f~" Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, now leading his British Eighth Army against the Axis in Sicily, in- spired his troops with the pre-invaaion message whose concluding words are shown here. He is pictured donning a sweater Just before renewing battle with Axii force*. How Can 111 By Anne Ashley. Q. How can I clean matting? a Wipe off the matting with a cloth wrung from salt and water, and It will prevent It from turn- taK yellow. Q. How can 1 protect the lower t. ' of the walls In the basement? A. Whtn painting the base- Mit floor, let the paint extend boot ten inches above the floor. This will be a protection to the lighter colored walls when the floor IF mopped. Q. Jlow can I easily cut fresh read ? A. l ,. the blade of the bread huff* through a flame to heat it, aixl there will be no dlffli ulty in vtllnp ! i , bread. Q. How can I destroy earth- worms In the soil of a potted plant? A. Put a teasponful of cam- phor In a quart of water and sprinkle the> noil with this while it li dry. Q. How can I prevent curtains from blowing out of the window and becoming soiled? A. By ii-nii- lead dress-weights. These weights can be covered with material the same color as the curtains, then slipped Into the bot- tom hems of the curtains. Using about five weights In each hern will make the curtain hang even- ly. Vegetable production in Britain baa been raised from the pre-war figure of 2,600,000 tons to 000 tons VATICAN WILL BE SPARED BOMBS Allied bomber* are attacking by daylight in their precision konibinK of Rome to avoid hitting the Vatican City. Here in the. Bfcf it i fronr i biii IK i > i ii,i\nii \^ i\,y . r i i t i* I MCI iilira of St. Peter's anil, im mediately In front of it, the I'm. ... Pietro. Moj-t military target* in Rome are at least three miles from these Vatican buildings. FUNNY BUSINESS ef/nsct Bites ffeatHasA STOP* ITCH For quick relief from Itching of liuect blttt, I rail), athlete'i foot, aem* and other extero ca iM'i] kin trouble*, uie tet-Actlnc. oootloir, oti- Mpttc. n. n.i D. D. D. Prescription. GnasHn. vUJnleM. SootheBlrrttaUooandqulcUyvtoprilituiBw Itching, 'iv trlAl bottle prove* It. or money buk. Aak your drucclat lod*r 'or D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, CAP BRUSH ROOST APPIKATOR "1 .1" i I cure if it is appendicitis, out conic your tonsils- thc si i -i mi says you talk too muchl" No piiot-bnuh brinies Co abiorb ---._ li!.. k Leaf 40" Our "Cap-Brush" toot applicator ipreadi it thinner, and More ertnlr. Mike* "Black Leaf 40" to four limnai far and icill circs effective remit*. "BLACK LEAF 4O" Applied to the room with ibe "Cap-Brmh", kills lice tad feather mites i* easy to * coil* extremely little. For individual bird treatment, a drop placed . in frithen two inches below toe vent killa body lice a drop on thebsck of birds' necks kills head lice. Apply with "Cap- Brush." Sold by Dealers Everywhere TAPAtOMG ROOST -THEN SMEAR Modern Etiquette By Roberta I By Robertta Lee. 1. Is it really essential tht there be a wedding rehearsal? 2. Should all the men stand at the i.ibii: until all th women ar* seated? 3. Is* It proper for a man to wear a wrist watch with full eve- ning dress? 4. Is It necessary that a man who is travelling alone, use the prefix "Mr." when registering at a hotel? B. When leaving" th dinner table* to dancr, what should one do with his napkin? 6. Is It necessary that man rise when he is being introduced to another man? Answers. 1 While not actually essential It is far better to have a rehearsal than to have any embarrassing blunder occur during the cere- mony. 2-Yes. 3^ No; he should carry a pocket watch. 