Wedneday, November J7, 1943 THE PLESHBRTON ADVANCE ; --. LADY BANK Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham and family at Barrie. Some winter! About a foot of snow fell on Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Shirley of Rock Mills spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semplc. The Providence War Workers held their last meeting Wednesday of last week, at the home of Mrs. John Gra- ham, when i2 members were present. The work consisted of completing another quilt and blocks given out for another quilt. Three letters from neighborig boys overseas were read by Mrs. Frank Short, thanking the members for boxes and other gifts. The next meeting will be at the ho/me of Mrs. Frank Short on Nov. 24th. Born On Sunday, Nov. 14th, at Weston, Ont., to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Semple, a son. Congratulations. Housewives complain of the lack of parlor maids, but a glance into the beverage rooms shows that there is no shortage of beer parlor maids. A craze for anything with a past i.3, it is said, sweeping New York these days. That makes divorces a prize on the matrimonial market. Prisoners in a Nova Scotia jail "Rommel Defence Line Unhinged," j broke into the jail storeroom and And Hitler will probably end up that ; helped themselves to preserves. Now Local and Personal way. however, they're in a worse jam. Ready-Made Menus for 21 Days YOURS Tempting . . . Convenient . . . Nutritionally Right! T*PS tat y to serve healthful meals, if you follow * the timely menus in "Eat-to-Work-to- Win"*. Sound, practical, interesting this deyer new booklet does all the difficult, time- ttking planning for you. And it's yours FREE. Never was it more important that you pro- ride proper food for your family. For good nutrition is vital to Victory now to health and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only 40 percent of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. Learn the "can" t-go- wrong" way to tempting meals that fill every food need of your family! Send for your FREE copy of "Eat-to-Work-to- \Vin". Mail the coupon todayl Timely... interesting... h.lpfuli Lot this origi- nal new booklet bring bolter health to your family. MAIL YOUR COUPON TODAY! *The Nutritional ntvtenirilU In "Et- to-Work-to-Wln" ur; acceptable to Nutrition Bcrvlcfu. Department of IVB- donauid Nation*! Health. Ottawa, tor toe Canadian Nutrition Promunnx. Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) ui the in i IT ci is of nutrition mad health A n aid to Victory. "NUTRITION FOR. VICTORY-. BOX 600. TORONTO. CANADA. PUaM Mad me my FREE copy of 1 ' Eat-to-Work-to-Win". a*. t f 1 T Value and Quality BUY YOUR WINTER NEEDS AT HULL'S, WHERE YOU GET A GOOD SELECTION. WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN GREY COUNTY LADIES' COATS See on wonder ful display of Ladies' Coats in fur-trimmed or self-trimi styles. A Brunei selection to choose from and all moderately priced. CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS Made of a jjood heavy warm cloth in several different shades. Sixes 4 to 14 years. All moderately priced. DRESSES Great variety of all wool Dresses or feather weight flannel, in some smart one and two-piece styles, (iood ranj^e of shades. All moderately priced. GROCERIES Purity Flour $2.69 for 98 Ib. bag Cream of West .... $2.69 for 98 Ib. bag Royal Household .. $2.69 for 98 Ib. bag Keno $2.39 for 98 Ib. bag Whole Wheat Flour $2.00 baj? Pastry Flour 7Sc for 24 Ib. bag Good Bread Flour .... 2Sc. for 7 II). bag Good Northern Spy Apples per Inner $1.75 DRESSED POULTRY WANTED Brink votir Dressed I'onltrv and Chickens to us. LADIES' SKI JACKETS Some very smart styles in a good range of shades in quilted or plain styles. MEN'S OVERCOATS In a great range of quality materials in which appearance and tailoring are the best. Buy now while we have the range. MEN'S HUNTING JACKETS Made of good heavy red wool mat- erial. Collars of black and green with double-breasted flaps in the side. Special $6.50 BOOTS & SHOES Exceptional value in gool footwear for the whole family. MEN'S WORK BOOTS Made of good quality oil tan leather with leather soles. Made to stand heavy wear. Sixes 6 to 12. Priced at $5.50 BOYS' OIL TAN BOOTS Just the Boot for school wear. Size 1 to V/2. Price $3.65 OF IMPORTANCE TO FARMERS Rc Grain and Seed If you have Seed or Grain of any kind to offer, we are Grey County's biggest buyer- It will pay you to submit your samples to us. We are in the Market for PEAS, WHEAT, BARLEY and OATS; also SWEET CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED. We are also Licensed by the Government Seed Department to handle ALSIKE, RED CLOVER and /LFALFA; having the best equipped seed cleaning plants in this part of the country. It will be Iw your advantage to trade with us. Commencing December 1st, this Store will be dosed Wednesday Nights F. T. Hill & Co. Limited MARKDALE, ONTARIO T f T ? f f T f f I T I I I * Mr. Mark Wilson of Burlington is spending a few days in town. Mr. Wm. Kaitting -pent the week end with his daughter in the Valley. Miss Irene Martin spent the week end in '""'oronto. Mrs. Nellie Gilchrist of Dundalk