital much im- 1 proved in health. Mrs. 0. W. Holmes is visiting rela- tives in Toronto. MAXWELL Miss Rta Duckett spent the -week nd with friends at Dromore. Spr. Clifford Rowbotham of Camp Borden was a visitor over the week end at the Duckett home. Mrs. Collins of Brockville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Buck- Having purchased H. Freethy's inghain. We are sorry to report truck and P.C.V. license, I 'nop that Mrs. Buckingham under the doctor's 1 1 N be able to give the farmers of care. j this district (rood service. Live stock Mr. George Young, who underwent a specialty. Thanking you for any NOTICE an operation in the Orangeville hos- piatl, has made a rood recovery and co-operation. RUSSELL T. HAWTON, is home again. Russell Seeley is homephone 2 r 12 Feversham, Ont. Nomination AND ELECTION Xotice is herebv yivcn that a meeting of the Elec- tors of theTOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA will be hold in the Town Hall, Flesherton Friday, Nov. 26th at I o'clock p.m.. to nominate candidates for the office* of REEVE AND FOUR COUNCILLORS for the year l l >44. If more than the required number are nominated and qualify according to law. Polls \\ill he opened at the usual polling place-; on Monday, the Sixth day of December, 1943, at Xine o'clock a.m. and will, remain <>pcn for the election of the said Officers until Five o'clock p.m. -ALEX. CAMERON, Clerk. Dated this 15th d,i\ nf Xovcmber. U'-kv Use our Want Advt. column. You won't be sorry. MOVING Picture Show IN THE T V.'N HALL FLESHERTON Saturday, Nov. 27 at 8.30 p.m. SOVEREIGN FILMS PRESENT Bud Lou ABBOTT COSTELLO in their newest fun-riot "WHO DONE IT?" ADDED ATTRACTIONS "PEACEFUL QUEBEC AT WAR" "Human Sailboat" An Entertaining Novelty and other oddities also Adults 35c. Children 20c "Here's the New, Easy Way to Healthful Family Meals" VV7OMEN everywhere acclaim "Eat-to- ''* VC'ork- to-VC'in"*, authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practical . . . time-saving . . . easy to use ! And there's a copy for you FREE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale to help keep them tu. on the job ! So learn the easy way to "good-to-eat" meals that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy of "Eat-to- Work-to-Win" today ! Menus for 21 breakfasts ... 21 luncheons.. . . 21 rflnners. Balanced ... dlicius . . . timely. *fTbe nutrtttoiwl ststcnenfe In "Emt-to-Work-to- Win" -vrv *TV|'tbi> to > ntrtu..n -VrMreB. Ixv iiMimnit ot prtwlKD* u>d NMloDAl Hedtn. Otuwm. fur tbe Cknxllu Nutrition Pracramaia MAIL THIS COUPON Sponsored by THE BRhWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO^ in the interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory. ^^v^^R^rION FOR VICTORY", BOX 600. TORONTO. CANADA. Plnue nd memr FREE copy of"it W. WtaT. City-