OLD SEA DOG ' I Meet Mr. Chips, the sea-going spaniel that became a veteran of the Attu and Kiska campaigns as a mascot on a Navy transport. SCOUTING . . . One of the fi-3t things former Boy Scouts in the British Army did on the completion of the occu- pation of Sicily was to form a Scout group, which they named the "Lawrence of Arabia Rover Crew." * * * When a new military hospital was opened in Chatham, Ont., a few years ago, Boy Scouts of the city decided to keep the hospital supplied with medicine bottles, for which they made regular col- lections. Since that time they have kept the hospital completely supplied and recently gave an added 3,000 bottles. * * Wing Commander Guy P. Gib- aon, V.C., D.S.O. and bar. D.F.C. and bar, who commanded the squadron which raided and de- stroyed the German dams a few months ago, is a former Boy Scout who accompanied Prime Minister Churchill on his recent trip to Canada. The Wing Com- mander, who stayed in Canada to lecture the R.C.A.F. personnel, always wears his Scout Badge on a leather strap on his wrist. * * Two Toronto Boy Scouts, 15- > ear-old Bill Fawcett, and 16- year-old Jack Davies, on a six- week bicycle trip this past sum- mer covered 2,800 miles. They left Toronto on August 9th and visited Montreal, Quebec, Halt- fax, New York, Boston, Roches- ter, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Carrying a full camping outfit, they cooked their own meals and slept each night in their pup tent. The entire trip cost them about $50 each. Slogan: "Meeting Without Eating" The vexed question of the serving of rationed foods at church teas and suppers, and of the sales of homemade cake*, jams and jellies, has been settled by the new Board Order consol- idating all previous orders reUit- ini, to the usage of rationed foods. The section dealing with "shared meals" makes it lawful for one or more members of a group to bring food,, bought against their ration books for general consumption at a group function. As regards the sales of home- made foodstuffs, it is ruled that sugar and butter lose their iden- tity when incorporated into a cake, so there is no legal restric- tio on the sale of the finished product. The Consumer Branch still ad- heres to its original opinion that, where it institutes a fourth meal, the consumption of rationed foods at social gatherings should be drastically curtailed in the in- terest of the whole country. "Meeting Without Eating" might l>e taken as a wartime slogan. Consumers News. What Distance Can High Flyers See? Experts in London have figured out just how far the human eye can see when it is up in an air- plane. TTiey were spurred t* activity by a school teacher who asserted that when she was 20,000 feet above Brazil she could see clear across the South Atlantic to the coast of Africa, 1,82'- air miles away. This is the scien- tific decision: Given good visibil- ity, a pilot at 25,000 feet can .see into Germany before lie is out of sisrht of the Channel coast. The actual curvature of the c;u\h for the first mile is about nine ir.ches. At 1,000 fe.H, one can see 3'. miles; 2.000 feet. 5"> mile>: f>.000 feet, H2 miles; 10.000 feet. 12o miles; L'0,000 feet, 17" milos: 25,000 fen, r.M miles. A FARM WIFE CHATS TO WOMEN Gwendoline P. Clarke This has been one of those weeks you know what I mean just one thing after another until you hardly know whether you are coming or going. This state of affairs started last Tuesday morning. I was washing the breakfast dishes, with no thought In mind that this week would be different from any other week when Partner came in and said, as if it were nothing at all you know the way an Englishman has "I think the boy is walking up the lane." "The boy" our soMier son who, until that minute, we thought to be on the Alberta prairie. But it was he all right coming home with a whistle and a grin. I don't need to tell you any more about that day, do I? Tour imagination w' tell you the rest. Next day the threshing machine was in the district and from then on it was one grand scramble until the end of the week. If Partner went threshing then son Bob was ploughing with the tractor. Friday noon the threshing machine moved in here ami of course I had the men for supper. I didn't have any help. Oneof my neighbours offered but I thought surely I could get one meal