Wednesday, October 6, 1943 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE "Here's the New, Easy Healthful Family Meals VVTOMEN everywhere acclaim " Eat- to- *^ Work- to -Win"*, authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practical . . . time-saving . . . easy to use ! And there's a copy for you FREE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale to help keep them fit, on the job! So learn the easy way to "good-to-eat" meals that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy of "Eat-to- Work-to-Win" today! Way to s'JK" d ft Menus for 21 breakfasts ... 21 luncheons ... 21 dinners. Balanced . . . delicious . . . timely. * i i.r nutritional etatnnentfl In "Kt-to-Work-ta- Wln" are acceptable to Nutrition Service*, Do. parunent of Priislons anil Natlunnl Health. Ottawa, for tin- Canadian Nutrition Programraa MAIL THIS COUPON Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the iotcretu of nutrition and health as all ji-1 to Victory. "NUTRITION FOR VICTORY". BOX 600. TORONTO. CANADA. Please lend me my FREfccopyof "il m Wlfc WleT. City, Remove The Bandage The remark of Chief Justice Rob- ertson of the Ontario Court of Ap- peal, that the Ontario Reformatory at Guclph is a 'training ground for criminals" is enough to cause the late Hon. W. J. Hanna to turn in his jrrave. The Guelph institution was built under Mr. Hanna's authority when he was Provincial Secretary in the Whitney government. It was his ptt and his hobby. It was to iX? more than a prison. It was to be a reformatory in the widest sense of limanitarian idealism. It was to be an enduring monument to a big hearted man. And now it is termed a training ground for criminals! But Mr. Hanna's vision may yei, lioar fruit. Somewhere in Ottawa then- reposes a report on prUon re- form, which oru- day, let us hope, a Government which places human welfare above material interests, will pry loose from its moorings, and give to Canada a prison system dedicated V> the noble purpose nf returning men and women, who have gone astray, to their rightful place, in soc- iety. Remarks such as those made by the Chief Justice should spur such a movement along. Justice must not be blind. The farmer's favorite song, in- the picking season, is "Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree.' In Portland tlie military authori- ties called up a child of nine by mis- take. At that age they are usually called down, not up. The carpet is the most important thing in Hitler's career, present and future. Ndw he chews it. I>ater he will have to walk it. In one report Mussolini is report c'<l rescued and in another, slain. Take your choice -and we have a hunch it will be the same as ours. One thing this war has solved-' thousands of women don't have to worry every spring and fall what fashions to wear. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM JAMES STEWART, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, gentleman, deceased, who died on OT about the 18th day of August, 1943, are hereby notified to send in to Lucas & Glass, Solicitors for the Ex- ecutor of the estate of the said de- ceased, on or before the 23rd day of October, 194.1, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Executor of this estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, ( and he will not be liable to any per- son whose claim he shall not hen have notice of for the assets so dis- tributed or any part thereof. DATED at Markdale this 5th day of October, 1943. --LUCAS & GLASS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitors for the Executor. Value and v I IT'S HILL'S FOR EXTRA VALUE AND QUALITY IN THIS SEASON'S ! NEW STYLED GARMENTS LADIES' FALL COATS Only because of fortunate early purchases can Hill's Stores give you such wonderful value in these last- word Coats. Untrimmed as well as the handsomely fur trimmed. All inoder atelv priced. WOMEN'S or GIRLS' OXFORDS Good strong wearers in hlack or tan sixes 3 to 8. Price $1.9i !< $2.45 MILLINERY The largest and smartest collection of new Fall Hats r\c have over shown. Practically every style and color von could wish ior. Sec them in our Mill- inery Department; moderately priced. TOP COATS Its Top Coat time. With cool even ings a good top coat hecomes neces- sary so you'll find a nice selection here at reasonable prices. MEN'S and BOYS' SUITS Buy your Men's and Boys' Suits now as they are getting hard to get. We have a nice selection to choose from. s MEN'S HIGH BOOTS to stand up t< 6 to 11. Price .... rough YM'ar : $5.75 to $9.85 DRESSES Si v these marvelous groups of .smartly stv led Dresses; beautiful mat criaU; new patterns; all sixes in stock; all moderately priced. SHIRTS Men's Work Shirts made of good <iuaiiiv cotton doe skins in bright col- ored pla:ds, good assortment of colors $1.25 to $2.25 Boys' Plaid Shirts in a nice assort- ment of colors; sixes 12!