4 No; he should register as John B. Green. New York. 5 Leave the napkin unfolded by the side- of the plate. -Yes. Britain Will Draft Youths For Mines British .boys from 16 to 18 yeari of age must be drafted for work In English coal mines to boost the tagging production of coal for the nation's fuel-hungry war indus- tries, Ernest Bevin, minister of labor, told the Blackpool Min Workers Federations last week. Pleading with the federation not to "raise a political storm" over the issue. Bevin said it was Mr- Cent that 30,000 to 00,000 youths LADY HUNTER FEMALE PILLS For Painful and Delayed Period*, Extra Strength, $2.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Avc.) TORONTO MIDDLE-AGE WOMEN HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless. NERVOUS suffer hot flashes, dizziness caused by this period In a woman's life try I, yell. i E. Plnkhara's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made lu Canada. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS _ fSCO CAH.S WITH GOOD Tlltl^S. Heo us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tora i. in .1 Used Car Lot ut 204O YonKe Street: Head Ofri<-e. Cli: Mount Pleasant Road, . To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. AUTU I'ARTS NICW ANIJ I SKI) PARTS KOH A UL makes of ciiru and trucks. Ci.in- I'll ' au i , . in. In lu machine alinp service. Uencrul Auto Supply, II Frederick St., Kitchener. Ontario. II A II V L'llICKK DON'T HKSITATF to write m for Ute Miinnifi and fall chloks, HI thrro will be dome hatching to tnU rare <if such order.*. Order now alFo for Hcptenther .nul C>c- li,li> r , In. l. lii.iy II ,1, h.-i\, ISO John '. . Hamilton. Ont. WK < - AN STII.I, Sl'Pt'LY VOU with a limited numb<'i- uf dy- nl.l und Htartecl rhlcks, two and thi-ft> w.-i ks of an for Immed- iate delivery. Al.^o older pulletH finin eluht weeks up to 24 weeks. Hunk your iniler imw fur full hiiti-hid <lay-<ild chicks. Fi'ec out- HloKiie. Twnlii I'hlrk M,I.I>. , I.'S l.linil.il. KerRux. (lutarln. WIIITK I.KtillOKN PI 1,1. KTS, T\VO i I<H Zllc. 3 weeks LTic, 4 week* :ni. (iodih.ril 'hlik Hatcher lei. Britannia HeiKhts, Out. < I. HAVIO YOU ANVTH1NH NKEJDS (Ijeiin or cleanlnK? Write to UB fur Information. We are Kind to answer your tiuestions. Dopart- nipnt H. Parker's Dye Work* Limited. 7fll Votive Street, To- ronto. I I'A I Ill'll* \ V IJ.'II WIM- PAY TIIK I'-OLUIW 1 NO price* for Ciooae and Duck feath- ers: UooRe feathers, C8c II).: Duck feathers, 48c Ib. Canada Comforl- . r Co. i .unit.-. i. , ,ii Dundni HI. Ka*t. Toronto, Onf. i oil SAI.K THUKSHINO OUTFIT FOB SALE. Hell Separator. Itumely engine. Apply to I. U. Battler, 1'latti- vlllr, Ontario. Dt".S TO LABOR CONDIflONS WE are furred to dispose of 103 or more of our registered Palomino anil Tennessee Walking horMR Im-ludliiK pleasure, horses, brood in.-irrs, Htullini. . .. .iii'.nri and MI. Mint colts of grand champion lii. .1,1! lines. Send for our ilnacrlp- live price Hit. FIHHBK I'AI/OM- INO I M:\I. . Souderton. 1'ennayl- va iila. SOMIC CIKIM'K YOUNd H d Yuik.Hhiia aows just bri'tl, and tornc choleo youtiK ReKlterd boms ahuiit ready for nervlce. M.I. ,11 Dennis, lt.lt. 1. Aurora, Ont. BLACKSMITH, \VO< ) I >WOHK AND K< ncral ri- pair xh.ip, hniiHe unit lot. k, i'il i HI. .1 n> district. U. T. nedliurn. TccKwaler. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I mil UAI.M BAl'MKKKA I'OOT HA1JV1 destrnys offensive odor instantly, 4Sc bottle. Ottawa HUCIII. Lleiiiiii.ii Drug Store, Ottawa. I I K I. \\ O II U A .N I I : II MAI'I.K, llllt.'ll AND MIXKn cordwood. First or ttvcoii.l Ki'owtn. \ i-.i Millwood. State full partli u- lais and ki\\.--l prices. Walter 8fhies. 13 MeliiKla St., Toronto. II tlHIIKI >M\(. .. IKMll. LUAKN UAiKUKUSSlNU I'HU i . MM i i -.M, method. Informailoo on reu.uatt reKardinK clasae*. Itobirtaon'a tialrdresimK Acad- my, 137 Avenue ttond. Toronto. M t< HIM n t FOR SAI.K 1 ADVANVkMllTMKLY Oil Pull, operntca on fuel oil. Mounted on traction wheels and KI"'I'.I ! 