THE FLBSHBRTON ADVANCE Wednesdy, Aug-ust 4, 1943 i ' * . VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Muriel Talbot has returned tc Jier home here after being employed for the past 10 months in the home of Mr. and Mr. George Alton Mark- dale. Mrs. Jas. Stinson, Dundalk has beep -visiting at Mr. Albert Stinson's borne. Visitors during- the past wek with Mr. and Mrs. George Moore were Miss Lulu Cooke, Toronto, Mrs. Ren- fred Acheson and daughter Evelyn, Cheltenham and Miss Ina Acheson Many from "the Highway" attend- ed the presentation, on Friday ev- ening, held in Proton hall, in honour of Pte. Hug-hie Sims and his wife (the former Irene Wolfe, Melsmcthon). when they were made the recipients of a purse of money by their friends in the Proton district. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon, Billie and Bobbie, spent Civic Holiday week end with Mrs. Coon's parents Mr. am' Mrs. Albert Stinson. Mrs. Coon and boys remained for a longer visit. Other holiday visitors in the vic- inity were Mr. and Mrs. Dave. Jamie- ion and family at Rossel Linton's; Jlr. and Mrs. Nelson Copeland and little son at Joseph Copeland's Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and Hiss Orpha Hutd, attended the Roy- i Black Knights service, in Berkeley- United Church, Sunday, August 1, at lla.m., where Mrs. Moore assisted the choir. While in Berkeley they vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Saund- ers and family. Mi. Lefler, Owen Sound is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Milton' Bannon. (Intended for Last Week) Miss Lulu Cooke, Toronto, is spending two weeks'* vacation with lier sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson. Mrs. Jas. Batchelor went to Pres- ton the latter p^irt of the week to visit her daughter, Mrs. George Mc- Gregor, and. family. Master Ken Hannah, Markdale, is assisting Milton Bannon during the taring season. We are sorry to report Mr. W. G. Aeheson not quit* so well. The doc- tor is again in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, accom- panied by Miss Orpha Hurd, Mrs. "Walter Acheson and Miss Lulu Cooke, spent Tuesday in Owen Sound where George was reporting- on his econd Army call. TORONTO LINE NORTF Miss Iva Brown of Toronto spent -the past week holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown. Tpr. Wm. Hall of Camp Bordtn was a week end visitor with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hall. Miss Gertrude Lever visited with friends in Owen Sound Sunday. Little Miss Sharon Nolan of To- lonto, who was visitimg at Eugenia, called on her grandmother, Mrs. T. Lever. Mr. A. Humphrey wag a week t- visitor in Toronto. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeidell, Rock- lyn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Harold Richardson. Mrs. J. A. Lever is visiting with ler daughter, Mrs. Gerald Morgan at Moorefield. * Master Kenneth Smart of Barrhead is holidaying with his cousins, Billy nd Clifford Richardson. Miss Muriel Smith is spending ; while in Toronto. Mrs. Stevens of Owen Sound i> assisting in the Humphrey home and taking care of Mrs. Humphrey, who Is not in good health. Mrs. R. Hall and family, who havi been in Erin, have moved to their home here. We welcome Mrs Hal ti our community. BEAVERS IN OSPREY Beavers have constructed a 90- foot dam on a tributary of the Mad Kivr one mile east of Mcltyre, flooding an area of about forty acres to a depth of two to three ft-et. The dam is built on the farm of Jos. Loughced, who investigated when he found the water rising on ti piece of waste land. While no one has actmiHy seen the animals, the dam has ben vie-wed by nun-ser- ous spectators, anxious to see what a beaver dam looks like. This is the first evidence of beavers report- ed in this urea in- some years. Russian guerillas have killed more than 300,000 Axis troops, including; 80 generals. It is an indication of what Frenchmen might have done, if they had had th will. The war ha brought great chfang- s in our way of life, when we oon- jder that we ue4 to be able to get bacon for breakfast, and esrjra were not thR same price as oranges and we knew nothing about coffei rationing. CEYLON Congratulations to L.A.C. Wallace McDermid and Mrs. McDermid, \yh t were married overseas on July 17th. Wallace is a Ceylon boy who ha^ been overseas for some time, Mr. and Mrs. R y Piper, Misi Margaret D. Collinson and Mrs. H. Piper attended the graduation of Pte. Sherman Piper, which took placi in Convocation Hall, Toronto, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hunt spent t; week end in Toronto and attended the wedding of their elder son, 2nd Lieut. Stanley M. Hunt, which took place on Saturday. Mrs. A. S. Muir