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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jul 1943, p. 6

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T TMGET: E ft - This is the Ji| oiirfidlit ^Iu iuncla on jtini*!<'il New bland in the Soltntn flmni An \rnerS isrican forces arc bombing, shell- Ing and attacking 1; U - land. U, S. trocs^ooojsat newly- won Viru Harbor, farther south on S w- Geoi[ii ( are a. -B aavanci jnjf on this Jap position, while artillery onitinu iirky Wiva hlasjiBBl- land has Muncla area under fire. YouHeVeard? A nervous girl )ir 5 (htliiii'lo fcer vicar about 1A;;, ,', ;, on lib riut was keen. "Bdjucgw i,)aii|f to get any filiinKi- 'il.kyoune Away?" in<|uired tk( \ii_ii kar. "Oh, yes," replid B the (ill, "quite a lot nicstl; n ptrck mil hub, though tiicj'miii nut pulit- olarly nice to eat, Uliioiiiildi <l)i prefer, vii-ar," l.i- nlkoilcil, "cluck r pub?" The ichool rniiln -irxin, plaining vulgar limit. "II I take t | i, 1. 1 1, ui u -ul it In kalf, then in quile it Ini, id ihrn in hilvet ifiimiain, whil tball I hive?" (iMit JnW. "Chipi, lir," in . Ikr mediate reiponir, U was tin- fir?! di| 'O'f mi term, and the 1*1 kij i mall girl in her iliiiesm a in pupil what her Uixltliir'a IIM wax. "Daddy," replied It oic child "Vet, I kniiw," liillli ilrtlit teaik "But what ilnc 1 - porin-iti imilliortlll hiir.?' "She dufMi't call M him nj. tbinjf," was tlip (|iiithi-n riply. "!b him." Betty: "Did ymW twit alioil ' ike fellow who iii|iilrj up ill nifht fi|urin( ou tit ilwlirr ill un went whin ll ll ll will down?" Oliver: "No, tit iitiil In), pned?" Belly: "It f .,!., . n him." Kthil: "She'* ton) in 11 ke marricil him, l'll. ni^t-r." Mhel: "The idn! How iin MU aay ihnt'.' Ht Ilin iil.inb Inn farfcct anitfl, and lit-*ili 1m" "An thou|(h slii in IT (illy Ml r. He (Uitsn't IMIJ'.IL jinin.\li:ii| wear." T1>U, I declare, I am Undin||il - oni Haadquirltri it ill-, n M i iiiliiimi I, i , in | | ||| on, mm Hrave hill,"",-," Mid 111 an chieftain, inlnJiirlMklnidiil- fto the [mli-fiict'iiii-is silor. "Hiii my Bon, Piirhtingiiln til, "And here," he *.il led, "liny n, Kour-Kti|ij Wlloniljii,' 1 In an fUK-liiyinj itnoronlc^l Mil l New York Slatulnl \m ull'i . ile Iiltnil Hcil Imc r*nl liilin nr tiny for ix How Can 111 By Anne Ashley (j. How can I cover scratches in wain ut furniture? A. Cover the scratches with tincture of iodine. Then polish in th iisu^il ay. (j, HJ\S c:n I make a good remo\er? A, Dissolve thoroughly one p <]LBart ci'f i;ood caustic &oda in 3 tKrce (| uatts of lukewarm water and apply with a coarse sponge. O-, try two> parts of pirits of anninoni -:i lo one of turpentine; -ii -lily with a rag. Q. HJW can I remove dis xl>le odors from the house ? A, Uurn . ujfar or driei orange petl on a [>ie pan or tin shovel. Triis can be done over a low flame or electric plate, and (li?B^r(cable odors will dLv LEAF 40' hoppt_r and uiklnK li.--..ii In KnuleiiH find orch- atil.". One c u r. c r;mk< .