on the table without bothering anyone. And I did get .along fairly well, except that : dropped a pumpkin pie on the kitchen floor: Rusty had a wonderful supper that night. Saturday morning Partner said he could hardly tell yet whether they would be here for dinner or not. I had a feeling that they wouldn't be. Anyway I thought there was no sense in sitting around waiting for them, especially as there was plenty of stuff for dinner if they should come in. So I put in time by starting iu to wash. It was almost a case of had to as I had hardly a clean towel or tea- cloth In the house. k About ten o'clock Partner came in at least I think it was Part- ner I could not really be sure for the dust and dirt of him. At any rate it was Partner's voice that said "What the dickens are you doing now?" "Just washing: Are you nearly through at the barn?" I asked. "No. we are not. You will likely have the men for dinner and we may be a bit early." Now wasn't that something? My first thought was to drop every- thing and start getting dinner. But I took myself in hand. "Look here." I said to me, "you've got plenty of everything for dinner so you migrht just as well finish your job. Another fifteen minutes and your washing will he ready for the line." So I finishec. my washing but did I fly around afterwards! From what Partner had said I tho-iht the men miht be in about 11.39. But it was 11.15 when the engine STARVING IN INDIA The starving old man pictur- ed above was photographed in the streets of Calcutta. India, where the worst famir.e in years has stricken Bengal Province, killir.-r almost 200 people a day. stopped! Oh boy! ! The men had to wait about five minutes. Then as if threshing wasn't enough we had an order for chickens for Saturday so they had to be killed picked, drawn and delivered. It was after eight o'clock before I got to town with them. After that I tried to do a little shop- ping but you might as well try to shop on Sunday as Saturday night for there is nothing left to buy anywhere. Oh yes, and I should say that our son left for <Juebec Friday night to see his girl friend and before he went it was "Mom. where's this" and Mom. where's that?" You k .ow how it goes don't you. mothers? * But now it's all over, All the hurry and excitement of the last few days belong to the past. Now we are already to start another week a little tired maybe but otherwise none the worse for wear. P.S. We also had a visitor over the weekend. Partner found a pair o shoes Saturday morning. That meant John had come up from Burlington gone to a dance first, then home and up to bed without so much as wakinc us. SUNDA Y SCHOOL LESSON November 14 THE SANCTITY OF THE HOME Exodu. 20:14: Matthew 5:27-30 Mark 10:2-12 GOLDEN TEXT. Blened are the pure in heart, for they (ball ee God. Matthew 5:8. Memory Verse. give thanks unto Jehovah; for he is good. Psalm 136:1. Time. The Ten Command- ments were deliverea in 1445 B.C.; the Sermon on the Mount was given in the summer of A.D. iS; the passage taken from Mark is a part of a discourse delivered in February. A.D. 30. Place. The . en Command- ments were given on Mount Si- nai; the Sermon on the Mount was preached near Capernaum; the discourse on divorce was spoken in Peraea. Personal Impurity Forbidden "Thou shalt not commit adult- ery. Ye have heard that it was s;-id, Thou shalt not cjmmit adult- ery; but I say unt> you, that e- eryone that looketh on a wom- an to lust after her hath com- mitted adultery with her already in his heart." This commandment was given to preserve the sanctity of the home. When this is assailed every thoughtful man knows in his heart : at all our interests are at sta'-ie in its defence, and the nation would not be able to sur- \ive its overthrow. It is the heart ti-.at shjuld be kept with 'all diligence.' Only as we keep look- ing to the pure and holy Jesus i.r ^r:ice and inspiration, can we cease to look after and desire that which is sinful in God's sight. Deliverance From Impurity "And if thy right eye causes ti'.ee to stumble, pluck it out. and cast it from thee: for it is profit- able for theo that one of thy mem- bers should perish, and not thy whole body go into hell. ' And if thy right hand causeth thee to stumble, cut it off and U from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy mem- bers should