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Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1943, p. 8

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Wednesday, September 29, 1943 'MB "Here's the New, Easy Way Jo Healthful Family Meals" ^TTOMEN everywhere acclaim "Eat-to- *^ Work -to -Win"*, authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practical . . . time-saving . . . easy to use ! And there's a copy for you FREE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 6O percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale to help keep them fit, on the job ! So learn the easy way to "good-to-eat" meals _ _ ,*_* i i". . JL ?-' A that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy of "Eat-to- Work-to-Win" today! Menu* for 21 breakfasts . . . 21 luncheons . . . 21 dinner*. Balanced . . . delicious . . . timely. The nutritional ttatonentu In Eat-t>-W.>r*-tn- Win" arr awptabln to Nutrition Bervlow. p- nartrnrDt of Prnxluna and National Health. OtUtwm. tor the Canadian Nutrition rrufraumxi Spontentt by THK BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the internet of nutrition and health as ID aid co Victory. "NUTRITION FOR VICTORY". BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. Please tend roe my FREE copy of "iat a W. AJJnu. at, Local and CEYLON Messrs. Joe McWilliam, second son of Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam, and Jack McMullen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen Jr., have signed up with the Air Fore* and report Friday for duty at London, Ont. Gnr. Chas. McWilliam, elder brother of Joe's, ha? kten overseas with the Army since last February. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson, Toron- to, were recent visitors with Mrs. Neihwn's sister, Mrs. Jas. W. Mc- Mullen, and Mr. McMullen. Mr. John McWilliam spent a couple of days in Toronto last week attend- hv a business meeting of the Co- operative stores. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson White and son, Wayne, f Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett. Mr. am! Mr. Emerson Wtckcn* 'nd Mrv J. Pedlar, PWherton, visit- ed Sunday with Mr?. A. Stewart nd on. J. P. Miss Catherine Stewart. Rejr.N.. of Owen Sound spent a couple of day? t her 'home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hemphill and daughter, Lois, visited a couple of days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDermid and son, Melville, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hincks of Egremoril. . Messrs. Will Irwin and J. P. Stew- art attended Cdllingrwood Fair on Saturday last. Misses Frances and Jean Collinson of Toronto were week end visitors at their home here. A pleasant social evening was spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson. The win- ner in the progressive euchre was Mrs. Lawson Whitehead. Mrs. Haxton spent the past week visiting at the home of P. Muir. Week end visitors at the home of Mrs. Jas. McWhinney were: Mr. Will Switzer of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Black and Miss Beaulah Mearow of Gravenhurut, Mrs. Root. Sewell and G. B. Littkjohns, Markdalc. Mrs. A. McMullen returned to To- ronto last week end, after visiting for three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hunt a nd Mr. G. Arrowsmith. The many friends of Mr. Alex. Me- Fayden are glad to see him able to be out again after his recent illness. Service in Geylon United Church (this Sunday at 8 p.m. Rev. Chas. D. Cox will have char-ire of the service. The Ladies' Aid will meet Thurs- day, Sept. 3t>th, at the home of Mrs. G. SneH. Visitors always welcome. Mrs. S. P. Hunt spent the week end in Toronto with Lieut. Stanley Hunt, Mrs. Hunt and other friends. Mrs. Hunt leaves shortly to join her husband, as Stanley has been trans- ferred to Vancouver. Mrs. Edjrar Doupe spent the week end with friends in Owen Sound. A motorists who has used up his "AA" book tells us that nominally it was said to be good for about 2,400 miles at 20 miles ti> the gallon, but in practice he found that it was pood for only about 1.800 miles, indicating that about a quarter of our gasoline eon- sumption is used up in starting and idling. Value and Quality ITS HILL'S FOR EXTRA VALUE AND QUALITY IN THIS SEASON'S NEW STYLED GARMENTS LADIES' FALL COATS Only because of fortunate early purchases can Hill's Stores give you such wonderful value in these last- word Coats. LJntrimmed as well as the handsomely fur trimmed. All inoder- atelv priced. WOMEN'S or GIRLS' OXFORDS Good strong wearers in black or tan sizes 3 to 8. Price $1.95 to $2.45 MILLINERY The largest and smartest collection of new Fall Hats we have ever shown. Practically every style and color you could wish for. See them in our Mill- inery Department; moderatelv priced. TOP COATS Its Top Coat time. With cool even- ings a good top coat becomes neces- sary so vou 'II