- llx'i, gallons 1 oz. bottle an t 01. bottle ... l.OO 1 Ib. tin 2.1.1 I Ib. tin K.OO I Ib. Itn . KV I in (ll III m DDLE-AGE HI/OMEN (yrs.~old) mil D THIS ADVICEII Iliou'vecroKB, rtntlpsR. NERVOUS unrr Kiot flaarica, dizziness cuubed ky iiii period In a woman'fi life IK Ly <lln E. Plnktuim't VegeUble CompcDunil. Made jiecla/Iy /or toomerc. . llunUredh of tliousanni re- miikntoly helped. Follow label ui-i i tlimn. Blade in FUUNNYBUiiUSINESS I Tlit- bugler yilnlly fcnnl a way^m^.^y to bl*>w re v jflll:) rain iipttacl of lof the otliors." loblnv reveille without appear. Q. How can I keep fruit Jar* airtight? A. They can b made abso- lutely airtight by dipping th* tops into paraffin. Q. How can I prevent the patty shell crusU from soften- ii-K? A. Prepare the patty shells ahead of time and when needed warm them in the oven. The shells should not be filed until just before they are ready to he served, or the crusts will soften. Virgin forests in America which covered probably 800,- 000,000 acres in 1643 now cover less than 100,000,000 acres? Moisture-proof paint on match heads keeps the matches in usable condition for soldiers in the moist tropics? WHAT SCIENCE IS DOINC WIRE WRAPPINGS The big naval rifles such aa are used on battleships may be \v<.und with wire. The purpose of iiK-h winding is to strengthen the pun's resistance to the tremen- dous pressure exerted by the charge that propels the projec- tile. In Great Britain, where wind- Ing guns with wire is a general practice, the wire used is one- fourth inch wide and .06 inch thick and has a breaking strength of over 100 tons per square inch. This ribbon-like ^flattened wire is applied in a continuous band, layer on layer, with increasing tension in each layer. In some types of gun the wire wrapping extends all the way from the breech to the .nuzzle. In other types only the breech the part uliji-cted to the first shock of the propelling charge i.s wrap- ped with wire. The number of layers of wire (in the case of a 15-inch gun) varies from 20 turns at the muz- ile to 79 turns at the breech. In the making of single gun the UBC of some 22 tons of wire is involved, and the total length of the wire k ii the neighborhood of 186 miles. The blanket of wire is usually applied outnide the tube or lining and the first layer of shrunk-on metal hoops. These hoop* are of such size as to lie barely large enough to fit snugly when red hot. On cooling and shrinking they exert a strong pressure on the tube. A casing is shrunk on over the wire after the winding is completed. It hae been estimated that the wire wrappings provide more than double the strength of the iteel in the hoops of an ordinary built-up gun. However, wire wound runs tend to lack longi- tudinal strength and rigidity. At result of this lack the tr.ji, muz- zle may droop and "whip" when the gun is fired, somewhat de- creasing the accuracy of the weapon. Other types f big guns in- clude built-up guns consisting of two or more concentric cylinders hrunk one on the other, and cold-worked guns, made up from single cylinder with a bore lightly less than the desired