1,1 I'll condition. Immed- late ilolivery. Kin^ 1'aving Co. l^td.. Hox 3ii. Oakviilf. Out. aBDICAti POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Itiinmh the Torment of Dry Eczema. Hashes and Weeping Skin Troubles. I'ost's Kczemu Salve Will Not Disappoint You. Itchine. Scaling, liurnlnt; Ec- zeini. Acne. IliiiKworm, 1'implen and Athlete's Font will respond readily to this stainless, odor- ! ointment. rfKaT.llens of how ttlbbom ur hojieli.is thoy may stem. PRICE $1.00 PER JAIl Sent post free on rcce'pt of price POST'S REMEDIES 88 giieen 81. 10., I'.irner of Logan TOHONTO MICIIII Al. OOOli HKSl'LTS EVUKY Ml K- ferer from Khcuniatic 1'aiiiM or N. UNI ii.'i,:.i try l>i\on'n Hem- edy. Mu in i,-. I 'i HI. Store, 335 El- Kin, Ottawa. Jl.dn Postpaid. WANTKI). (1UAUUATH Oil UNDEIU'.RADtl- utu nursea for general duty, 8- hour duty and half day a week. Apply, i ivii'K full particulars. Huperintendent, Mumoriul Hospi- tal, Ustowel. UKKAT NKKI> KOK ISItAUl'ATK nurses. MlNMion Hospital, Sask- atihiwan and Indian Itesldcntlal School, Manitoba. Experienced pracll.al nurse with references would tie considered for Indian S. -In, nl Apply . .null, l. u, Sec. 1 'rcMh\ I .-r tan Women's Mission Society. 1(10 Adelai.lo SI West, T.ininln. on.- ANI1 ..Hi \si TKACTOIl OWNlOllS SICNU foil our new 1943 price list on oils anil grease. Co-Operative Oil Company, 3&70 Dundaa St. W., Toronto. Picob Ifs a mild., cool, sweet smoke GROWN- IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO be called up. He disclosed that al- though 47,000 miners have return- ed to the pits from other higher- paid jobs, the number of miners has fallen to 690,000. He estimat- ed the absolute minimum needed to keep production at the neces- sary level at 720,000 to 750,000. "Heretofore boys reaching the draft age have been Riven then- choice of going into the armed forces or Into the mines, but Bevin said that so far only 3,000 have taken mining jobs In preference to 50-cents-a-day service with tha army and navy. Professor: "What Is tha most potent poison?" Student: "An airplane, one drop and you're dead!" We'll Bet You a Million . . . that someday You'll say We Were Right! But tome day may Lr let late . . . therefore wfe ufgeat that you read the littfte booklet fee have prc P .vd that tell, you the TRUTH about Mining and Mining Investment*. You'll agree after you bave rfead it ... that it will prove to be an in- valuable guide in your future purchase* of mining equities. If you are seriously interested in the future? of Canadian Mining thit book -ill Lie tent % to you FREE of charge. CLIP COUPON AND MAIL SHERWOOD & CLARKE Prospectors and Developers. 427 Wilson Building - 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Name . Address CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS IIIIKI >IATU I'AIXS THY IT EVKItV Sl'KKKHKK cf Kheunmtii' l'ain. or Neuritis should try Dlxon's Honiedy. Mun- ro's DruK Store. 335 ElRln, Ot- tawa. 11.00 lytpaid. _ I'llOKM.ItAI'in DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH rhe Heal, itiiin ur Hull HAVE YOUR SNAPS llt-ll.rrt-J IJT Mull Any t or 8 exposure mm pei redly developed and printed for unly &c. Supreme quality and fast servlc* Tuai utiteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J I'm .^uiu "ALWAYS SEND MY ROLLS TO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE . . ." That s nnul a customer at Outre- mont, v' . writes. He adds: "Some of my friends asked me where 1 nt my pictures to be developed anil printed. I told them, 'send your rolls to *t*r >m. |.-.i)..i Service,' and they did. They, too, are now reK- ular customers of Star Mnapiihol Service." Any Size Itoll 6 or 8 KVUOMII es. Ill \ I 101-1 l> *M. I 'KIM I II .: Hoys and Klrls on active service enjoy letters so much more when "snaps" are enclosed. Mail your next roll to star >MI>II- huf Service for a triul order. You will get quality prints, with finer deluil ut lowest cost. And you will get the moat prompt mail service obtainable in keeping with quality work, star Mnupuhoi *erilce oper- ates Canada's blUMl and bcsi i, HII.J...I photu finishing .studio. a >:! \ii l. KM.AIK.KMK.N'I'S :: .