THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 6, 1943 CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hogarth and bby daughter, also Mrs. A. Stewart and J. P., visited relatives in Harris- ton last Sunday. "Rev. Chas. D. Cox and Mrs. Cox of Priceville and Mr. and Mrs. Cox o* Goderich were recent guests of Mrs. J. Knox. Mrs. Harvey Griffin, Toronto, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. C. Wilcock, and Mrs. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Messrs. Thos., Ed. and Laurie Genoe and Mr Haddon Hutchinson And sons, Ward and Billy, attended Mt. Forest Fair on Wednesday last. The sympathy of Ceylon commun- ity is extended to the bereaved rela- tives of the late Mrs. Hector Mc- Donald, who pasged away in Durham kospital recently, and whose funeral was held on Sunday from the Presby- terian Church, Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe, Eugenia, attended the funeral last week of their uncle, Mr. Thos. Brad- bury, at Thornbury. Mr. Ken Stewart was in Toronto on Saturday and Mrs. Stewart accom- panied him home. Their many friends are glad to know that Mrs. Stewart is making satisfactory progress arfter her recent illness. Mrs. E. C. Mitchell spent last Wed- esday in Durham. Miss Lois Blackburn, Markdale, was a week end visitor at the home of Ken Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair, Dun- dalk, were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe, Eugenia, visited friends in Meaford on Sunday last. Sacrament was held last Sunday evening in Ceylon United Church. Service will not be heW in Ceylon next Sunday, Oct. 10th, as Rev. Cox is one of the speakers at Inistioge anniversary and at Salem in the evening. Mrs. Douglas Reid and son, Bobby, were in Toronto last Wednesday. Pte. Leslie McMaster of Brantford spent the week end with his mother. Mrs. B. McMaster. Messrs. Jack McMullen and Jos. WcWilliam reported for duty with the R.C.A.F. at Manning Depot, To- ronto, on Friday. The Ladies' Aid held their Septem- ber meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Snell on Thursday last. The presi- dent, Mrs. W. Gibson, had charge of tfie meeting. Mrs. Jas. McMullen read the devotional passage. Mrs. Cox gave a splendid paper on the missionary work in the north and also s,poke of the appreciation of the people who received the gifts sent to them through the Mission Board. A pleasant social half hour was enjoyed by the godly number of members and visitors. The ner* meeting in October will be at the home of Mrs. Jas. McMullen Jr. Miss Helen Jaull and Miss Jeanette McLeod, Toronto, spent the week end at tin- home of J. D. McLeod. Mrs. Bert Summers of Markdale is visiting her sister. Mrs. W. J. Hincks KIMBERLEY Week end visitors were: Pte. Ted Weber, Mr. and Mrs. E. Alexander and Paul and Miss M. Bussy, with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber; Mr. Smith of the Royal Canadian Navy, with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham; Mr. Dai- ton Ferguson with his mother; Mrs. W. Hutchinson and Mr. Basil Mc- Connell with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutch- inson. Mrs. D. Wallace a nd Mrs. J. Proc- tor s.pent a week at Drayton with Mr. A. Wallace. Th W. I. met at the home of Mrs. T. Ferguson and plans were mad to serve lunch at tne floor show to be ariven by the Hall Board shortly. Boxes are to be sent to all the boys on active service, at home and abroad. Pte. Carman Lawrence spent the week end at his home here. Mr. Stuart Ellis of Part Hope vis- ited Kinrberley fiiends and also at- tended the HeeJip-Ellis weddlnp at Collingwood. Congratulations to Miss Ruth Burritt, who won second prize at the Clarksburg Fair contest in solo singing. Mrs. S. S- Burritt spent a week n-ith Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Buchanan at Vandeleur and also with Mr. and Mrs. N. Smith. She also enjoyed the 50th anniversary services of New- England Church, which congregation -)serve cre dit for their efforts. Rev. Wilkinson was guest speaker in the mornine and Rev. Veals in the even- in?. Mrs. Veals assisted in the sing- ing with a beautiful solo "The Stranger of Galilee." They -wei nocompanied by their son, Sergt. Brimley Veals, who reports at Hali- for this week. Rev. and Mrs. Veals and son visited a day with Mrs. B. A. Carruthers and other friends. Plans are being made for the Kimberley church anniversary. A Michigan man asked for a di- vorce because his wife insisted on cutting his hair. Barberous! Some kids draw poor cards at school and the deuce runs wild at home. With some people it doesn't matter if a man is good as long as his cheque is. It is airways hard to eat your own words but it is easier if you are a man of few words. It's fall cleaning tim, when women remove all the trash from the attic before putting it back. Alberta flocks yielded almost a third of the wool shor in Canada last year. GOLD SEAL Congoleum Rugs These are scarce goods just now, but we are fortunate in having a good selection of new designs. 