calibre. The bore ia enlarged to the correct size by enormou in- terior hydraulic pressure, with the result that the inner layers of the metal are put under com- pression by the contracting force of the outer layers just as though jacket had been shrunk on. MRS. LeROY'S FEMALE PILLS For Painful me! Delayed Period*, Extra Strength, 4.00 PHONE LL. 3600 for City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Aye.) TOROYTO of Insect Sites Heat Rash Tor quick relief from Itehloc of lucct bltei, heal mh. atbleK'a fool, ecitmt avad other eitcrnaliy wwed illn troutiln. UM tt-lni;. coollDC uitl- P!<-. liquid D. D. D. Proenptlon. OKUI-IMB. Ulnlms tioothitmiatl<j.]uul quickly stor WIIM . 35c trial bottle prura 1C. or toooey bmrk. Ask ttwUrfor D. 0, l>. PRESCRIPTION. Picobac o&d GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO Airgraph Carriers In Last Century Curiously enough, the airgraph idea isn't new. A similar method was successfully tried during the iege of Paris in the Franco- Prussian war of 1870-1. Messages were printed on a board, and then the board was photographed on film. At the other end, one films were enlarged on a screen by a magic lantern and then t;he sages were written down and afterwards delivered. But '/hat, you will ask, took the place of th airplane how -were the filtns flown to and from the '>es'ieged city? The answer is \>y pigeon. J. B. Pri?tley in "Britain Speaks." THE WORLD AT fTS WORST By GLUVAS WHLlAMs FOR frtt FIRST -fir/IE OUNiOR , 1RVIN6 fO SNEAK TOR HIS BASEBftlt BAT UNOBSERVED 50 HE lAfcfcEP TO HELP PASS 1HIK65 AT HIS MOTHER'S TEA uwERSTArJps WHAT HIS PARENTS MEAW ABOUT run Fern OF LEAVIK6 TOYS ON Tri SfWRS iNSiftp Of PtfTrWe THEM A\\ :* CLASSIFIED ADVHKTISifMENTS At TOMIMIII.I.-S I SKI) DSHD TAILS WITH (JOOD TIKES. h'to us first. Mount Cleaaant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2iUO YOIIKO Street; Head Office. H- Mount Pltuanl Hoad, To- ri. nto. Telephone HY. mi. A I TO I'AKT.S NKW AND L..SKD I'AUTS FOH ALL makes of care and trucks. Com- plete automobile machine (hop ncrvice. Civiicral Auto Supply. 12 I'nclurUk St., Kitchener. Ontario. UA.UV CHICKS HI ; i. i . i.'ou i-jx/ritA viuoun in. i popular purebreda. Complete Hat. all ii r- l>'alrvlew Farms. St. Marys, Ontario. wn/vr:-. START CHICKS NOW? Yes. Slrce and the sooner the belter. Here at Fertile, we look- ed i i.< .1 i und prepared for we ii. .ii ( lii might turn out to In- a national meat shortage. Eventi huve- rnadet our gueus Kood. Met Is rutloned restuurants are hav- ing meatless days the price of fish Is so high you'd think they were flying fish chickens and <-> ; have come Into their own. V, i can give prompt delivery on many pure breeds and hybrid croaaen. Write for catalogue ami price list today. Tweddle Chicle Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. "ALL OUT" ON PRODUCTION AP- L.I.I- to food u well as muni- tions. Use all your poultryhoutie arrommodutlon to the limit, with Hit 1 rlKht stock. Winter markets will ahsurb all we can rulne Or- der rhlcks now for delivery thti month or later. Hray Hatchery, Illli John .V. Hiimlltiin, Out. Ill M K-MIIII -.11.11- IN AYTON. HI.. \CKSMIT11 SHOT. alFO Housu will Mtll Meparata, I'd.,-.