/> lo 14. i'nccd at 98c, $1.19 Men's and Boys' Windbreakers. A nice assortment to choose from at prices to suit everyone. LADIES' DRESS SHOES Made of good durable black leather \\iih patent leather trim, stra;; stvlc, cut a:; heel. Special, pair $1.98 BOYS' HI-CUT BOOTS Made of good durable leather to stand rough wear; sixes 1 to 5. Priced ai $2.49 to $3.75 FLOOR COVERING Buy your Floor Covering now, as they are becoming scarce. They come in -. .1 or 4 yard widths; also good as- sort men! of rugs ox9 to 12x15. i HIS STORK WIU. UK OI'KN WF.DMKSDAY NIC.HTS Local and Personal Mrs. C. J. Bellamy and Miss Irene Martin spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Margraret Pocock gprit the week end in Toronto. Miss Jean Louclcs left last week to atUml Toronto Normal School. Mrs. Gco. Best returned on Friday much improved in health following her operation in Markdale hospital. Lieut. Jackson Stewart of Simc e is on furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Colquette of Owen Sound spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. E. f. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton and orothy spent a few days at Mt. Forest last week. Dr. C. H. Schutt of Toronto was a week end guest at the Baptist Par- sonage, "Cedarside." Pte. Clarence Bartley and Pte. Thos. Pierson of Toronto pent the week end at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston spent the week end in Toronto, guets of Mr. a nd Mrs. E. D. Bentham. Aircraftman Jim Thurston left on Saturday to report at an Eastern Canada port, following a furlough. Mr. Alex. Wilkes ,.f Toronto visited on Thursday last with Mr. and Mr*. W. E. Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. Roibt. Henning and family of Meaford attended the pre- sentation Thursday evening to Air- craftman J. H. Thurston. Mrs. A. C. Keenan of Detroit visit- ed last week with her mother, Mrs. Uyer, at the home of vlrs. Jos. Rlackiburn. Mrs. Ed. Fisher attended the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star held in Toronto last week. Mrs. Ran Brady of Markdale also attended. Mrs. W. J. Blackburn of Saugeen Jet. has moved to town and is occu- pying an apartment in the D. Mc- Tavish residence. Rev. W. A. Westeott had the mis- fortune last week to severely scald ! his foot, forcing him to remain in the house for a week or so. i Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chard. Mrs. Gif- rl C.'! and Mis. Drysiia'.o of To- j onto spent the week end with the former's sister. Mrs. Alex. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Pruce and Mar- irnivt (if (rritrul Valley, Mr. and Mrs. .his. Ik'nson and Gwendolyn of Dun- da Ik and Mrs. Richards of Brot-kville spout the wi-ck end at the home of Mr. Wallace Hamilton. Mr. (). W. Phillips has solved the wo id problem to his own satisfaction. i A couple of months ago he went to tin; Valley and trimmed up a consid- j erabU' number of tops in a bush from which logs had been marketed. Then he had a sawing bee and last week Brought 25 cords of wood to his home in the village. Messrs. C. J. Bellamy, S. M. Mc- I.cod, J. A. Richards, R. E. Jarick and C. Currulhcrs represented Prince Arthur L.i.lirt' N'o. !M. A.F.&A.M., Floshcrton ;it a special nijiht of Grey F/orltfi 1 , Toronto, when W. J. MoFar- hrrl, well known here and at Mark- :lnle, was presented with n jewel t>y (iraml Lodge in recognition of his 50 years in Masonry. Grey Lodge al.o presented their honorrd member with :i trit't. PHONE 7 F. T. Hill & Co. Limited MARKDALE, ONTARIO WEDEUVKR All \w have to licfc now is Oer- w:**x*<* <*<*<*<*^x**x::* *>*x*<: :~x~>***>>*+> j 1,"*.' ' FAKMKKS GKT SHORT MEASURE The problems of Mr. Donald Gordon are no doubt numerous as he endeav- ors to mnnt'.iin price eor.trol. Whether intentional or not it is no secret that faim.''^ a iv (retting the short end of the measuring *tick. In Mr. Gordon's effort tn hold down the cost of Hying he has certainly bf'ii hnrd on the arm of farm men and women who are rotpoiiiiftta for our food production. Wo ' especially Junking of the .