-/ 4 x i." in Ileauilful I : , .. i Mounts. You can have enlargement* roi.uir- txl by hand for u n- 11 additional STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE llux i -ii. i'. .ml Tcriulnul \, I'uruiilu I'riut your name und uUdresa plainly tin all ufde r a. FILMS DEVELOPED i!5c COIN I'wo piuila Hum euuh nvualuu. Itu- prints He eucli. Uoutical 1'hulu. 1'A). Uox lliu, St.'ilion I' 1 , Muiilr>ni, I'll tl I I >ll I' \llls 1'KAUTUU I'AUla iM LJ SV ANU uaed, loi all muuea ul liuctuin lieucrul Autu ami 1'iaclui jtu|i|)ij, 1 Frederick St., KucheinT, uni. lAri-:\Nou.>i STOMACH AND 1'IIKKAL) WUH.M.S often ale the cause of Ill-health In humans till UKUK. No one im- mune! Why not tinu out II tins U your trouble? Intc-iesims uai- tlc-ulais Free! Write Mulvcney's Kiinedle.s, Specialists. Toronto 3 Out. __ _ ' TOIIAll 5-rM'Mi SAMI'I.K I'ACKUIK V4 li- ^illia. liurli.y. y.iinni r .-iml I'riou li-iif tobaOCU. \\ilh ri'i'i|iv< a nit flavorlnv. $:i pusiimiii. I;\IIIIVMI II.IKUCU uchatnv*, Ituihvi n, Onl. TEACHERS WANTED t'HOTESTANT T K A C II K It wanted for 8.S. No. ! Uolland State. Salary and qualification*. Duties to conitni'iiee on (ho lt n f September. U nu Kiviim lel- phone number to Thomas I'enmson, Sn'i-.-tary Treasurer, K U. No. 1 Uerkeley. Out. WAXTKD ASSISTANT TMACH- tr for Spartu Continuation School. Write suiting iiualifla- tioiia and .salary to Urunt I'ich- ard. Sparta, Ont. UKTHA.NV: \VA\Tlil\ I'UUTIC.ST- ant teacher tor 1'ubli; Schtvl Section Klevcn, Tuwnshlp "f M:tnvrs, County of Durham, Ou- ties to commence September first. Apply, staling certificate and talury expected, to *.!. M. T. Dav- is, Secretary, Bethany, R.U. No. 2, Ontario. PROTESTANT TEACHBH Wnntfd S.S. No. Hay. Salary Jl.liOO, H l.upils. Apply Jacob M. C;IIIK<--- rleh, II. No. 3. Zurich, Out. TUAc'HEU Ki.il I S.S No. 12 Uancat-ti T, cayalile of leachniK KiiKlish und I'Teivi-h. salary Jl.HUU. J. Y. Maker. 8C, Tica^., Dalhou^ic Mills, tint. QI'AUI-'IKD 1'ROTKSTANT TLIACll- er. Iturul School. Sular; 1 #111". Ni|iis.x|iiK Liisii-.'-i. state ai;e and experience. Otiti-- l( . nun -nee S<-|>- ttnihcr. Apply Wm. I'arl^, Kulh- l ulen. Ont. UANTj'II) A niUNOl'AL H Kimlish male lonelier for . tant church school. Apply Jlev. Allan S. Uuld. 3-185 McTavis.li St.. Montreal. I'lMlUXVK' TI-A.'HI-U \VANTI':ii f. ; S.S. No. 1. Si.iithw ;h Hii'l II ninan dlitrlcl i'f Ken . i. State salary r\pi>ctt-(!; <|ut:vs -,'., ciini- i. n nc* Sept. fiv-t. A|)|>iy to IS. /"ccnlr, Sfci-it; ->. lUiaril uf TI-US- I'T. 1 -, I >iiuii'wii'. Onl. W'' \ Union I'UnTKSTANT 'rc.-u-li- < r fi>r S.S. XH. :> T..|-hol:-.n. r?ir- letoi) County. l>uii<v i-.iinmcnrf Si-pt. 1. 1!I43. Apply stati'w iilllili- ricatlon and :l:ny to Mrs. K. \V Mllford, Si'.-y.. W .1 .lllawn. | int. M< '\KTVU.U.;, ..NT. : i-..,, ,. K( ,MII teachar \\anii-ii t t .i s.s. NI,. J. Peldoner aiui i,nud..ii. \-,|iissinif pltrlet. Salary Sl.i'Hi. -nri.!?!!!'!!! 1". Apply at nn.-c I j M:i!,iM Kn- r. Mnnetvlllc, out. ri:u;i-s ; I'I;OTI>TA.\T tc.-ich.-r [;."'. ,' SlS - N '*'- -. Wel 'li:.,llaxa. H Blllnnton (Vuin;, ihi mi;, s Iri.in Fergus ,,i, county ron.l S n *S Ptemb01 '' J " h " Iteniii,. I!. It. 3. KT(?U. n.\i;ii\voiin i,\i<r, oi-A;.mi.;n t.-ae ,er w.-inle.l I,,,- s.S. .No. ]J Uaslan. .salary l UU>. Apply ,, t , lt . my ciualifleatioiiv :ilul ,.. <; ,:. r i oll ,. e to Arthur r. W.-nri,^, Secratary, HardAvood i..,u,-. ui,<. xv .} N'TKD, I..M.V TCACH:;,; KOII i rotvttanl schmii. first ?la twi. ' ir mur. ep*rlenc9, n.-.-.r , .-.-.r U)Re Nlplsslnir. APJ.IV A noun- ' HKI'IHTr. (|\T. ITIM.U: .si IKKll. n.iun.-; ii.u-hii liir'-jun u- r,,,.in, irrHden 1 to 5, .oiilliieil .:,; ;ifp- I'll! 1 , '.I'' 1 'T:' I '"> f' 11 ^'"' uul tioniiH 1100.00. II. W. '!.io<U,.!!.iw. SC,