- . r of shop Immediately. Fur particulars write 8. H. Orein, 21(1 Slnu-nn Stieit, Kitchener, dm. _ _ HO A IIS PKW i' II I (' K HGUISTKHKO Yorkshire Mnrch boars, $30 each. AIIKUS McLt'im, Koi'wuml. Ont. IKM.S I I UK iris OIlKYHOfNUS. THAINKI). HAC1NO cr lIuntliiK. HeiiKlo.i. Ferrets. Write Al Srlinrht. 4136 Riverside l>rtv'. ItiviTside. Ontario. _ iivi:i\<; * CI.F.ANINU HAVi: YOU ANVTHlNtl NEEDS (lyeinK or cIcanliiR? Write to us for Itifoi mntlon. Wo are Kind to niMver your QUHttoni, IVpart- nicnt II. I'urkrr's Oye Works Limited. 7!1 YotiK* Street. To- ronto. PKATIII-'.IIA WANTED WILL I'AY THK KOI. LOW INI! lirli.-en for Uooso nnd Illicit feath- er*: Goose feathers, G8c Ib. : Duck " fathcr!i. 48c Ib. Ciiiiiidn Onmfort- r Co. Limited, 7.1(1 lunulns St. Knr. Tiiroiitii. (int. _ IIKI.I* wA.vrun CAl'AIU.K FAUM II.VNM MAIMIIKO or xlnelu Tor Kcnernl furm work, nuiMt he Mi'iidy rvjiil n-lltihle. All year round pOllttoV Near (ii-orife- IMWM. Hox 60, 78 Aili-lalile St. W., Toronto, I'-AIIMS KOII WALK TWii KAHMS I'll It SALK. (IDOD Innd. Kiiod ImlldlnK*. well wntcr- Bil. some wot>d on hoth, dope to town. Kach 200 acn-s W H. Mlll- Ini;. .Nainniec. Ontarin. It.K. I!. Dry cliinato plants likv the end us lire known ns succulents? They hav iMilarjjcil stems which Rtoi'o \vatri fur use whoii tho soil tl'>es not mipiily tnounli. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I "I' Ml THRESHING OLTnx I'vll SAUE. Pell Separator, Humdy tnirmr Apply to I. G. Bttlr. 1'lntts- ville, Ontario. _ TOUT IM M BACMEL-KJk FOOT BALil deitruya uffru.-lve odor instantly, 4c bottle. Ottawa i . . i ', Ucnmau Drug Store, HAIR GOODS W I S. TOri'KS, TRANSFORM- atlons, Swltclict, <Jurl and nil types of finest iunllty H.vir Goods. Write for Illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Duthurst Strett, Turonto. II IMHIII -M\i. SfllOUL LKAHN HAilJUlttlSSlNi; THE) Kobertaon method. Information on request regarding classes. Kobertson'i ftialrdreasinK Acad- my, 137 Avenue rtoad. Toronto. not >i-:hi:Ki'i-:it BCU'HKKKKI'KK 0V l-'AKM TO look after two hired men. fJnnO cook. Widow with child accept- able. School close. Nenr house. all modern convr nltncei". Near Georgetown. Boi 61', 73 Adelald* St. W., Tnrontci. _ M,UHIM:MV CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOH 8AI.K 1 Oil Pull. ,..,. on fuel oil. Mounted on traction \vh. t-l and ific'iiMi Good condttiun. lmme<l- Iat dolivtry. Klnpr 1'avinE Co. Ltd.. Box J6. Onkvilh Ont. I: DUAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Hanioli the Torment ftf l'iy F:< v.i 111:1. Itnshes uiul (.'hronic Skin Trouhles. rost'.s Kozcmn Sulve \VlllXot IH>np|uilnt You. ItohinK. Scaling, Burnlnic Kc- lemn, Ar-iuv KiiiKWci-in, I'lniplfn and Athlctt'i Koot will re.s|Miul readily to thlx slnliilesii. ..ilnr- 1" -M I'intniuit. r<mnll>is of hi>w ItUbbom ur h<i|n'li > > the.\ miiy seem. Si-lit .'K 11.00 PER JAIl fivi . .11 vc..