perish, and not thy whole body go nito hell." Of course, our Lord here is speaking figuratively. He Joes not actually want us to take out our eyes or cut off our hands, but is simply laying down the principle that it wouli. bo much better to be deprived of these members if, in so doing, we would be delivered from the sins of impurity, than to have all our faculties, our complete body, and be a slave to impurity. Heller to sacrifice the most precious thing we possess than to live in sin and suffer eternal judgme.it. With the help of CANADA'S BIGGEST COOK says: KEEP BUYIMG SAVINGS STAMPS CRAWLEY & McCRACKEN COMPANY LIMITED MONTREAL Christ, who came through the fight without the stain of sin, and with our hearts and miiids puri- fied, impure desire:, and thoughts are no longer encouraged and nourished. There is a growing distaste for all that is unholy when we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Question of Divorce "And there came unto him Pharisees, and asked him. Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? trying him. And he an- swered and said unto them. What did Moses com.na.id you? And they said, Moses suffered to write -i bill of divorcement and to put her a way. But Jesus said unto them, For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of the creation, Male and female made he them. For this cause shall a man leave his f..ther and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh: si that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together let no man put asunder. And in the house the disciple^ asked him again of this matter. And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery :u.ii:;s: her. and if she herself shall put away her husbar.d, and marry another, she committeth adultery." In marriage a higher relation- ship supervenes, a new domestic centre is set up. Man is bound more strongly to his wife than h. was to his father and moth- er. God at the beginning made but one man and one woman, and he would have man know, in succeeding generation^, that a man should have but one wife. Christ thus shows that from the beginning God had designed that the marriage tie should be the closest and most indissoluble of all natural ties. Where there is a true union of s uls in marriage, they become one in purpose, in feeling, in in- terest, in affection. Husband ar.d wife, though in a sense two. are yet, if they fulfill the Divine ideal, no longer tw-o. They are but two halves of a whole 'one flesh.' The argument of JesJs here is, that since they are so in- timately united as to he one, ar.d since in the beginning God made bat one woman for one man, it f Hows that they cannot be sep- arated without the authority of God. In cur Saviour's judgment, wives ar.d husbands have equal rights in reference to divorce. The inference from Siat. 19 :9 is that it is equally *rong for a womar. to dissolve he marriage, except on the O .'oui.ds of her hus- band's infidelity. Japan proper, with 73. 000. 00* inhabitants, has t larger popu- lation that, the German Reich. RED CROSS NURSE HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured nurse, Florence . 11 Courtesy title. 12 Idle, 14 Badger-lik* animal. 15 Equal. 17 Periods of time. 18 French, soldier. 21 Glen. 22 Lair. 23 Snake. 25 Sailor. 26 Bullocks. 28 Scent bag. 29 Varnish ingredient. 30 She helped the wounded in the War of the . 35 Driving command. 36 Weapon. 38 Within. Answer to Previous Puzzle ST E P H E NTTPO U G L AS 40 Singing voice. 42 Set of three. 43 Negative reply 44 Faint lights. 46 Court (abbr.). 47 Bird. 49 Overshoe. 54 Engrave. 55 Manufacture. VERTICAL 1 Floating on water (bot). 2 Day of Roman month. 3 Gallon, (abbr.) 4 Hectometer (abbr.V 5 Male singers. 6 Peers. 7 Great (abbr.). 8 Endeavor. 9 Burden. 10 Property. 1 1 Female horses. 13 Glory. 14 Crimson. 16 Pronoun. 18" Object of perception. 19 Installment paid (abbr.). 20 Girl's name. 23 Lines of junction. 24 Tierce (abbr.) 27 Yale. 30 Musical instrument 31 Retreat. 32 Bird's nest 33 Pointed instrument 34 Tight grip. 35 Joke. 37 Sloth. 39 In no way 1 . 41 Neglect, 45 A seeking. 48 Left hand (abbr.). 50 Exist 51 Music note. 52 All right (abbr.). 53 Compass point POP The Colonel's Quick on the Trigger By J. MILLAR WATT PARDON! ME, SIR -I WAS IN XOUR REGIMENT IN THE ^ _ LAST WAR CERTAINLV, I'LL PARDON YOU _