Wednesday, October 20 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE POULTRY WANTED We will pay the following prices for Live and delivered to our Creamery. Dressed Poultry HENS Over 5 Ibs. .. Alive Dressed Alive A' Grade 'A' Grade 'A' Grade .... 20c 25c 25c Ibs 29c 23c 23c " 4 Ibs I7c 22c 21c 3 to 4 Ibs 15c 20c 19c Under 3 Ibs. . . 13c 18c 17c CHICKENS Dressed Milk Fed 'A' Grade 31c 29c 28c 26c 26c DRESSED GEESE "A" Grade: 26c DRESSED DUCKS "A" Grade: 27c (Prices Ducks and Geese this week only) When delivering your Poultry, bring your can of cream along and it will be tested for you in a short time. SUPPORT CANADA'S FIFTH VICTORY LOAN and help Speed Victory Flesherton Creamer; & Produce Limited Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager THE Flesherton Advance Published on Colliogwood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1,100. Price in Canada 92.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50; in 3. b. A. $iOO per year, when paid in advance $2.00. F. J. THUBSTON, Editor BUCKINGHAM The sincere sympathy of friends here is extended to Mrs. Jas. Mc- Gregor and daughter Coreen, of Brantford in the loss of their husband and father, James McGregor, of whose deatv Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown- ridge recently received word. The October meeting of the Com- munity dub was held in the church Wednesday last, w*hen the afternoon was spent in packing Christmas boxes for boys overseas. There were eleven ladies preien 1 and thirteen generous boxes were made read" to mail to boys from this and surrounding com- munity who are overseas or stationec at either coast. Mrs. Jas. Hudson invited the ladies to her home for the next meetinr on November 4th. Mrs. G. Bristow, Who has spent the summer visiting members of her fam- il- and other friends here, called thii week on Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown anc Mr. and Mrs. Cox. We are "lad to know that Mr Henry Tavlor, who has been in Coll- ingrwood hospital the past week, is improving. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, Mr. nd Mrs. Joe La it and Miss Bernice iudson of Toronto spent the week nd and holiday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. Miss Alda (Hawtoa of St. Cathar- nes spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hawton nd brother Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davidson, Tor- ont. , visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dav- dson during the holiday week end. Mrs. Arnold Hutchinson visited recently at the home of her daught- er, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Siddel, Tor- onto. Quite a number from here attend- ed Feversham Fair on Thurstdtty of last week. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Misses Alma Lorriman, Helen Pen- nell and Joyce McCullough, Messrs. Bill Brown and Jack MacKay of To- ronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Lougheed. We extend our sympathy to Mr. John Stephen in the death of his aunt, Mrs. John McBain of Derby Town- ship. Mrs. McBain was in her 87tji year. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen attend- ed the funeral, which was held at Owen Sound on Friday last. Miss Ethel Fenwick snent the week end with Collingrwood friends. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Joe Porteous were; Mr. and Mrs. C Magee, Mrs. J. Cairus and Shirley ot Eugenia, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ta-lor anl Donald of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. T. Allison received word recently that their son, Bob, had arrived overseas. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Harry Pallister of Toronto visited on Monday with Miss Laureen Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens and L. V. C. Bill Stephens accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous visited on Saturday with friends at Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron and Miss Lillian Magee of Torontp, Mr. Harry LeGard of Montreal and Mr. Kark- Magec of Eugenia were callers on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Mr. Will 'Jamieson, who spent the past few months in Toronto has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hill. The regular War Workers meeting was held on Wednesday, October 6th. at the home of Mrs. Joe Porteous with _J3 ladies present.' A quilt was completed and sold. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Will. Seeley. ft/- Mi.