-hoop industry. Two years ago far- mers were asked to increase produc- tio of sheop with the apsurunee A .jocd iiricef. On Se'rtcimber first die Wnrtimo Prices Board roduced the pric"s nf In nib which meant a three- cent drop to the nroducc-rs. This broutrht the prices buck to pro-war levc-ls. Thi- result is many farmers urn di-x'oimigcd. Farmers are loynl and want to do r part in our war effort, but when yturiig arc disappointing they quit rind unfortinitttely li>o many of thorn sir. 1 dfliivjy that. Cre^mnve Star. It ia pewible to play 734 different games with a single deck of card*. Commandos and headaches both strike at dawn. And now hat any of us can yet the old bus' tires re-treaded without being in a special categ. y, the big worry shifts to the gasoline tank more than ever. SHUR-GAIN Feed Service WE HAVE IN STOCK AT PRESENT TIME: 35% Hog Concentrate Hog Mineral 18% Pig Starter Laying Mash 35% Eg maker Concentrate Hog Mineral Iron Sulphate Cattle Mineral Bran an^ Wheat HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR STORM WINDOWS YET? Flesherton Planing Mills Phone 24J or 24W Small Ad Column FOR SALE Cw with calf at foot Wilfed Mage, Eugenia. 17p2 WANTED Two fresh cows.^John Thistlewaite, Flesherton. FOR SALE 3 Yearling steers. Jim Badgerow, R. R. 3, Flesherton. WANTED Piano in good condi- tion. Please notify K. J. Fisher, Klesherton. I7c3 FOR SALE Gen. Purpose horse, 7 yt ars old, good double or single. Cecil Magee, Eugenia. 17p2 FOR SALE Dressed chickens, weighing 3-4 IDS. Orders taken. Mrs. Fred Brown, Flesherton. WANTED Small hand cement mix- er, must be in good condition. Wilfred Lever, Flesherton. FOR SALE "Happy Thought" range in good condition. Mr*. A. McMulllen, phone 45r31 Flesherton. I WANTED Anmia raitaUe for mink and fox fed. Bert McJto*n Eugenia, phne fvrerakifi 5r25 HOUSE FOR RENT In Flesherton, would rent furnished to suitable tenant. Mrs. Ed. Fisher. FOR SALE Apples, all varieties. -Mis s M. Graham, R. R. 4, Mark- dale, phone Flesherton 73r33. WANTED - H-,rsci and f<-w a :. Station, R.H. 3, phene 4ir3. for mink feed. F. Eagles, Proto; FOR SALE 130 Chevrolet sedan in good condtion, good tires, motor overhauled. Ken Teeter, phone 7Sr4. Flesherton P.O. 19 C 1 HIDES Agaia in *he Hiaikct fo. hides beef, aor.'e, sheep and eai: ilsins. Frank Eaglet, R. R. 3, Pro ton Station, phone Jlr8 F'esherton FOR SALE Two year old Oxford ram; will exchange for similar one. J. T. Parker, Proton Station, tele- phone 32r2. 17 P 2 FOR SALE Rural Empire stove with water tank; alse organ, suit church, will take flfl. Mrs. W. Oungey, Flesherton. 17 C 2 FOR SALE Ladies' cloth winter coat, fur collar, a tin \m\ng, in good condition. May h wen at The Advance office. FOR SALE Jersey cow and 2 Ayr- shire heifers, one due in December. Russell Park, Flesherton. FOR SALE 12 Year-olds and 2 spring calves. Everette Black- burn, phone 45r2, Flesherton. WANTED - Men, boys and girls to pick apples. Good wages. Apply to Lyness Myles, telephone 16 Thornbury. FOR SALE Bred-to-lay Barred Rock pullets, also aged driving horse. J. K. McLeod, Ceylon, phone 40r4. FOR SALE 2 Reg. Shornthorr. bulls, 9 months old, one red and one roan. Roy W. Piper. Ceylon, phone Flesherton 44r31. 18c3 FOR SALE Small kitchen stove, Clare "Jewel", in good condition, cheap. Mr*. Gordon Dixon, Max- well, Ont. FARM pOR SALE Lots 188-140, 2 N.E., Artewesia, 7 icre more or legs. Writ* for full "formation to R. Huttom, 96 Cerk "t., Guelph, Out. STRAYED On or about Oct. 1st, three spring calves, 1 red. 1 red and "lite, 1 blue. Finder please notify Geo. Dobson, phone Fevers<ham. FOR SALE Chestnut mare, 4 yrs old, HOO Ibs.; black colt, 2 yrs. old 1460 Ibs.; about 8 acres of buzz wood. Gordon McMullen, Dnncan, Ont., phone Thornbury 39r&. CAME ASTRAY To lot 27, Con. 18, Artemesia, on or about Sept. 16, 17 he*d of cattle. Owner prove property and py expenses. Edgtar Dohaon, R. R. 4, Flesherton. 17c3 FOR SALB IN Acre tr.rm High- way 11, mile west Maxwell; feriel heuw, hank barn, Jri ing shed and pig pen; II acres mule tiMh <>f mbent 7,Mft feet. Apply te R. J. Mermou Walkerten, Out WANTED , Maid for general house- work, two aduMs. Extra help for washing and cleaning. Hihet wage* for experience in plain cook- ing. Rerfe-ence* required. Apply to Mrs. W. S. Mid<M8lbr', 84 4th Street Bart, Owen Sound, telephone Ne. 1. 1902 LOST Will the person who picked up ii white gabardine coat at the town dump on or about Sept. 22, please leave with John McWilliam, Flesherton. FARM FOR 8ALB South-West '. CAR. 6, Buphras- ia, half mile frem Kimfcerley, 50 nores; on tfce premises are geod frame keuse, goe4 Warn, ken keuse, water in burn and home, buildings all in goed condition, all cleared in i.oed shape. Vpply to - ROBERT WARD, K; wb^ i ley, Ont. BUSINESS CAKt)S AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING I.ICCN8ED AUCTIONBEB for th* Ounty of Gry . Farm and stock ta!rs oi.r pec - ty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction ffunranteed. D.-.*o Hrraafred at Advance office or phone 4w. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham St. Office bonra; afternooaa t to W9d]M*day aid Saturday r.*n to to. PA. No offtoii bourn m S-md*y