find a nice selection here at reasonable prices. MEN'S and BOYS' SUITS Buy your Men's and Boys' Suits now as they are getting hard to get. We have a nice selection to choose from. MEN'S HIGH BOOTS Built to stand up to rough wear : sixes 6 to 11. Price .... $5.75 to $9.85 F.T. Hill& PHONE 7 MARKDALE, DRESSES Sec these marvelous groups of Miiartly stvled Dresses; beautiful mat- erials; new patterns: all sizes in stock; all moderatelv priced. SHIRTS Men's Work Shirts made of good quality cotton doe skins in bright col- ored plaids, good assortment of colors $1.25 to $2.25 Boys' Plaid Shirts in a nice assort- ment of colors; sizes 12^2 to 14. Priced at 98c, $1.19 Men's and Boys' Windbreakers. A nice assortment to choose from at prices to suit evervone. LADIES' DRESS SHOES Made of good durable black leather with patent leather trim, strap style, oubaii heel. Special, pair $1.98 BOYS' HI-CUT BOOTS Made of good durable leather to stand rough wear; sixes 1 to 5. Priced at $2.49 t.) $3.75 FLOOR COVERING Buy your Floor Covering now, as they are becoming scarce. They come in 2, 3 or 4 yard widths; also good as- sortment of rugs 6x9 to 12x15. THIS STORK WILL REOPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Co. Limited ONTARIO WE DELIVER Mis s Dorothy WeHon spena a few days last week in Toronto. Beautiful autumn weather ha prevailed during the past few days. Miss Reta Crane of Owen Sound is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mis Ethel I>argavel has returned home after spending the past few months at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto spent the week end at their cottage in town. Pte. Harry Fellow, Veterans' Guard of New Toronto is on furlough and vis-iting friends in this district. Mrs. J. A. Kernahan returned from Orangeville on Saturday, after spend- ing two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Leggatt. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting of Han- over spent the week end with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Fuel requirements for this winter in Flesherton were assisted mater- ially by the arrival of a carload of coal this week. Messrs. Walter and Elmer Russeil left the first of the week to enter the O.A.C. at G-u^lph the former on his last year and the latter his first. Miss Alice Armstrong is taking a course at the Norwich State Hospital, Norwich, Conn., through her schol- arship won at Queen's University. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. T. J. Fisher on Wed., October 6th, at 2-50p.m. Roll call: humorous story. Visitors welcome. The annual convention of the teachers of South Grey will be held in the town hall, Durham, on Friday of this week. *v^ Aircraftman Albert Armstrong of Clinton and Mrs. Armstrong of To- ronto visited last week with Miss Dorothy Armstrong. L,.Cpl. Florence Welton, Pte. Alli- son Grant and Pic. Marie Spereman, C.W.A.C,, Brantford, spent the week pnd at the former's parental home. L.A.C. Mack Duncan of Belleville, L.A.C. Ben Bella. uy of Ccntralia and Aircraftman Eldon Fisher >f Moun- tain View spent the wcok end at their parental home?. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Shaw and daughter of Owen Sound and Mr. Ivan Shaw and Miss Marjorie Neil of Tare spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Mr. W. E. Loucks spent the week end at Chatham, returning Monday wifh Mrs. Louck.s, who had spent the past month with her sister, Mrs. C'larence Fishleigh. L.A.C. y,-'''V. Duncan wishes us to express /^L. ,>preciation of the gift of a rS .Jich was recently made to him b.., , people of Flesherton. He will value it highly wherever he may go. . Mrs. Ken Walker is leaving this Wednesday /or Manio, B.C., where her husband is stationed with the Army. Her mother, Mrs. Eltwood Partridge of Rock Mills will accom- pany her as far as Toronto. PORTLAW Miss Mabel Blackburn is in Mark- dale hospital this week, having un- dergone an operation for appendicitis. Malx>) is improving and expects to be home the end of this week. Mr. and Mr.-. A. BlacUburn visited with their daughter, Mabel, in Mark- dale hospital on Sunday. They also enjoyed a visit with Mrs. Btacktburn's aunt, Mrs. Geo. Wright, and son, Witfred, mf Owen Sound, who joined thenn there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher arul D. A. spent an evening with Mrs. Flora Mrlnnes, Singhamipton. A num'ber from here attended the Tollingwood Fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps and Mr. and Mrs. ('. E). Meldrum visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacArtur, at Collingwood. Mr. Kenneth McKee of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard and Mabel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A. called on Miss Mabel Blackburn in Markdale hospital. The box social held in the school on Tuesday evening was a decided success, better than |26 being taken . Mr. Geo. Duncan, auctioneer, of Dumlnlk, auctioned the boxes. The evening was also enjoyed in dancing. Mr. Lionel MncPKail of Winnipeg called on his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. It was the American Indian Harry Fisher on Tuesday . He had g^ve us the custom of planting corn, been on a business trip to Ottawa. four kernels to the hill: one for th '. " ~ T~ , squirrel; one for the crow; one for Ha/ppy is the land where the only . ._. the worm and one to grow. borrfb is heart balm. This Store Will be Closed ALL DAY Thurs., Sept. 30 for stock taking 0. & A. CO-OPERATIVE FLESHERTON, Ontario This Store will close Wednesday nights on and after October 6th Small Ad Column FOR SALE Cow with calf at foot Wilfed Magee, Eugenia. 17p2 FOR SALE 3 Yearling teers. Jim Badgerow, R. R. 3, Flesherton. WANTED Piano in good condi- tion. Please notify E. J. Fisher, Flesherton. 17c3 FOR SALE Gen. Purpose horse, 7 years old, good double or single. Cecil Magee, Eugenia. 17p2 HOUSE FOR RENT In Flesherton, would rent furnished to suitable tenant. Mrs. Ed. Fisher. FOR SALE Dressed chicken*, weighing 3-4 Ib*. Orders taken. Mrs. Fred Brown, Flesherton. WANTED Small hand cement mix- er, must be in good condition. Wilfred Lever, Fle&herton. 17p2 WANTED Anuaala suitable f mink and fox feed. Brt Melntoat Eugenia, phone Fe*en**~i 5r26 FOR SALE 13 Oxford breeding ewes, 7 ewe lambs. Richard Allen & Son, phone 5r21. 17c2 FOR SALE Apples, all varieties Miss M. Graham, R. R. 4, Mark dale, phone Flesherton 73r33. WANTED H<rsc: and cows fl Station, K.r.. 3, phone 41r3. for mink feed. F. Eactes, Proto: HIDES Agaia in 'h. market for hides beef, horse, sheep and call skins. Frank Eagles, R. R. 3, Pro ton Station, phon ir3 F'eskerton FOR SALE Two year old Oxford ram; will exchange for similar one J. T. Parker, Proton Station, tele- phone 32r2. 17p2 FOR SALE Rural Empire stove with water tank; also organ, suit church, will take $10. Mrs. W. Dungey, Flesherton. 17c2 FOR SALE Ladle*' cloth winter coat, fur cellar, tin lining 1 , in good condition. May b* Men at The Advance office. FOR SALE DeLaval cream separ- ator, 2 brood sows and 2 furrow gang plow. Frank Gaffl^s, R.R. 3 Proton Station. 16p2 FOR SALE Chestnut mare, 4 yrs. old, 1400 Ibs.; black colt, 2 yrs. old 1460 Ibs.; about fi acret of buzz wood. Gordon McMullen, Duncan, Ont., phone Thornfoury 39rS. CAME ASTRAY To lot 27, Con. 13, Artemesia, on or about Sept. It, 17 head of cattle. Owner prove property and pay expenses. Edg*r Dobson, R. R. 4, Fleaherton. 17c8 FOR SAtA 1W Ar fan* * way 11, Mile west Max.woll; fcrick heuse, baalc barn, h-i-i% shed and iiu' yen; ! acres manle (rath nf afeut 76.MO feet. Apply to R. J. Morrison Walkerton, OHt. FOR SALE 20 Chesterfield Suites (some spring-filled) at Schuett & Sons (opposite theatre) Mount Forest; also 12 reconditioned pianos; 18 bedroom mites. Free delivery. Godfrey Schuett, man- ager. Mount For*t. Iftc2 FOR SALA Yeunc heart amd SAWS serviceable age, from 4th genera- tion of advanced register breeding wit* varrs aYeragiftf over W, also government approved. Rs Stevens R.R S, Proton StatUn, phonr 32r31 Kuerten. 12fi2 FOR SALE 12 Year-old and 2 spring calves. Everette Black- burn, phone 45r2, Flesherton. WANTED Men, boys and girls to pick apples. Good wages. Apply to Lyness Myles, telephone 1 Thornbury. 17p8 FOR SALE 2 Reg. Shornthorn bulls, 9 months old, one red and one roan. Roy W. Piper, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 44r31. 18c3 FOR SALE N.w Renfrew separators in stoek; 2 reeondition- ed separaters in good repair; Deer- utg binder; 2 jeod youg cws da* now. W. K. Bt*. Fleekertoi. WANTED Farm foreman for the Grey County Home farm, Mark- dale. Applications stating quali- fications and salary expected will toe received up until Wednesday, September 29th, 1948, by Mr. John A. Davis, Chairman Grey County Home Board of Management, R, R. 4, Markdale, Ont.; interview will be arranged. FARM FOR SALE Lots 198-140, 2 N.E., Artetnesia, 7< acres more or less. Write lor full information t* R. luttoa, W Cerfe St., Gueliph, Ont. t A- FARM FOR SALS Seuth-West '. Com. I, ia, half mile fr*n Kudbevley, (0' aorea; a the premises are frame hettse, fo4 am, kern water in bar ai koue, buil<iiiv all in feed MMditiem, all cleared in goed skape. Vpply to ROBERT WARD, KImbarley, Ont. BOAR FOR 8BRTICK Young TerkAire Boar from four* tneratie* f A4ranod Reffiitry reedmr, with Mre arerafing over 0. Fe: $1.60. payable i 8 (Mis, after that $*.( Kn Stewart. BUSINESS CAR S AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONBBB for the County of Oray Farm and itcck sales ur IBM - ... Torm.v reasonable. Sfcttsfactlo* frnaranteed. D. *es arranged at The Advance office er phone 4w. f DR. J. E. MILNE 0r Durh.m St. Office hour : afternoons) I to 4M. Wedaeadajr and.Saturdmy 1M to M pjn. No offle* h*on MI

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