- M iin-i i r of Finance .1 the Dominion <>f ('.anada offers fur public itiiliHcriptioii 91,2OO,OOO,OOO Fifth VICTORY LOAN .mil I.. ,,.,, ,-. -i from lut Novcml>cr 1913, unil ... i. .1 in twit mutiiritirs, tin- , li,... . of uhich is optiouul with I lie sultMrrihcr, IIH follow*: 15 M in 1 - .mil 2 mi. in I, - :B % it o n i N DIM* IN! January I $>.*!> Callable in or ufler 1956 Ini n M |... \ I -I Jununry anil July II. . I IT . I' 101.1.11,1 I lull-.. $50, f 100, *:>00, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 3 II - .Hill 6 Mllllll ll- l 3 / 4 % II o iids IIM 1*1 May 11147 Non-callable to maturity hi II-IT-I |,:i\ .ilili- I -I \l i\ I ml NI.M ml., r I !<; 1 1 IT denomination*, -I. I it 1. 1. $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 Price: IOO l'i in i i|.;,l 11 ml interest payable in lawful money of Canada; the principal at any agency of Ihc Hank of Canada and the imi-n -i uriiii-uiinuully, without charge, ut any liraiirh in ('anada of any Chartered Bank, excepting that the first interest payment on the 3% Hi, ml- will ! for an eight months' period and payable 1st July 1944. Bonds may be registered us to principal or us to principal and interest, as detailed in the Official Prospectus, through any agency of the Hank of (Canada. Fully-Paid Subscriptions Subscriptions for either or both maturities of the loan may be paid in full while the lists are o|>eu at the Usue price in each case without accrued interest. Bearer bonds with coupons will be available for prompt delivery. Instalment Subscriptions Subscriptions may also be made payable by instalments, plus accrued interest, aa follows 10% on application; 18% on 1st December 1943; 18% on 3rd January 1944; 18% on I -i February 1944; 18% on 1st March 1944; 18.64% on the 3% bonds or 18.37% on the 1%% bonds, on 1st April 1944. The last payment on l-i April 1944, covert) the final payment of principal, plus .64 of 1% in the rase of the 3% bonda anil .37 of 1% in the case of the 1%% bonds representing accrued interest to the due dates of the respective instalments. Convtnion O$vr Holders of Dominion of Canada 5% Honda due 15th October 1943 and Dominion of Canada 4% Bonds due 1.1th October 1945 (llic latter issue called for payment at 100% on 15th October 1943), who have not presented i In n bonds for payment, may, while the subscription lists are OJM-II, tender their bonds in lieu of .i-li on subscriptions for a like or greater par vulue of bonds of one or both maturities of this loan at the issue price in each case. The surrender value of the 5% and/or the 4% bonds will In- 100.125% of their parvalue, the ii -nil in; 1 adjustment to In- paid in cash. The Minister of l''inunce reserves the right to accept or to allot the whole or any part tf the amount of thU loan mdiMcribed for cuxh for cither or lioth iiiutnritieM if total subscriptioni* are in excess of $1,200,000,000. The i .i-li proceeds of i Ins loan will he lined by the Government to limim < expenditures for war purpose*. Subscriptions may be made through any Victory l,uii Salesman, the National War Finance Com- mittee or any representative thereof, any branch in Canada of any Chartered Hank, or any authorized Savings Hank, Trust or l.imn Company, from whom may he obtained application forms and copies of the Official Prospectus containing complete details of thti loan. The lists will open on 18th October 194.1, and will clone on or about 6th November 194.1, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. Department of finance, IHI,,KII. 14th October 1943, ' - ' ' ' :' - AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc WESLEY McNICHOLL will sell by public auction on LOT 122, 2 S.W., ARTEMESIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th, ^43 the following, namely: HORSES Watched Bay Team, 6 and 7 years old; aged horse; driver. CATTLE Jersev Cow, 9 years old fresh; Red Cow, 7 years old, fresh Grey Cow, 3 vears old, due Feb. 1 Grey Cow, 7 years old, due Oct. 15 Holstein Cow, 5 ears old, due Apri 9; Grey Cow, 5 years old, due Dec 22; Ayrshire Heifer, 2 years old fresh; Red Heifer, 2 years old, dut Feb. 13; 2 Red Heifers, 10 mos. o\d; 2 Black Calves, 5 weeks old. SWINE, SHEEP and POULTRY 16 young Ewes; 15 chunks of Pigs; Sow, 2 years old, du No". 10th; 32 Pullets. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. McCormick- Deerir hay loader new; M.-H. Bind- er, 6 foot cut, with trucks; McCorm- ick-Deering Mower, 5 foot cut; M.-H. Manure Spreader, No. 7; M.-H. Rake, 10 foot; McCormick-Deerinu Rake, 8 foot; Peter Hamilton Cultivator, stiff tooth; McCormick^Deerirre 13 tooth Cultivator; Peter Hamilton 10-hoe Drill with grass seed attachment and foot stand; Steel Roller, 9 foot; set Drap Harrows; 4-section Doubletrees for 5> and 3-horse team; M.