TME ADVANCE Wednesday, September IS, 1943 < ! . . . i . PORTLAW s. Slater of Toronto is a guest at the home of Mrs. J. J. Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum and Donald were in Owen Sound on Thursday. Mr. 3. J. Boyce left Monday for Manitoba. Mrs. Marsh of Toronto and Miss Florence Boyce and friends of Toron- to were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce. Mm. Laurie Pedlar attended the Younge-Cooke wedding at Shelburne n Saturday. The friends of Mrs. R. J. Fisher are 4lad to know that she is improving a little each day. Mrs. Roy Lyons end Mrs. Lewis Fisher are assisting in, caring for her. The Red Cross unit met at the home of Mrs. J. J. Boyce on Thurs., September 9th. Mrs. Boyce was again elected president. Plans were mad* for a box social to be held at Portlaw school on Sept. 28th. The next meet- ing will be held at the honve of Mrs. Ernie Russell on Sept. 23th. Several letters of thanks were read from soldiers who had received cigarettes from this unit, namely:- E. Croft, G. Croft, Milford Piper. Harvey Hill, Thos. Stephens, Earl Blackfourn, W. Lougheed, J. A. Lougheed, Ken Lon- dry, Eldridge Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. F~ed Boyce of Coll- ingwood spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn recently. Mrs. Arthur Slater has received several letters from her husband, who is in a hospital in Sicily, informing n er that he is improving and is- being treatsd welL Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Menzies and Marguerite of Badjeros visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A. on Sunday. Little Doreen and Thelma Fisher spent the wek end with their cousin, Leona Wilson, \Vareham. Portlaw school is opened again with Mrs. Florence Lyons as teacher. Five new pupils have started:- Earl Shier. Kenneth Wilkinson, Aubrey Fergu- son, Thelma Fisher and Vera Mc- Nally. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Born On Mon. September 6th to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wright, the gift of a daughter, Xorma Eleanor. Con- gratulations. We are pleased to report Miss Haz- el Fenwick, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis in Col- lingwood Hospital, able to return home. Mr. and Mrs. John Lautrheed and Elaine spent a couple of days with friends at Claremont. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts of Barhead. The War Workers meeting which was to haive been at the home of Mrs. Pedlar wa-. held at the home ef Mr. Londry on Wednesday, Sept 8, with 13 ladies present. Another quilt was completed. The nrt meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Ray Pedlar on September 22. (Intended for Last Wk) Mrs. Bob Lougheed of Toronto visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar and Lauren. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCullough of Claremont spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs John Lougheed. and Mr. Lougheed. Master Bobbie Sharp of Toronto, who apent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar, has returned to his home. Mr. ami Mrs. Gordon Kellar of Gait. Mf Joe LeGard of Toronto, Mr. Harry LeGard ami Royden Johnson of Flesherton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous.. VANDELEUR The Woman's Association held their September meeting at the home of Mra. Fitzsimmons on Wednesday, Sept. 1st, with a good attendance. Miss Hazel Oke and Mrs. Walker of Toronto are the- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wheildon of Ar- nott visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Bowles. Miss Pauline Hutchinsn of Scar- boro is spending her vacation at her home here. Visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham were: Mrs. J. R. Sewart and Misses Susie and Reta Stewart of Shrigley, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haw and Mr. Jack Haw of Swinton Park, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Graham, Kimberley. Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd, Ann and Paul, of Toronto sipent a few days at their home here. Miss Eleanor McMullen of East Mountain is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fawcett. Miss Roberta Simpson of Mark- dale is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston and is attending school at Vandeleur. Mr. Will Johnston visited with his son, Donnie, who is convalescing at Thistletown Children's Convalescent Hospital, after his recent operation. Miss Lois Blackburn spent a few days in Markdale hospital and is convalescing at her home. Due to an accident in assisting with the harvest. Mr. and Mrs. ries and babe of Hamilton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville. Mrs. Wm. Reid of Michigan, who is visitinsr her nephew, Mr. Harold Richardson, Flesherton, attended church here on Sunday. Mrs. Reid was formerly Mi*s Mary Pritchard of Vandeleur. Ralph Fitzsimmons. Billie Bowles, Pat Weber and Billie Johnston have ji ne West to assist in harvesting. Mr. Will RadclirTe of Malton spent his vacation with his wife and family. Miss Lillian Buchanan of Toronto spent the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston and Billie of Caledon, Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson of Alton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gporge Shaw. FEVERSHAM Miss Allen of Creemore commenc- ed her duties last week as techer in the public school. Teachers have not been secured for *h continuation school and some of the pupils are at- tending the high school at Flesherton. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Francis on Sunday were: the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. '. H. Beynon, sister. Miss Isabel Bey- non, and brother, Mr. Art. Beynon. of Collinirwood. Mesers. Wm. Heitman, Laurie Sw- l, Jim McKee, and Jim Conn le-ft last week to assist with the harvest in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ottewell and Albert visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell at Fleaherton. Adjutant Gertrude Pedlar, super- intendent of nurses at Catherine Booth Hospital, Montreal, who is on holidays, is visiting a week or ten days with her father, Mr. E. C. Ped- lar and brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. .T. Stafford. Sh ir'll al' visit with her brother and sister-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedlar, and family. CEYLON Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt and Mr. G. Arrowsmith were: Mrs. Geo. Ismond, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ismond and daughter, Ruth, of Norval, Mr. Dan McKinnon of Brampton. Mr. Ken Stewart spnt a couple of days in Toronto last week, as Mrs. Stewart is a patient in the General Hospital. We are glad to know she s making satisfactory progress. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright and family of Feversham visited on Sat- urday with Miss M. Hemphill and Mr. S. Heraphill. Assistant Nurse Doris Knox, who is attached to the R.C.A.F. at Mon- treal, accompanied by Messrs. Gor- don and Eric Haw of Swinton Park, visited their grandmother, Mrs. J. Knox, one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Piper and daug-h- er, Mary Belle, of Markdale, also Miss P. McMaster, Reg-N., and Miss H. Wyville, Reg.N., Markdale, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Piper and Mrs. H. Piper. Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter and Beberley, Mrs. Peter Baxter of Cale- don, Mrs. S- Osborne, Orangeville, were guests recently with Mrs. Arch. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDrmid. Mrs. E- J. Swift returned to Toron- to last week end, after visiting 1 two weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. Stew- art, and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hincks and Mr. John Hincks of Egremont visited on Sunday with Mr. a nd Mrs. W. Hincks. Mrs. Douglas Reid and son, Bobbie, and Mrs. John McWilliam spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Wilson McMullen has return- ed to ""oronto. after spending the summer with her son. Mr. Jas. Mc- Mullen, and Mrs. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and laughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs- Jack Marshall and Miss Mary McMullen of Toronto spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe and daughters, Gayie and Yvonne, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe of Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Amett. Durham, visited Sunday with Mr. ad Mrs. T. enoe. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairng received letter recently from their son, Keith, who is assisting in the west- ern h arvts t fields at Bures, stating that Gordon Irwin and he had a nice trip out and that they like the west- ern country very much. Mr. and Mrs. H. Randle of Varney and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall of Max- well were recent visitors with Mrs. A. McMillan and Mr. F. Oistett. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Dundalk, visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Mr. Harvey Archibald, Violet Hill. was a week end visitor at his home. Anniversary services will be helii in Ceylon United Church on Sunday, Oct. 17th. Rev. Westcott of Flesher- ton will have charge of the afternoon service and Rev. Cox the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A. of Portlaw and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- shall Menzie and Marguerite of Bad- jeros visited at the home of George Fisher. Dr. Roy Fletcher of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Munro and daugh- ter of Dundalk, Miss Agnes Mac- phail of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McGee and Mrs. Jas. Beatty of Van- dokur were week end visitors with Mrs. R. Whitteker. 8TH LINE OSPKEY Mrs. Peter Somers has returned to her school at Mildmay and visited at her home for the week end. Mr. Somers and family accompanied her back on Sunday afternoon. Miss Naomi is staying with her mother and Helen is attending: high school in Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Biaschke and Elea- nor of Pre-ston visited at the Motfat home for the holiday, returning on Monday night. Joan Crawford re- turned with them after hiving spent the holidays with her mother anl Billie, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor aptnt Sunday north of Eugenia with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe. Mrs. Mervir. Davidson commenced her duties as teacher in N'o. 5 school on Sept. 7th. We wish Mrs. David- son and pupils a successful year. The trustees of No. 5 have install- ed a few pump at the school. Mr. Jas. Ottewell made a business trip to Toronto one day last week. About fifty friends and neighbors of Mr. Jim r*oole and Mrs. Poole gathered at the home o>f Harold Fen- wick Thursday night of last week and presented them with a purse before Mr. Poole leaves to train in the army. At the recent blood donors' clinic in "Flesherton, the following from our line gave their blood:- Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Fenwick, Kilbourne Hawkins, Lloyd Stephens and Bill Stephens. This : s a very worthy cause and we commend the action of all the donors. VTe ! pleased *n know that Mrs. Reathcoti ia on the mend after her recent llness. Mr. Stanley Lawlor left last week for Edmonton, Alta., where he will assist in harvesting operations. Mr. and Mrs. Art W ite and fam- ily of Collingwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ja*. Ottewell afid Dolly. Mr. Ken Wickens purchased a fine biack two-year-old colt from Mr. Jas. Ottewell recently. We are sorry to report Miss Adel- ine Murphy as having suffered a broken finger. Mrs. Jas. Otteweli and Dolly at- tedcd the Vandeleur Ladies' Aid and quilting on Tuesday. Miss Hazel Fenwick spent a few days with Joan Crawford recently. Since then we are rorry to report Hazel as having undergone an oper- ation for appendicitis in the Coiling- wood hospital. We are glad o know that she has improved nicely and as retmrned home. ; -:sley Lawior and Antbony Haley are attending Flesherton high school. Miss Nina Dunning has returned from spending a holiday in Oshawa. Mr. Wm. Moffat visited at the home of Roy Fenwick on Monday. Mr. Jim Poole and Mrs. Poole spent the past month with Harold Fen- wick. assisting with the harvest. Jim had a months leave from the rmy. Six Out of Nina Voters Silent Much has been written about one- third of the people voting for one old party and another third voted for an- other old party. That is approximat- ely true of the people who voted, but do not forget that about two-thirds of the people did not bother to vot*. In reality, one out of nine vot*d for socialism, and two out of nine vot- ed for the old parties, .rhi'.e s'v out of nine were silent, not ca v :' 1 2 -r not worrying. Not ^r.'.y : 'e >)nt. i- io Government a nii.ntT gtit- ment. but the whole Ontario Legi- slature is a minority Legislature, it en'.: represent^ circa out of every nine voters In -, no representation. It ia not a :iial' state when six oj' of every nine peopm arc MOC suf- ..ifcptly inter , ted ID tij '.. the poll*. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. ANNUAL CAMP MEETING - of the - GOSPEL WORKERS' CHURCH Clarksburg Grove Sept. 10 - 19, 1943 LEADING SPEAKERS Rev. E. J. Wilson Binghampton, N.Y. Rev. H. R. Whiting, BA. Meaford, Ont SPECLAL SINGERS Mrs. L. Willows Ottawa Male Quartette vompanied by Misses Smith and Chisnell present last 3 days. ORDER OF MEETINGS Four Services Daily 9 and 10.30 vm.; 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. also fervent "aver and inspiring Song Service Good accommodations for boarders, also for those bringing food and bidding. Ready-Made Menus for 21 Days Holdfast Club The Holdfast Club held a very in- teresting meeting at the home of Mrs. F. R. Oliver on Sept. 8th, with an attendance of 17 members and six visitors. After the usual opening business, Mr. F. " > . Oliver gave a very interesting tal': on different subjects which was very interesting to all. Miss Agnes Macphail was also at the meeting and gave a short . talk <> n recent experiences. Readings * were given by Mr. Nichol and Mrs. Patterson. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. The msxt meeting will be held at the of Mrs. J. Sturrock on Oct. S. A man hard to convince, it seems to us. is probably the chap out in the Middle- West who reports to th* police that his wife has run away for the sixth time. OT AND AID BED STALLION King Abdell Re*. N. LEX 4M146 WUl tMMl at Kit own stable at ffW $! t sUbU. Arrangements can to tk Vho mi. VM 4 mtler U; *ver that Hi* PMM AHOLD BUT Fk-iwrton, Out. Your Needs T h ese items are scarce and you are well advised to secure them when they are available. ALL NEW STOCK 3 Sets Double Harness 2 Sets Single Harness 4 Wood Heaters ideal stoves for rpugh wood 2 Ranges 15 Square* S in 1 Gentry 10 Squares Hexagon Toronto Asphalt Roofing and Siding. Good used DeLaval Cream Sep- arator. Hanover Flour nd Fed International Harvester Imple ment mud Repairs. H.-KUY Bros. Products. J. M. Stafford FARMERS' SUPPLY STOME FEVBRSHAM Tempting . . . Convenient . . . Nutritionally Right! TT*S tasj to serve healthful meals, if you follow A the timely menus in " Eat -to -Work- to - Win"*. Sound, practical, interesting this clever new booklet does all the difficult, time- taking planning for you. And it's yours FREE. Never was it more important that you pro- ride proper food for your family. For good nutrition is vital to Victory now to health and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only 4O percent of Canadian* regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. Learn the"can't-go-wrong" way to tempting meals that Ell every food need of your family! Send for yatr FREE copy of "Eat-to-Work-to- \\'ia". Mail the coupon today! YOURS 4Th Noaloonil statements in ] D-WotVto-WIn ' an uoeptabto Vnultiuo .-<rMc. nppirtmentoll oniuxl NUlunii li.-um. Otttn. Nutnuon T . me I y . . interesting ... h.lpfull L.t this origi- nal MW ooomet bring barter health lo yaw family. MAIL YOUR COUPON TODAYI Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) m the interests of nutrition and haaltfc a *id to Victory. NUTRITION FOR VICTORY-. BOX 600. TORONTO . CANADA. OMOV FRBcopr oT' MAXWELL The Women's Institute met at thi home of Mrs. Bert Porteous Thurs day, Sept. 9th, with the president Mrs. Geo. Ross, presiding. The afternoon was spent in cutting out garments to make for the Red Cross. A short program was enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Buckingham. Mrs. Neil McKay of Toronto spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ross and family. 9he Guild of St. Mary's Ati"li?an church will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton on Thursday. Sept. 16th. St. Mary's Anglican church will hold Harvest Home services on Sun.. September 19th, rt 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hawton of Not- tawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Brown ridge Sunday. Sorry to reiport Mr. Norman Coul- ter quite HI. We hope for a speedy recovery. Hazel Fenwick, who Has been a patient in the Collinffwood Hospital is convalescing at her home here. As the tiqr allowance goes down less liquor got* down. St Mary's Church. Maxwell (ANGLICAN) REV. JACKLTN. P.Uor Harvest Home Sunday. SUNDAY. SEPT. 19 Service at 11 a.m. PILOTS NAVIGATORS BOMBEftS Alt GUNNIRS WIKIUSS OPIRATOtS Itfeftfit*^ tf 9 A MAYBE you're making bombs or tanks or plane parts or ships but the real job, the big job today is delivering the stuff right into the heart of enemy country. No job is more essential today than sweeping enemy planes from the skies; than blasting half-made U-boats back into scrap metal. If you're a rtt. young Canadian eager to do your bit, there's a place for you ia aircrew. There are fast training planes and skilled instruc- tors waiting to help you get wings and get into the fight more quickly then ever before. And the specialized training you get today as a member of an R.CA.F. Aircrew will help you take your place in the skyways of tomorrow. Make tip your mind to get into the fight DOW. See your R.C.A.F. Recruitiag Centre today. 11 ftm JT fltjtitMj ft, mentally *im. ovtt ftr mrtrtif trmmmg. You Jo mot r*fM>rt t High You cm be iii uniform al mt! rait r Bcciulttng CcattM CD* located la th principal cMe oi Canada. Mobil* recruiting 'unite visit smaller centre* regularly.