returned Monday evening to her home, after visiting :n Toronto for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Copeland and family of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Copeland and family of Victoriu Corners, Miss Jean Copeland and -Mrs. Conrad Brunedle and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Copeland and little son of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Congratulations are extended to '2nd Lieut. S. M. Hunt, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hunt, Ceylon, am Miss Marie L. Keith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Keith, Toronto, who were married on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Genoe and laughter, Edna, of Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenwood and two <i-aughters of Toronto, Dianne Genoe of Eugenia, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goddard and family of Burlington were week end holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Genoe.. Marian and Marlene Goddard remained for a longer holiday with their grand- parents. Congratulations are extended t. Dr. Sherman Piper, youngest son of Mr. , and Mrs. Roy Piper, Ceylon and Miss Margaret D. Collinson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Col' inson. Ceylon, who were married on Saturday. Miss Jean Collinson returned t. Owen Sound after a week's holiday at the parental home. Mrs. Brady and Miss Jeanetti Xeilson, Toronto, are holidaying at the home of Mr. Jas. McMullen. Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Black and daughter Carol of Toronto and Mrs Bean of Red Creek, N.Y.. were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and attended the Piper-Collii son wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mather o, Holstein visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Cairns. Mrs. W. J. Glenister, Mrs. Otto Whalen and two sons of Torono and Mrs. Eithel Dingiwall and two sons of Hopeville were koliday visitors at the home of J. K. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. David Coleman,. June and Murray of Wheatley, Mr. ano .irs. J. G. Collinson of Brantford Rev. C. 0. and Mrs. Pherrill of Dut- ton, Mr. and Mw. Herbert Bowmai. or Beaumont, Miss Barbara Bowman of Bracebridge, Miss Betty Mitchell of Hamilton were house guests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collinson lasi week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irish and son returned to Toronto after a week's visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson and little son, Ralph, of Toronto spent a week's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. Miss Hilda Duckett returned to Toronto after a week's visit at her parental home. Miss Catherine Winters of Toron- to spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wharin wen iliclay visitors from Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLeod. Mrs. Hurst of Toronto is visiting with Mrs. Jos. Oliver and Mr. R. C. liver. Mi.<s Muriel Sparks. Flesherton. is a holiday visitor with Mrs. D. Rie<l. }fr. Wm. HemphiH and daughter. T ean, of Toronto were visitors with Vr. S. HemphiH and Miss M. Hemp- ill, also with Mr. and Mrs. P. uphill and Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall were: Mr. and Mr^. Cordon Cowan and Mr. and Mrs. Ted '>i\on of Toronto, Mr. Alex. Mar- shall of Bolton. Miss Barbara Mar- -:hall and Master Dale Marshall re- kiinied with Ales, to Bolton for a holiday. Mr. and Mr*. Thos. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. John Hahn. Dennis and ludith, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Will Burnett an<i Mrs. M. Irwin. Mrs. F. Marshall was in Toronto the first of the week visiting with friends. Mr. Jos. Snell of Werton visitec recently with Mrs. t eorfe Snell and Mr. Isaac Snell. Mr. Albert Arrowamith returned to Niagara the first of the week. ftcr visitinir three weeks with his brother, Mr. G. Arrowsmith and Mr and Mrs. P. Hunt. The young people of Priceville United Church gave a vei-y interest- ing service in the church here Sun- day evening, in the absence of Rev. Chas. Cox The speaker, Miss Hut- dhinson, gave a splendid address, which, if practised by each one in their daily life, would certainly make this old world much happier. Tht duet by Mrs. G. Eckhardt and Mi.-,.- Jean Mather was well rendered. Those who were present appreciate the kindness of the young people in taking the service, and hope they al 1 may do so again. Service will not be held in Ceylon church this Sunday, but Rev. Cox will have charge of the service on August 15th. Te Ladies' Aid will meet at the home ot Mrs. John McWilliam or Wed., Augusst 18h, at 2 p.m., in place of the usual date. Kindly keep this date in mind. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phil- lips, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tracey and son, Bill, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and Harold spent Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. D. A. Mclntyre of Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whiteheac' and Mary, were in Owen Sound or Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeGard and Mrs. C. Pedlar of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher. Mrs. Pedlar remained for a longer visit. KIMBERLEY The W. I. met Thursday afternoon in Community Memorial hall. The program was approved for the year and are ready for printing. It was decided to only have a sajidwic! lunch, provided by three members a: each meeting, or a member may- substitute for salad or cake i' desired. We are sorry to report that Mr. Delbert Wickens met with a bad accident while working at a war plant in Hamilton. As the call came for dinner, he turned quickly, strik- ing his forehead on an iron bai rendering him unconscious until afttei the ambulance had taken him to hos- pital. Later an X-ray revealed ; bone broken in his neck and a plaste cast had to be applied. Miss Dorothy Parker was tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. Graharr for a few days during last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Surbray ar.t : Ross of Toronto visited Kimberley friends on Friday. Eldon Goodfellow is visiting hi.- cousin, Keith Ellis. Mrs M. E. Parker of Goring is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. B. Carr- uthers. We are sorry to report the deatl of Miss Catherine Walter, who was born in Kimberley, later going to Detroit and Chicago. Two sister? and one brother sucvive, Irene of Chicago, Helen of Detroit and Wil- fred of Alberta. Our sympathy goes ^ut'to the bereaved family. Wednesday afternoon the Kirk- patrick families enjoyed their family reunion at the school and part grounds, when 99 were present and the afternoon was greatly enjoyed. ' Mrs. Knibbs (Mary Weller) of Meaford spent pan of the woek with her friend, Miss Joy Ellis. Saturday evening the community gathered at the hall for the purpose of honoring three more boys in the uniform of the RCAF: Glen Jenkins. Mervyn Ellis and Harold Graham, v. ho were presented with identifica- tion bracelets, New Testaments and each a purse of money. Replies were led by Aircraftman Jenkins, when he had on each side of him formal- school pupils. After his splendid re- marks., the others thanked all, and the remainder of the evening was happily spent in games. This make: 12 boys from here who have thus been honored and three more 11 uniform. If all the promises made by th< cnulidates an- fulfilled. Ontario wil' become a second Heaven. Processes have been developed whereby linseed oil may replace ca tor oil in the manufacture of lubri cants and brake fluid. It may k used in the textile industry, in the manufacture of insulating composi tkm, and it is the base of man' important plastics. STANDARD BRBD STALLION King Abdell Reg. No. LEK 499144 Will tnnd at his own stable at Flesherton for the- season of 194"?. Fee $10 at stable. Arrangements can be made to take him out. Fee 4 mile.' from Flesherton $12: over that dis- tance $15. HAROLD BEST phono 79w Flesherton. Ont. EUGENIA Rev. Mr. Wallace of Toronto is supplying in the pulpit of the United Chrch here, while Rev. Westcott is on his holidays. We are sorry to report Mr. Chas. Park critically ill in the Toronto General Hospital, after undergoing a serious operation. We extend oui best wishes to him for his recovery. Mr. Roy McMillan is convalescing at his home here after taking treat- ment in Belleville hospital for vari- cose veins. Mrs Ted Campbell has been on the :ick list for the past couple of weeks. Misses Winneta and Carmel Mar- tin and their cousin, little Miss Shar- on Nolan, of Toronto visited the past week with the formers' parents, M and Mrs. C. Martin, and Marge. They reurned on Sunday with Mr. A. Hwn- phrey of Flesherton, accompanied by their mother and sister, who return- ed on Monday. We are sorry to report Mr. Fred Jamieson on the sick list. Mrs. Geo. Lawlor received word of j the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Carr, wife of the late Weston Carr, of Bidle, Sask. The deceased had been ill for some time and passed away in Saskatoon hos- pital at the age of 60 years. Our -ympathy is extended to the sorrow- ing relatives. Mrs. Mary B. Logan has returned to Meaford after an extended visit with Mrs. J. Cairns who, with Shirle\ and Miss Irva Magee, accompanied her home and visited friends in Mea- ford on Sunday. Mrs. Calvin Boyce has returned home after a visit with friends. Pte. Gordon Stewart, who is train- ing, at Exhibition Park, Toronto, spent the past week at his home. Mr. and Mrs Fred. Graham, Walk- erton, visited on Sunday at the Boyce home. Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe. Little Miss Shirley Cairns spent a couple of weeks holidaying with Mr*. Joe. Porteous, near Maxwell. Mr. Fred Boyce of Collingwood spent the week end at his parental home, after returning with the For- esters from camp at Niagara. Misses McKee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto are visitors at the McKer hom.e. Miss Irene Martin is visiting he: brother, Lorenzo, wife and little daughter, at Los Angeles, Calif. Sh< journeyed via the States and will re- turn through Western Canada, where she will visft friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell, .iccomipanied by their little daughter. Jacqueline, spent a very enjoyable week end visiting at Owen Sound \Viarton and Tobermory. On their return home they attended the church service of the Rev. and Mrs. James Trew in Owen Sound. ROCK MILLS We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Robt. Clark and family in their bereavement by the death of their dear husband and father. Fall wheat threshing has com- menced in this neighborhood. The sample of grain is erf very pool quality. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gamey and Mr. Otto Gamey of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bowers and Mrs. Robt. Let of Owen Sound' were visitors at thi. Clark home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher aiii' Clifford of Toronto holidayed the past week with relatives here. Visitors over Sunday with Mr. an Mrs. Frank Betts were: Mr. ami Mrs. Donald Helson of Toronto, Mr.- S. McMullen and Bobbie McCrack^ of Flesherton. Mr. and .Mi Dave Jamieson Toronto were week end visitors i this vicinity. Mr. Ned Croft and son, Bob, mot- ored to Hamilton Sunday mornin, returning home the same evening. Miss Marion Croft, who has made her home with her uncle here for the past ten years, has gone to re- side with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Merron Croft, at Hamilton. FEVERSHAM Mrs. W. R, Colquette of Owen Sound spent a few days with hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexandei Oher visitors at the Alexander home were; Mr. and Mrs. Millard and bub- of Long Branch, Itrs. Emery Fishe- and Sandra of Flesherton, Mr. am' Mrs. Howard McKee and sons, Jim Bill and Jack, of Hamilton, and Mr W. R. Colquett* of Owen Sound. Cpl. Arthur Parker of the RCAF at Rockcliffe. and Mrs. Parker cr 1 Woodstock visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Fred Tyler. Misses Wilm; 1 and Eleanor Williams of Fleshertor are holidaying this week with Mr and Mrs. Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Osborne of Hamilton were holiday visitors lasi week wit n Mr. Wm. Osborne, Mrs. Wm. Davidson, Mr. Chris Thomsoi and ocher friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs-. Richardson of Grand Valley and Mrs. A. Stewart of Flesh erton were callers in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morrison, Mrs. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Conchard. all of Toronto, Mrs. McClennin of Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Hazard aiui Mrs. Fawcect and children of Flesh - erton were visitors Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W. Teeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Long and Mur- ray. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Long of To- ronto spent a few days at th- home of Jas. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Mont- gomery and Carol of Dundalk alsr visited at the home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G-'nver and Joyce of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bi-r Osborne of Xottawa were Sunua.. guests of llr. and Mrs. Geo. Burki Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby and Steph- en spent the wtek end and holiday with Mrs. Eby and Marion. M;.ss Moody of New Westminster. B.C., visited a few weeks with her ^Ister, Mrs. MacKay. They all left on Saturday for New Westminster where Mrs. MacKay and children will reside while Rev. MacKay i? i: India. Rev. J. C. MacNeil of Campbi-11- ville will conduct the services in the Presbyterian Church on the second and fourth Sundays in August, and Rv. Forbes Thomson of Acton, former minister here, will take the third and fiifth Sunday services in August. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford of Toronto 'sited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stafford. EUGENIA RED CROSS WORK The Eugenia Red Cross Unit will hold a quilting and business meet- ing at the home of Mrs. W. Gordon on Tuesday. Aug. 10th. Ladies of the Woman's Association are also invited to attend. Tea will be serv- i'(i. The proceeds of the afternoon will be divided between the R Cross and W. A. VANDELEUK (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Smith uf Thornbury were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bowles and family. Mrs. W. G. Huchinson of Toronto was a recent guet of Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson a nd other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haw ot Swinton Park visited with Mr. and i!rs. H. I. raham. Mrs. Jack Carson has gone to Windsor to join her husband. Mr. Freddie Boland of Toronto is spending some time at his home. Mrs. Nicholson and Mr. Ferri* of Thornbury were recent visitors at the horn* of Mrs. Ethel Hutch ineon. Mr. and Mra. Bert Parker of To- ronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham. Mr. Howard Graham purchased a i: lie Shorthorn sire recently. He was bred by Murphy Bros, of Orillia and is a son of the noted "Regfoot Sen- sation 1 ' who was twice Grand Cham- pion at the Royal Winter Fair. Vu ndcie ur softball team defeated Berkeley in a snappy gume in the Community Park recenty. The bam of Mr. Will Bowles was burned to the ground on Monday at'u-rnoon. It was being shingled at the time. The W. I. held their July meeting ut Etoenezer Church Thursday after- noon. Mrs. Fred Boland was in ;ar-je of the program. Mrs. Howard Graham spent a .ouple of days in Owen, Sound recently. PRICEVILLE (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Neun of Toronto is visiting her son, Elmer. Mr. Geo. McLeilan of Niagara Falls spent the week end with his -,vife and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Clements and Lois of North Bay visited last week at the home of Hector McLean. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Knox and fam- ily of Toronto visited on Saturday at the Carson home. Mr. Carson, who has spent the past two months in Toronto, returned with them. Maxine MacCannell, Proton Sta- tion, is spending a week with hf cousins, Betty and Shirley Hincks. Mr. Don Black. John McLachlan and Mrs. McLachlan and family wer r<n-t>nt visitors at the home of Mr. Henry Eckhardt. The MacCaniH'll family gathered the flrst of the week for a picnic at the home of Andrew Hincks, when 29 were present to enjoy supper on the lawn. Mr. Don MacDonald of Toronto entertained with bagpipe music. Mr. Hector McLean received the sad news on Thursday of the death of his son, Gordon, which occurred Wednesday night at Fort Quapalle, Sask.. at the age of 39 years. He had not been in good health for some time. His many friends around Priceville extend sympathy to his sun-owing wife and relatives. Furniture output in the United States has been cut about (50 per cent this year. There should he a m -:it market for furniture after thr war ends. PRICEVILLE W. I. Priceville Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. G. Whyte, with a fair attendance, along with some visitors. Mrs. Thos. Currie opened the meeting with the Institute Od, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Aldcorn gave a report on donations of money and other do- nations for boxes for the boys over- sens, which are to be sent at one*. The National Anthem closed the meeting. The August meeting will !>o held at the home of Mrs. M. Mc- T.can on Aujrtist 12th. Ready-Made Menus for 21 Days Tempting . . . Convenient . . . Nutritionally Right! TT'S easy to serve healthful meals, if you follow * the timely menus in " Eat -to -Work- to - Win"*. Sound, practical, interesting this clever new booklet does all the difficult, time- taking planning for you. And it's yours FREE. Never was it more important that you pro- vide proper food for your family. For good nutrition is vital to Victory now to health and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only 40 percent of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. Learn the"can't-go-wrong"way to tempting meals that till every food need of your family! Send for your FREE copy^of "Eat-to-Work-to- \Yin". Mail the coupon today! YOURS Timely... intwesttng... helpful' Lai (hit origi- nal nw booklet bring better health to vout family. MAIL YOUR COUPON TODAY! Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interest* of nutrition tod health ma ri aid to Victory. ne Nulrttlnnal statements m "Eat-. to>-wi>rK-t<)-\\ tn" ATI* jwi-vptablo to Nutrition Sorvlrm. 1 apartment ot P- Blonamiil NattoiuU Ilrnlth. Ottava. tor tbe CaudUui NutrtUuu procramme. ___---------------, "NUTRITION FOR VICTORY". BOX 600, TORONTO. CANADA. ^ Pleweaeod me my FREE copy of Eat-to- Work-to- Win". N*M at,