-H. In- throw Disc Harrow, 12 plate; Stubble Plow; Sod Plow; Gang Plow; \Veigrh Beam; Set Team Harness; Set Single Harness; Collars; Blankets; Hay Fork and Slings; Dehornim" Nippers; Cream Separator; 800 bushels Oats; Quantity Potatoes; Mangels and Tur- nips; Forks, Shovels and numerous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECT'S Heat- ing Stove and Pities; Treasure Ranere, nearly new; <T Dininproom Chairs; Bed; Churn; Table; Dishes, etc. SALE AT 1 P.M. TERMS All sums f f 10.00 and under, cash; on larger amounts 12 months' credit p-iven 03, furnishine noprovd joint not-'s, anmroved bv the bnnk in Markdale and bearine- inter- st at the rate of 6 per cent. GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer Harold Thibaudoau. Clerk. ears old. CATTLE Black Cow, 8 years old; led Durham Cow, 7 years old; Roan Durham Cow, 6 years old; Grey Cow, 5 years old, due Oct. 21; Red Cow, 9 years old, due Oct. 26; Hereford Cow, > years old, supposed due April 11; itoan Cow, 4 years old, due Nov. 13; ev Cow, 2 years old, calf at foot; White Face Cow, 5 years old, sup- posed due March 4; 4 Head Yearling Durham Cattle; Durham Bull, 1 year old; 2 Steers, 2 years old; 4 Yearling Heifers; 3 Spring Calves. SWEEP, GEESE 10 Ewes; Ewe Lamb; Gander and Goose. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. Peter Ham- ilton Binder, 5 foot cut; M.-H. Mower 5 foot cut; M.-H. Cultivator; John Dere Manure Spreader; 2-Furrow Plow; Democrat; Fleury Plow No. 21; Hay Knife; Lumiber Wagon with box; Iron (Harrow, 12-toull; Land Roller; Set Sleighs; Whiffletrees; Crosscut Saw; Chatham Fanning Mill with bagger; Renfrew Cream Separator; Turnip Pulper; Bags and Sacks; and numerous other articles. SALE AT 1 P.M. No reserve, as the owner is giving up farming. TERMS All sums of *10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 mos.' credit will be 0-iven on joint notes subject to the approval of the Bank of Toronto, Feversham, bearing int- erest at 6 per cent. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. CREDIT AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. CREDIT AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. Etc. JOHN STEPHEN LOT B. CON. 5, OSPREY will sell by public auction at TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1943 the following, namely: HORSES Aged Grey Mare; Black Gelding, 5 years old; Dark Bay Mare, RICHARD N. CARSON will sell by public auction at LOT 4, CON. 3, ARTEMESIA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1943 the following, namely: HORSES & Black Percheron Mare, 5 years old; Grey Percheron Mare, 10 years old, bred July 12; BfJck Percheron Horse, 9 years old; Bay Mare, 6 years old, bred July 38; Black Horse, 8 years old. SHEEP, PIGS, Etc. 5 Oxford Dow Breeding Ewes; Yorkshire Sow with litter 3 weeks old time of sale; Yorkshire Sow, due Dec. 20; 6 Pigs, 10 weeks old time of sale; Number of Barred Rock Pullet* and Roosters; 25 Hens. CATTLE White Cow, 5 years old, due time of sale; Guernsey Cow, 9 years old, calf at foot; White Cow, 5 years old, due Jan. 10; Durham Cow, 10 years old, due Dec. "20 ; Purebred Durham Cow, 6 weeks old ibull calf at foot; Heifer, 2 years old, due April 11; 2 White Face Heifers. 2 years old; Red Steer, 2 years old; Red Steer, rising 3 years; Red Steer, 3 years old. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. Set Heavy Breeching Harness, in jrood condition; 2 Long-Straw Collars, in good con<li- 'tion; Short-Straw Collar; F. & W. Binder, 6 foot cut; F. & W. Mower, 4H foot cut; Heavy Team Wagon; Democrat; Set 4-section Harrow: Anchor-Holth Spfiarator. in srood coi- tUtion; Quebec Heater; 1928 Chevro- let fnach, in excellent condition and .rood tires; Numerous other articles. 7 Tons mixed Alfalfa and Timothy Hay. SALE AT 1 P.M. Xo reserve; everything must be sold TERMS All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 4 mos.' credit will be given on joint notes subject to the approval of the Bank of Commerce, Flesherton, bearing in- terest at 6 per cent. GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer. Page from a Primer Q. What is the Fifth Victory Loan? A. It is another opportunity for Canadians to put their money into the fight for Victory. Q. How will my money help win Victory? A. It will supply the vital weapons of war needed by our troops overseas. Q. How will I benefit personally? A. You will be saving money (with interest) for the post-war period when you may need it more. Q. How nnieri should I spend on bonds this time ? A. At least as much as last time. Every cent you can possibly spare ^nd a little mor. This advertisement contributed to tke Fifth Victory Loan Campaign by Dominion Textile Co., Ltd., Montreal