Wednesday, Julv 28, 1943 THE FtESHERTON ADVANCE V |r c I c ft I K WHERE DOES YOUR FAMILY FIT IN? OF CillD!NI AM PtspiiVr FED 40V, I y UE ON THI f. lotoniim or I MHNgTRITIOH o Ml Government iurreirs conducted early la the war show that only 40 per cent of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. forty per cent are on the borderline of malnutrition. Twenty per cent re definitely undernourished. That's why you need a rr plan for healthful family meals. Ttat'i why we offer yon "Eat-to- Work-t o-Win"* . . . authoritative FREE booklet, that takes the guesswork out of nutrition. Send for your FREE copy today! Clip the coupon on the right, and mail It NOW! MEDEFINimt .NOE- I NOURISHED /. ' "*'""'"" '"*"* an utapuUt to Kutritia* Pfmiiam and Nation*! lliallb, OlUHV*, for it, framm,. 'CUP THIS COUPON Sponiortd by THB BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) la ib latenea of nutrition and hlth . > en ejd to Vlciorr "NUTRITION FOR VICTORY". BOX 600. TORONTO. CANADA PI MM Mad at* 07 FREE copy of "Eat-to- Wadi-io-Wla" EUGENIA (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs Thos. Stewart, Ruth. Patsy and Walter visited with Gor- don at Hamilton, and with friends in Carlisle and Toronto recently. Tpr. Ted Campbell has* returned to Saskatchewan after & visit with hi' wife and children, and his parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell. Gnr. Victor Campbell has returnee! to Brandon, Man., after hia furlough. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. Francis Genoe accompanied him to Toronto and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pedlar of Nia gar a Falls visited the past week or so " wfth the Pedlar and Magc families. A cable has been received from L. A.C. Argyle Martin of has safe arriv- al in England with the RCAF. He also sent an airgraph letter, stating that he is well. Pte. Donald Carson, wife and little son visited with Mrs. Carson's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart. iFX). Art Lawler, wife and little son, David, of Aylmer visited a week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler, 8th line. Mrs. Joe Little and daughter, Don- na Marie, Toronto, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Magee. Miss Blanche Walker and Miss Irene Phillips spent a few holidays THE LIFE STORY OF HARRY NIXON, PREMIER OF ONTARIO Harry Nixon's people were United Empire) loyalist*. HII (arm was pioneered by hit grandfather over 100 yeart ago High School in Brentford wot an exciting enperience {o young Ninon, but he worked hard and did well. Thote who know Harry Ninon wall, know him to be o man of tound butinttt judgment at well as a successful "dirt forme/* TK Ninon family ore church yoers. They attend the United Church at St. George. Whether at the form or at the Parliament Buildingt, he likes to retail in his shirt sleeves at the end of a busy doy. The Ninon family is "in uniform". Son Jackson, R.C.A.F., wot hilled m octkm over Germany; (Catherine, M.C.A F . W.O., it or mm, Margaret it doing confidential work at Ottawa Both doughtert married tervice men Bob (14) it working on the farm. Ontario's premier was born on the farm in April, 1891 He was christened Harry Corwin Nixon and is always colled just plain Harry Four years of more hard work at Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, proved Harry Nixon a studious and determined man and earned him the B.S.A. degree. Working in his own quiet way, Nixon's qualities of leadership earned him a seat in the Ontario house in 1919. Harry Nixon hat been o member of the legislature for, Bront continuously sine* 1919. but forming U his occupation and he work* at it. Nixon's quietly efficient ways and original thinking earned him a high place in government councils. At 45 he wat many times Acting Prime Minister. Mrt. Nlion it o friendly, motherly womani a gracious hottest and sympathetic countel. She U well liked wherever she goet. He attended the little red school house down the road. Nights, mornings, Saturdays and holidays he helped on the farm. He returned to the form, hit chosen life work. On October 28, 1914, he married Alice Jackson, a Gudph girl who hod graduated from MacOonald HalL At 28. Harry Nixon wcu the youngest Cabinet Minister in Canada. Equally at home in a neighbor's drawing room or in hit barn, it it said he has reached many important decisions while milking; a job he truly enjoys. On April 30, 1943, an enthusiastic liberal Convention made Harry Nixon leader of the party. He was then sworn in as Prime Minister. Now he wants hit appoint- ment confirmed by the people. Premier Nixon Is a steady-driving statesman) a cour- ageous thinker who hat the will to get things dore. Hit long adminlttratlve experience and level-headedneu will enure Progress and Unity in Government for Ontario. ATTHEWHEEL FOR PROGRESS AND UNITY P NIXON ^ mM^^r ^ VOTE LIBERAL AUGUST 4TH F. T: HILL & CO., LIMITED i Announcement As a War Measure and to Con serve Goods this store will be closed all the first week in Aug. < Ihf OMIMIO (HUM ASSOCIATION Honourable F. R. OLIVER FOR SOUTH GREY Sale of Sockees Sockees in a Host of Plain Colors, with stretchable top. Sizes 5*/2 to 10. Your Choice 15c a pair A wonderful Assortment in Stripes and Plain Colors. Full range of sizes. Selling at lOc and \2 l / 2 c a paii F. T. HILL & CO., Limited MARKDALE, Ontario with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carr Walker, Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCowell of To- roto and Herbie LeGard Jr. of Pick- erine were visitors, for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Mr. Roy McMillan, who has been ill in Belleville hospital has returnen home and we are pleased to report his condition improving. Mrs. Mc- Millan and children and Mr. Wesley Jamieson visited him and he accom- panied them home. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson and Miss Agnes of Toronto are holiday- ing at tive McMillan and Jamieson homes. Mrs. Ward Kelly and friend, Mrs. Hyndrnan. of Paris, Ont.. were wee* and visitors with Mr. and Mr. Fran- cis Genoe. VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Orpha Hurd, MoKellar, Parry Sound District, is holidaying with her friend, Mrs. Geo. Moore. During her stay she visited friff.ds at Mark- dale, Berkeley, Harkawav and Owen Sound. Mr. Kingsley Gallagher, Toronto, ;*pent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher. Little' Misses Evelyn, Emily, Mar- ina and Ruth Acheson, Cheltenham, and Paul Patterson, Allandale, are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Acheson. In company with their aunt, Miss Ina Acheson, all will attend the Summer School at Bethel United Church for the bovs and irirls of the district, at which Inn is one of the teachers. Born In the W. and W Hospital, Kitchener, on Monday. July 12, 194, 1 ?. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacGreeor (nee Marguerite Batchelor) of Preston, a daughter, Maureen Elaine. AUCTION SALE ; FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. J. OTTEWELL, SR. will -I'll by public auction on LOT 9, CON. 12, OSPREY TUESDAY, AUGUST 3 the following: HORSES Aged Bay Mare; Bay Mare, 2 years old; Brown Driving Mare, 5 years old, good both double and single. CATTLE, Etc. 8 Durham Cows, as follows: 2 Red Cows, 3 yrs. old due in Aug.; Red Cow, 3 yrs., calf at foot; Red Cow, 4 yrs., calf at foot; Roan Cow, 9 yrs., supposed due Sept. 15; Red Cow, 4 yrs., due time of sale; White Face Cow. 10 yrs., bred; Spot- ted Cow, 3 yrs., calf at foot; 6 Year- ling Cattle; 15 Young Cattle; 2 Dur- ham Bulls, year old; 2 Brood Sows bred; 11 Chunks of Pio-s IMPLEMENTS, Etc. M.-. Bin- der, 6 foot cut; McCormaok Mower. 6 foot; M.-H. Rake; Wagon Box; Deering Disc Drill; Buggy; M.-H. Cultivator; Cockshutt Disc. 14 elate nearly new; New set Steel Double- trees. 4-horse; 3 Set Iron Harrows; St Chain Harrows; Spring Tooth Harrows; Set Stock Scafes and Rack: Set Breeching Harness; Complete Set Blacksmith Tools; Number Horse shoes; Quantity Pine Lumber Set of Skidding Tongs: 2 Sugar Kettles; Fanning Mill; Cockshutt Single Plow, new: Wilkinson Gane Plow; Quantity Household Furniture; and Numerous other articles. SALE AT 1 P.M. TERMS; All "sums of $10.00 and un^er. cash; over that amount 1 months' credit will be Hvcn on joint notes satisfactory to the Bank of To- ronto. Fevorsham, bearin? interest at 6 per cent. GFO. DUNCAN. Auctioneer Small Ad Column FOR SALE Cheap, dresser, bed. springs and scpring-fllled mattres. K. G. Goheen, phone 81. FOR SALE Two Yorkshire sows, due July 17 and 19 Harold Beet, phone T'.'w Fleaherton. 6p2 FOR SALE Number small pigs. Ben McKenzie, Ceylon, phone 22r5. CAME ASTRAY * Head c*ttl came to farm of Percy Mage, gth Hne, Artemesia. Owner prov pro- perty and pay expense*. WANTED AnimlB suitable foi mink and fox toed. Bert Mclnto*t> phOM F*OMht~l 6r26 WANTED Hones and cows fl< for nink feed. John J. Meadi Prloewttte. phone 21 r 4. WANTED Horse*, and rows fit Station, R.?.. S, phoit* UrS. for mink feed. -V. Rades. Protor FOR SALE 2 Garden wire g-.ta u. Al condition, also two good storm door*. Apply t The Advance qffice. 7p2 WAiNTED Immediately, girl or woman to assist with housework on farm, permanent position. Mvs. I. B. Whittaker, Ceylon. fK-2 HIDES Agsia in 'he market for hides beef, hor;e, sheep and e*H skins. Prank Eagles, R. R. g, Pro- ton Station, phone tlrS Flachertoa. STRiAYED 2- Year old rod steer, with white face from 7th line of Rxphrasia, on or about July 12th. iL. L. Tfcifcaudeau, Markdale, tel- ephone 94. <V3 FOB SWiLE 100 Acre farm on High- way 8, mile west Maxwell; brick house, bank bam, drirviiur sited and ipig pen; 10 .acres maple bush of aibout 75,000 f*t. Apply to R. J. , Morrison, WaJte-rton, Qni FOR SALE 26 acres of mixed al- falfa and timothy hay, about 76% alfalfa, on the Roth, "urvis. lots it. Fugenia. Apply to Alex. Cameron Eugenia, phone Feversham 5ral. FOR SALE New Renfrew separators in stock; 2 recondition ed separators in good repair; Dear* ing binder; 2 good young cows do* now. W. E. Betts, Fleahertoa. FARM FOR SALE OR KENT Good 100 acre farm. Lots *6 and 17, 3 N.D.R., Artemesia, convenient to Highway 4, 1H miles west of O /lorn, either Mil or hent, very reasonably priced, good ibuv. Apply to Mrs. R. Stewart, Flesherton. BUSINESS CAKJS AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICEN9"BD AUCTIONBBB for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales our ty. Terran: reasonable. Sati__ ffnaraatosd. Datoc arrangtx! at Advance offfao or phono 4w. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durban St. Osffleo boon: aatotmooiti to TJtolt No