is at present at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens. , Misses Kate McMillan, Lucy Mc- Donald and Dell Thurston of Toronto spent the week end at their homes. Miss Jean Duncan of Toronto Uni- sity spent a few days at her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harol Bates of Ham- ilton spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mrs. W. Boyd is in Toronto, where she underwent an operation in a hos- pital. We understand she is improv- ing nicely. Mr. Lome White of Aylmer and Mr. Simpson of Lyons were callers on Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston on Wednesday afternoon. , I The W.M.S. will meet at the home of Miss Macmillan on Friday, Nov. 19th, 3 p.m., when the election of offi- cers will be held. A full attendance is requested. Rev. W. A. Westcott was able to resume his work in St. John's United Church on Sunday, after an absence of several weeks through suffering a severe scald on his foot. L.AC. Arnold Hancock of the Royal Australian Air Force, stationed Dunnville, spent the week end with the Thurstons. He has flown over Flesherton several times on his train- ing flights. A heavy snow storm on Saturday, practically the first this fall, covered the ground to a depth of about twelve WILSON FISHER sued accessories. The wedding was of particular In- The marriage of Elsie Marie Fisher, terest, as the bride and groom met oa daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. the Alaska Highway Project, where Fisher of Ceylon, to Garland (Gary) they have been working for the past F. Wilson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. ' year. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will re- V. H. Wilson, Clinton, Jowa, was ' side in Fort St. John, B.C., as Mr. solemnized at St. Martin's Church, j Wilson is employed with the United C. Andrew, Toronto, Ont., a long gown of white sheer, Fort St. John, the Alaska Highway. The bride, given in marriage by George wore girdled with embroidery motif. The shoulder veil was caught with orange blossoms and her bouquet was white gardenias with streamers of white satin ribbon. Miss Catherine Gerrard of Fail-view, Alta., was bridesmaid and wore a frock of misty blue sheer, pink accessories, and carried a prayer book tied with rose bud-s. The best man was a friend of the groom, Mr. George Coleman of Missouri, U.S.A. The Rev. Selwyn T. Willis officiated at the service, and during the cere- mony Miss Dorothy Williams of Osh- awa, Ont., sang "All Joy Be Thine." The picturesque Anglican Church was filled with the many friends of the bride and groom, representative of almost every part of Canada and the United States. A reception was held at the R. Melville Smith Com- pany reception hall, attractive with wedding decorations and flowers. The bride's going-away outfit was a beige wool frock, brown velvetper jacket and matching hat, with browr Nomination & Election Village of Flesherton NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Vill- age of Flesherton will be held at the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Friday, the 26th day of November, 1943, at the hour of 7.30 o'clock p.m., to nominate candidates for the offices of Reeve, Councillors, Public School Trustees and the Flesherton Ceme- inches, and' each day since has seen tery Commission for 1944. This must be it, PH0NE 7 WE DELIVER v ******<^ some more added, people. Mrs. Wm. Haw of Swinton Park is the guest of her sister, Miss Mary Macmillan. L.A.C. Jas. A. Haw, wireless operator at Rockcliffe, near Ottawa, was also a visitor over the week end at the Macmillan homes. Mrs. J. B. O'Brien of Oakville visited a couple of days last week with her father, Mr. F. G. PJarstedt, and attended the funeral of Mrs. Karstedt held at Elmwood on Thursday afternoon. Opl. Geo. Loucks, R.C.A.F,, of Mai- ton spent the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Loucks. George is taking an A.I.D. instructor's course at Malton and when he gradu- ates will take a position testing parts in airplane construction. Mrs. Ross Stevens and Lavina and Mr and Mrs. Ward Harrison visited on Sunday with the former's husband, who underwent an operation in St. Michael's hospital on Friday for the removal of n is appendix. He is mak- ing a splendid recovery. Thirty-five licenses were taken out by hunters in this district from Mr. E. Jl Fisher, license issuer, The deer taken so far are very few. Some of the hunters have returned from the north due to the snow fall and cold and will try their luck in this area. Mrs. I. Wolfe of Gouverncur, Sask., arrived last week to sipend the winter in town and be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. Bentham shows some slight improvement from his serious condition a couple of weeks ago. Joanne Wood returned with her mother after spending the past two month with her aunt, Mrs. L. Hill, at Leaside. Three sons of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Graham, Livelong, Sask., well known here, are in the Armed Serv- icej, two of them being overseas. Gunner Gordon Graham and Sergt Frank D. Graham are overseas anr L.A.C. Archie Graham is with the Air Force, at present at Saskatoon, Sask Gordon and Frank have both enjoyed trips to Scotland, Wales and different parts of Kngland, but they will be gJad to return to Canada. If more than the required number are nominated and qualify according to law, a Poll will be opened at the usual polling place on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1943, at Nine o'clock a.m., and will remain open until Five o'clock p.m., for the elec- tion of said candidates. Dated this 15th day of November, C. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. States Engineering Division. $76.36 Proceeds Of Dance And Euchre the Flesherton-Arte- of the Red Cross, A large crowd attended the dance and euchre held Thursday evening of last week by mesia Branch The Pedlar seven-piece orchestra provided first class music for modern and old-time dancing. Mrs. John Kennedy of Ceylon won the prize for the ladies in the euchre, with Mr. Wm. Pinkerton of Eugenia tak- ing 1 the men's prize. Mrs. Gordon Stuart of Flesherton was the winner of the lucky ticket prize. The net proceeds of the evening amounted to $76.36, to be used for Red Cross purposes. When the Russians broke the Dnie- per line the Germans admitted it was Germany's "Blackest Day." Just wait. They ain't seen nuthin' jet. NOTICE Having purchased H. Freethy's truck and P.C.V. license, I hope that I will be able to give the farmers of this district "cod service. Live stock a specialty. Thanking you for any co-operation. RUSSELL T. HAWTON. phone 2 r 12 Feversham, Ont. NOTICE To the Ratepayers of the Flesher- ton Public School; commencing Dec. 1st, 1943, the school hours will be from 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Flesherton P. S. Board. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including Saturday, Nov. 27th, 1943, for the purpose of snow plowing the village streets by truck power. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. J. Bellamy, Clerk. Small Ad Column FOR RENT 6-Room house and half acre lot for rent in Maxwell. Apply to Mrs. Garnet Magce. Maxwell. FOR SALE General purpose horse, 3 years old. Robt. Parslow. R. R. 3, Priceville. 22p2 FOR SALE Sow and 10 pigs, also some chunks. Wes Smith, R. R. 1, Flesherton. 23p2 WANTED - H.rsca and cows fl- Station, R.". 3, phne 4ir3. fer mink feed. P. Easrfcs, Protor WANTED - AHHBM .irttabie f or mink and fox feed. Bert MdntOKfi Eugenia, phon F0Mto-i 5r2fi LOST Between Flesherton and Markdale, bag peas. Finder please notify The Advance office. 2l)p2 WANTED Number of good young cattle. Geo. E. Duncan, Dundalk. FOR SALE Sher'ock-Manning organ 6-octave. Apply to Advance office for particulars. 24c2 FOR SALE About 50 Barred Rock year-old hens. Melville Hogarth, Ceylon. 24c2 FOR SALE Durham Shorthorn bull, 14 mos. old. Neil McDonald, Eugenia. 23p2 HIDES Agaim in *hc market for hides beef, horse, sheep and oalf skins. Frank Bagles, R. K. g. Pro- ton Station, phone IrS F'eiskerton. STRAYED From premises, one year-old Oxford ram with rope on neck; information thankfully re ceived. W. McNally, phone Dun dalk 71r33. 2 RRMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE HELD LAST THURSDAY Remembrance Day was obserred in Flesherton on Thursday morning, Nov. llth, when a short service was held at the renotmph in Memorial Park and a wreath laid by Mrs. J. Cargoo. The parade of veterans. Reserve Army and school children was headed by the Markdale hand, which also played in fror of the town hall. At the service in the hall, Mr. F. B. Keys delivered the address. Last Post was Rounded by Mr. Jack Perkins of Markdale. FOR SALE Lots 181, 182, 2nd Con N.E.T.&S.R., Artemesia, containing 150 acres, also Acme B range, For further particulars write George Allen, 14 Priscilla Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist. Apply to John Stewart, Executor Flesherton. 24p-J FOR SALE In good condition, in Flesherton: 8-room house with gar- age and modern conveniences; also bungalow, 6 rooms and garage. Both places in good condition. Apply to A. Down, Chatsworth. FOR SALE E. half Lot 39, Con. , Artemesia, 47 acres more or !; i 8-aere lots in town plt of Bugia, and store and Hring quarUrs, houae and barn on l-are lt, b*iny estate of the lat B. A. Park. AippV U G. R. Park or W. A. Hawken, Flesherton, Bxewitors. FOR SALE House and two lots in village of Eugenia, barn and garage, hard and soft water. Mrs. W. E. Morgan, Flesherton. 24p2 FOR SALE Frame house in Flesh- erton, five rooms, woodshed, good cement cellar, stable, garden. Nec- essary to sell to wind up estate. Apply to T. J. Fisher, Flesherton. SEED WANTED Kindly send sam- ples and state quantities. Highest market prices. Clover hulls, screen- ings and feed sweet clover for sale, also new & used cotton seed bags. - J. E. Muir, Ceylon, Oat., phone Flesherton 40r22. 23o3 BUSINESS CAROS AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTJNG HC HNS ED AUCTIONEER for the County of Gray Farm and stock sales our p*c - ty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. D t,- 3 arranged at Th Advance office or phn 4w. DR. J. E. MILNE Office - _ Durham St. Office hours; atanwom to CM Wednesday and /Saturday r.80 to 10 p.m. No offio* boon on Boaday,