-. ipr ,,f POST'S REMEDI ES 889 yiicm St. f l,.ii;;in DON'T l>Kl..\Y. i:Vi:i;V SI 'fruit- er uf KluiHM.-i t ic I'ui M or Neur- itis slunilil trv |ii\.]|-s Uinit-ily. Miimu'k I'nin Sim.-. ;is:i MUiii OttilWII l'n-iHi:illl ?! .Ml'. _ \i MM- WA.VTI'.U. ATK ii: IN: HKIC :it.\in- t! nur--8 (or |,r. r.ii duty. 8- hour tlutv Ni'ii hiilf day a \vi-i k. Applj. KiviiiK full |iiirtiMilar!i. Supt rint fiiiii lit. Ndinoriiil t.ll, 1.1M, iwi'l. Oil. i. AN 11 (lit RASE. TliATTUK our ni-xv Hint Kit t'oln|>:i ll> Turiiiitii. mvNKiss si:vi> 1HIJ imoe list on Mil'. I'li-Olirriltl v> . ;i;,7ii Inindas St. .illH on \v., l-'K I IM.IIS'I U\h .\l i.ll ,V C fulfill -ni. .i. I.M.I ini i ul I I i I ulllUa 111,11 ' I'I'.It N0\ V I. ASTUOI.lii Ih'AI. Al VI i- !: KV Sc-lcllt It li- i \jK-rt. |i-V-*t>Mil I I'l'dli- U-lll.- . III.! I'll.iL ,\l'l ,1 "I Illll-l - vit->\. s<-.ii-|iin. ; 'iiiinvv .v\<-, Toroiuu. "Do You Know" THAT Missing Persons. Certificates, Family Hceords are found by the aid of Baqpn-Vauehan, M.N.O.S. Standard Genealogist of long ex- perience. Thousands of records on file at Studio. 1189 Marlon Ave., Windsor. Ont. Francaise, English, American. Satisfied clients Insti- tutes, my reference. run i in.K i i-m DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH i in- Heal, iiniii. or Hull HAVE YOUR SNAPS Ui-IU.-rrd l,j Hall Any or expoaure film perfectly developed and printed for only lie. Supreme quality and faat service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. l'o, -cito I'HOTUGIIAI'IIV "I AM VERY PLEASED WITH YOUR PROMPT SERVICE . ." . . writes a customer at Hough Water, M.S., who adds: "1 have told many friends about your service and 1 know that from now on you will vet dims from them for de- velopiiit; and printing." Letters like this from all parts of Cunuda tll how well pleased customers ure with sinr saapahvt Srrtlcr. Any Sixe Holl 6 or S Kvposui-ts. in \ i i nri n \M> I-IIINI i u :,-- Uoys and fc'irls on active service unjoy letters so much more \yhcn "snaps" are enclosed. Y.OU, too. will get better results from your cumvra if you mail your film rolls to star Mtntwhut s,-i,,,,- to be developed uiid printed. Vou'll Kt finer tiuulity, sharper prints ul loweDt cost. And you will eel the promptest service unable by mall in kceuinK with quality work. Mail us a full for trial. Mi'l \ I I II I M \lti.l Ml \ I N .Vf blxe 4 .\ o' ill Ueuunrul Kusvl Mounts. You can nave t>iilarKemcnts colour- ed by hand fur a -small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE HOX I -'!'. I'oitltl I n A, I ,M.>III I'rint your name und address plainly on ull orders. FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two i' .:,i - tiuui i-.'. ii iiekiiili\e. li- iiriutd i'c , .n'li. Uontieul rn, n, i. I'.U. Uox Itfu. Sl.-itiuii !'. Muutrcul. I 1 1 I'M I on .SAI.K CIX'KIOK SI'AMKl. I'l^'S. liUAl 1 - IH'*, il'ai-eiits ItcyisUM tu) LU'lces ll'SS (lllpvIS \l..|.-. ).!.). l-Vlli.i I.", . II. Costi-ilu, St. Cliiir St., < li:.liuiiii, Unl. S>CKAI> W A.M'KD A I.IIM:A ru.. KAliL:iT8 ANU ULt.MJA 1'IGS UuUKUt allU aolU. U. V all la, ^U \\ uinui stri'cl, M. riiuiaas, Out. IIIIKI .HA'I'IC I'AI.