6 x 9 $5.25 9x1210.50 9 x 9 $7.95 9x15 $13.25 Fancy China Cups and Saucers English Bone China New shapes in beau- tiful patterns and colorings. New shipment just received. Most acceptable for presents at any season. Priced from $1.00 to $2.25 each F. H. W. HICKLING ; General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. VANDELEUR The September meeting of th W. I. was held at the 'lome of Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson on "Pours., Sept. 23, with a good attendance, Miss May Graham gave a report of the convention held ut Kilsyth. Papers were given by Mrs. Glen McGee and Mrs. Russell Freeman. Mrs. D. McGee had charge of tha program. Mrs. Shopland of Saskatchewan visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bowles and family. Mrs. Lundy Johnston spent a week in Toronto recently.. Miss Ross of Owen Sound is visit- ing her friend, Mrs. Davidson, at the home of Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ruth attended the Fair at Mt. Forest on Wednesday last. Howard acted as judge for the fruits, vegetables, roots and seed departments. Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd of Toronto spent Sunday at their home here. VandeJeur people were well repre- sented at the Owen Sound Fair held last week. Vandeleur Church congregation at- tended anniversary services at Eben- ezer Sunday afternoon and evening. SENT) IN YOTTR RENEWAL. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. T. Allion, Mis Nellie, Ross and Reg, and Mr. Wiibert Fisher visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright at Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean and Ruth of Fevershara and Mrs. Allan McLean of Collingwood and Mr. Lome Wright of the lth line, visited on Sunday t the home of Jos. Porteous. The Maxwell W.A. held their reg- ular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ray Pedlar on Sept. 30th. A. splendid crowd turned out Mo: day night to the dance sponsored by Stephen's Corners War Workers, and the proceeds amounted to $36.70. The members are thankful to all who helped make the dance a success. TORONTO LINE NORTH Threshing is about completed in this vicinity. Mrs. F. Stephens and Mrs. Humph- rey spent a few days at the former's home in Owen Sound. A few n this line attended the Owen Sound Fair last week. Mrs. Albert Stewart visited Mrs.. Nelson in Owen Sound recently. Mrs. M. Love returned tr> Hamilton Thursday. aJ'ter holidaying friends in thia vicinity. Con^ratulationa to Mr. and Mrs Harold Richardson on the birth of a Mrs. Wilson of Markdale is spend- 'X awhile at the Richardson home. Canada will soon launch another Victory Loan. Ltt the objective this time be the same as ever: "Over the Top to Beat the Hun!" A Texa butcher is suing a girl for breach of promise. Imagine any girl declining to marry a butcher these days. Millions of Canadians are playing a leading role in the war effort and that mea.,s more than the money they get on Bay day. It is said that sugar is the only food the brain can utilize. And sugar is scarce. Which may explain the platform of the Bloc Populaire in Quebec- Every woman who enlists in the Women's Division of the R.C.A.F. Is definitely assisting in shortening the war by releasing a man for Aircrew duties. LADY BANK Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham and family spent Sunday with Mist* Min- nie Graham, near the Power Hous*. Some of the men in this vicinity are 'busily engaged shingling the shed at Providence Church, but many more hands would be appreciated. Providence War Workers held theit- meeting last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Walter Witeon, when a quilt was completed. Twelve mem- bers were present. The next meeting vill be held at the home of Mrs. Wilson on Wed., October 13th. when boxes will be packed for the boy overseas and another quilt will be started. Many thanks are due Mrs. Wilson for having two meetings so close together. Congratulations to the young bride and groom in our neighborhood, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maxwell (nee Eleanor McKenziet. Mr. Le?lie Poote 9f Colling-wood made a flying visit in the neig-hbor- hood one day last week and called on hia uncle. Mr. Wm. Poole. in Mark- dale hospital. Leslie suffered an in- jury to his heel at the Collingwood ship yards t.wo weeks ag'o, and it to not improving 1 as much as he had hoped. A DAY WILL COME. take WHAT IS A VICTORY BONO? A VICTORY BOND is the promise of the Dominion of Canada to repay in cash the face value of the Bond on the date of maturity with half-yearly interest until that time. A Victory Bond is the safest investment in Canada backed by the entire resources of the Dominion. Canada has been issuing bonds for 75 years, and has never failed to pay every dollar of principal and interest when due. A Victory Bond is an asset readily marketable at any time. Yes, a day will come . . . when he'll be back, ready to his place in a Canada he helped make safe for all of us. To speed that day is in our power. We at home ... in factories, in offices, on farms . . . work long hours to hurry it along. We go without, and lend our savings to provide what he needs to win quickly. This is the least that anyone can do. And when that day comes you'll want to welcome him and to help him make his hopes come true. To speed Victory, plan to buy as many Victory Bonds as you can. i i-4 HtionaJ War Finance Commit fet