\S I'llOVKN lib'MKUV KVKin SU1-'- Itri-r ot Klu'iimatu- I'ain.s or .Ntuiitln .shtiiiui uy niM.n.-i itviii- (.>. .MIIIIIU'H I>IUK stoif. o:l.> KI- Klli. lUVa, 1'oslpalil Jl.UU. M >nn u i;: -uicl i: AN INN NIAOAKA-ON-THB l^iiv.v, Mniaiui muU looms, ux* irlh-lit roinl, hit .ll UH allot). Swilll. K' 1 ". ride or Jut loaf, 're LSi. WK BUY AUL GRADES OI-' SCRAP metala. r a g .-<, magazincb and waste paper. Consolidat-.- 1 Iroi: & Metal Company. 5S-ii4 Niagara Street. Toronto. AD. 3:'31. I'lt.ii mi; \KI> THACTOH HAKl> NEW AND used, for all makes or tractor*. General Auto nnj True tor Supply, IS Frederick St.. Kitchenef. One r.truuoitM STOMACH AND IRKLUL: \VOitMS often are the cause of KPlicalth in humans all .-:. No one iui- niune! Why not find out K this 13 your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars Free! Write Mulvoney's K'.'incdles, Specialists. Toronto I Out. TEACHERS WANTED WANTKU. yU'AUriED PROTKS- lunt teacher for Xiiidfie'. i School. duties to commtiKb September first, 1943. salary $9; (, Apply. stutuif? iiualiricut4vii.J ui. 1 expert- i-nce to W. J. iloody, S-crctary- Tifusurer, tkiaUfirld T'f.vnshlp School area. LJig, OntHi-iu. 1'UOTKSTANT T K A C II U K u anted for S.S, No. 1- liollnnd SState. Salary and qualif'.L-attons. IHities to cumnuMice 01: tl>* 1st of St-ptember. Writ* giv.ikx tele- l>l\orr number to Thomas I ' unison, Seorvtary T: - ea.sui'r, R.H. No. 1 Berkely. Ont. WANTED A.SSif-TANT TEACH- or for Sparta Con- .'million School. Write sl.xting u'l-difica- tions and to Ora:-.t I'u-h- anl. Spaita. Out. \\ A:.TIJL> For .S.S. No. 1'.'. Mtdor.: . SlHte salary, reliKion and r-r . 'noes. Apply Howard Iniplop, 4, Coldwater. TI:AI-HI-:U WANTED KOMAN 'atholic teuoht-r for S..-p;iiHle School No. ^ H;.K:T. Duties to .'iniiu-nce Spiember 1. Aiily Matin.c expcrit IK-C. iiual:f:o:itiins uivl salary \pi. u-d to MiiK'tOm Mi-l'hi--. Si-.-.-T.'- -.,!;.-lny. Or, l. ^ inrriiANY: VVAXTKIV nit teacher for I'ubli: school Sii-tiim Kk-vi'i'. Tuwr V,ii|, of .M.-invi-rs. I'ountj ,^f, n\i- liis to conBMBCe St I'tem >"r first. Apply. staling ct-rtifi,- i ,- Miid alary i-xpi-i-tt-ii. t,. ;. M. T. i>.v- Is, Secretary. IH"lK'ii\, It.!!. No. Z, Ontario. I'KOTKSTANT TKA'-HKK iViuite-d S.S. N'o. ti Hay. Sulary $1. I'HI, It I'Uinls. Apply J:ii-ob M. '.iltlK- rli-h. U. No. ;i. Ziirii'h, (); \\ \ vi I n w.\.\TKi> w> H.I! i w u i: it i N <.: rx-iu-h. Murhini 1 anil outboard, mutur.x. fash. l;-i!-.vs, It.ix 98. !!>. \l (I \(;s M.VC11INK A.\l> II\M1 KMTTINU Yarns $1 ;IJ Ib.. postpaid. \Ve ac- i-i-pt woollen ;'.i5s. l-'H-slioi ton U,i,,ll v .n Milks, fifslieripn lint Secret Weapon You may look like H s\\an, but if you sound like a peacock you will neither iiit'lui'iicr frieiv.Ls nor ma^iu-tizc lovers, savs Sonia Uce in "Your Life" .Magazine. A vital pi-fsuusive voice is a woman's most valuable stock in U-at!c, It is, in fact, her " v ISSUE No. 3043

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